[pnpgm] Game Update #46 - File # 430 - Tilal events
pnpgm at comcast.net
Thu Nov 22 06:32:05 CET 2018
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Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human/Miner
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Brutto..........Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #1
..Finn............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #2
..Ardrackle.......Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #3
..Zepp............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #4
..Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to Z'leyra
..Zol.Zim.........Wolf....Npc................Ma..Zehani Wolf/Ix's Friend
Game Web Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net
Game Update #45 sequence (file #412)
Admin Notes: None.
From Pyan: [Re: Language]
Pyan goes to Kiet and says, "Do you know any languages...
He makes similar requests and schedules times to use the
necklace with the other party members.
I think Pyan will tend to stick to the ship, feeling
intimidated by the language barrier. but will volunteer to be
someone's partner for the buddy system.
GM: Ack. I'll add this from a very earlier date so you'll have
chances for more languages for all those open slots.
From Mournath: [Re: Actions]
Mournath is excited at the prospects of enjoying a new port
o-call. He intends to pick up a new journal or two, new nibs
for his pen, and enjoy as much good food as he can afford!
Always on the lookout for portable jewelry and small gem stones,
he will check out various shops and sellers to convert some
coin into easier to manage product. Coin is nice when it's the '
coin of the realm', but experience has taught him that jewelery
and stones can more easily be traded in foreign ports than
foreign coin can be.
Otherwise - Mournath spends time taking in the sites, he's
not a heavy drinker but loves new foods and entertainments.
GM: Ack. Can you give more details on this gem/jewelry hunt like
how much/many items and types? As well as how much coin to
process? Here being so close to Bhamotin the coin of gold
is still good.
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
Apris 15-17 IBT
Raddok will spend the 3 days in port (Tilal) learning swimming.
He plans to sleep on board to save the cost of an inn, although
he'd like to go ashore for some meals during free hours. He
is willing to partner with anyone.
He makes sure that the grappling hook that he needs replaced is
on the supplies list & adds a brief note asking for the cost to
be from ship's supplies, since it was shipmates that had lost
it. He also adds a note to the list: "fine climbing rope - is
there enough for entire party or not? I only have 50' in my
own supplies"
He will volunteer to work one day aboard ship as seaman. He
will speak Dwarf Elder when speaking to Dorhak or anyone
trying to learn it, & Marentian to any who do NOT understand
the dwarf tongue, as he wants the practice time for both
languages. Privately, he wishes to know how well his Fomorian
will work for the mission & wonders how many others on board
speak it.
He reflects on his one previous trip to Vahear, & reviews in
his mind various terms & sentences he will probably need for
this one. On that previous trip he had traveled with a few
friends from Port Vahear to Innanadan & worked with a large
team traveling to the coast north of Innandan to fight an
invasion of Chaos & Kotothi creatures who had invaded an
established mine there. That particular mine had been well
-built with good structural supports. He wondered what he
would be facing with these new companions, with whom he was
becoming friends - one becomes friends when defending each
other from harm & finding them as reliable as you wish
yourself to be
GM: Ack. Glad at least one person finally gets the crux of the
language issue that is needed. :) As to supplies Unali will
pay for hook and Pyan offered to help as well.
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
[P.S.: I am starting to save all these game mails as a draft -
too many times I have lost them when they didn't send properly!
After the game I'll delete them as most of this is saved in
my document files of game.]
Apr 15th (evening, after in port)
It's after dinner & Raddok spent much of the meal....
"Captain, excuse me, but I have a question. I was ....
Apr 16th, 11:35 AM
Raddok is pleased to join Unali for a drink & maybe ....
[OOC note: it's an even-numbered day, so Raddok will be
wearing (unless the ship's officers warn him otherwise) his
mace (in its sling) & his shield (on his back sling), & his
[OOC question - is he still learning dagger, when not taking
swimming lessons? Approximately when will that be completed?
(no rush, Scott - just want to be accurate as to his skill
level). Since his mace is slung on right side of belt, the
knife has its own sling on the left side, if you need to know.
Hope this got all the questions answered?]
GM: Ack. Finally! A player using their
brain! BTW if you want to flesh out those Vahear
details as RP do so I'll not stop ya. Make
up stuff if want as it won't affect the Vahear
stuff. So feel free to do so. Good post. If I
recall you wanted to learn Dagger till Level 2.
So that's 16+5+10=31 points. Your at 20 by 4/15
if I recall from document. That means you have
learned the skill and not quite EL1 by this 4/16
event. If resume on 4/18 will take another
week? So 4/25? ish. This is my rough estimate.
But for 4/16 you CAN use the dagger at this point yes.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
On days in port Z'leyra takes the language necklace, asks a
random party member for company and goes to have lunch at a
cafe. She will wander past a few places to eat till she
finds a place that 1) looks like it has good food and 2)
has a place to eat near some folks that seem to be speaking a
language that she doesn't speak as native speakers. She will
get lunch for herself and her companion while using the
necklace to attempt to learn the language. She will save some
meat scraps to give to Corona.
Oh ship afterwards she will suggest that others use the
necklace to learn the language from her.
GM: Ack. Slight problem with this
plan. One. Can't just casually use necklace in
this way to pick up. You need a willing
subject to use it on. Second. Said willing person would
scream magic and guards and arrest you. As they fear magic
in this lang as said previously. This isn't like Bhamotin
where magic is at least tolerated. The Empire has a tight
reign on magic. Plus which languages do you mean? So
yeah unless its a 'obvious' non Empire person it would
be risky. Let me know if wish to continue with this plan for
any 'fun' encounters. :)
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
SG treasure:
- Goblin dagger - Scott, how does
this compare to a standard dagger?
- I suggest we sell the tents and
eating utensils then use this to over port costs
and repairs. If more is needed
we can
pull from Coins gained from the SG
lair. Can sell Silk as well if people Wish or can
wait until we're somewhere where
language is less of an issue.?
- Does Bhamotin Spider Silk have any
special properties to it or is it just a more valuable form of silk??
- Topaz - if no one has an issue with
it Arawn would like to cut the gem, turning it
into a jewel that the party can then sell
to help cover travel costs.?
- Wooden Statue - Arawn would like to
hold on to this item
and study
it/look for military/naval
relic specialist if
possible to see if it holds extra value.
Let me know if anyone has any
problems with any of the above. Thanks.
In Tilal:
While in Tilal Arawn would like to do the following -
- cast Tongues to learn the local
language permanently. If he can do so
by picking it up from Z'leyra
that would be great. If
not, he'll attempt to do so while amidst the
locals,trying to do so as discreetly as possible
to avoid drawing attention to himself.
- after learning the language he'll
look for an expert on naval/military relics and
try to see if the statuette has special value.
- He'll look for salvaging
equipment, whatever is reasonable based on free space on the ship
- He'll spend time trying to pick up
information on the seas ahead from local sailors,
buying them drinks and such. He will
not tell them the
party's actual destination but will try to pick
up on anything useful about the seas and the
ports along the way, north to south.
- He'll cut the Topaz into a jewel
if no one in the party posts an issue with this.
If successfully done this will be presented
to the party/
Dorhak to decide when/where to sell it.
- He'll keep a look out for any
interesting items in the
bazaar whenever he's out and about
- He'll teach swim lessons to anyone who wishes it.
GM: Ack. Dagger. A bit smaller. Just
has ugly hilt
design. Standard dagger. Treasure: Dorhak has
yet to give orders on it.
HINT. Silk nothing special. No
one has spoken in weeks on treasure so I assume
its sold (topaz). As to language as I say to
Pyan need to know actual language
'local' is vague. I listed them in a prev
update. Consult Culture book if need be. Expert can be found but
he doesn't know who subject
is. Would take months to
research. No google. HE just suggests to
sell. Some cultures
like Fomorians or Lemasans
who are island-centric might value it more.
Salvage gear? Generic. What gear does this
entail? Since no orders on
topaz you'll have to remind me on future loot
will be this way? if so this will slow down game asking for such
permission to cut if so I
may just avoid gems as loot in future. :) I
mean one can go to a gem store and buy your own. ;) But
look at this 1 single gem its
been out for 3 weeks now? Dorhak hasn't
commented. That's a 3 week delay for a simple
gem that could just be
sold. :) Not saying cutting is bad more coin once
sold. But is it worth it time wise? Just a
devil's advocate here. I hope I
remember to even cash the loot since been waiting
and may forget. :) Bazaar items. good sliced into cubes, etc. I mean
may need round that info down. ;)
Else you may buy any trinket that looks
interesting and be junk. :) Sorry. On a table game
this would be resolved in an
hour. But in pbem round robin stuff could
take weeks.
From David: [Re: Memories]
Yes, we miss our peeps. I miss
Mark. We talked a lot about non-game
stuff. A good friend in game and out.
GM: Ack. Yeah I hope Mark is good. It
is strange he disappeared a second
time. We could not locate him.
Almost tempted to ask for phone #s in game apps. :)
[New Stuff]
[Apris 5th, 1636TH]
[Time: afternoon]
Pyan goes to Kiet and says, "Do you
know any languages that may help me
on my journeys? I wish to use the
language necklace since it has been
free the past few days."
[Apris 15th, 1636TH]
[Time: 7:15 pm]
It's after dinner & Raddok spent much of the meal in silence,
reflecting on this last journey at sea. He had been extremely lucky
that the
others had stopped the giant in time
to save to ship - and his life -
for he had few doubts that he could
easily have been flattened or worse.
He was, however, glad to have been
there to protect his new companions.
Raddok had been wondering about
something & decided to ask their leader
about it. He went to seek out Dorhak,
and asked him (using Dwarf Elder,
as always with the dwarf) "Captain,
excuse me, but I have a question. I
was very new on this mission and may
not have caught all the information
we were given then, so I've been
wondering - how many of us speak
Fomorian? I told you that I have some
basic knowledge, but I'm no expert,
& the terms I learned had pretty much
to do with daily needs - food,
inns, supplies & stuff - but also with
mining, since my work on Vahear
involved clearing out a mine of an infestation of Kotothi & Chaos
"So, how many of us speak Fomorian?
Should we be using the language
necklace to learn it? And who knows it
best? I might be able to learn
some more before we get to Vahear - &
I really think it a good idea to do
so - for all of us. "And since the necklace is here, is there any
other language, we need to learn, or anyone to teach it to us?"
[Apris 15th, 1636TH, Tilal City]
[Time: 11:54 am]
Mournath and Barbosa find
themselves in a upper class area of town. They
are directed by a man toward him. But there is
the language issue. Mournath
gets a gist of some Bhamotin possibly and seems
the man is trying to recruit them both for the
local navy. There are 2 others
nearby listening to the recruitment but Mournath
implies no thanks and moves on.
[Time: 12:03 pm]
Arawn and Dorhak are looking
for possible ship to shore boats. This is the
3rd shop today. The shop is oddly empty when they
both decide to head to the back
area where inventory is displayed. There they
both discover 4 men lying on the
ground. Arawn quickly finds 3 of
the bodies dead. The 4th is bleeding from a
blade wound to stomach. He begins to treat the wound when Dorhak
realizes this is going to attract
attention. He orders Arawn to heal the man then
pushes the Alfar out the back area
quickly. He does not
want to spend hours with City guards and being
jailed for a murder they didn't commit.
[Time: 2:04 pm]
Barbosa before he meets up with
Dorhak is walking with Raddok. Raddok
asked for directions to a place he heard,
overhead rather, in a tavern. A
place that had good info on Vahearian mining. A
chance to help the group and impress the
captain. It turns out to be
a private home. This isn't
actually uncommon as many folks have shops out
ofr homes, even in Sivas. They enter to find a
parlor with tables of maps. As
Raddok examines the maps they aren't very good.
Suddenly 3 men exit from the
back. They speak in that odd local tongue
and raise swords. Barbosa reaches for
Raddok to leave as ordered by Dorhak
not to draw attention. But as both move to the
front door 2 more men enter carrying short
swords. The men raise swords. But
it is clear Raddok has no coins. Then Raddok
notices blood near the door that is recent. They
may have stepped into a home invasion in progress?
The five men charge
attacking. Four of them miss their targets but
one does hit Barbosa doing 3 points of
damage. Barbosa swings but
misses but Raddok does hit one for 3 points.
In the end 15 seconds later 3 of
the criminals are dead, 2 killed by Raddok.
Barbosa takes 11 points total and Raddok takes
1. Barbosa refuses to go to ship
to get healed. He'll just cover up the cuts and
get Z'leyra to treat him later. The last 2 thugs
leave and run away. Raddok checks
and finds in the home only one man who is indeed
dead. Raddok finds a coin bag on one thug with 5
silver and 3 copper. Both leave the
home before guards might arrive. Barbosa urges
Raddok not to say much to Dorhak. Just they had
no choice but to defend themselves.
[Time: 2:29 pm]
Dorhak and Barbosa are in the
warehouse district looking for a good ale
house. They notice a large group of 7 adult
males in thick beards and black
clothing. They are chanting as they walk
by. One carries a large tome of some sort. Both
dwarves assume they are a religious group of some sort.
[Apris 16th, 1636TH]
[Time: 9:32 am]
Ix and Kiet are walking down a
nice street with moderate sized homes. They
round the corner and notice about 45-50 people
surrounding an adult male. They
throw him off a wagon and begin to berate him and
throw stones. Based on what the man is saying
he sounds Bhamotin.
[Time: 11:40 am]
Raddok is pleased to join Unali
for a drink & maybe lunch in Tilal,
near the docks. He hopes to ask for a
few dagger fighting tips during
their visit, and wants to purchase a small sharpening stone for his
blades, as his old one could get lost
at some point - having a backup
would be handy - or maybe he could
just borrow one. He sighed for his
ignorance. They find a place with the
sign of a fallen tankard, & enter,
ordering drink and heading for a
table. It's a bit dim indoors, but he
notices a dancer all
in black, female from the well-clothed form, on a small stage
to one side near the back & enjoys the
strange music she's dancing to,
but his stomach starts growling & he's
more interested in pointing out
to the bartender someone eating what
appears to be a stew, & pointing
back & forth to indicate he also wants some food.
The man nods his head, Raddok waves
in thanks & follows Unali to the
table with his tankard. He looks about
the room, looking for potential
drunks & troublemakers, & sees some
tough types scattered about, but
none seem aggressive, so he sits down
to join Unali. She asks her about
some of the creatures he had met or
fought against, & he shares with her
some of his adventures in the mine on
Vahear. Enjoying sharing his tale,
he doesn't notice that Unali seems a bit distracted.
She gets up to leave the table,
excusing herself for a minute & Raddok
just nods - his meal - a fragrant stew
- has just arrived, and he digs
in. He then remembers that he wanted
to ask Unali about maybe converting
a few of his coins to small gems, as
he's aware that coin values change
country to country, & some gems have a
more stable value for traveling.
Outside Unali look at Zabyra.
"Good to see you made it home safely
from Zara. How is life for you,
Zabyra? How did you end up with so
many protectors? And what happened
to Redshirt. I don't see him around.
Zabyra looks around then
whispers. "We landed on this side not where
the Empire is properly. As to the
guys...he is my patron. He has taken a
liking to me. Those men are his
goons. As to Redshirt he went west in
Zara when I went south to get a ship."
The door opens and a burly man with
a goatee steps outside. He speaks a
few words in Rogizini which Unali does
not understand. Zabyra replies and
nods. The man looks at Unali with
that why-is-she-naked look not covered
up in disgust. The man points to the
outhouse then taps a couple fingers
to imply hurry up. Then the man leaves back inside.
Unali continues, "Is there a place to sit and catch up on current
affairs or do you need to be back on stage?"
Zabyra replies, 'back on stage. I will be heading to his estate
tonight. If able to I'll be back and we can talk."
Unali nods, "We are docked here for
a day or two for repairs, and I am
sure Pyan and the others would love to
see you again and chat. It has been
a long time. Come by the ship if you have the time."
[Time: 7:32 pm]
Z'leyra and Mournath were out
trying to find a ship's boat. The last
place was a wreck. One had a dead rat
under a seat. Mournath
detected a hold on the underside of
another. Before heading to the ship even though
its night they stop at a tavern for
a drink. They sit near 4
foreigners from Katai. Z'leyra understands them
clearly and hears about local pirates in the
southern seas. But the
Vahearin navy seems to keep them from going further northward.
[Apris 17th, 1636TH]
[Time: 9:05 am]
Dorhak and Raddok are walking in
the market district. They enter a boots shop and
look around at the fancy boots of animal
skins. Upon exiting they are beset
by 3 beggars. Two rush Dorhak who pushes them
away. They may not understand the tongue but the
gesture is universal they want coin. The
3rd paws at Raddok. As Dorhak pushes one away he
bellows in anger. All 3 of the beggars rush
off. Dorhak reminds the miner to check
his items. Lucky for the dwarf they took
nothing. But Raddok notices a bag missing off
his belt cut by deft
hands. But Raddok knows he has no coins to
lose. But did lose some fresh meat and cheese he
obtained. Dorhak offers to give
chase. But Raddok feels bad for them and lets them go.
[Time: 9:32 am]
Pyan and Kiet are exploring
the city for a bit and enter what seems like a
court house but they thought it might be a
shop. Inside there are 10 foreigners
talking up a storm. There are guards where as
well and it seems the foreigners are expected to
see a judge of some kind. Kiet
and Pyan don't understand the words but based on
clothing he has seen in Sivas they look to
be Teos folks. Both only stay for
a few minutes not wanting to draw attention.
[Time: 10:01 am]
Unali and Finn are exploring and
Unali decides to check on Zabyra since she
offered to meet today. They enter the tavern but
on asking about her
the bartender, with help from a customer who
understands Bahmotin, has moved on with no
forwarding info. Unali is sad to see her
gone but maybe the men didn't want her back here.
[Time: 2:39 pm]
Mournath and Brutto are
heading to find a good place for a late lunch and
a good ale. As they are walking they notice a
large force of 18 city
guards. Both sailors get a tad nervous and figure
they came across a barracks. But both sailors
are ignored as they pass.
[Apris 18th, 1636TH]
[Time: 6:05 am]
The ship wakes up to a flurry
of activity. Supplies are soon to be delivered
as well as the ship's boat purchased.
Arawn watches the rising
sun. With language issues around, the Alfar
tried to learn of rumors around the city, region and
VAhear. Nothing useful was
learned about the city. As to region some speak
of a being called Surge in the Empire being a very
powerful weapon for the
Empire. But it seems the full details of this being are not known.
Kiet watches the city wake up.
Just days ago he had to pay the bribe by the
customs man of 2 silver. He also paid for the
docking fees. He hopes he can
recover those funds as well as lost time on this
trip. Days before he spoke of the mysterious note
by the Sivas wizard but no
reaction from the others. He wonders who is even
paying attention anymore. As the ship slowly moves
away he also watches men in
turbins rush the docks. They seem to notice the
ship depart and soon leave themselves.
[Time: 9:08 am]
Barbosa ushers Z'leyra to the
hold to check his wounds while Dorhak is
distracted. Soon Unali enters and goes to a crate for
some fruit for breakfast. As
she lifts the lid she notices a set of eyes
peering out. At this point Zabyra stands in the crate
spilling food. "We are under
way?" Unali nods. "Good." She steps out with
help. "My ...patron wanted to sell me to a fat
merchant who liked to touch his
merchandise over and over. I figured...being
friends...I could get a ride to the next city?"
Z'leyra looks over to see
Zabyra who is no longer dressed all covered up
but a loose fitting green tunic and brown
pants. I been some time since
seeing the Dancer. Barbosa growls at ht the
stowaway. Then he realizes that'll distract Dorhak from him.
Actions? Comments?
Next Update...Monday?
GM: Finally after a few weeks hiatus
due to a pc crash we are back. I am 90% recovered for pnp files except for
character sheets. So still
need those. Keep in mind this is a sloppy
update. Using a different editor and so format
is off. Next update should
be using Word Wrap instead of my forced
formatting. So should be better. As for the city
encounters I did it rough
shod. Up to 3 encounters per person over 3
days. For those who got the encounters they were listed
above. Aside form the
Raddok combat was only one. I did a BRIEF combat
for it not a detailed one. So I ran the numbers and
gave the results. I hope to
for next update move us to the last leg for the
last city. This may take time as my 'speed' of
work is slower on this
windows machine. Productivity due to click this
click that is inherently slower so its a learning curve.
So update will be out when its out. :)
Still missing half of
character sheets. If there is combat this could
be a issue. This will tell me who is still
interested in playing. :)
My plan is once ship turns to Vahear form last
city I will process ibt then. At that point
I will update/add IBT, add
SG combat exp, add possible mermen combat on rogh
estimates. That should keep folks very up to
date. Sadly I know some did
Spells. I can estimate how many and add those as
well. I suspect it'll be 95% to normal. IF you
edited your sheet and added
IBT let me know. So I don't do it twice. I now
feel your pain on these sheet (formats) I was
so used to a editor that
read them perfectly. But now I see the oddball
window editors mess it up. Tabs, extra characters, CRs
and LFs are messed
with. :< Assuming we make to next summer we'll
survive. IF we decide to go for a new game system we can
use Roll20 to store
character sheets. or use different
format. We'll see then. Its been fun using Win7 for work :<
Keep in mind this update was
done over 2-3 weeks. I may forgot something or
done it roughly. So sorry for that. Might know if
Tobie can recover HDs by Fri
or next wee. IF so great! IF not. :<
Happy Thanksgiving to all
but Wout. :) Happy Thursday to him. :)
GM: Arawn - I got a rough
estimate on spells cast last few weeks. I'll
read those Exp points. It may not be 100%
but should be
95%. Sadly I did have 5=1= liens of GM
'notes'. I have a 2008 sheet I can add some of those notes.
Dorhak - Let me know on boat
info. If use SG treasure $ for it. I believe that's still posted online.
Fremobie for helping with HDs.
Ix - Still alive out there?
Raddok - Never fear on
combat. Was pure random results. But hey now you have some coins. :)
Unali - Full circle of life
huh? Clima/Duke Aren now Zabyra? :)
GM: Language Necklace Use: Roll W+EM or less
Buff: +Em Mar 24th, +W Mar 29th
Character Date Learning Notes
Raddok Mar 26th Marentian Success
Pyan Mar 29th Eagle from Corona Fail
Pyan Mar 30th Eagle from Corona Success
Kiet Apr 3rd Bhamotin Success
Unali Apr 4th Bhamotin from Kiet Success
Fremea Apr 5th Bhamotin from Kiet Success
GM: Watch Assignments:
First ( 7-10pm) - Dorhak, Raddok, Ix
Second (10- 1am) - Arawn, Mae, Pyan
Third ( 1- 4am) - Fremea, Z'leyra, Mournath
Fourth ( 4- 7am) - Unali, Kiet, Barbasa
GM: Characters -
Player Got Last one
Arawn No 7/18
Dorhak No 6/16
Fremea Yes --
Ix No -
Kiet No 5/16
No --
Mournath No -
Pyan Yes --
Raddok Yes --
Unali Yes --
Z'leyra Yes --
Barbosa Lost Can Remake
Sailors Lost Can Remake
Corona Yes Old copy 2008
GM: Ship Boats
3 Man Rowboat - 8 SC - 10' x 5'
4 Man Rowboat - 10 SC - 10' x 5'
5 Man Rowboat - 12 SC - 12' x 6'
6 Man Rowboat - 15 SC - 12' x 6'
Pulley System to
lift/lower ship to water - 12 SC (on side/set)
Oar Each - 2 CC per
Tarp when ship on deck - 2 CC
Space is limited on
deck. With pulley system will need 15'x12' at least.
Let me know what is bought.
GM: Lastly, I added, thanks
to Wout, a Search link to bottomo of my game site.
I may regret this as
John will usehtis alot. :) But can help out finding stuff.
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Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human/Miner
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Brutto..........Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #1
..Finn............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #2
..Ardrackle.......Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #3
..Zepp............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #4
..Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to Z'leyra
..Zol.Zim.........Wolf....Npc................Ma..Zehani Wolf/Ix's Friend
Game Web Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net
Game Update #45 sequence (file #412)
Admin Notes: None.
From Pyan: [Re: Language]
Pyan goes to Kiet and says, "Do you know any languages...
He makes similar requests and schedules times to use the
necklace with the other party members.
I think Pyan will tend to stick to the ship, feeling
intimidated by the language barrier. but will volunteer to be
someone's partner for the buddy system.
GM: Ack. I'll add this from a very earlier date so you'll have
chances for more languages for all those open slots.
From Mournath: [Re: Actions]
Mournath is excited at the prospects of enjoying a new port
o-call. He intends to pick up a new journal or two, new nibs
for his pen, and enjoy as much good food as he can afford!
Always on the lookout for portable jewelry and small gem stones,
he will check out various shops and sellers to convert some
coin into easier to manage product. Coin is nice when it's the '
coin of the realm', but experience has taught him that jewelery
and stones can more easily be traded in foreign ports than
foreign coin can be.
Otherwise - Mournath spends time taking in the sites, he's
not a heavy drinker but loves new foods and entertainments.
GM: Ack. Can you give more details on this gem/jewelry hunt like
how much/many items and types? As well as how much coin to
process? Here being so close to Bhamotin the coin of gold
is still good.
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
Apris 15-17 IBT
Raddok will spend the 3 days in port (Tilal) learning swimming.
He plans to sleep on board to save the cost of an inn, although
he'd like to go ashore for some meals during free hours. He
is willing to partner with anyone.
He makes sure that the grappling hook that he needs replaced is
on the supplies list & adds a brief note asking for the cost to
be from ship's supplies, since it was shipmates that had lost
it. He also adds a note to the list: "fine climbing rope - is
there enough for entire party or not? I only have 50' in my
own supplies"
He will volunteer to work one day aboard ship as seaman. He
will speak Dwarf Elder when speaking to Dorhak or anyone
trying to learn it, & Marentian to any who do NOT understand
the dwarf tongue, as he wants the practice time for both
languages. Privately, he wishes to know how well his Fomorian
will work for the mission & wonders how many others on board
speak it.
He reflects on his one previous trip to Vahear, & reviews in
his mind various terms & sentences he will probably need for
this one. On that previous trip he had traveled with a few
friends from Port Vahear to Innanadan & worked with a large
team traveling to the coast north of Innandan to fight an
invasion of Chaos & Kotothi creatures who had invaded an
established mine there. That particular mine had been well
-built with good structural supports. He wondered what he
would be facing with these new companions, with whom he was
becoming friends - one becomes friends when defending each
other from harm & finding them as reliable as you wish
yourself to be
GM: Ack. Glad at least one person finally gets the crux of the
language issue that is needed. :) As to supplies Unali will
pay for hook and Pyan offered to help as well.
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
[P.S.: I am starting to save all these game mails as a draft -
too many times I have lost them when they didn't send properly!
After the game I'll delete them as most of this is saved in
my document files of game.]
Apr 15th (evening, after in port)
It's after dinner & Raddok spent much of the meal....
"Captain, excuse me, but I have a question. I was ....
Apr 16th, 11:35 AM
Raddok is pleased to join Unali for a drink & maybe ....
[OOC note: it's an even-numbered day, so Raddok will be
wearing (unless the ship's officers warn him otherwise) his
mace (in its sling) & his shield (on his back sling), & his
[OOC question - is he still learning dagger, when not taking
swimming lessons? Approximately when will that be completed?
(no rush, Scott - just want to be accurate as to his skill
level). Since his mace is slung on right side of belt, the
knife has its own sling on the left side, if you need to know.
Hope this got all the questions answered?]
GM: Ack. Finally! A player using their brain! BTW if you want to flesh out those Vahear details as RP do so I'll not stop ya. Make
up stuff if want as it won't affect the Vahear stuff. So feel free to do so. Good post. If I recall you wanted to learn Dagger till Level 2. So that's 16+5+10=31 points. Your at 20 by 4/15 if I recall from document. That means you have learned the skill and not quite EL1 by this 4/16 event. If resume on 4/18 will take another week? So 4/25? ish. This is my rough estimate. But for 4/16 you CAN use the dagger at this point yes.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
On days in port Z'leyra takes the language necklace, asks a
random party member for company and goes to have lunch at a
cafe. She will wander past a few places to eat till she
finds a place that 1) looks like it has good food and 2)
has a place to eat near some folks that seem to be speaking a
language that she doesn't speak as native speakers. She will
get lunch for herself and her companion while using the
necklace to attempt to learn the language. She will save some
meat scraps to give to Corona.
Oh ship afterwards she will suggest that others use the
necklace to learn the language from her.
GM: Ack. Slight problem with this plan. One. Can't just casually use necklace in this way to pick up. You need a willing
subject to use it on. Second. Said willing person would
scream magic and guards and arrest you. As they fear magic
in this lang as said previously. This isn't like Bhamotin
where magic is at least tolerated. The Empire has a tight
reign on magic. Plus which languages do you mean? So
yeah unless its a 'obvious' non Empire person it would
be risky. Let me know if wish to continue with this plan for
any 'fun' encounters. :)
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
SG treasure:
- Goblin dagger - Scott, how does this compare to a standard dagger?
- I suggest we sell the tents and eating utensils then use this to over port costs and repairs. If more is needed we can pull from Coins gained from the SG lair. Can sell Silk as well if people Wish or can wait until we're somewhere where
language is less of an issue.?
- Does Bhamotin Spider Silk have any special properties to it or is it just a more valuable form of silk??
- Topaz - if no one has an issue with it Arawn would like to cut the gem, turning it into a jewel that the party can then sell
to help cover travel costs.?
- Wooden Statue - Arawn would like to hold on to this item and study it/look for military/naval relic specialist if possible to see if it holds extra value.
Let me know if anyone has any problems with any of the above. Thanks.
In Tilal:
While in Tilal Arawn would like to do the following -
- cast Tongues to learn the local language permanently. If he can do so by picking it up from Z'leyra that would be great. If not, he'll attempt to do so while amidst the locals,trying to do so as discreetly as possible to avoid drawing attention to himself.
- after learning the language he'll look for an expert on naval/military relics and try to see if the statuette has special value.
- He'll look for salvaging equipment, whatever is reasonable based on free space on the ship
- He'll spend time trying to pick up information on the seas ahead from local sailors, buying them drinks and such. He will not tell them the party's actual destination but will try to pick up on anything useful about the seas and the ports along the way, north to south.
- He'll cut the Topaz into a jewel if no one in the party posts an issue with this. If successfully done this will be presented to the party/
Dorhak to decide when/where to sell it.
- He'll keep a look out for any interesting items in the bazaar whenever he's out and about
- He'll teach swim lessons to anyone who wishes it.
GM: Ack. Dagger. A bit smaller. Just has ugly hilt design. Standard dagger. Treasure: Dorhak has yet to give orders on it. HINT. Silk nothing special. No one has spoken in weeks on treasure so I assume its sold (topaz). As to language as I say to Pyan need to know actual language 'local' is vague. I listed them in a prev update. Consult Culture book if need be. Expert can be found but
he doesn't know who subject is. Would take months to research. No google. HE just suggests to sell. Some cultures like Fomorians or Lemasans who are island-centric might value it more. Salvage gear? Generic. What gear does this entail? Since no orders on topaz you'll have to remind me on future loot will be this way? if so this will slow down game asking for such
permission to cut if so I may just avoid gems as loot in future. :) I mean one can go to a gem store and buy your own. ;) But
look at this 1 single gem its been out for 3 weeks now? Dorhak hasn't commented. That's a 3 week delay for a simple gem that could just be sold. :) Not saying cutting is bad more coin once sold. But is it worth it time wise? Just a devil's advocate here. I hope I remember to even cash the loot since been waiting and may forget. :) Bazaar items. good sliced into cubes, etc. I mean
may need round that info down. ;) Else you may buy any trinket that looks interesting and be junk. :) Sorry. On a table game
this would be resolved in an hour. But in pbem round robin stuff could
take weeks.
From David: [Re: Memories]
Yes, we miss our peeps. I miss Mark. We talked a lot about non-game stuff. A good friend in game and out.
GM: Ack. Yeah I hope Mark is good. It is strange he disappeared a second time. We could not locate him. Almost tempted to ask for phone #s in game apps. :)
[New Stuff]
[Apris 5th, 1636TH]
[Time: afternoon]
Pyan goes to Kiet and says, "Do you know any languages that may help me
on my journeys? I wish to use the language necklace since it has been
free the past few days."
[Apris 15th, 1636TH]
[Time: 7:15 pm]
It's after dinner & Raddok spent much of the meal in silence,
reflecting on this last journey at sea. He had been extremely lucky
that the
others had stopped the giant in time to save to ship - and his life -
for he had few doubts that he could easily have been flattened or worse.
He was, however, glad to have been there to protect his new companions.
Raddok had been wondering about something & decided to ask their leader
about it. He went to seek out Dorhak, and asked him (using Dwarf Elder,
as always with the dwarf) "Captain, excuse me, but I have a question. I
was very new on this mission and may not have caught all the information
we were given then, so I've been wondering - how many of us speak
Fomorian? I told you that I have some basic knowledge, but I'm no expert,
& the terms I learned had pretty much to do with daily needs - food,
inns, supplies & stuff - but also with mining, since my work on Vahear
involved clearing out a mine of an infestation of Kotothi & Chaos
"So, how many of us speak Fomorian? Should we be using the language
necklace to learn it? And who knows it best? I might be able to learn
some more before we get to Vahear - & I really think it a good idea to do
so - for all of us. "And since the necklace is here, is there any
other language, we need to learn, or anyone to teach it to us?"
[Apris 15th, 1636TH, Tilal City]
[Time: 11:54 am]
Mournath and Barbosa find themselves in a upper class area of town. They are directed by a man toward him. But there is the language issue. Mournath gets a gist of some Bhamotin possibly and seems the man is trying to recruit them both for the local navy. There are 2 others nearby listening to the recruitment but Mournath implies no thanks and moves on.
[Time: 12:03 pm]
Arawn and Dorhak are looking for possible ship to shore boats. This is the 3rd shop today. The shop is oddly empty when they
both decide to head to the back area where inventory is displayed. There they both discover 4 men lying on the ground. Arawn quickly finds 3 of the bodies dead. The 4th is bleeding from a blade wound to stomach. He begins to treat the wound when Dorhak
realizes this is going to attract attention. He orders Arawn to heal the man then pushes the Alfar out the back area quickly. He does not want to spend hours with City guards and being jailed for a murder they didn't commit.
[Time: 2:04 pm]
Barbosa before he meets up with Dorhak is walking with Raddok. Raddok asked for directions to a place he heard, overhead rather, in a tavern. A place that had good info on Vahearian mining. A chance to help the group and impress the captain. It turns out to be a private home. This isn't actually uncommon as many folks have shops out ofr homes, even in Sivas. They enter to find a parlor with tables of maps. As Raddok examines the maps they aren't very good.
Suddenly 3 men exit from the back. They speak in that odd local tongue and raise swords. Barbosa reaches for Raddok to leave as ordered by Dorhak not to draw attention. But as both move to the front door 2 more men enter carrying short swords. The men raise swords. But it is clear Raddok has no coins. Then Raddok notices blood near the door that is recent. They may have stepped into a home invasion in progress?
The five men charge attacking. Four of them miss their targets but one does hit Barbosa doing 3 points of damage. Barbosa swings but misses but Raddok does hit one for 3 points.
In the end 15 seconds later 3 of the criminals are dead, 2 killed by Raddok. Barbosa takes 11 points total and Raddok takes 1. Barbosa refuses to go to ship to get healed. He'll just cover up the cuts and get Z'leyra to treat him later. The last 2 thugs
leave and run away. Raddok checks and finds in the home only one man who is indeed dead. Raddok finds a coin bag on one thug with 5
silver and 3 copper. Both leave the home before guards might arrive. Barbosa urges Raddok not to say much to Dorhak. Just they had
no choice but to defend themselves.
[Time: 2:29 pm]
Dorhak and Barbosa are in the warehouse district looking for a good ale house. They notice a large group of 7 adult males in thick beards and black clothing. They are chanting as they walk by. One carries a large tome of some sort. Both dwarves assume they are a religious group of some sort.
[Apris 16th, 1636TH]
[Time: 9:32 am]
Ix and Kiet are walking down a nice street with moderate sized homes. They round the corner and notice about 45-50 people
surrounding an adult male. They throw him off a wagon and begin to berate him and throw stones. Based on what the man is saying he sounds Bhamotin.
[Time: 11:40 am]
Raddok is pleased to join Unali for a drink & maybe lunch in Tilal,
near the docks. He hopes to ask for a few dagger fighting tips during
their visit, and wants to purchase a small sharpening stone for his
blades, as his old one could get lost at some point - having a backup
would be handy - or maybe he could just borrow one. He sighed for his
ignorance. They find a place with the sign of a fallen tankard, & enter,
ordering drink and heading for a table. It's a bit dim indoors, but he
notices a dancer all
in black, female from the well-clothed form, on a small stage
to one side near the back & enjoys the strange music she's dancing to,
but his stomach starts growling & he's more interested in pointing out
to the bartender someone eating what appears to be a stew, & pointing
back & forth to indicate he also wants some food.
The man nods his head, Raddok waves in thanks & follows Unali to the
table with his tankard. He looks about the room, looking for potential
drunks & troublemakers, & sees some tough types scattered about, but
none seem aggressive, so he sits down to join Unali. She asks her about
some of the creatures he had met or fought against, & he shares with her
some of his adventures in the mine on Vahear. Enjoying sharing his tale,
he doesn't notice that Unali seems a bit distracted.
She gets up to leave the table, excusing herself for a minute & Raddok
just nods - his meal - a fragrant stew - has just arrived, and he digs
in. He then remembers that he wanted to ask Unali about maybe converting
a few of his coins to small gems, as he's aware that coin values change
country to country, & some gems have a more stable value for traveling.
Outside Unali look at Zabyra.
"Good to see you made it home safely from Zara. How is life for you,
Zabyra? How did you end up with so many protectors? And what happened
to Redshirt. I don't see him around.
Zabyra looks around then whispers. "We landed on this side not where
the Empire is properly. As to the guys...he is my patron. He has taken a
liking to me. Those men are his goons. As to Redshirt he went west in
Zara when I went south to get a ship."
The door opens and a burly man with a goatee steps outside. He speaks a
few words in Rogizini which Unali does not understand. Zabyra replies and
nods. The man looks at Unali with that why-is-she-naked look not covered
up in disgust. The man points to the outhouse then taps a couple fingers
to imply hurry up. Then the man leaves back inside.
Unali continues, "Is there a place to sit and catch up on current
affairs or do you need to be back on stage?"
Zabyra replies, 'back on stage. I will be heading to his estate
tonight. If able to I'll be back and we can talk."
Unali nods, "We are docked here for a day or two for repairs, and I am
sure Pyan and the others would love to see you again and chat. It has been
a long time. Come by the ship if you have the time."
[Time: 7:32 pm]
Z'leyra and Mournath were out trying to find a ship's boat. The last place was a wreck. One had a dead rat under a seat. Mournath detected a hold on the underside of another. Before heading to the ship even though its night they stop at a tavern for a drink. They sit near 4 foreigners from Katai. Z'leyra understands them clearly and hears about local pirates in the southern seas. But the Vahearin navy seems to keep them from going further northward.
[Apris 17th, 1636TH]
[Time: 9:05 am]
Dorhak and Raddok are walking in the market district. They enter a boots shop and look around at the fancy boots of animal skins. Upon exiting they are beset by 3 beggars. Two rush Dorhak who pushes them away. They may not understand the tongue but the gesture is universal they want coin. The 3rd paws at Raddok. As Dorhak pushes one away he bellows in anger. All 3 of the beggars rush off. Dorhak reminds the miner to check his items. Lucky for the dwarf they took nothing. But Raddok notices a bag missing off his belt cut by deft hands. But Raddok knows he has no coins to lose. But did lose some fresh meat and cheese he obtained. Dorhak offers to give chase. But Raddok feels bad for them and lets them go.
[Time: 9:32 am]
Pyan and Kiet are exploring the city for a bit and enter what seems like a court house but they thought it might be a shop. Inside there are 10 foreigners talking up a storm. There are guards where as well and it seems the foreigners are expected to see a judge of some kind. Kiet and Pyan don't understand the words but based on clothing he has seen in Sivas they look to
be Teos folks. Both only stay for a few minutes not wanting to draw attention.
[Time: 10:01 am]
Unali and Finn are exploring and Unali decides to check on Zabyra since she offered to meet today. They enter the tavern but on asking about her the bartender, with help from a customer who understands Bahmotin, has moved on with no forwarding info. Unali is sad to see her gone but maybe the men didn't want her back here.
[Time: 2:39 pm]
Mournath and Brutto are heading to find a good place for a late lunch and a good ale. As they are walking they notice a large force of 18 city guards. Both sailors get a tad nervous and figure they came across a barracks. But both sailors are ignored as they pass.
[Apris 18th, 1636TH]
[Time: 6:05 am]
The ship wakes up to a flurry of activity. Supplies are soon to be delivered as well as the ship's boat purchased.
Arawn watches the rising sun. With language issues around, the Alfar tried to learn of rumors around the city, region and
VAhear. Nothing useful was learned about the city. As to region some speak of a being called Surge in the Empire being a very
powerful weapon for the Empire. But it seems the full details of this being are not known.
Kiet watches the city wake up. Just days ago he had to pay the bribe by the customs man of 2 silver. He also paid for the
docking fees. He hopes he can recover those funds as well as lost time on this trip. Days before he spoke of the mysterious note
by the Sivas wizard but no reaction from the others. He wonders who is even paying attention anymore. As the ship slowly moves
away he also watches men in turbins rush the docks. They seem to notice the ship depart and soon leave themselves.
[Time: 9:08 am]
Barbosa ushers Z'leyra to the hold to check his wounds while Dorhak is distracted. Soon Unali enters and goes to a crate for
some fruit for breakfast. As she lifts the lid she notices a set of eyes peering out. At this point Zabyra stands in the crate
spilling food. "We are under way?" Unali nods. "Good." She steps out with help. "My ...patron wanted to sell me to a fat
merchant who liked to touch his merchandise over and over. I figured...being friends...I could get a ride to the next city?"
Z'leyra looks over to see Zabyra who is no longer dressed all covered up but a loose fitting green tunic and brown pants. I been some time since seeing the Dancer. Barbosa growls at ht the stowaway. Then he realizes that'll distract Dorhak from him.
Actions? Comments?
Next Update...Monday?
GM: Finally after a few weeks hiatus due to a pc crash we are back. I am 90% recovered for pnp files except for
character sheets. So still need those. Keep in mind this is a sloppy update. Using a different editor and so format
is off. Next update should be using Word Wrap instead of my forced formatting. So should be better. As for the city
encounters I did it rough shod. Up to 3 encounters per person over 3 days. For those who got the encounters they were listed
above. Aside form the Raddok combat was only one. I did a BRIEF combat for it not a detailed one. So I ran the numbers and
gave the results. I hope to for next update move us to the last leg for the last city. This may take time as my 'speed' of
work is slower on this windows machine. Productivity due to click this click that is inherently slower so its a learning curve.
So update will be out when its out. :)
Still missing half of character sheets. If there is combat this could be a issue. This will tell me who is still
interested in playing. :) My plan is once ship turns to Vahear form last city I will process ibt then. At that point
I will update/add IBT, add SG combat exp, add possible mermen combat on rogh estimates. That should keep folks very up to
date. Sadly I know some did Spells. I can estimate how many and add those as well. I suspect it'll be 95% to normal. IF you
edited your sheet and added IBT let me know. So I don't do it twice. I now feel your pain on these sheet (formats) I was so used to a editor that read them perfectly. But now I see the oddball window editors mess it up. Tabs, extra characters, CRs
and LFs are messed with. :< Assuming we make to next summer we'll survive. IF we decide to go for a new game system we can
use Roll20 to store character sheets. or use different format. We'll see then. Its been fun using Win7 for work :<
Keep in mind this update was done over 2-3 weeks. I may forgot something or done it roughly. So sorry for that. Might know if
Tobie can recover HDs by Fri or next wee. IF so great! IF not. :<
Happy Thanksgiving to all but Wout. :) Happy Thursday to him. :)
GM: Arawn - I got a rough estimate on spells cast last few weeks. I'll read those Exp points. It may not be 100%
but should be 95%. Sadly I did have 5=1= liens of GM 'notes'. I have a 2008 sheet I can add some of those notes.
Dorhak - Let me know on boat info. If use SG treasure $ for it. I believe that's still posted online.
Fremobie for helping with HDs.
Ix - Still alive out there?
Raddok - Never fear on combat. Was pure random results. But hey now you have some coins. :)
Unali - Full circle of life huh? Clima/Duke Aren now Zabyra? :)
GM: Language Necklace Use: Roll W+EM or less
Buff: +Em Mar 24th, +W Mar 29th
Character Date Learning Notes
Raddok Mar 26th Marentian Success
Pyan Mar 29th Eagle from Corona Fail
Pyan Mar 30th Eagle from Corona Success
Kiet Apr 3rd Bhamotin Success
Unali Apr 4th Bhamotin from Kiet Success
Fremea Apr 5th Bhamotin from Kiet Success
GM: Watch Assignments:
First ( 7-10pm) - Dorhak, Raddok, Ix
Second (10- 1am) - Arawn, Mae, Pyan
Third ( 1- 4am) - Fremea, Z'leyra, Mournath
Fourth ( 4- 7am) - Unali, Kiet, Barbasa
GM: Characters -
Player Got Last one
Arawn No 7/18
Dorhak No 6/16
Fremea Yes --
Ix No -
Kiet No 5/16
Mae No --
Mournath No -
Pyan Yes --
Raddok Yes --
Unali Yes --
Z'leyra Yes --
Barbosa Lost Can Remake
Sailors Lost Can Remake
Corona Yes Old copy 2008
GM: Ship Boats
3 Man Rowboat - 8 SC - 10' x 5'
4 Man Rowboat - 10 SC - 10' x 5'
5 Man Rowboat - 12 SC - 12' x 6'
6 Man Rowboat - 15 SC - 12' x 6'
Pulley System to lift/lower ship to water - 12 SC (on side/set)
Oar Each - 2 CC per
Tarp when ship on deck - 2 CC
Space is limited on deck. With pulley system will need 15'x12' at least.
Let me know what is bought.
GM: Lastly, I added, thanks to Wout, a Search link to bottomo of my game site.
I may regret this as John will usehtis alot. :) But can help out finding stuff.
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