[pnpgm] Game Update #63 - File #530 - Boarding action phase 5
pnpgm at comcast.net
Thu Mar 7 01:10:11 CET 2019
Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human/Miner
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Brutto..........Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #1
..Finn............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #2
..Ardrackle.......Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #3
..Zepp............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #4
..Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to Z'leyra
..Zol.Zim.........Wolf....Npc................Ma..Zehani Wolf/Ix's Friend
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Game Update #63 sequence (file #530)
Admin Notes: None.
[Apris 27th, 1636TH]
[Time: 2:18:06 pm]
[Turn 37: Phase 1 - [Phase 262]]
Fremea finishes her magical allocation of her spell to cast.
Kiet allocates mana for a spell.
Dorhak sees Pirate #18 about to stab
Raddok in the chest as he doesn't look and so
hangs his mace on his shield arm and quick draws
his throwing axe and throw it right at pirate
#18. The Axe spins quickly as it flies between
Barbosa, Raddok and another pirate. Then the axe
hits Pirate #18 in the neck doing 6 points of
damage. The pirate startled looks at Dorhak in
shock and collapses to the deck.
Fremea positions herself to fire her
bow at the 5 pirates moving toward the
pirates. She angles herself so she doesn't shoot
the party but aims to the rear of the ship toward
the pirates. The arrow flies and divides into 6
more magical arrows. Three of the 7 hit the
deck. Four hit targets. One hits #38 in right
shoulder killing the man. Two hits #37 both in
chest killing that pirate. One arrow hits #35
wounding him in the back for 4 points.
Corona dives for the last 3 that
survive Fremea's fire but his blasts fail to hit a pirate.
Pyan fires his bow at Pirate #26
again hitting in the chest doing 3 more points.
Kiet casts an Abandon spell on Pirate
#22 in front of him. Immediately the pirate gets
that dumb founded look and Kiet realizes it works.
The wolf runs around Finn and charges
toward Pirate #34 and bites his left arm doing 4 points of damage.
Unali stab #39 twice and kills the
pirate. She glances down the hall and finds no
more pirates. She passes the galley and rounds
the right corner toward the hold. It is possible
the Arawn and Z'leyra is down the other way in
the berths. But you'd suspect guards posted. The
pirates were mostly on this end of the hall so
she guesses they are this way. As she rounds
sure enough there are 2 pirates at the hold
door. They raise swords seeing her. She charges
with one dagger to each pirate. She stabs Pirate
#42 in the neck doing 6 points of damage. The
blow is not enough to kill the man but he will
die in seconds from blood loss as he falls. She
stabs the second man in the right middle chest doing 6 killing the man.
Unali kicks the hold door open and
glances in. Across the room about 30 feet are
Z'leyra and Arawn. Z'leyra seems fine but isn't
moving yet Unali can see her eyes flicker. But
Arawn's clothing seems burnt and his arms and
neck look slightly burnt. His eyes are
closed. There are at least 3 other pirates in
the hold ready to attack. Then Unali sees a man
not dressed like other pirates but his right hand
is glowing orange and right over Z'leyra. He
kneels over Z'leyra and smiles. Surrender or
she dies! Unali is lucky to understand Dechan.
Brutto hits Pirate #27 and kills
him. Finn swings at #28 but misses. Ardackle
slips in front of Kiet and attacks Pirate #28 but
misses. Zepp thrusts at Pirate #29 and hits in
the right shoulder killing him.
Mournath moves starboard toward
Pirate #28 and does 6 points to the wounded man
bit by the wolf. The pirate falls down dead.
Kiet steps past the man he just
dazzled by his spell and swings at Pirate #32
hitting in the lower left chest doing 7 points of damage.
In the hold Z'leyra can see a shadow
over her but its hard to see who. The man seems
to speak and she can see a faint glow of orange from her side vision.
Raddok notices pirate near him has
sword lowered and looks confused. He watches a
Kiet passes him and figures the man is
harmless. He comes along side Kiet and thrusts
his mace at Pirate #33 but misses almost to the point of a slight fumble.
Barbosa moves forward to help Raddok
and swings his own mace at #33 and hits in the
left chest doing 5 points of damage.
Pirate #30 stabs Dorhak in the right
shoulder with sword going 6 points of
damage. Pirate #31 swings at Finn hits but his
armor protects him. Pirate #32 swings at Kiet
but misses. Pirate #33 swings at Raddok and hits
right across the head but his leather helmet
takes some of the brunt. But he still takes a 2
point blow and will have a massive
headache. Lucky the blade was tilted side if at
a angle it could've been a head chopping off event.
Pirate #34 and #35 swing at the wolf
but hes too agile and they miss. Pirate #36 at Barbosa but he misses.
Pyan whistles to Mae as he drops his
bow and reaches for his spear as the 3 pirates board the Black Depths.
Mae looks up to see the boarding
pirates and forgets reloading her crossbow and reaches for her dagger.
Ix rounds past Finn and Brutto to
help her wolf. She thrusts her cane-sword at #34 but misses.
[Time: 2:18: 09 pm]
[Turn 37: Phase 2 - [Phase 263]]
Actions? Comments?
Next Update...Saturday?
GM: I only did 1 phase. Since Unali
needs to decide on actions. I probably should've
worked it for 2 phases but she was quicker than I
expected. So just 1 phase for now. I may have
some time Friday and a bit of time Saturday to do
next 2 phases if Unali replies. After that will
be busy a bit Tuesday and mostly next
Wednesday. The Dwarves made another mistake the
column 9 is missing form map legend. Geesh. Pay
staff in rum and expect quality work. So I
noticed it today there is no column 9. OH
well. Tide is turning 6 remain on deck, 3 on
black depths ship and 2 under abandoned
spell. Also down to only Arawn's sheet to update
then all updated to this point not including this combat but includes IBT.
GM: Dorhak your ship just
boarded. You can stay to help others or cross
that plank and hope done' fall again to help Pyan. :)
Kiet Still no obvious MUs for
those fancy rings of yours. How often do you recast Abandon?
Unali Decisions. Though you know
enough of Z that she MIGHT resist the magic but
do you risk that slight chance? :)
Pyan Sadly the Fomorian language
for 27th failed. But have 4-5 more days if need to retry.
GM: Wound Status -
Player Status
Z'leyra Paralyzed/Light Wound/Poisoned
Barbosa Heavy Damage
Mae Light Damage
Pyan Light Damage
Fremea Moderate Damage
Ardackle Light damage
Finn Moderate Damage
Arawn Unknown
Dorhak Light Damage
Raddok Light Damage
GM: Language Necklace Use: Roll W+EM or less
Buff: +Em Mar 24th, +W Mar 29th
Character Date Learning Notes
Raddok Mar 26th Marentian Success
Pyan Mar 29th Eagle from Corona Fail
Pyan Mar 30th Eagle from Corona Success
Kiet Apr 3rd Bhamotin Success
Unali Apr 4th Bhamotin from Kiet Success
Fremea Apr 5th Bhamotin from Kiet Success
Unali Apr 19th Cerulean from Arawn Success
Raddok Apr 22nd Cerulean from Arawn Success
Raddok Apr 23rd Fomorian from Unali Failure
Raddok Apr 24rd Fomorian from Unali Failure
Raddok Apr 25rd Fomorian from Unali Failure
Raddok Apr 26th Fomorian from Unali Success
Pyan Apr 27th Fomorian From Unali Failure
GM: Watch Assignments:
First ( 7-10pm) - Dorhak, Raddok, Ix
Second (10- 1am) - Arawn, Mae, Pyan
Third ( 1- 4am) - Fremea, Z'leyra, Mournath
Fourth ( 4- 7am) - Unali, Kiet, Barbasa
GM: Spells
Player Spell EL Start Duration ends Cast #
Fremea Invisibility Max 2:17:03 2:20:03 4
Fremea Multi Arrow Max 2:18:06 2:18:48 1
Kiet Iron Skin Max 2:18:03 2:18:19 2
Z'leyra Clairvoyance
Max 2:13:00 4:13:00 1
GM: Record keeping
Player Notes
Arawn Scale,
Bow, Shield, Sw, Dagger, Helm, Wand Aft
Dorhak Armor*,
Mace/Shield, Dagger, Sword Amidships
Fremea Leather,
Bow, Dagger, Sword Flying
Kiet Leather*,
Dagger, Bulwark, Shield, Helm, Wand Aft
Ix Leather, Helm,
Sword, Bow, Dagger Front
Crossbow, Quilted, Dagger Amidships
Mournath Leather,
Spear, Knives Wheel
Raddok Grt Sw,
Dagg, Quilted/Leather, Helm Amidships
Unali Many daggers,
Sling, Armor, Helm, Bow Amid-ship
Z'leyra Chain
Armor, Staff, Great Sword, Helm, Bow Aft
GM: Pirate map
/I\=East. Black Depth facing West
(Down) but for space only showing pirate ship.
Scale = 1 Hex= - 10 feet
1 Row - 5 feet
1 Column - 5 feet
* First Deck (Top Deck)
1 2
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ A = [F 6] - Stairs to second deck ( 5'x10')
\__/ ____________ __/ B @ [F12] - Rigging (30'x30')
/ / oP \ \_ C ~~ [F 6] - Port Gangplank pull way area
\_ / [] o\ / D ~~ [F20] - Starboard Gangplank pull away
/ / \ \_ E (Railing is able to be removed here)
\_I = @ ^I_/ F
/ I @@@ ^^I \_ G # [N12] = Storage/Gear lockers (5'x5')
\_I @ ^^I_/ H Locker is 5 feet tall with interior shelves
/ I 12 Iz ^I \_ I
\ ~~ 3OP PP ~~_/ J U4-U20 - Start of poop deck (raised by 3
/ I KP P I \_ K feet so have to step up.
\_I 4 RP I_/ L
/ IoD BP oI \_ M * [T11] - Wheel station (raised 3 feet)
\_Io oI_/ N
/ I I \_ O [] [D 6] - Hatch to 3rd floor hold
\--- I_/ P Shaft is 8' by 8' and 22 feet deep
/ I% %I \_ Q from top deck
\_Io oI_/ R
/ Io oI \_ S o - Rope piles (heavy dock rock) to tie
\_I ** I_/ T up ship to dock depending on side docks are
/ I________________I \_ U
\_I I_/ V % - Anchors (Q4, Q21) heavy metal anchors
/ I________________I \_ W ---=P2 Forced gangplank from Black Depths
\__/ \__/ \__/ \I_/ X
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ Y
1 2
12345678012345678901234 ^ = 4 Man rowboat 10`x5` With pulley/levers
P#10 [---] - Dead P#11 - [---] - Dead
P#12 [---] - dead P#13 [---] - Dead
P#14 [---] - Dead P#15 [---] - Dead
P#16 [---] - Dead P#17 [---] - Dead
P#18 [---] - Dead P#19 [---] - Dead
P#20 [---] - Dead P#21 [C 8] - * Abandon Affected * Till 2:18:
P#22 [K15] Aban P#23 [---] - Dead
P#24 [BD ] - P#25 [BD ] - BD-Black Depths Ship
P#26 [BD ] - P#27 [---] - Dead
P#28 [---] - Dead P#29 [---] - Dead
P#30 [---] - Dead P#31 [J10] -
P#32 [K10] - P#33 [L10] -
P#34 [J12] - P#35 [J13] -
P#36 [M10] - P#37 [---] - Dead
P#38 [---] - Dead
A Arawn [Hold] - Unknown location
D Dorhak [M 5] -
F Fremea [J 8] 10' high facing starboard, not on map
I Ix [I11] -
K Kiet [K 8] -
M Mae [---] - On Black Depths, off map, Roughly N-8
O Mournath [J 8] -
P Pyan [---] - On Black Depths, off map, Roughly P-8
R Raddok [L 8]
U Unali [---] - At Hold door
Z Z'leyra [Hold] In Hold
B Barbosa [M 8] -
1 Brutto [I 7] -
2 Finn [I 8] -
3 Ard [J 7] -
4 Zepp [K 6] Off map, same hex as Kiet
C Corona [???] - Flying high over
z Wolf [I12] -
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