[pnpgm] Game Update #84 - File #666 (egads) - More cave details
pnpgm at comcast.net
Thu Jul 18 02:38:28 CEST 2019
Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human/Miner
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Brutto..........Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #1
..Finn............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #2
..Ardrackle.......Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #3
..Zepp............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #4
..Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to Z'leyra
..Zol.Zim.........Wolf....Npc................Ma..Zehani Wolf/Ix's Friend
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Game Update #84 sequence (file #666)
Admin Egads file 666!
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
Kiet DOES have an official climbing skill, btw.
GM: Ack. Yep. I checked all sheets
for that and awarded experience. For you there
was the acrobat bonus as well. :)
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
Raddok had been relieved that
climbing apparatus was in place
(OOC: does he notice anything in that space?]
"He just wants you to go over
and look at something on the wall,"
[GM - just let me know if
Raddok's Mental Invulnerability makes anything
look different to him, or if he can operate
better due to any protection. Thanks! -
GM: Ack. Roger on mental stuff.
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
When, at the beginning of the climb, Kiet tells Raddok about
He looks at Kiet's pack. "I can
carry a little bit more, if that
GM: Ack.
From Kiet: [Re: Spell]
Before we go into the cave, if
allowed, Kiet would like to cast his Infinite
Sight spell at maximum EL. If not allowed, Kiet
will exit the cave for a moment and do so outside the opening, then return.
Should a thought about that earlier.
GM: Ack. That's fine but be wary of Velf's warnings.
From Dorhak: [Re: Actions]
The first thing when entering any unknown area underground,
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Ma 3rd, 1636TH]
[Time: 11:39 am Ma'Dor town Vahear]
When, at the beginning of the climb,
Kiet tells Raddok about having climbing gear,
Raddok tells Kiet, "That's good! I also have my
grapple, 50' of fine climbing rope, pikes & a
hammer. That means we have extra - we might need it."
He looks at Kiet's pack. "I can carry
a little bit more, if that gets too heavy for
you. I can manage another 20# without much
difference, & still have room to carry more - if
you need help." Then he turned away to finish the sling he was rigging.
[Time: 12:25 pm South-East of Ma'Dor]
[Time: 12:28 pm Ma'Dor town Vahear]
Raddok had been relieved that
climbing apparatus was in place for the climb
down the cliff, although he checked the pins for
their secureness as he had descended. He was a
bit disturbed by the heavy darkness, which
signaled magic to him, but he had seen such
before, so it just heightened his alertness. He
had a feeling of an unseen presence & briefly
wondered if Fremea or someone else was close by,
but let them slide out of his thoughts to avoid
looking for them. He saw glowing lichens on the
rocky walls & carving that might have been
pictures, designs or symbols of some kind, but
when he heard Velf's warning, he did not want to
look at them closer & quickly checked the ceiling overhead for low spots.
Barbosa was busy wrapping his scrapes
and cuts from the rough descent outside & he went
over to check them out. They appeared
superficial, then Velf called out, pointing &
waving at the dwarf, who was still hanging on to
the end of his bandage in his teeth, as he
smoothed & evened out the wrappings on his wrist.
Barbosa looked quickly at Raddok, who, after a
quick moment, nodded back to the man.
"He just wants you to go over and
look at something on the wall," he said quickly
in Dwarf Elder. "He said something about humans
getting - sick or something - when they tried to
read it." He stood back a little & helped pull
the dwarf to his feet, but then gave him a mild
shove forward, and leaned forward to talk in his
ear, but also grimaced, as if mildly annoyed.
Raddok whispered, "He says it's Dvallin. And he
needs you dwarves to read it. Come on," he said
louder, "He says you'll be a hero." And he
smiled, a bit grimly, keeping an arm out to
steady the dwarf ahead of him. He found he had to
slide his eyes over any carving, or he got slightly light-headed.
He wondered if the magic here was one
he was invulnerable to or not. He had some mental
invulnerability to certain magics, & other mental
magic he was immune to, but he had no real
experience to automatically know if he was
protected or not. He also had no idea what was
going on here yet, although he certainly didn't
think Fomoria needed any more power than they
already had grabbed. Right now, though he needed
his eyes and awareness - they all did.
[Time: 12:45 pm Ma'Dor town Vahear]
The first thing when entering any
unknown area underground, Dorhak will stop and
simply inhale thru his nose, slowly and deliberately, and see if he smells
those rumored goblin bastards.
As the dwarf takes a deep breath his
senses get many tidbits of information. There is
no sign of goblins. But the cave itself smells
both ancient and new. As he turns he can detect
the new smell is the entrance. This confirms the
story the guide has stated, that the entrance was
deep among a larger cliff area. He wonders
though was the 'mine' here in the old
pre-avalanche cliff or is this a natural
cave? Yet as he turns deeper into the cave
darkness the smell is moldy and old like its been around for eons.
Dorhak also tries to signal Barbosa,
speaking to him silently as dwarves often can,
telling him to also be aware of various odors in this cavern.
Yet Barbosa seems more occupied with
his cuts and bruises from his controlled
fall. At least controlled as one can do with little dignity.
Dorhak turns to Raddok and says in
Dwarf Elder, "If we are to lead the way, and this
pissant human is too frightened to take care of his own problems,
shouldnt we at least be given weapons and shields?"
After this, he moves forward, with or
without weapons just to read the glyphs. He
likes it down here, and the carvings make him feel somewhat homesick.
He wonders whatever happened to the
People (dwarves, obviously) that used to live
here. He hopes the humans didn't exterminate
them. If that becomes evident, Dorhak will most
likely kill this human scum using suggestions
from Kiet about how best to make it a long and
painful death. Then the others on this island
had best beware.
Dorhak chooses to tell Raddok, in
Dwarf Elder, what the runes & glyphs mean, and
anything else about the carvings and space they are in.
[Time: 12:50 pm South-East of Ma'Dor]
Fremea flies toward town to find
Unali but the crafty woman can be hidden in plain
sight. Especially wearing black and in the
shadow side of buildings. But after a few minutes
Fremea lucks up and spitsher behind a general
store on edge of town on east side where party came in from.
Fremea sneaks up and tap's Unali's
right arm as she is reading some
parchment. Unali side steps left pulls a dagger
and thrusts it at thin air. Fremea also side
stepped and giggles. She explains what happened
to the party and where they are now. She wonders
if Unali can run like a horse as its nearby but
some distance away? Course if Unali is seen
walking that way it might brute's distraction failed.
[Time: 12:52 pm South-East of Ma'Dor]
Inside the cave Velf begins to
rummage in his backpack. Kiet quickly adjusts to
the dark cave as his new magical eyes flood in
the details. Kiet can't see magic like the Sidh,
but he can see good. Oddly toward the west even
his magical eyes seem to show darkness. Arawn
also notices this in the west but he senses no
magic. The Alfar begins to scan the runes which
are mostly elaborate cave drawings. It is as if
runes are secondary to the pictures.
Most scholars are clueless on
drawings like those. Some figure they can go to
a lame school like those in Ticasi. But it takes
pure experience with in depth research. Not some
stupid way the chalk was tilted. Velf pulls out a second torch.
The dwarfs, Arawn and Kiet can see
the drawings in the dim lantern light. But the
others have to squint and then with
difficulty. Arawn tries to use his scholar
skills and other skills but sees no magic in the drawings.
No need to waste your time with the
paintings. We've studied them already. It shows
the short people in various scenes. A great
battle against humans. Two brave dwarfs versus a
giant. A dwarf general looking over a hill
watching a battle as a massive storm rages. The
others are pretty much the same. Velf
continues. Then pours some flask onto a torch
soaking it to last for a long time.
Clearly this place was made by
dwaves. We've scoured the island. They are long
gone or deep in some mountain we've not
found. Clearly its glory boasting. Stuff such
paintings around the world show. Velf stands
and with open lantern ignites the torch. He caps
the lantern and put it to its side.
The runes to Arawn denote names or
possible sites but no real stories of any
length. But there is something odd about that
storm drawing. It doesn't denote glory or actual
wining. Just a fierce battle. Yet it seems out
of place. But he can't pinpoint it yet.
Velf waves the torch, let's get to
the real attraction. We are safe as there are no beasts here. Follow me....
Velf leads the party down a decline
that is about a 30 degree slope. The party moves
about 60-70 feet. Kiet wonders why he was given
a 30 foot warning? But the party is now 90-100 feet from the entrance.
Velf raises a hand, beyond here it gets dangerous.
Both Arawn and Kiet continue to see a
strange darkness. To Arawn he has seen chaotic
magical darkness. But this seems to be different
somehow as there is still no sign of aura or its hidden well.
Velf lowers the torch and shows a
sudden edge to the tunnel. Walk past that line
you fall into endless abyss. No need to
translate this but that's where a few dozen of
the shorties are probably now. Now can translate
again. He waves the torch and the cave itself
is about a 35 foot wide passage with about 50
feet tall ceiling here. But there is nothing on
the walls or ceiling. Velf points to a small
circle in the center of the pass about 5 feet in
diameter. When I say the dwarf will step here.
Velf circles twice and then with some
hefty effort tosses the lit torch west. As if in
slow motion the torch shows the abyss about 25
feet wide. The torch then lands onto the ledge on the other side.
That's when Kiet and Arawn seem to
notice the darkness fall away. In a few moments
all in the party see the torch shine on a thick
indigo black colored wall. The wall is very
slick and smooth wall. This is clearly no
natural wall. This wall is the entire length of passage lefto right.
Many such trial and error here. Velf places hands on hip.
This is when Arawn's magical sense
rings. Top left and top right are two clear
crystals palm sized. They begin to glow as soon
as the torch hits the wall. This may be why Velf
suggests no magic. The wards seem highly
powerful maybe even more than what the High Elder
could do. But as he senses and reads the wall no
details are given as to its purpose. There is
strong masking magic here. Also looks like some
possible purified ground so casting the wrong
magic could be bad if its elder ground but Arawn can't read it correctly.
Beyond that is the true
treasure...I'm certain of it! What we've learned
is that a dwarf will stand in this circle mere
inches from the abyss edge. There is some mumbo
jumob hoo be loo magic that goes on. We believe
it may detect only true pure dwarves. The dwarf
will be asked 1-3 random questions or riddles.
Velf points to his skull, this is
why they must be smart. If they pass a walk of
faith will be required. This is where most
fail. Too scared to walk across. We'll not
cover what happens if they flee or fail to
believe. Once they get to the other side. They
...we believe...are asked a few more questions or
riddles. This is the critical part as its in
Dvalinn. There is possibly a mental tie in
depending. We believe once a true faithful and
pure hearted dwarf completes these tests a door will open.
Velf looks at the party, sure I know
why not mine the cliff to the sides or use
magic? For one thing a pick has been...thwarted
to be used here. As to magic the locals refuse
to be in presence of magic and based on our study
using magic here is...dangerous. So we are left
to our two friends here. Which is why we need
more bodies..I mean smart dwarves to get a fair sampling.
Velf smiles as the glowing wards seem
to cast a strong gray hue in the passage about 20
feet down enough to see the wall clearly. Any
questions? Good you there... He points to
Barbosa. You're first my soon to be rich friend.
[Time: 1:00 pm South-East of Ma'Dor]
Actions? Comments?
Next Update...Saturday or Monday?
GM: Finally its done. I wanted to get
this all done by last update but ran out of
time. With staff sleeping late or ending early
lost many hours of working on it. Maybe will get
some speech to text software to do it? But I
figure here is a good spot otend so not to rush
things forward. I will try to get this out, next
update, Saturday or Monday depending on staff
Saturday. I wanted to publish all climbing
experience but I deleted a few items in my note
file. But all characters got experience and it
ranged from 30, 60 and 80% Difficulty depending
on skill or no skill. But all expertise is
recorded with no EL changes. What two ropes are
top side? Attached to block and hanging
down? Who owns those ropes. Its not a major
factor but I need to know who owns 1 or both ropes.
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