[pnpgm] Game Update #101 - File #751 - Escape to death?
pnpgm at comcast.net
Mon Oct 21 00:36:04 CEST 2019
Resending in case list was down...should be back up
Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human/Miner
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to Z'leyra
Game Web Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
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Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net
Game Update #101 sequence (file #751)
Admin Notes: None.
From Pyan: [Re: Actions]
Pyan makes sure no Armor suit is
going to attack him them makes
GM: Ack. Good stuff.
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
"Arawn! Move it!"
If he doesnt move immediately, Kiets going thru that portal!
GM: Ack.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Unless in immediate danger, once
thru the portal Z'leyra will cast the best
healing spell that she can cast in one phase on
Barbosa. If no danger threatens she will follow
that up with regular healing skills.
GM: Ack.
From Bess: [Re: Emails]
[I found several pnpgm emails in
my Spam folder, when looking for an email I
hadn't yet received. Evidently, the last time
Yahoo Mail updated itself, several things got
moved to Spam, which were stupid choices. Good
thing I checked; I've cleared the ones landing
there (that I found) & am still going to the
website to be sure I have all the information.
Will be checking spam foldre now for the next 1-2
weeks, to get everyone's emails back on track. (Stupid computer program :(
GM: Ack. Glad found it. Issue is
with these free emails like yahoo, hotmail,
google and such they aren't as good as a ISP meal
like say @comcast.net or such. For example in 8
years I've had only 3-4 spam emails but 0 went to
spam. Thanks to the comcast servers. But it also
means they can block emails seeing it as
spam. So its not 100% perfect. But I'm
confident in my isp over the free ones. :) Gmail
for example will often bounce stuff very often. Beyond my control. :<
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
Raddok dashes to the portal
after his final swing at suit #1,
GM: Ack. Good post.
[New Stuff]
[Ma 3rd, 1636TH]
[Time: 1:24:28 pm South-East of Ma'Dor]
Pyan makes sure no Armor suit is
going to attack him then makes for the portal at
full haste as he looks around do make sure he
doesn't run into another suit of armor he notices
Barbosa missing, did he already make it through
the portal? He also notice Z dragging something
and wonders what she's up to, but he was ordered
through the portal *now* so doesn't think
anything more about it, instead focusing on the
terrain so he doesn't trip while running as fast at he can.
Raddok dashes to the portal after his
final swing at suit #1, coming almost to a stop
at the pulsating entrance, Z'leyra right in front
of him. He quickly slings his mace onto its belt
hook & gives a hand to her, grabbing for one of
Barbosa's ankles to help move him faster, but his injured shoulder gives a
serious twinge as he lifts the unconscious
dwarf's leg, then trying to grab behind the limp knee to better lift him.
Nevertheless, he plunges through the
portal doing his best to keep hold of at least
that much weight, vanishing into the unknown with
Z'leyra & Barbosa, already thinking he might have to drop
Barbosa's leg to re-draw his mace once he can see
again. He's beginning to feel a bit dizzy now
with the light all around him, and with the break in the
fight - brief as that may turn out to be.
The shield was heavy, & he kept it as
close as he could to balance its weight above his
injured shoulder & off the arm itself, for the
strain on the arm would weaken his hold, until
the shoulder could be tightly bound to support
the torn muscles. He could feel some blood
trickling down his back, but he was far more
concerned at the moment of how bad Barbosa looked.
[Time: 1:24:30 pm South-East of Ma'Dor]
"Arawn! Move it!" Kiet bellows as smoke rides from the fires.
Arawn turns around and becomes almost
panicked. If he was a human but he is slightly
above that due to being a Alfar and a trained
priest. But his heart aches and his mind
reels. Sure the creature slept here high above
for centuries. But it can do that again? Surely
it won't starve. Arawn knows his weakness to
others is his caring of others. As he turns he
sees Kiet slow down no his mouth and words?
He glances at the portal and it too is slower in
its blink rate. Is time slowing or is he? Back at
the flying castle island he did things he had no clue he could do.
Arawn turns back to the runes. A
mental map of the choices shines in his
mind. The dormant rune has to be it. But he
can't determine the combinations on how to fix
the portal or remove magic here to allow
escape. He pushes the dormant rune and it turns gray.
Then seem to flex faster. Before
Arawn can try 2 possible runes he feels a
tug. Suddenly the creature lifts him fully in
its mouth but no pressure and moves toward
the portal. As his body transitions into the
portal he tries to mouth a prayer. But his eyes
fake him out ? The creature is dissolving?
Arawn sees images in his mind. As if
to signify too late time is up. Then suggestion
of its his duty to remain here. Then Arawn can
feel gratitude. Arawn concentrates and conveys
there are always possible solutions.
At the threshold Arawn is dropped and
he drops his shield from his back. Then Arawn
reaches out and touches the creature's face and
feels a tingle as the creature tilts his head
and pushes Arawn through the portal.
Then Arawn leaves.
Kiet reaches down and grabs the
discarded shield. He looks up to see the
creature yawn and shake his head as if confused
or sleepy? Then he hears a rumble all around. He
has heard this before when the entrance
collapsed. Suddenly rock and debris falls from
the ceiling. Then boulders size of wagons.
Kiet turns to back himself through
the portal. Never turn back to a creature. As
he transitions he believes he sees an
illusion? The form of the creature seems to lose
mass. Or is that the insubstantial effect
Z'leyra uses? At the same second the creature
seems to lay down but a shimmer of some energy
surrounds him as boulders land on him but bounced
off by some shield? Maybe the dormancy protects
him? But even more happens. At the last half
second of flames engulf the portal it seems the
portal sucks in that insubstantial creature
energy. But does it set if on fire or something else?
Then Kiet leaves the cave as it collapses.
[Time: 1:24:12 pm South-East of Ma'Dor]
Fremea flies out of portal with
dagger in hand and is pushed downward. She is
suddenly hit by a drenching deluge. The water is
pushing her down and soaking her wings. Wasn't
it sunny and clear outside? Now its dark and
raining. It takes here a few moments to try to get her bearings to find Velf.
Then Unali appears and is
drenched. She shields her eyes to get her own
Then Fremea detects movement a dozen
feet away. Visibility here is maybe 20 feet if
15 at times. She tries to fly that way but is
water logged so slower. She sees a human black form and charges.
Unali follows fast behind.
Fremea reaches for Velf's shoulder?
But as she does Velf tumbles to the ground. What
the heck? There is a arrow on his side and
another broken on the ground that fell off from
his back. She checks the body and find him dead.
Fremea curses as Unali
arrives. Fremea looks for the book and looks. But doesn't find it.
[Time: 1:24:20 pm South-East of Ma'Dor]
Seconds later the rest emerge into
the new area and move aside for the next
person. Z'leyra and Pyan appear with Barbosa carried.
Fremea takes to the sky to see may
have shot those arrows. But she is so weighted
down by the water she can only get to top of the
trees and standing on a limb. She strains for clues but the rain is so thick.
Unali bends and tries to follow a
ground trail but what is damage from the rain and
from a person? She needs Pyan who may have experience here.
Z'leyra leans down ignoring the rain
and checks Barbosa but finds no pulse at
all. She quickly casts a spell before doing any
first aid and tries to heal the dwarf. But she
checks again there is no pulse. She curses too
too much damage. Maybe if she healed him in the
cave moments earlier he might've lived?
Dorhak stares fist clenched at
Z'leyra. He watches as she tries but fails and
sits back slightly giving up. He growls.
Then Arawn is almost tossed through
the portal. He sits on his knees and hands sad
a tear or is that just rain falls down his
cheeks. Then he realizes if he can go back he'll
try. He turns and stands just as Kiet shows up.
Kiet finds himself in a steam
bath. The fire tries almost in vain to douse the
flames out behind him. They are now about 90%
out and creating clouds of steam due to the rain.
The portal closes just as Kiet arrives.
The party finds themselves in
darkness drenched by fire. But its not a storm
darkness its night. On Vahear it was day now its
dark? Where have they ended up?
Actions? Comments?
Next Update: Saturday?
GM: A good spot to stop. Was going to
do a bit more. But can do that later. I work
Monday so can't do update then. Tue/Thur
busy. Wednesday I can try but we shall see if
not it'll have to be Saturday. Sorry I've not
done 2 updates a week lately. Tue/Thur are super
busy for at least another month. So not much of
a vacation. :< BE ADVISED: Comcast alerts me
that email will be done Sunday night for a few
hours. I assume this means 11pm est? Sat night
or Sunday night unsure which they mean. I assume
emails will not bounce. But send to the list and
it should get to me once I pick them up. But if
you have personal emails send Tonight/Sat or
Monday/day. Experience noted and recorded See
mana chart online for details. Just experience
updated mana and other stuff not updated.
GM: Kiet fire should end in 15-20 seconds as spell.
Arawn You literally ran out of
time. Based on your email and other factors I
hope you like above. Unless Kiet tells you, you
are unsure if creature lived or not even Kiet may not know. Fun mystery. :)
Pyan Your connection to creature
was done before Arawn technically and you may
have saved the party. After it read your intent
and maybe mind he saw no threat and that's why he
didn't rampage. But if hadn't made that 1st
connection things might've been far worse. Good job!
GM: Damage -
Player Damage
Barbosa 16+4+1+5 [Dead]
Unali 6
Raddok 8
Arawn 5
Z'leyra 4
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