[pnpgm] Game Update #67 - File #547 - More loot selected
pnpgm at comcast.net
Sun Mar 24 02:26:21 CET 2019
Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human/Miner
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Brutto..........Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #1
..Finn............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #2
..Ardrackle.......Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #3
..Zepp............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #4
..Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to Z'leyra
..Zol.Zim.........Wolf....Npc................Ma..Zehani Wolf/Ix's Friend
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Game Update #67 sequence (file #547)
Admin Notes: None.
From Pyan: [Re: Actions]
Pyan looks around, half
expecting to see some coward that let the
"Do you think Kell's absence
could have such a big impact on them?"
GM: Ack.
From Raddok: [Re: Loot]
Update #65 re: treasure
Raddok is interested in easily
portable goods - jewels, jewelry, coins. Willing
to ask for tapestries with plan to have them
shipped to his home in Donara from Dechat (if
able to get someone to ship it). If list below
does not translate properly, this is basically what he asks for.
Treasure Applied for:
Tourmaline armband, med, min
flw, av.cl (17SC) --- (for personal
ornamentation) Sm., nr fwless, dull snakestone
(1.6 SC) Sm., min flw, misted Lapis Lazuli (4 SC)
Med., min flw, fine topaz (4.8 SC)
Keg, 10 qt, spices, cinnamon, 9 qt full (9CC) ---
(to be shipped along with tapestries he might
attain, as a gift) *Hanging, fine covering, 5'x14', 3 GC
Eating utensils, silver, x9, 9 CC
*Tapestry, 4'x18', 41 SC
*Tapestry, 6'x18', 54 SC
Jewelry, jade, sm, sl flw, brill (17 SC) Jewelry,
turquoise, sm., min flw, brill (26 SC) Unenhanced
Lapis Lazuli (doesn't need it enhanced, altho
will accept offer from someone to enhance it, &
will keep for use) ***All loose jewels/jewelry
that it's fair to have (looking for small,
portable wealth) Metal helmet (if it fits only)
Bracelet, Protection from Chaos, MEL7/EL3 --- for
personal use, not to sell Amulet of Detection,
Brass, MEL7/EL1 (if able to figure out how to
use) ---for personal use, not trade
Fair share of any coins found
*sold proceeds Curious about the
Mysterious Magical Chainmail, but only willing to
ask for it if it's safe to use & not too heavy
for him. a Banded Shield, if in better shape
than his own current, similar shield Other items
seem better to sell & accept a share of the proceeds
* wants to ship tapestries home
to Donara, or to Mahelas - whichever is easier &
if can get merchant interested in buying weapons
(or someone else honest enough) to get them all
shipped safely. If a storage area of loot is
available to the party, he may have it moved
there, if easier (like a compadre's estate, temporarily)
He is willing to share fairly,
but states these are his preferences.
GM: Ack. To clarify. Its best to
select what you want. When you say 'any coins,
any small X, I have to go through line by line to
figure out if it qualifies. Plus I can just
cut/paste to add to file :) Just cut/paste said
item and add to list. As to fair coins all get
share of coins. Some feel they will deduct a bit
of coin if they take X treasure. But as GM I can
only do as I see it. So gotta say such things in
advance or it'll be equal shares. If getting
items to sell its kinda a waste might as well
sell the items in bulk since the trader dealt
with will give better coin for bulk. So if
Raddok sells stuff might get less. So folks just
sell all and divide equally the share. I simply
add items to sheet once done. You can then sort
to 'home' or gear later. So I'll try to remember
which is shipped. Keep in mind its best to keep
items on ship and it return to Sivas then ship to
Donara. Leaving at Dechat with possible pirates
you don't trust? :) So if its not listed above
as specific items I don't know what to
list. Other items I added to treasure report.
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
Update #66 Raddok
Sorry forgot to mention Raddok
digs out his Healing Kit to care for his wound,
since minor. He feels the magic healing should be
for those severely or moderately injured first.
He will not refuse healing, if offered, though.
Raddok is nervous about
debarking at Dechat (It's full of pirates!),
although he would like to get off the ship for awhile.
He volunteers for extra guard
duty as needed & any seaman work needed in port &
on the next leg of their journey. This is as much
to use his nervous energy (now that they are
approaching their goal), as to add to his experience.
His other main focus is being
sure his armor & weapons are in tip-top shape,
sharpening blades of sword & daggers, cleaning &
replacing what must be replaced out of the pirate
treasure hoard (weapons, armor, if better than
what he has) (& if anything need replacing lol)
But, most especially - Raddok
will be practicing the Fomorian language with
anyone on board he can get to converse in it. [I
don't know how many exp points he would get from
using the necklace anymore, & he would prefer to
be sure the others have all used it to learn
Fomorian as best they can.] He might squeeze in a
little dagger practice if he has a sparring
partner. Doesn't sound like there's time for any
swim practice while in port - but he will use it if available.
GM: Ack. All can go ashore. I've not seen
orders otherwise. Its not like pirates will stab
any random soul fr 1 BB on street. Cerulean
guards are on city patrol. But its a gray line
of authority. So its safe as long as you aren't
stupid and pick a fight in a pirate bar with 50
pirates. Fomorian for IBT for5 days or 10
points. Gotcha. So it'd give you a eL34.
From Mournath: [Re: Actions]
As for loot - Mournath isn't
pushy and will accept whatever is determined to
be a fair share, declining items and looking for
jewlery, gems, and other such portable wealth.
Feeling the exhiliration from
the recent combat, he feels that his skills need
to be honed further and will ask for sparring
partners and to get pointers on other weapon use.
[currently Mournath uses spear, bow, and shield
and wants to train the lower of those skills up
but is interested in picking up a bit more skill
in the use of swords and other weaponry that can be had]
As for duties, Mournath wants to
build a bit more raport with his fellow crewman
and will take the opportunity to know more about
them, scribe their names in his journal, find out
a bit about their families, their desires, and why they choose to sail.
GM: Ack. Same with Bess. Need to
select for my sanity and ease of book keeping
items you want. Since I don't know what a 'fair'
share of gems or such is. To me its 1 gem to
others ts 100 gems. ;) You will get equal coin of
sold items. As to skills you are lowest in
Dagger and Long bow. Which do you want for the 5
days? Oddly, I see no Shield skill? Guess never
got one. :< Last part is good. RP activity. ;)
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
[Sorry - as this is still new to
me, I feel I need to clarify sometimes Raddok's
thoughts when we're dealing with something new to
the adventure - like gathering/sharing out the
treasure, etc - therefore, this footnote]
Raddok will not want to push his
wishes on treasure items. When he turns his list
in, although he might stare longingly at some
items on his list, he states he doesn't want to
cause any rifts over popular items asked for & he
is willing to just take his fair share (in
coinage, etc) of coins found, treasure items sold
& small, wearable items (he likes the tourmaline
armband, for example, which is not only dressy,
but practical in that it protects a part of his
arm - he sighs over it [lol]) & a share of any
jewels/jewelry (he tends to like colored or
exotic stones, like turquoise, lapis lazuli,
etc., due to his just liking bright colors, but
will accept anything) - he's trying to build up a
small fortune to take home to show his father
he's a worthy provider (& to his girl).
In reality, he will be pleased
with anything with which he is awarded -
especially if one or two items on his wish list
are included [lol]. During the journey to Vahear,
he will be willing to spar with Mournath with any
of his weapons to M's sword (M's choice), altho'
he suspects the navigator to be more skilled than
Raddok is - which would be good for Raddok, too.
They could also practice Fomorian during the
bouts - the action will force concentration on
the unfamiliar words. (Raddok can be a little
sneaky about the Fomorian, you see - hee hee)
[I don't know the state of his
current gear. If he finds anything better, that
he is capable of using, among the loot than his
current gear (e.g. - one of the metal helmets) he
will put in a bid for it, and sell his old gear
(or keep for backup, if that's more practical -
weight is a definite factor for him - I'll let GM
decide about his need to bid for gear at this
point) Thinking that if he gets enough points to
elevate stats, his IBT/actions will probably have
improved his S or St, if not both]
GM: Ack. No one stats improve until
after adventure. Then Cps are spent Doing before
is a nightmare to do for book keeping. Your fine
on treasure. In my table game we just say A, B,
C ad folks select what they want. If B is
selected by more than 1 we just let them roll or
play cards or arm wrestle. So we are easy going
here. If conflicts they tend to resolve
later. Stay tuned. As to gear any damage to
gear was listed in mana report. Aside from ammo
I don' think there was any damage.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Z'leyra thanks the party, in
particular Unali, for her and Arawn's rescue.
Z'leyra collects the raw
materials she will need for the various
enchantments she has promised or thinks would
help the party out. A small forge and required
tools, copper, tin and zinc for making buckles,
iron ore and leaves (for carbon) for making
steel, raw leather for tanning and making belts
and straps out of as well as some of the correct
wood. As time is available, mostly when the ship
is not on duty or when the ship is at anchor, she
will forge a buckles and weapons, make belts and
a shield. After she has fully recovered her mana
she will work on enchanting them.
GM: Ack. Enchantments? We'll
see. Depends on what items go where. No forge
on ship. Too dangerous. Largest thing is like a
cauldron for cooking and that's risky and hated by sailors.
[New Stuff]
[Apris 27th, 1636TH]
[Time: 2:30 pm]
Pyan sits with Corona and listens to the eagle.
Pyan looks around, half expecting to
see some coward that let the fighting up to
others being led up from below decks, it hadn't
dawned on him that there was no survivors.
Pyan recalls the initial 4 boarders
who snuck aboard probably elite divers one
fled but was taken out by Corona.
"Do you think Kell's absence could
have such a big impact on them?" Pyan asks.
Corona looks around, The one called
Arawn...he has a calming voice to this
group. But with him gone...it was a free for
all. The one called Kell might've done little but to kill as well.
Actions? Comments?
Next Update...Saturday?
GM: Still not heard about issues asked
about from first update after combat like healing
and others. Hopefully that'll be resolved
soon. Arawn has been quiet lately and I emailed
him so hope all is good. A small update as
waiting for others to react and the deadline to
end. So looks like 1 more update before deadline
is out. I'd do more but had to do some last
minute work and lost a few hours. I've not heard
from Dorhak on opposing orders with Malic and
such. So after next update will figure out what
is sold then. Loot file updated with new loot
choices. Last update got sections
jumbled. Recap stuff in New stuff
section. Doh. If don't hear from Tobie/Arawn
on healing will assume Z does it all.
GM: Wound Status -
Player Status
Z'leyra Light (13) Wound
Barbosa Heavy (15) Damage
Mae Light (11) Damage
Pyan Light (2) Damage
Fremea Moderate (6) Damage
Ardackle Light (5) damage
Finn Moderate (10) Damage
Arawn Moderate, (12) Damage, Burnt
Dorhak Light (6) Damage
Unali Light (3) Damage
Raddok Light (2) Damage
GM: Language Necklace Use: Roll W+EM or less
Buff: +Em Mar 24th, +W Mar 29th
Character Date Learning Notes
Pyan Apr 27th Fomorian From Unali Failure
GM: Watch Assignments:
First ( 7-10pm) - Dorhak, Raddok, Ix
Second (10- 1am) - Arawn, Mae, Pyan
Third ( 1- 4am) - Fremea, Z'leyra, Mournath
Fourth ( 4- 7am) - Unali, Kiet, Barbasa
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