[pnpgm] Game Update #124 - File #935 - Story time by Gnorf
pnpgm at comcast.net
Thu Apr 16 04:32:08 CEST 2020
Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
2 Horses for pack animals
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Game Update #124 sequence (file #935)
Admin Notes: Roster updated with Gnorf.
From Kiet: [Re: Actions
After the fight, Kiet will allow
the earth strength to regenerate his damage, then
dispel the effect when all damage is healed. He
feels slightly weary afterward, but also isnt surprised.
GM: Ack.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Z'leyra offers instruction in
healing skill as she patches the wounds of those
that want her to (including herself). Then she
uses her staff and for those that want magical
healing will use Healing Mist to heal the damage.
She gifts two throwing daggers to Tsia.
Asks party "Do you folks want wolf pelts?"
GM: Ack. Give daggers when she has
her own daggers but Dorhak doesn't want them to be given to her?
From Fremea: [Re: Actions]
Fremea is upset with herself for
letting one of the wolves damage her wing. She
will tend to herself and use her own healing
spell to repair it. After that is done, she will
check to see if these wolves have any properties that she could utilize.
GM: Ack.
From Tsia: [Re: Actions]
Tsia gasps for each breath, each one letting her know she
GM: Ack.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions[
Arawn laid a hand on the still body of the horse, uttering a
[OOC: I assume the horse is
too far gone to use Revivification on but Arawn
will attempt it if it seems reasonable to his
assessment. Otherwise he'll do as listed above unless urged otherwise.]
"The shunted the other wolves
quite a distance away but best we
GM: Ack. Yes horse entrails out and
to fix that and then Revive would've taken too long. Too far gone.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
Seeing Kiet's energetic fatigue
Arawn came over the man to offer his
services. "That spell seems to have taken a bit out of you. I can
OOC: By now Kiet (and most of
the party) would know that Arawn is very adept at
using the Energy spell to restore EnL (as he uses
it frequently, at least on himself). So if anyone
needs their Energy Level restored you can always
go to Arawn for help with this.
BTW, Scott, Arawn will use it on
himself as well as I think I burnt up some Energy
sometime in the last couple of posts. Just not
sure at this point. With his tweak I'll take a
guess that EL 1 will be sufficient for him and
Kiet unless he somehow senses otherwise.
GM: Ack. Unsure if need it I'll check
energy section on the mana report.
From Raddok: [Re: Actions[
Raddok, unhurt, will help with whatever chores he is given,
GM: Ack.
From John: [Re: Mep]
I was just looking at the combat
cep and mep. Did Arawn receive any mep
for using Translocation on the 3 wolves?
GM: Ack. Yes. Should be on
report. If not sorry but its already done on sheet. MEP-80 Expertise-20.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions[
Arawn will be taking care of the
horse and wolves. Posted it in my update when you
get a chance to check it out:)
GM: Ack. Saw it just making sure it
was covered. :) Keep in mind doing this for 7
wolves and 1 horse may take 2 spells and more mana.
From Dorhak: [Re: Actions]
Well, I was going to just push
the horse off the nearest slope off the
trail. If Arawn wants to waste his magic on
sending the horse far away, thats his
choice. Dorhak wont say anything to the contrary.
"Well, its near morning enough that theres not much point
GM: Ack. God I can't believe I've forgot Gnorf in battle. :<
From Kiet: [Re: Actions[
The short Captain has a point
about not bothering to try to go
GM: Ack. Yeah I was hoping you'd hit
with your Str bonus. But bad rolls at least the wolf attacking you did fumble.
From Unali: [RE: Actions[
After the fight Unali speaks up
"Captain, this shows that each
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Ma 5th, 1636TH]
[Time: 5:55 am]
Arawn laid a hand on the still body
of the horse, uttering a prayer to ease the
spirit of the fallen creature. Unlike most of the
group he was privy to the horses conversation,
joining in at times during their brief time
together. For him that loss of life weighed
heavier that it might on the others.
Rising to his feet he spoke to the
remaining horses, consoling the herd animals as
best he could before looking to the dead wolves
around him. He knew that the bodies could not
remain here as it would end up drawing scavengers
to the campsite. He wandered over to the dead
wolves, saying a prayer on their behalf as well.
He held them no ill-will as they were doing what
they did to survive and he hoped that they would
return to the cycle in time, hopefully with an easier life.
When it finally seemed appropriate he
Translocated the horse and the wolves a distance
away, not too far from the location where he
translocated the living wolves of the pack. It
would allow them to mourn and to feast, at least
from the horse - it's spirit was free and its
body would feed others to help them live and, for
at least a short time, keep others from being hunted.
"The shunted the other wolves quite a
distance away but best we keep up guard duty for
the next few hours unless everyone wants to break
camp now," he cautioned the others.
Seeing Kiet's energetic fatigue Arawn
came over the man to offer his services. "That
spell seems to have taken a bit out of you. I can
restore what was lost if you'll let me."
Raddok, unhurt, will help with
whatever chores he is given, whether helping
bandage wounds or checking on the horses and/or
supplies for any damage. If wolf skins are handed
out, he would like one, but certainly won't mind
if gets none; he would have it made into a warm
hood/short cloak, & perhaps a belt - but he's
merely distracting himself from Tsia's injuries & pain by thinking about it.
He feels of little use, since the
party has experienced healers, but is more than
willing to help them out if healing fails or is
incomplete. If not needed, he will begin to pack
up his tent & other supplies that need repacking
around the camp. He is still uneasy about where
the vanished wolves went, and keeps a wary eye out around the camp's borders.
Tsia gasps for each breath, each one
letting her know she still is apart of the
living. The pain is almost mind numbing as she
looks at those about her. Then at the dead.
As she regards Z'leyra and tries to
give a reassuring smile though it still comes out
as a rictus grin. "Thank you for any healing and
the daggers, I am not one too capable of giving
gratitude, other than repaying kindness for kindness," she offers.
Dorhak looks around. Where was Gnorf still sleeping?
"Well, its near morning enough that
theres not much point in trying to go back to
sleep. Besides the fact that a good fight really gets the ol' blood pumping!"
"Does anybody know what those were? Snow wolves, maybe?"
The short Captain has a point about
not bothering to try to go back to sleep. It was
Kiets watch anyway. He wasnt gonna go back to sleep anyway.
Dammit! Kiets kind of pissed
off. Those damn wolves were fast! So fast he
couldnt hit the broadside of a wolf!
Gods! The embarrassment of it
all. Hopefully none of the others noticed how
poorly he fought. Admittedly hes a better mage
than a fighter, but to prove it in front of
everyone else is quite the different matter.
At least the wound doesnt hurt
anymore. Some thanks to this armor or it could have been much worse.
Oh, wait! The armor.
Z'leyra gives two daggers to Tsia but wonders
if Dorhak will allow her to keep them. She
glances at the wolves, asks party, "Do you folks want wolf pelts?"
After the fight Unali speaks up,
"Captain, this shows that each of us should have
a weapon nearby at all times. Danger may strike
when least suspected, and an unarmed traveler
might end up dead trying to find a way to defend.
So I suggest that Tsia keeps her dagger with her
from now on. She nearly got killed there while searching for them."
Fremea enters a nearby empty tent and
treats her wound and is upset about being even
bit at all but those wolves jump high. She knows
a healing spell will not be as good as best it
might only heal a 3rd of her wound. So she lays
down and casts a healing mist spell. She goes
into a slight coma for almost 2 minutes and wakes
up to find her wound all healed up.
Those who notice Kiet step aside a
bit away from party and talk to himself. Usually
hes looking at the sky but this time down at his
feet. But no one can understand him. Few
seconds later thanks to Kell's shield, Kiet's
wound is fully healed. But he is a bit winded
and thats when Arawn makes his offer.
Z'leyra gathers the two wounded
Tsia and Barbosa. She treats herself and them
then explains the aspects of the Healing
Mist. Tsia becomes very anxious on hearing that
she may become comatose. She is concerned for
reasons she keeps private for now.
Almost immediately Barbosa is
healed. It takes another minute before Tsia is
fully healed. Then another 30 seconds after that Z'leyra is fully healed.
Gnorf wakes up and exits his tent,
jaw slacked he looks around, what did I miss?
He looks at the wolves. Oh, Blood Wolves. Glad you handled them.
Arawn collects wolves near the dead
horse. To send 7 wolves and a full horse will
take his full magical power. He casts his
highest translocation spell and sends them all away.
[Ma 5th, 1636TH]
[Time: 6:13 am]
The party breaks camp as the sun
rises. Today it is a overcast day most of the
day. It is a mild day at only 53 degrees at one
point but a warm 79 at the height of the day.
[Time: 8:23 am]
A sudden hail storm hits the trail
lasting 7 minutes with on average stones as large
as 4 inches in diameter hitting the ground.
[Time: 11:44 am]
A cool drizzle drops onto the party
as they plod along on foot. It lasts almost 30 minutes (29).
[Time: 8:34 pm]
At the camp that night rain falls in
moderate sheets almost dousing the campfire. All
but the two sentries enter tents to stay out of
the rain. It lasts 9 minutes and
passes. Everyone exits the tents and tries to
find less damp ground under trees to sit around
the campfire to warm up. Gnorf begins to talk
about the country and its neighbors as best he knows.
[Time: 9:01 pm]
As Gnorf continues his story Barbosa yells, 'to arms!
That's when that familiar noise is
heard the bark of the hyena. As six suddenly
charge from the darkness toward
Barbosa. Another lone Hyena charges right toward Arawn or Pyan?
[Time: 9:01:00 pm]
[Turn 1: Phase 1]
GM: Actions? Comments?
Next update...Tue/Wed?
GM: This should be a fast combat as the
beasts aren't too fancy. A way for quick
experience if needed. Will do 2 phases next
update. I know back to back but its faster this
way than delaying a update in between. I may not
get to it Saturday as I work thur/Fri so far. So
probably next update is next week. They are fast
but not as fast as the wolves and all things were
random. D6 for hex side (1=top) and then d3 how
many hexes around campfire in that direction. If
you rather be sitting that's fine. The 2
sentries are fully geared. Since everyone is up
I can assume folks have some form of
weapon. Whether you have armor is up to you but
I can handle it if need be. Mana updated to
reflect current info/stats. I will remove
experience for this combat to be added
there. Can't believe I forgot Gnorf but added now. :)
Arawn: No need for energy spell as your
full up to Kiet if he wants it. Let me know on Els.
Dorhak: Does Tsia keep weapons?
GM: Combat Map
/I\=North 1 Hex=10 feet, 1 Row = 5 feet, 1 column = 5 feet
1 2 3
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ A * = Campfire = L17
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ B
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ C
\__/ \__/ \__/7 \__/ \__/ \__/ D
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ E
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ F
/123__/ \__/ \AP/ \__/ \__/ \_ G
\456 \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ H
/ \__B \__/ \T_/ \__/ \__/ \_ I
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ G__/ \__/ J
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \K_/ \__/ \_ K
\__/ \__/ \__/ *\__H \__/ \__/ L
/ \__/ \__/ \*_/ H__/ \__/ \_ M
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ N
/ \__/ D__/ \__/ \__Z \__/ \_ O
\__/ \__/ \__/MU\__/ \__/ \__/ P
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ R\_ Q
\__/ \__/ \__/F \__/ \__/ \__/ R
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ S
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ S
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ U
A Arawn [G16] Standing facing south
D Dorhak [O9] Standing Facing NE
F Fremea [R16] Sitting on tree limb 7' up facing north
G Gnorf [J24] Standing, Facing SW
K Kiet [K22] Standing Facing SW
M Mournath [P16] Standing Facing North
P Pyan [G17] Standing, Facing south
R Raddok [Q32] SENTRY, Walking clockwise, scanning area around camp
T Tsia [I16] Standing, Facing east
U Unali [P17] Standing facing north
Z Z'leyra [O24] Standing Facing north
H Horses [L/M21] 2 horses tied up facing campfire west
B Barbosa [I6] SENTRY walking clockwise circle, scanning area N&W
1 - G1
2 - G2
3 - G3
4 - H1
5 - H2
6 H3
7 - D16
PS I see Dorhak's new post but too late ot add here. Sorry
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