[pnpgm] Update #121, File 904 - Raddok
Bessie Hadley
eleabess at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 2 06:05:29 CEST 2020
[Brr! on reading this till got to date - then Boo! You had me again, Scott - lmao & thanks for breaking the suspense this time. I remembered this in February, bu the times distract my memory lol.]
(((Background on the way Raddok uses his tent: -----
1) due to night blindness occurring when facing a campfire, Raddok pitches his 2-man tent with the door AWAY from the campfire - in this case the tent would be facing north or a bit NW - this will be as it is, unless you had already planned otherwise, GM. -----
2) Since sharing the tent & his tentmate uses daggers, he will have asked Unali's ok ((the party would already be aware of Raddok's tent habits if I had thought to mention them earlier - sorry 'bout that...)) that Raddok prefers to sleep on the left side (left side when facing tent door flap from outside the tent), so that his shield can rest on edge against the front tent pole, ready to his left arm, and mace by his side edge of tent, ready to his right arm, when he is rising to exit tent - he sleeps with head toward entry & in emergency rolls to his hands & knees so shield by left hand & mace by the right. His covers are easily thrown aside toward the edge or rear of the tent. Sometimes he turns shield a bit to half-block the entry, especially if sleeping during day; usually it's perpendicular to the front of the tent, if not in the way of tent-partner-----
3) He has a way of tying a slipknot on the rear stake of the tent, so that if pulled, the rope comes loose & that tent pole can fall inward to the center of the tent, partially collapsing it - this he does so that he can see past the tent, & so that it's less likely an enemy will hide in the tent when empty -----my apologies - a long written explanation for a simple set-up, but trying to be clear.)))
OOC: If GM has allowed for this tent set-up as explained, & Raddok is able to wake up for this next phase, he will sit up quickly in the tent, throwing off covers toward tent wall, and grab shield to place it on arm, then grab mace & toss flap aside (if shut) to look outside & scramble out if ground ahead is clear (figure light at about 60%?) Horses & campfire are behind him as he's facing NNW. He may or may not see the wolves #1 & 9 - depends on how close tents are, but he can see movement on both sides of his tent, and possibly the scream of a horse (?)
His adrenaline will be up - since Unali will be right next to him, he will turn to help Zleyra & let Unali handle the other direction, until he sees what's happening. He knows the targets could be the horses, especially when sees the wolves & he will move toward the horses, moving around his tent, collapsing the rear pole of the tent by pulling the rear stake, so the pole will fall toward the center of his tent, then running south dodging the fire, then if sees the the 3 wolves to the west & south, will move that way, if not helping Z & if Unali not under attack.
His armor is still in the tent for now, although he's wearing his usual garb to stay warm. He will work his way toward the horses as fast as he can, but try to help anyone that seems to need it, using shield and mace, & keeping his eyes away from the campfire. (As he moves south, he can raise his shield to block the firelight as needed, so he can see better around him.)
Emotionally, he's a bit startled to see WHITE wolves, although in snowy country it makes sense & growls a bit about foreign-land surprises, forgettting he wanted adventure & to explore was one major reason he left home. If his father could see him & his new friends now...
[If this is muddy to you, movement-wise, please send me an email, but I know situation currently rather fluid - lol. He will move between histent & Z's, dodging the campfire site, looking south, west & east for anything moving that shouldn't be there - or even not moving]
Bess L. Hadley
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