[pnpgm] Game Update #62 - File #528 - Boarding Action Phase 3+4
pnpgm at comcast.net
Sat Mar 2 23:35:15 CET 2019
Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human/Miner
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Brutto..........Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #1
..Finn............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #2
..Ardrackle.......Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #3
..Zepp............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #4
..Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to Z'leyra
..Zol.Zim.........Wolf....Npc................Ma..Zehani Wolf/Ix's Friend
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Game Update #62 sequence (file #528)
Admin Notes: None.
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
[Apris 27, 1636th]
[Time: 2:18] (phase 3 etc)
Raddok will use ring once to try
to hit 2 pirates in front of him & Barbosa,
reaching around/over Barbosa if necessary. Raddok
brings his arm to an apparent blocking motion
(arm flexed at elbow, chest height, & forearm
forward at 45-degree angle holding mace upright
in his fist (he's practiced this with the mace
since he got the ring) so that the ring on that
hand faces the target in front of him, but he's
also keeping his shield in a protective position to his left a bit.
He will aim for the pirates in
front of himself & Barbosa, stepping slightly to
one side (if Barbosa blocking his view). He
whispers the word to trigger the spell, aiming
slightly between Pirates # 16 & 18, who almost
seemed overlapped from his viewpoint, hoping the
splitting of the fire darts hits both, although
if he's off, he might hit either one of #16 or
#18, & possibly the two closest to those villains
(pirates #15 or #19, or the others at M&K).
The rest of the time, if time there is [for
this update], he will again use his mace & shield
on those pirates nearest him, reserving the
ring's last use for an emergency or a prime
target (like the wizard he is afraid might be
around somewhere). If Barbosa falls from his
wound, Raddok will stand over/in front of him to protect him, as best he can.
GM: Ack. Brings up a good
point. Aiming such items. To me I assume its
gem up ie if hand flat on table and fire it
should fire at ceiling). But I can also see that
Mus would add a aimer so it goes where you want
it to aim magically Stuff to consider.
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
If Kiet sees anything
magical+enemy, it automatically gets ring fire.
End that shiite quickly.
GM: Ack. Reserve for magical. Ack.
From Fremea: [Re: Actions]
Upon noticing these birds, she
quickly understands that they are what caused
Awarn to fail at what he was doing. She will not
allow them to do it to her. She quickly casts
Paralysis (EL 2 to get it off in one phase) at
the left bird and flies straight for the other
one to engage it in melee combat with her
daggers. Telling Corona to fire at the other one
(that is hopefully paralysis-ed now).
GM: Ack. Good plan.
From Pyan: [Re: Actions]
speaking of languages, anyone
going to speak up on what languages Pyan was able
to convince you to sharing with him?
GM: Ack. The lang.txt file I sent in
FB is a common language everyone has and used for
learning new ones. Chart shows apr 26 so today
is 27. So 1 slot today and probably 5 more
before reaching Vahear. Depending on how long
stay in Dechan maybe 6. So 1-7 more slots max
then its allover to learn stuff this go around. So let me know!
[New Stuff]
[Apris 27th, 1636TH]
[Time: 2:18:00 pm]
[Turn 36: Phase 3 - [Phase 260]]
Fremea builds energy for a spell.
Mae begins to reload her crossbow but
knows it may be another 30 seconds or so to do so.
Pyan is happy there are no more
Archers he can stand with no cover with better
angles now. He turns to the 4 pirates at the aft
gangplank blocking it and fires. He hits Pirate
#26 in the neck doing 4 points of damage. While
it is a neck wound it was only a graze so not severe damage.
Fremea turns to the birds realizing
due to their magical energy these are not normal
pirate pets. As she puts her bow back with one
hand she points at the left bird and speaks her
Sidh tongue. The bird suddenly becomes
motionless as her wings stop and gravity takes
over. The bird lands 30 feet onto the deck. It
takes 6 points of damage to the small bird and kills it.
Kiet tries to cast an abandon spell on one pirate but fails.
Raddok raises his arm in a good angle
and activates his magical ring with his heart
pounding from excitement saying the word in a
soft whisper. For Pirate #15 and #16 both are
only 2-3 feet away. The fire dart upon mental
command splits into 2 beams and both hits for 9
points each. Pirate #15 screams as he is hit in
the chest and clothing flares up in
flames. Pirate #16 is instantly killed. Raddok
smiles at the great use of the rings still can fire at least once more.
Corona was diving toward one pirate
but when he sees the birds and one fall he
suddenly realizes they are by instinct
dangerous. He turns and swoops toward the last
bird and fires his magical red eyes. The beam
hits the bird squarely in the back and does 6
points. The toasted bird slams into the deck dead.
Fremea was about to yell to the eagle
but smiles as now both birds are down. She
sheaths her dagger and pulls her back to her hands.
Zol Zim lunges at the wounded Pirate
#10 and does the final damage to kill him.
Unali dashes for the stairs. She
leaps down the stairs not even using them to walk
down. No need for stealth now. She lands on the
deck in the hallway and glances both
directions. There is one pirate to the right and
2 to left. She can't afford to turn her back on
the 2 so rushes left. She tries to kick pirate
#39 but he step backs and she misses. She stabs
pirate #40 but one dagger misses but other dagger
hits in left center chest doing 11 points killing the pirate.
Brutto moves around Ix and the wolf
and swings at pirate #11 doing 2 points to his
left arm. Finn moves around Mournath and charges
pirate #14 but slips on some water on deck and almost falls down.
Ardackle has no good targets so
decides to put pressure on his wounds and
rests. Zepp swings at Pirate #19 but misses.
Mournath stabs Pirate #12 with his
spear doing 4 points to his left arm.
Kiet stabs with tulwar Pirate #15 who
is on fire thanks to Raddok and
kills him. Mainly to get him out of the way.
Raddok is taken aback by the rings
and so leans a bit too forward when he swings
mace at #19 hitting him the left leg doing 4
points of damage as the pirate deflects the mace downward.
Barbosa swings his own mace at Pirate
#19 as well and hits doing 10 points in his right
arm breaking his arm and killing him.
Pirate #11 swings on Ix but her
height helps and he misses. Pirate #14 and #13
swing at Finn but both fail to make
contact. Pirate #12 swings at Mournath hits but
his armor protects him. Pirate #17 moves toward
Kiet and hits but his Iron Skin protects
him. Pirate #18 charges to Barbosa swings but fails to hit.
Pirate #20, 27 and #29 all attack
Dorhak. First 2 miss but #29 hits Dorhak but his
armor protects him. Pirate #21 and #22 move port
side but is blocked by others for any attacks.
Pirate #28 and 31-33 move port side
but are blocked by others. A few of them begin
to argue with those blocking the aft gang
plank. Probably they should board and kill the last 2 on that ship?
Pirate #34-38 move from aft to
forward in a fast jog to get better positions.
The two pirates in hallway near Unali
charge and slash from her front and back. But she deftly avoids the blows.
Dorhak swings mace at pirate in front of him but misses.
Ix swings her cane-sword at Pirate #11 but misses.
[Time: 2:18:03 pm]
[Turn 36: Phase 4 - [Phase 261]]
Kiet allocates mana for a new spell.
Pyan fires on Pirate #23 and hits his
left arm and it travels into his chest doing 9
points and the pirate falls dead to the ground.
Fremea fires the single arrow into the crowd below but misses.
Kiet notices one sailor is louder
than others and must be a officer so casts his
abandon spell on him Pirate #22.
Corona dives toward a group but miss his strike.
The wolf leaps at Pirate #12 and does the final damage to kill him.
Unali stabs Pirate #41 and pierces
his neck killing him instantly. She twirls and
kicks out at the one behind her but misses as he dodges.
Brutto steps over the pirate the wolf
just killed and stabs Pirate #13 killing him.
Finn stabs Pirate #14 right in the heart and kills him instantly.
Ardackle moves next to Kiet and stabs
Pirate #17 doing 7 points to his middle left chest.
Mournath stabs #17 in lower left chest with spear and kills him.
Kiet thrusts at Pirate #21 with his
tulwar hitting him in middle right chest doing 8 points.
Z'leyra tries to move her head but
still can't. Moments ago she heard strange
voices of a language she didn't know. As she
watches Arawn breathing it seems it is getting
more shallow. Then one voice seems raised in
agony or anger giving orders. Something bad happened to him or his people.
Raddok glances over his shoulder and
notices the front line of pirates have been
slaughtered. He turns to Pirate #20 and hits him
with his mace in the upper right chest doing 10 points killing him.
Barbosa swings mace at Pirate #18 but misses.
Pirate #18 swings his own sword back at Barbosa but misses.
Pirate #21 affected by Kiet's abandon
spell lowers his sword and walks past #18 ,
Raddok and Barbosa. Keeps moving forward past a
smiling Kiet, confused Mournath and shocked Finn. He ends up near the stairs.
Pirate #27 and #28 swing at Dorhak
first misses but second hits his shield and he blocks it.
Pirate #30 approaches Barbosa and
thrusts his sword but misses. Pirate #22 runs
and takes up position in front of Kiet. HE
swings but his iron skin protects him.
Pirate #31-33 end their argument with
the idiots at the gangplank and move
forward. Pirate #31 swings on Finn but misses.
Pirates #34-38 move as one unit from
the rear and forward then turns toward the party for combat soon.
The last pirate in the hallway swings at Unali but misses.
Dorhak swings at #30 but misses.
Ix thrusts her cane-sword at Pirate
#27 and impales him in the right upper chest doing 16 points killing him.
[Time: 2:18:06 pm]
[Turn 37: Phase 1 - [Phase 262]]
Actions? Comments?
Next Update...Saturday?
GM: Finally its done. Just some notes I
may be off on my Phase math above I think I may
be too high on the phase #. But we'll keep it as
is. ) At this point with 40+ tokens on map
mistakes by my dwarves are easy to make. So map
placement may be off but I think 98%is
accurate. Next update who knows? Got 5 doc
appointments this month between me and
family. That's about 5 days gone plus Taxes and
other stuff. We have Stuff to do up until 2nd
week in April. So I'll do next update when I
can. Will try maybe Fri/Sat if staff cooperates
(usually don't). The second line of pirate
defense is upon party. Get rid of them it should
be easy going. So 29 pirates on deck 11 are
dead and 1 SOL (Abandon). So that's almost half
gone/dead. Update on sheet updates down to
Kiet, Z and Arawn. For IBT and past experience. I do during free' time.
GM: Fremea Surprised not using those archery spells. :)
Kiet How many new castings of
abandon will assume more next phase.
Raddok Rings worked well think have 1 more use.
GM: Wound Status -
Player Status
Z'leyra Paralyzed/Light Wound/Poisoned
Barbosa Heavy Damage
Mae Light Damage
Pyan Light Damage
Fremea Moderate Damage
Ardackle- Light damage
Finn Moderate Damage
Arawn Unknwon
GM: Language Necklace Use: Roll W+EM or less
Buff: +Em Mar 24th, +W Mar 29th
Character Date Learning Notes
Raddok Mar 26th Marentian Success
Pyan Mar 29th Eagle from Corona Fail
Pyan Mar 30th Eagle from Corona Success
Kiet Apr 3rd Bhamotin Success
Unali Apr 4th Bhamotin from Kiet Success
Fremea Apr 5th Bhamotin from Kiet Success
Unali Apr 19th Cerulean from Arawn Success
Raddok Apr 22nd Cerulean from Arawn Success
Raddok Apr 23rd Fomorian from Unali Failure
Raddok Apr 24rd Fomorian from Unali Failure
Raddok Apr 25rd Fomorian from Unali Failure
Raddok Apr 26th Fomorian from Unali Success
GM: Watch Assignments:
First ( 7-10pm) - Dorhak, Raddok, Ix
Second (10- 1am) - Arawn, Mae, Pyan
Third ( 1- 4am) - Fremea, Z'leyra, Mournath
Fourth ( 4- 7am) - Unali, Kiet, Barbasa
GM: Spells
Player Spell EL Start Duration ends Cast #
Fremea Invisibility Max 2:17:03 2:20:03 4
Kiet Iron Skin Max 2:18:03 2:18:19 2
Z'leyra Clairvoyance
Max 2:13:00 4:13:00 1
Z'leyra Concealing M. Max 2:16:32 2:18:54 1
GM: Record keeping
Player Notes
Arawn Scale,
Bow, Shield, Sw, Dagger, Helm, Wand Aft
Dorhak Armor*,
Mace/Shield, Dagger, Sword Amidships
Fremea Leather,
Bow, Dagger, Sword Flying
Kiet Leather*,
Dagger, Bulwark, Shield, Helm, Wand Aft
Ix Leather, Helm,
Sword, Bow, Dagger Front
Crossbow, Quilted, Dagger Amidships
Mournath Leather,
Spear, Knives Wheel
Raddok Grt Sw,
Dagg, Quilted/Leather, Helm Amidships
Unali Many daggers,
Sling, Armor, Helm, Bow Amid-ship
Z'leyra Chain
Armor, Staff, Great Sword, Helm, Bow Aft
GM: Pirate map
/I\=East. Black Depth facing West
(Down) but for space only showing pirate ship.
Scale = 1 Hex= - 10 feet
1 Row - 5 feet
1 Column - 5 feet
* First Deck (Top Deck)
1 2
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ A = [F 6] - Stairs to second deck ( 5'x10')
\__/ ____________ __/ B @ [F12] - Rigging (30'x30')
/ / o \ \_ C ~~ [F 6] - Port Gangplank pull way area
\_ / [] o\ / D ~~ [F20] - Starboard Gangplank pull away
/ / \ \_ E (Railing is able to be removed here)
\_I = @ ^I_/ F
/ I P @@@ ^^I \_ G # [N12] = Storage/Gear lockers (5'x5')
\_I z @ ^^I_/ H Locker is 5 feet tall with interior shelves
/ I I12 ^I \_ I
\ ~~ OPPP P ~~_/ J U4-U20 - Start of poop deck (raised by 3
/ I 3KP P PP I \_ K feet so have to step up.
\_I 4BP P PP I_/ L
/ IoDP oI \_ M * [T11] - Wheel station (raised 3 feet)
\_IoP oI_/ N
/ I P I \_ O [] [D 6] - Hatch to 3rd floor hold
\---P I_/ P Shaft is 8' by 8' and 22 feet deep
/ I%P %I \_ Q from top deck
\_Io oI_/ R
/ Io oI \_ S o - Rope piles (heavy dock rock) to tie
\_I ** I_/ T up ship to dock depending on side docks are
/ I________________I \_ U
\_I I_/ V % - Anchors (Q4, Q21) heavy metal anchors
/ I________________I \_ W ---=P2 Forced gangplank from Black Depths
\__/ \__/ \__/ \I_/ X
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ Y
1 2
12345678012345678901234 ^ = 4 Man rowboat 10`x5` With pulley/levers
P#10 [---] - Dead P#11 - [---] - Dead
P#12 [---] - dead P#13 [---] - Dead
P#14 [---] - Dead P#15 [---] - Dead
P#16 [---] - Dead P#17 [---] - Dead
P#18 [L 7] - P#19 [---] - Dead
P#20 [---] - Dead P#21 [G 7] - * Abandon Affected * Till 2:18:
P#22 [K 7] - P#23 [---] - Dead
P#24 [O 5] - P#25 [P 5] -
P#26 [Q 5] - P#27 [J 7] -
P#28 [J 8] - P#29 [M 6] -
P#30 [N 5] - P#31 [J10] -
P#32 [K10] - P#33 [L10] -
P#34 [J12] - P#35 [K12] -
P#36 [L12] - P#37 [K13] -
P#38 [L13] -
A Arawn [---] - Unknown location
D Dorhak [M 5] -
F Fremea [M13] 25' facing port, not on map
I Ix [I 6] -
K Kiet [K 6] -
M Mae [---] - On Black Depths, off map, Roughly N-8
O Mournath [J 6] -
P Pyan [---] - On Black Depths, off map, Roughly P-8
R Raddok [L 6] Same location as Barbosa so off map technically
U Unali [---] - Downstairs
Z Z'leyra [---] - Unknown location
B Barbosa [L 6] -
1 Brutto [I 7] -
2 Finn [I 8] -
3 Ard [K 5] -
4 Zepp [K 6] Off map, same hex as Kiet
C Corona [???] - Flying high over
z Wolf [H 5] -
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