[pnpgm] Game Update #38 - File #371 - Giant Combat Turn 1: Phase 3+4
pnpgm at comcast.net
Sun Sep 23 02:48:45 CEST 2018
Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Brutto..........Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #1
..Finn............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #2
..Ardrackle.......Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #3
..Zepp............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #4
Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to Z'leyra
..Zol.Zim.........Wolf....Npc................Ma..Zehani Wolf/Ix's Friend
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Game Update #38 sequence (file #371)
Admin Notes: None.
From Dorhak: [Re: Actions]
Dorhak is quite uncertain what good he can do, but knows it's
best not to show such hopelessness to the crew. He himself
has no way to reach out the distance to hurt the giant, so he
calls out to the crew "those of you spell casters that can
damage something...
GM: Ack. Keep in mind speech to phase time. :) What is said
in 3 seconds isn't much. :) So may take a bit of phases.
[New Stuff]
[Apris 10th, 1636TH]
[Time: 2:26:07 pm]
[Turn 1: Phase 2]
Unali emerges from the stairs and spots the giant. She sees
Arawn ahead of her and yells, "Can you get me out there to stop
t? Arawn, if we can fly..." As she moves toward the back of
the ship.
[Time: 2:26:07 pm]
[Turn 1: Phase 3]
Arawn halts and allocates magical energy to cast
his first of several spells.
Z'leyra watches as the giant approaches and grabs her
drum to begin to expend energy for her own spells.
Corona dives toward the giant for a 3rd attempt at a blast.
He is frustrated he missed such a large target twice before.
This time the blast from his magical eyes hits the giant
in the shoulder doing 3 points of damage. The giant stops
only for a half second to bat his shoulder as if a fly
had bit him and growls.
Fremea fires her own bow and hits the giant' dead in the
center of his cheat doing 9 points (6 penetrate) through
his tough hide plus another 6 points of fire damage due to
the magical fire. The giant growls begins to bat the fire
from his tunic out as he continues to move.
Pyan fires his bow but the arrow goes wild and hits the ocean.
Mournath takes a aim right for the head of the creature with
a clear target in mind. It takes him a couple seconds to
count the sways as the giant moves back and forth. Back
and forth. Figuring out where his main target is as he
sways left and fires! The arrow flies right for the
giant's head as planned. The giant tilts his head just
at the last second and bam! the arrow hits his right
eye doing 13 points of damage. The eye ball explodes oozing
eye matter all over his right cheek. The giant roars in
pain and anger. Placing a hand to his eye as he stops!
The crew watches in amazement at the luck of that shot!
No one breathes. Then the giant sneers in sheer rage and
glances at the ship. Now he is pissed and Mournath gulps
wondering if this will be very bad.
Z'leyra begins to tap her drum and begins the orientation of
her shamanic trance.
Arawn casts his Battle Mind Spell to group the tactical
subconscious of Pyan, Mae, Ix, Kiet and Mournath. Those affected
feel the tingle and realize the cohesion is starting to work.
Kiet glances behind him was that Pyan or Mournath. Then he
sees the expression of triumph then horror on Mournath's face
and realizes it was him. Kiet figures the sailor would be
a nice snack with little fat on his bones.
The giant then moves faster toward the ship ready to tear it
apart and eat some smelly humans. He gets about 60 feet closer
to the ship.
Unali turns from the railing and to the lockers. She spots the
one locker she needs and rushes to it. she opens the locker and
grabs the equipment out of it and places it on her back. Then
turns to move back to the railing. As she moves she continues
her speech, "...or walk on water" But she realizes that Arawn
is casting some form of magic and realizes he wont' be able to
fly her out yet. She mutters, "Where is Raban when you need
Brutto fsand Finn continue to tun toward the aft of the ship.
Zep moves south as well and leaps over the lockers to land
on the other side to round the corner of the lockers to help
those at the aft.
Dorhak moves further south away from Arawn and Mae.
Dorhak is quite uncertain what good he can do, but knows
it's best not to show such hopelessness to the crew. He
himself has no way to reach out the distance to hurt the
giant, so he calls out to the crew "those of you spell
casters that can damage something that big and at range had
best ready your best efforts!"
Barbosa runs south and ends up along side of Dorhak and smiles
at the captain. The eagerness of youth and brave smile that
Dorhak knows too well.
[Time: 2:26:10 pm]
[Turn 1: Phase 4]
Arawn allocates another set of magical energy for a spell.
Z'leyra in her trance prepares to purify the deck below her
feet by preparing her magic energy.
Corona dives once more and fires his magical eyes and hits the
back of the giant doing a scorching 13 points of damage to his
Fremea gets within only 40 feet of the giant and aims. If she
could take out his other eye he would be harmless. But the giant
has learned his mistake and has turned his eyes randomly from
side to side to prevent such a action. Her arrow hits the giant
in the upper left arm doing 21 points (9 of which are pure fire).
Mournath fires his bow again but this time his luck runs
out and his shot goes wild missing the giant.
Pyan on the other hand hits with his arrow in the chest doing
only 2 points but its a good hit that makes the giant about 50%
dead at this point.
Arawn casts his spell to repel evil. The issue is the range. It
as the giant will have to be very close to be affected.
The giant charges forward closing the distance another 60 feet
now only about 60-65 feet away.
Kiet can feel the ship moivng away as ordered by the captain but
realizes the giant with his special powers is keeping up fat
enough. Kiet grins as in the next second or two he can finally
fire his rings and fry the beast.
Brutto and Finn reach the aft of the ship and end up near
Mournath to help him.
Zepp runs to join next to Finn and Brutto.
Dorhak continues southward and continues his speech, "Also,
bowmen, ready your shots." Course he realizes they already
fired but he means steady their fire. Turning to Arawn, he
asks, "can we get any more speed out of this tub?"
Barbosa ends up next to Dorhak in the aft and both are about
10 feet from Finn and Brutto.
Actions? Comments?
Next Update...Tuesday?
GM: A small update. I'm off all week. I figure I can try
the update Tuesday and this gives a good time for next
update Friday or Saturday? Since the actions are pretty
much known it shouldn't be a issue. But if plans are
changed let me know. Next update Giant will be at railing
of ship so I can still allow bowmen to fire but if you
want to try melee let me know. Giant has taken a good 60
odd points already. So you guys might survive. At least
the ship. One or two he targets....well..we shall see and
it will be purely random. Unless he realizes who Arawn
is and then probably goes for him. :)
GM: Arawn - Since stood in place for casting spells keep this
in mind for range. Next phase- ES Phase after would be
the SWB as outlined in email.
Dorhak: Assume giant smashing time. :)
Fremea: Will assume fire from side. could try to fire
from rear but you are firing at ship at that point
direction wise.
Ix - Did not move you since unsure on actions.
Kiet: Do you stay AT railing (kinda need for next phase.
After that can move away. But to get the best range
for phase 5 need to be at railing. I'll assume you back
away after the 1st shots are done to fire second salvo.
Mae - Still unclear on what you needed to do. You were
looking for Arawn. Your there besides him now. But
wasn't sure after that.
Mournath: Darn good shot! Rolled a 3 and with other
factors was negative. Darn good shot!
Pyan: Assume using bow still.
Raddok: Do you want to fight giant offensively pure or
use shield/attack and try to block those who might be
Unali: If giant isn't zapped away by Z next couple phases
will be fun1
Z'leyra: Next phase Oblivion can be done in 1 phase and
it works. What if it fails?
GM: Spells Active:
Character Spell Ends
Arawn Battle Mind Turn 6: Phase 3
Arawn Repel Evil Turn 13: Phase 4
Fremea Fire Arrow Turn 1: Phase 6
GM: Language Necklace Use: Roll W+EM or less
Buff: +Em Mar 24th, +W Mar 29th
Character Date Learning Notes
Raddok Mar 26th Marentian Success
Pyan Mar 29th Eagle from Corona Fail
Pyan Mar 30th Eagle from Corona Success
Kiet Apr 3rd Bhamotin Success
Unali Apr 4th Bhamotin from Kiet Success
Fremea Apr 5th Bhamotin from Kiet Success
GM: Watch Assignments:
First ( 7-10pm) - Dorhak, Raddok, Ix
Second (10- 1am) - Arawn, Mae, Pyan
Third ( 1- 4am) - Fremea, Z'leyra, Mournath
Fourth ( 4- 7am) - Unali, Kiet, Barbosa
GM: Black Depth Deck plans
Scale = 1 Hex= - 10 feet
1 Row - 5 feet
1 Column - 5 feet
* First Deck (Top Deck)
1 2
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ A = [F 6] - Stairs to second deck ( 5'x10')
\__/ ____________ __/ B @ [F12] - Rigging (30'x30')
/ / o \ \_ C ~~ [F 6] - Port Gangplank pullway area
\_ / [] o\ / D ~~ [F20] - Starboard Gangplank pullaway area
/ / \ \_ E (Railing is able to be removed here)
\_I = @ I_/ F
/ I zI @@@ I \_ G # [N12] = STorage/Gear lockers (5'x5')
\_I @ I_/ H Locker is 5 feet tall with interior shelves
/ I X I \_ I
\ ~~ AE ~~_/ j U4-U20 - Start of poop deck (raised by 3
/ I I \_ K feet so have to step up.
\_I P # # I_/ L
/ Io # # oI \_ M * [T11] - Wheel station (raised 3 feet)
\_Io ######## oI_/ N
/ I # # I \_ O [] [D 6] - Hatch to 3rd floor hold
\_I # # I_/ P Shaft is 8' by 8' and 22 feet deep
/ I%$ %I \_ Q from top deck
\_Io U oI_/ R
/ Io BD oI \_ S o - Rope piles (heavy dock rock) to tie
\_I T ** I_/ T up ship to dock depending on side docks are
/ I_123___4________I \_ U
\_I M Z I_/ V % - Anchors (Q4, Q21) heavy metal anchors
/ IK____R__________I \_ W X - [I12] - Cooking area
\__/ \__/ \__/ \I_/ X $-- [Q5] - Secret hatch to smuggler's hold
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ Y hidden by Anchor/Ropes
1 2
A - Arawn [J 6] - Facing SW, Shield, Wand, Sword
A - Dorhak [S 7] Facing SW, Mace, Shield
* F - Fremea [W-12] Flying, Facing SW 70 feet off ship
I - Ix [G 9] Facing SW, Cane, Dagger
K Kiet [W 4[ Facing SW, Dagger, Tulwar
E Mae [J 7] Facing SW, Dagger
M Mournath [V 5[ Facing SW, Bow, Spear
P Pyan [L 6] Facing SW, Bow, Spear
R Raddok [W10] Facing SW, Mace, Shield, Leather armor
U Unali [R 6[ Facing SW, Daggers
Z Z'leyra [V 7] Facing SW, Staff
B Barbosa [S 6] Facing SW, Mace, Shield
1 Brutto [U 5[ Facing SW, Sword
2 Finn [U 6] Facing SW, Sword
3 Zepp [U 7] Facing West, Sword
4 Ardrackle.[U12[ Facing North, Sword
C Corona Flying over Giant
z Zol Zim [G 8[ Facing SW
* Fremea off map about 50 feet high above ocean flying toward
giant. The -XX negative coordinate is the rough location.
SG - Sea Giant is roughly 60-65 feet SW of Kiet's location off map.
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