[pnpgm] Game Update #99 - File #741 - Suit Combat T2: Phaser 1+2
pnpgm at comcast.net
Tue Oct 8 03:35:19 CEST 2019
Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human/Miner
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to Z'leyra
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Game Update #99 sequence (file #741)
Admin Notes: Roster edited removed Ix, Mae, Sailors for now.
From Alex: [Re: Bounces]
Delivery incomplete
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GM: Ack. Yep. Typical bounce. But list back up now. It happens.
From Pyan: [Re: Actions]
Pyan shouts out, "I think we
need to hurry with the portal...."
GM: Ack.
From Bess: [Re: Websites]
[no note yet on website you had
received this, so re-sending (forwarding)
Raddok attacks the #1 suit of
armor, swinging his mace to try to strike its
head/shoulder area, while keeping his shield
protecting his left shoulder/side. Having had the
last suit of armor fall from his blows, Raddok
feels a bit more confident, but he tries to keep
an eye on what else is happening, and hears the
flames behind him, but concentrates on striking
down his current opponent. If he succeeds, he
will turn to help anyone close to him.
GM: Ack.
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
OOC...From Book 1...Eloquence -
A Characters mental dexterity. It can be viewed
as his ability to think quickly. Problems that
require a person to be convincing in
interpersonal relations, think quickly or respond
with mental rapidity require Eloquence.
Kiet sees how difficult his
choice becomes with the flames, but
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Time: 1:24:16 pm South-East of Ma'Dor]
[Turn 2: Phase 1]
Arawn studies the runes on the
podium. Some are glowing and some are solid
colors. The creature seems to imply a
hibernation effect is possible. He glances at
the rune that has to be the portal. It suddenly
begins to glow ever so slightly a green hue. He
glances behind him at the portal. Moments ago it
was a solid white. Now it seems to shimmer ever
so slightly. What does that mean? Glancing back
he doesn't know Korchi writing which Velf implied
some of these runes were. Could the ancient
dwarves have fled from present day Korchu
lands? To hide this book. But Lymrian he has
studied a bit. Maybe at one point Korchu and
Lymrians associated with each other? In the same
great ocean? But there is a rune that implies
'at rest' but another may mean 'hole up' or
'overwinter'. Does hole up mean to close the
cave including portal up fully magically? But he
saw no dwarf bodies....unless these suits were
the ones who remained behind? Now 2 runes before
that rune shows a possible seasonal implication
like the world moving through seasons. Together
with the other rune could that mean a dormant season?
Pyan shouts out, "I think we need to
hurry with the portal...." he continues in a
normal voice, "Or we're going to end up in the future again."
Arawn hears Pyan's voice and then
makes the connection. The flicker could only mean its about to close!
As Pyan yells he moves to help
Barbosa and Z'leyra. He charges Suit #10 and
spears a vulnerable joint and hits for 3 points.
Mournath leaves the flame and runs to
help Dorhak against Suit #2. He attacks but is blocked by the suit's shield.
Kiet sees how difficult his choice
becomes with the flames, but it seems to have
helped. But now there are still 'suits' active
and hurting group members. Kiet hates the idea of
possibly damaging such valuable armor, but they
are animated and active against us!
Kiet is going to run over suit #9,
stepping on it and dodging any attempt it might
make to attack, then head towards Mournath. As
he approaches Mournath, Kiet activates the Jump
function in his boots to go over Mournath 's head
to lite just beyond him. He then heads towards
Dorhak and his attacker, swinging wide and then
swinging around toward the portal. The intent is
to approach suit #2 closely enough to attack it with tulwar.
Obviously, do not block portal with fire.
At least this was the plan. Kiet
side steps to make the fire path from the south
wall so it'll be one full line of fire from wall
to wall. Then moves toward #9 but he is not
moving. The suit continues to burn. Then he
sees Mournath has moved to help Dorhak. He moves
north making a new line of fire to force the
suits to walk through. He moves toward Dorhak.
Z'leyra swings her great sword and
hits #10 decapitating the animated suit of
armor/skeleton. The head/helmet rolls away as the body slumps to the ground.
Raddok attacks the #1 suit of armor,
swinging his mace to try to strike its
head/shoulder area, while keeping his shield
protecting his left shoulder/side. Having had the
last suit of armor fall from his blows, Raddok
feels a bit more confident, but he tries to keep
an eye on what else is happening, and hears the
flames behind him, but concentrates on striking
down his current opponent. If he succeeds, he
will turn to help anyone close to him.
Raddok swings and hits the #1 suits
helmeted skull hard knocking the head and helmet
off his head. It rolls away to the ground. But
now the suit continues to stand which creeps
Raddok out. If he was a live dwarf he'd be dead for sure.
Barbosa swings on #8 hits but his armor protects him.
Dorhak swings on #2 but fails to hit.
Suit #1 swings on Raddok but misses.
Suit #2 swings on Dorhak but hits his shield.
Suit #3 is able to stand behind Arawn
but the Creature surges forward and head butts
the suit throwing him about 5 feet away denting
his armor as he impacts on the ground again.
Suit #4 steps past the flames and
continues to be on fire. It takes a shaky step forward and collapses.
Suit #5 does the same makes it 2 feet
past the flames and falls to the ground burning more.
Suit #7 swings at Barbosa who side
steps and brings shield up just in time to block it.
Suit #8 swings on Barbosa hitting him
in the right middle ribs. Doing 6
points. Barbosa yelps in pain and collapses.
[Time: 1:24:19 pm South-East of Ma'Dor]
[Turn 2: Phase 2]
Arawn studies the runes for possible
traps or other methods. If this place can cave
in the entrance it could do the entire cave? Then
he notices the portal rune blinking more
steadily. He glances behind him and sees the
creature now only 2 feet away staring at
him. The suit near him now a bit further
away. He glances at the portal sure enough its
flickering faster. Only a Alfar with keen sight
might notice this. How long do they have?
Mournath swings on #2 but misses.
Kiet moves toward #2 slipping past
Dorhak and swinging his tulwar but only dings
against his armor. But he judges it so the fire
only engulfs the suit not Dorhak. But the waist
high fire is actually closer to Dorhak's face being short.
Then Kiet runs toward the portal and
ends up about 2 feet away form it.
Suit #2 takes 15 points of damage
from the fire. But remains standing.
Z'leyra sees Barbosa massively hit
with blood gushing out in 4 areas and she figures
he is likely dead. But instead of helping she
swings on #8 hitting his right shoulder severing
his right arm off doing 23 points of damage.
Raddok swings on #1 but fails to
hit. He sees Barbosa fall and wonders why the healer isn't helping?
Suit #1 swings back at Raddok but fails to hit.
Suit #2 seems alert or smart or just
lucky. It steps away from the fire right toward
Mounrath but burning even more. Taking 12 more
points. Mournath narrowly misses the suit of
armor falling right on him as it hits the ground burning.
Suit #3 stands amazingly again! But
the creature charges and butts the suit right
into the fire taking 10 points and then pieces of
armor shatter all over the ground from the fire damage.
Suit #7 moves toward Z'leyra swings but misses.
Suit #8 picks up his mace from the
ground where his arm fell and swings to his left
dropping his shield. He swings on Z'leyra and
hits her in right middle ribs doing 4 points of damage.
Pyan moves toward #7 spears it with a
middle rib hit doing 3 points.
Dorhak moves to help the down Barbosa
swinging mace at #1 but fails to hit.
Then those who see the portal notice
it flicker about 20% faster at least maybe
more. The perimeter begins to vibrate as well around the portal visually.
Actions? Comments?
Next Update: Saturday?
GM: These weeks are really hectic. With
doctor visits and visits to doctors for 2 days a
week for next 2 months gives me less time plus
other normal duties and errands. So sorry if 1
update per week. Tried to do 2 last week but
issues stopped that. All can see portal flicker
clearly now. Will try next update Saturday I
hope. If staff helps and not slacks. Only 3 suits really left.
GM: Dorhak- If want to yell orders I'll
consider that this last phase
retroactively. Course its odd the creature hasn't done much to you guys.
GM: Map
* Cave Map
1 Hex= 10 feet 1 Column=5 feet, 1 Row = 5 feet /I\-North is top
1 2 3 4
[/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ ] A ~~~ - Rock wall
[\__/ \__/$$$__/ $$$_/ \__/ \__/ \ ] B [ ] - Rock Wall
[/ \__/$$$__$$ \__/$ \__/ \__/ \__/ ] C % - Old tunnel exit now blocked
[\__/$$$__/M \_$$ \$_/ \__/ \__/ \ ] D @@ - Altar-platform
[K$$$__/ \__/ \$_/$ \__/ \__/ \__/ ] E O - Portal
O\__/ \__/ S\A@/$ $_/ \__/ \__/ \ % F $ - Fire Trail 5' wide
{/ \__D \__/ \$_/$$$__/ \__/ \__/ ] G
{\__/ 1R__/ \__$ $$$/ \__/ \__/ \ ] H
{/ \__/P \__/ $$$$$$ \__/ \__/ \__/ ] I
{\__/ B7Z_/ \__$$ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ ] J
{/ \__8 \__/ $__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ ] K
{\__/ \__/ \__$ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ ] L
A - Arawn [F14] - Facing East, on platform steps
D - Dorhak [G 7] - Facing south
F - Fremea [???] - Unknown
K - Kiet [K 1] - Facing south
M - Mournath [D11] - Facing East
P - Pyan [I 8] - Facing West
R - Raddok [H 7] - Facing North
U - Unali [???] - Unknown
Z - Z'leyra [J 8] - Facing south
B - Barbosa [J 6] - Facing up down
$ - Creature [F10] - Facing East
1 Suit #1 [H 6] Facing West Mace, Shield Plate Mail
2 Suit #2 [---] Down
3 Suit #3 [---] Facing Up Mace, Shield, Glaive, Plate Mail [Fallen]
4 Suit #4 [---] Down
5 Suit #5 [---] Down
6 Suit #6 [---] Down
7 Suit #7 [J 7] Facing East Mace, Shield, Plate Armor
8 Suit #8 [K 7] Facing North Mace, Plate Armor
9 Suit #9 [---] Not moving
X Suit #10 [---] Fallen, not moving
Y Suit #11 [---] Down
z Suit #12 [---] Down
GM: Damage -
Player Damage
Barbosa 16+4+1+5
Unali 6
Raddok 8
Arawn 5
Z'leyra 4
GM: Experience
Player Experience
Dorhak 7 Mace
Raddok 10, 24, 2 Mace
Mournath 3 - Spear
Pyan 9, 3, 3 - Spear
Z'leyra 12, 6, 23 Great Sword
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