[pnpgm] Game Update #9 - File #111 - Party boards ship....
Panthera Altaica
draltaica at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 9 01:45:18 CET 2018
Pyan is happy to see Corona is the sky as he approaches the ship. HE is glad they didn't loose her when they where trapped in that other realm. He he stops to do a double take as seeing the wolf on the ship but then continues to board cautiously.
--- It is with books as with the fire in our hearths; we go to a neighbor to get the embers and light it when we return home, pass it on to others, and it belongs to everyone.
From: pnpgm <pnpgm at comcast.net>
To: pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 6:15 PM
Subject: [pnpgm] Game Update #9 - File #111 - Party boards ship....
HT Player CharacterName Type Status/Notes Sex
FH.John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar... Ma
--.Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....Normal/Faerry..Fe
W2.David Sanders.........Kiet.Sunan........AcrobatNormal/Human ..Ma
R4.WoutBroere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human ..Fe
R4.AlexKoponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human ..Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra
Game Web Site -http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
Public posts/actions topnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) topnpgm at comcast.net
Game Update #9 sequence (file #111)
Admin Notes: None.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
[Time 10:27:05am]
As the party movedaway from the alley Arawn briefed...
"From what mymagic is able to glean, the man was...
[Time 10:28:00am]
"The CityGuard will likely be here soon," Arawn warned...
[OOC:Invisibility, max EL, Sidh Tongue and Empathy boost]
GM: Ack. Guess I forgotabout the hair thing. :) Inviso vs
animals with high sense of smell. A good challenge! As
to outof sight the docks give no out of sight. Sorry.
Asidefrom hoping off fay horse and doing it then but
someone would still probably see.
From Dorhak: [Re:Actions]
Leopards andwolves? What, are they critters from a....
"Kiet, whydon’t you and Z’leyra go fast after that...
GM: Ack.
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
"Oh...sure...I can do that!'
Kiet kicks himself(figuratively) forgetting his...
If I catch up tothe officer, do not close. If he ducks into
a buildingsomewhere, Kiet would look for him using an EL4 mana
sendingsphere...and if it looks like a face to face is needed,
then an EL1personal illusion changing to look like the sailor
we released to thewild. "I just happened to see you go in
GM: Ack. Forgot about yourhorse? I thought you rode it to
themanor and then to alley? But boots work.
From Z'leyra: [Re:Actions]
Upon hearing thatshe and Kiet were to go after the officer
Z'leyra offers"Kiet, please accept this spell to hasten...
GM: Ack. Spell notcast. See below.
From Kiet: [Re:Actions]
I don’t thinkKiet will need the help, but it’s
GM: Ack. Two speedspells might conflict. If it doesn't
matchup fully then your legs would be so twisted and
stumbling. Imagine MR 15 and MR 18. It would be
likeFlash hit with a speed device. Might be awkward.
From Mae: [Re: Actions]
Maelorna sighs andstands up before following Arawn, "Can't..
[ooc] She can't goinvis unless she changes to her prettier
GM: Ack. Actually
[New Stuff]
[Marqi Frisda23rd, 1636TH; Sivas, Marentia]
[Time 10:27:05am]
As theparty moved away from the alley Arawn briefed them on
his actions andinsight.
"From what my magic is able to glean, the man was telling
the truth. He wasjust following orders and seems to have no
idea as to anyslaves which leaves the soldiers as our culprits.
If we have theright group. And I've altered his memory for now
so that he recallsus as strangers who discovered him after he
was jumped. Bestto avoid any charges, especially as he seems
"But if we need to track him down later I have the means to
doso," he said, referring to the strands of hair forthose
in theknow.
Damonraises a hand, "stay away from me taking stuff like
hair is a majorinvasion to my body! Plus its just rude."
He smiles. "But the sailor sounded like from Ba'ru so if they
were hired shortterm that makes sense they would not know.
Since it seems theguards were there already they must be
aware. It isnot very uncommon to hire short term crews for
[Time: 10:28:00am] - Sivas City Docks District
"The City Guard will likely be here soon," Arawn warnedthe
party, noddingslightly in the direction of the sailors and
then the officerwho had just disappeared.
Hewatched the wolf and large cat cornering the man on deck.
The Alfar seemedunsure of what to do - it was broad daylight
and things werealready complicated enough, especially as he
did not know whothe innocents were. But he did not wish there
to be morebloodshed.
Stepping out of direct view he whispered an ancient rhyme to
invoke a cloak ofinvisibility before making his way on to the
[Time: 10:29 am] -Sivas City Docks District
Leopards and wolves? What, are they critters from a
menagerie? Got loose on board and a good reason ,for the
sailors to abandonship!
"Kiet, why don’t you and Z'leyra go fast after that officer?
The rest of uswill head toward that ship and see what's going
on?" Dorhak tells the others.
Dorhakis not intending to do anything more than move over
nearer to the shipand see what can be seen. He's certainly not
going on boardwith a loose, um, 'jaguar', I think Kiet called
it? Letalone a wolf. Not till he knows more about what is
"Oh...sure...I can do that!' Kiet says.
Kietkicks himself (figuratively) forgetting his boots will
allow a swiftpursuit. Kiet activates his boots for speed only
and takes offafter the officer. Kiet's not trying to apprehend
him, but reallywould like to see where he thinks he's going.
While Kiet'sopinions on slavery differ from most of his
companions, healso knows the law here...and helping these
people might justgarner some good will from t he nobility
Uponhearing that she and Kiet were to go after the officer
Z'leyra offers"Kiet, please accept this spell to hasten your
steps" as shetouches Kiet with her staff.
ButKiet is already off and running. He turns back and
grins wonderingwhy it is taking her so long. Z'leyra figures
he has magic tohelp him out already.
Maelorna sighs and stands up before following Arawn, "Can't
let me have anyfun, pity. No matter, there are others to
indulge in I'msure," she grouses as she looks about for more
chaos she might beable to sew. She looks to the direction of
the officer andignores him, the pair are going to wind up
killing him. 'Maybe there is someone on the ship I can make
into another pet,perhaps one that isn't oriented towards the
same gender.' shethinks as she ignores the laughter from her
[Time: 10:30 am] -At the ship
Arawndismounts off the fay horse well ahead of the others
who are down theboardwalk. He glances up to see Corona
circle around thearea in a leisurely ellipse. There is just
no place to hideso just casts his invisibility spell. There
are many on thestreet but they seem to ignore him or just
don't care. Arawn walks up the small side dock toward the
Arawnslowly creeps up the gangplank that is very noisy
due to hisweight. He watches the wolf and other animal
circle andpace.
Thejaguar turns away from apple-man and sniffs the
fallen men on thedeck. Clearly some are still alive but
many aredead. The jaguar moves forward to the front of
the ship andinspects the same area with downed bodies.
There are arrowsall over the deck and bodies with arrows.
AsArawn steps on the deck the jaguar moves back toward
the back andapple-man. But the Jaguar stops and sniffs
the air. Itthen circles in a wide arc around Arawn.
the Zenhani wolfruns toward the same area and growls.
Arawnis clearly detected while holding his blade and shield
and stoic, so hedecides to remain and stoic. The Jaguar
then approachescloser and sniffs right up against Arawn's
left leg. Arawn could easily kill it but holds back.
TheJaguar growls and fakes paw at the obvious invisible
leg. Butthen the paws seem to change as the claws with
drawl furtherinward not ready for attack. The jaguar
then turns to thewolf and purrs and moves back to apple-man.
Theapple-man who is tempted to just jump over the
railing to thecold bay below watches as both animal
"Hello?" he knows more greetings than he knows actual
languages) -"Friend?" (hands open & raised to shoulders in
stop/slow/surrender gesture. He moves one hand to chest)
Theanimals do not seem to understand the words but they
can sensefear. But this man is alone it would be a easy
kill totake. The Jaguar looks back to Arawn who is now
moving toward therear. This new person is clearly not
a sailor so maybehe can deal with the scared man.
[Down below in thehold]
Afterher attacker is down and unarmed, Unali relaxes a
Shesees the clothes and staff from the blind girl, but no
girl. That was abig cat that suddenly appeared. If what she
thinks is correct,the girl is going to want her clothes once
she gets in morepublic spaces and whatever spell that is
Unaliturns to Mournath, "You have been here longer, it
appears. Did thatgirl have more than just a stick and clothes?
We might as wellbring it along when we follow her to topside."
Unaliturns to the dwarves who spot the obvious crewman
and stands overthe body. She tells them he needs to be
questioned. Justice will be done. The dwarves seem to ignore
this andgrowl. But then one in the crowd steps forward
and beginsspeaking to the others. A small argument comes
about from a fewof them.
Mournath uses this chance to move from the back of the
hold towardUnali. As he does he glances to the far
side and noticesbundles in the corner. He points to
the bundles. Then Unali notices some rope near the dwarf
cages she movesthere and uses the rope to bind the downed
Fremeanow in the hold helps Unali tie up the man.
Unalispeaks to Fremea, "I am not sure who this man is",
pointing to theunconscious sailor, "but he tried to ambush
me, so not toofriendly." She turns to Mournath: "Mournath, any
idea who heis." and back to Fremea: "Not sure how much he knows
and how much youwant to know. If he is the captain, he
probably has anoffice nearby from where he appeared so
suddenly. What doyou want to do with him, bring him topside?"
Mournath blurts out something about first mate. Then points
up and down thehall. Clearly the sailor is in a bit of
shock at what messhe is in.
[On deck]
Arawnapproaches the apple-man and lowers his blade.
He beckons the manoff the railing and tries to convince
him he is not inany danger.
Thatis when he notices the Jaguar's eyes are milk white with
no iris. TheJaguar turns and moves toward the stairs. Arawn
then realizesFremea and Unali are missing. He wonders if he
should give chaseto check on them before they are attacked
by thejaguar. But he gets a sense the animal is not in
danger ofattacking them.
TheZehani wolf stays on deck warming to the sun and
watching Arawn asthe jaguar runs down the stairs and
then back to thehold.
But atthe same time the dwarves see freedom. They
start arguing andin mass move toward the door. Fremea
and Unali stepaside as the dwarves walk over the downed
man but does notseems to walk on him just over him.
Thedwarves run up the stairs and into the animal but
they seem toignore it as they spot filters of daylight
from above. They run up the stairs and onto the deck
and grin. Some glare at the sun trying to adjust to the
Mournath waves toward Unali and heads up the stairs. Fremea
inspects the holdto ensure no one else is here. As the two
leave the jaguarenter and then changes back into a nude
young girl. Fremea watches as she dresses. Then Fremea
inspects thebundles and finds clothing and gear a nice
pile that must bethe girl's and dwarf possible gear.
Unalistops at the galley door and is tempted to kick it
in but opens it toshow nothing inside. Then Mournath
taps her shoulderand points to the door at the end of the
hall that must bethe captain's office.
[On deck]
Raddok- apple-man moves back toward the rear rail as
the elf hadindicated with his blade, looking over his
shoulder to avoidtrips over any fallen men close to the stern
railing, keepinghis hands raised to shoulder height. He stands
still as the manmoves toward him.
Raddok watches thesleek animal descend and the wolf
stare at him. Then hewatches as the dwarves swarm he
deck from the stairs.
("Oh,sh!t!" (in Salaqi) (he thinks: "By all the Elder gods,
what is going on here?")(He glances briefly toward the skies)
"Can I have the madFaerry back, please?" (in Salaqi) (He backs
up against the rail, andglances back, gauging whether he would
be better off jumpingoverboard, although he really couldn't swim
worth a wet dog. He watchesthe animals carefully, as they spot
him & stops moving, therail at his back.) "Friend?" (he says
this in Cerulean &Fomorian first, brief pause then tries Salaqi.
If no response yet, willventure a weak-volumed & questioning
Xianese. Then he tries a soft"Help!" in the same languages.)
Arawn smiles andspeaks in Donaran his name and tells the
man he is in no danger. The glances behind him to see
the dwarves. So it istrue. A slaver ship. But the
death on deck is a problem forthe party now on deck of
a murder scene.
The wolf seems towatch as others approach the gangplank.
Dorhak, Pyan and Mae. Dorhak with full gear isn't scared
and walks up. While theother two wary of the animal stands
on the deck unsure if theyshould board the ship.
Dorhak looksaround at the arrows and downed guards and
sailors then groans. Fremea had her fun. Then he notices
the group of dwarves andsmiles. It is always good to
see his own kind! But ashe approaches the scent of the
stored dwarves hits him. Dorhak has been ripe before but
man these folks need a seriousbath!
[Second deck]
Mournath and Unaliapproach the door. As they door
Mournath enters his cabin andgrabs his weapons. But
Unali continues. As sheapproaches the other rooms are
empty and open. But shesmells a bit of smoke form inside
the room. Candles? Lantern? No something is burning
like - parchment.
Unali checks thedoor and it is locked. A heavy wooden
door. If the captain isinside burning stuff they need to
stop it fast. Sheglances behind her as Mournath comes out
of the cabin with spear inhand.
[Time: 10:33 am]
[Time: 10:30 am]
As the othersboard the ship Z'leyra and Kiet run east
toward the man who has roundedthe corner.
Z'leyra realizesKiet is slightly faster and assume it must
be his acrobaticagility?
Those who havebeen ignoring the group now are fully paying
attention to the fast runningcouple. They are moving 1.5 times
faster than normalfolks. So this is a bit unusual. Eyes are
now drawn on the two and inturn now to the ship since there is a
nice unusual fay horse on thedock in front. Eyes then scan the
ship and notice thewolf. Folks begin to stop in mid walk or
ride. The only thingsthat continue on are wagons. Any tact is
now lost to thegroup.
About 10 secondslater Z'leyra nods to Corona and gestures
to follow. They coulduse aerial support.
As the two movethey also notice a couple sailors but it
is unclear if they are sailorsfrom ship in question or
the one further east. But the sailors seem to be in a
urgent run off theship.
[Time: 10:30:40 am]
Some forty secondspass before the fast runners make
the distance to the corner theman turned. By now the
other sailors went the sameway. They figure he has maybe
100 feet head startnow.
This side streetis a double alley that links the boardwalk
with a largerthoroughfare. The running couple can see
wagons, passenger coaches,single horses and walkers
moving east and west. Itis about 200 feet ahead.
In this side alleythere are 4-5 others moving back and
forth north to south or viceversa. As the couple round
the corner their estimate isshot when they see the man
near the boulevard. Ifhe gets mixed up in traffic he
could be lost.
The couple noticethe sailors shortly behind and they begin
to shout and yell forguards. Both Kiet and Z'leyra glance
at each other. They mustbe sailors from the second ship
looking for help
That's when in thedistance far to the south beyond the
4 way crossroads the couplenotice city guards riding fast
this way. It seemswarning was already placed earlier. The
guards are on horses andmoving fast this way north.
The guards crossthe busy intersection and meet the
sailors who gesture backnorth. Kiet and Z'leyra both
realize they are either beingpointed at or they mean their
ship? The guards ridefast forward. There are 5 guards
on fast horses with two ofthem armed with missile weapons on
their back.
Z'leyra glancesback and sees Corona turn the corner
and she realizes the eaglenever saw the man so how could
he go after him?
Kiet and Z'leyrastare at the officer cross the intersection
and then suddenly a passengercoach followed by a covered
freight wagon passes. Inthe next instant there is no sign
of the man.
Kiet and Z'leyraglance at each other.
[Time: 10:31:00 am]
Actions? Comments?
Next Update....Saturday?Unsure.
GM: A good place tostop. Next update would depend on actions
posted. Could be Saturday or next week.
OnShip -
Top Deck: Arawn, Dorhak, Mae*, Pyan*
2nd Deck: Unali, Mournath
Hold : Fremea
*Unsure if with wolf on deck you two would board?
Fayhorse on deck free reign.
Kiet/Z'leyra - About 2 minutes left of speed (11 turns)
About 80 feet from intersection
About 30 feet from city guards
GM: Just a note I do not spellcheck the recap section at top
between From...GM: That is player stuff and figure it
wouldbe pre-checked. :)
GM: Map -
I Bay #@1@@ #@@@@ #@@@ #@@@@ I
I Boardwalk I
I____________________________________________ I
I<--Alley 50 or so feetwest I I
I C=Corona-> I C I
I /I\ Warehouses I I
I North I I
I and I I
I Shops I I
I K=Kiet/Zleyra->I K I
I G=Guards -->I G G I
I _____I I___
I Intersection
Officer last seen going right (East)
#=Docks @ = Ship 1-Ship players are on
Scale = 1 Column = 10 feet 1 Row = 10 feet
Keep in mind Email strips Tabs so this map may be messed up.
but website tends to keep it in correct format. So can
consult my page for the map if needed.
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