[pnpgm] Game Update #159 - File #1168 - Party camps the night..err..day?
pnpgm at comcast.net
Tue Dec 15 06:05:55 CET 2020
Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Upus............Warrior.Gerald.Ford........Ma..Normal/Barbarian Warrior
..Kimis...........Warrior.NPC................Fe..Normal/Diumgi Companion
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Bes (2).........Warrior.npc................Mo..Bes..............
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Game Update #159 sequence (file #1168)
Admin Notes: None.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
OOC: Been busy and haven't had
the chance to read the last couple of updates. Looks like I missed a bit:)
[Time: 4:04:13 pm]
Arawn nodded when King Strata shared information regarding
"I'll see to your wounds. But we
need to be more careful, all of
OOC: Healing Mist at EL 0 (Sidh
tongue and Empathy boost), group version to heal them.
[Time: 4:10 pm]
The execution and healing done
he then began to scour the ground
"Their lair might be nearby if
anyone wishes me to track their
[Time: 6:21 pm]
As the party continued forward
Arawn took point, disappearing into
[OOC: Decode spell on the journal]
[Time: 9:12 pm]
Deciding to take the opportunity
of a clear view as provided by
"Z'leyra, as an eagle shaman do
you think you might be able to
GM: Ack. All been busy. I assume
after holidays it will slow down. We shall
see. The box was unlocked by key in his
boot. The Journals are unlocked. Already so no
need for Sapphire. What Decode EL? Magic of code
demonstrates a very high degree. I'll decode it
at forest edge later once know.
From Raddok: [Re: Actions][
As they leave the area of the
dead Grundwergen, Raddok is very
GM: Ack.
From Fremea: [Re: Actions]
Fremea just shakes her head at how she missed these vile
GM: Ack.
From Dorhak: [Re: Actions]
"we've been awake and active for
over half of a full day. Our
GM: Ack.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
If we camp in the wood Arawn
will use his Forest Survival help to find an area
that might provide cover for the party to avoid
ambush/spot danger early. On watch he'll use the
elven ability to Hide in Forest and use the
magical spy glass periodically to try and spot danger early.
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Ma 9th, 1636TH]
[Time: 4:04:13 pm]
Arawn nodded when King Strata shared
information regarding the Grundwergen along with
his suggestion for execution. The creatures, when
left to their own devices, preferred to keep to
themselves. However, they posed a great danger to
the Sidh and Elder forces in the area and a
blight on the animal life. He didn't relish the
idea of execution but knew that a failure to do
so would lead to the unnecessary death of others.
Seeing both Kimis and Opus badly
wounded the alfar joined Z'leyra as she tended to their wounds.
"I'll see to your wounds. But we need
to be more careful, all of us. I need to ration
what magic I have left as we've yet to discover
what lies ahead of us on our search for the
cave," he said in a thoughtful and caring manner.
Barbosa watches the Diumagi being
treated and leans over to whisper to
Dorhak. They have those red eyes. Think...they are related?
As the spell is explained to the
Diumagi, Kimis grips her battle axe handle in her
lap. She squints at the Alfar concerned or
agitated. Opus places a hand on her leg and the
anger soothes. Probably fearful of strange magic.
In moments the green mist falls, but
it does take a bit longer to activate probably
due to the world barriers/ After the mist falls the two are fully healed.
[Time: 4:10 pm]
The execution and healing done he
then began to scour the ground with the eye of a skilled tracker.
"Their lair might be nearby if anyone
wishes me to track their path here."
Indeed their trail would be easy to
follow with the large tracks, fur and slime. But
no one seems to do so. Dorhak doesn't care age
is little matter for dwarves and Alfar. But the
humans might complain. Plus that Vily might get
word and seeing them in the woods again could be bad.
[Time: 6:21 pm]
As the party continued forward Arawn
took point, disappearing into the forest as only
elves could. He scoured the area along the way,
keenly on the hunt for ambush, hidden lairs, and
tracks that the party might come across.
When Unali asked to study the cube
Arawn examined the other items - the crystal
triangle and the small book. He searched them for
any markings or hidden compartments. When Unali
was done with the yellow cube he did the same
with that item, hoping his training and the magic
of the topaz would reveal any hidden lock.
Lacking that he considered attempting to touch
his magical sapphire to the items but held off for now.
He chose to focus on the journal
instead, hoping it might provide information
regarding the other items and the dead being's seeming mission.
As Arawn weaves in and out of the
forest, Barbosa looks at Dorhak. The one needs
to use a bush often. Must drink a lot. But he
seems to disappear from our view a lot huh?
[Time: 9:12 pm]
Deciding to take the opportunity of a
clear view as provided by the open plain Arawn
decided to pull forth the magical spyglass. Using
his skills as a navigator he attempted to gauge
the general direction the underground silo/spy
station might have been facing to narrow down his
search of the mountain range. He peered through
it, scanning first the plain and then the
mountains, the latter for any sign of eagle rock or gathering of eagles.
"Z'leyra, as an eagle shaman do you
think you might be able to sense or call for any
eagles? They might be able to help us find Eagle Rock."
Arawn scans the plains and sees
little there is a large group of deer at one
point seeming to drink at a water hole about 3
miles west of the area. The magical glass seems
to have low low level magic on it. Giving only
about 4 miles of good vision. Clearly the man
was not looking for or at the mountains. Too
far. At 8-10 miles away they seem to be now only
4-5 miles closer. But even that the detail is
smudged from the blue haze of clouds and green
mountain forests. This confirms what the King
said earlier. The silo was spying on the magical
cave they were sent to form middle world. That
Is to the south not north. So who would
anticipate their or others- arrival? Was the
man a sentry from the ancients who setup the portals?
Sadly little detail is seen on the
mountains at this distance. Slightly to right
and east looks like possible jugged cliffs that
may be cave worthy. Maybe once the party is half
way across the plain they can pinpoint a direction.
Z'leyra considers the mountains that
look far 8-10 miles away. Is her abilities able
to reach that far? She might find forest eagles
here but would they go to the mountains or would she need mountain eagles?
As they leave the area of the dead
Grundwergen, Raddok is very relieved to be able
to begin to take deep breaths again without the
foul stench of the slimy bodies nearby. He keeps
an eye out for movement or anything that seems
odd or strange, as he, Dorhak & Barbosa follow as
the lead group behind Arawn's lead. As time goes
by, he gradually relaxes concerning immediate
danger, but he still doesn't know what to expect
in this strange place & remains vigilant and uneasy.
When they pause at the edge of the
forest, & Raddok sees the open plains/prairie
lands before them & the distant mountains, he has
a brief flashback of home & a painful punch of
homesickness that quickly vanishes when he thinks
of his father's absence from his growing years.
Raddok admires Arawn's thought of
eagles, & smiles at the idea,a feeling of hope
growing. But when Barbosa asks Dorhak about
whether or not they should take a break, he gets
worried again. He asks Arawn, Excuse me, Arawn,
but what was the time difference here in this
place again? If 8 or so hours have passed here,
how much time has passed back home? Can we risk
more than an hour or two of rest at any time? I
know naps will help, but - time is passing.
Looking back at the Captain, he apologizes.
Forgive me Captain, but I've forgotten & need to
know or I will get distracted by worrying I
have a girl back home, you know and I miss
her. I'm only human, and he smiles.
As the party murmurs of the red eye
creatures they finally take a break at the forest edge.
Fremea just shakes her head at how
she missed these vile creatures. If she just had
her magics, it would have been a much different
story. Once they see that it takes magic weapons
to destroy the last one, it makes more sense to her.
If she had her relic out she'd
probably detect it. But she did find that elf
and party never did. Those elves can hide well in forest and she found them!
Nothing for her to do, so Fremea
takes a few minutes to relax again before taking
off. Listening to the group starting to not be ok
with direct commands, which really none of them
should ever be, hopefully this short bearded one
will start to understand that. She takes off again to scout.
Reaching the edge of the woods, she
stops and puts on her best protective gear from
the sun - that doesn't seem to be there, yet
still makes her feel uncomfortable. She pulls out
her spyglass to look around, using the full
magics to see where she is supposed to be going to.
"We've been awake and active for over
half of a full day. Our people were wounded and
need to recover some. I think we will camp here,
in the woods edge, tonight. It should provide us
some cover." Dorhak tells the party.
The dwarf is quite familiar with the
lower world, with many stories told by the other
dwarves about the conditions here. "I dont want
to dally, though. Per my reckoning, I think a
full month has passed since we went through the
portal. Thats a long time for our ship to wait,
and a long time for you humans."
"Arawn an Pyandalgor, you take first
watch. Fremea, Kiet, and Opus with Kimis second
watch, then me, Raddok, and Unali third, with
Barbosa, Zleyra and Tisa for final." He looks
over to the Bes and says "Your majesty and your
bodyguard should rest. No watch for you unless you want to."
"If anybody needs to use Z's language
teacher, so everybody in a group can warn each other, please do so."
[Time: 9:21 pm]
As camp is setup and wood is
collected after Arawn found a decent place about
50 from plains edge, Unali approaches Arawn.
She asks to see the books and that odd ink well again.
"Arawn, whoever was in that tower
must have had a way to communicate. Why keep
these records in the journal. But I can't figure
out why you would need an ink well that cannot
contain ink at all. Somehow, these items must serve some other function."
First Unali places the ink well
over the journal found in chest uncoded
one. On top of it and nothing happens. She
flips to page 1 then same thing nothing. She flips to last page and nothing.
She does same for the Journal found
in box inside tree. Nothing on cover. Nothing on
first page. Last page nothing. First blank page
once its placed on the page a flash of red
sparks. The ink well remains in place but both
can see coded text printed on the page. It fills
up the page then next page to half way down. Both look at each other and grin.
But the text is still coded.
Arawn casts a decode spell on max but
the text remains coded. He knows whoever made it
or cast the enchantment is powerful even more so than some in group.
Arawn wonders if that was delayed
text or real time. Based on amount probably
delayed and not real time. So maybe the man was
going to be warned about the witches or something else?
[Time: 2:27 am]
Hours later darkness falls around the Lower World.
[Time: 5:18 am MW time]
Last shift party is nearing time to
break up camp. Z'leyra is on duty south of camp
on patrol. She spots and hears boars in the
bushes. She pulls her shield and sword out just
in case to deflect those boar tusks. In the
darkness she spots a adult female boar and a
cub. They are tearing the ground up for probably
food. She considers killing them for meat. But
it would take even more hours to prepare and
eat. Party still has rations. She scares the
boars away and toward the west.
By then the party is up and breaking
camp. Even though it is night the party is fully
rested and ready to move on. Those who can see
in darkness can take point and lead the
party. Sadly though the spyglasses will not be
so good at night. As the party enters the plains
the party sees a odd sky of overcast and no
stars. It is almost like a northern lights
thing. Flashes of green, yellow, pink and light
flash on the clouds. It is unclear if atmosphere lights or lightning?
GM: Actions? Comments?
Next update....Fri/Sat?
GM: I was going to do more but its 11
and a bit late now. So we'll move over plains
and see what's gonna happen. Was waiting for
info from Dorhak on how long to stay got that
Saturday late but too late to finish update so
why delayed. Not his fault. So schedule will
change soon. This is my last 5 days off. Next
week my last 3 days off. Then its 5 day work
weeks till September. So I hope to do 2 updates
a week. But don't count on it. :) I may do a
update sooner since I know what will happen next. But its late now.
GM: Groups- [here to remind me of walking groups]
1st Triad Dorhak, Barbosa, Raddok
2nd Triad Z'leyra, Tsia, Unali, King, Arawn.
3rd Triad Pyan, Opus, Kimis, Kiet.
GM: Experience -
Player MEP CEP Expertise Notes
Unali - 175 (40) Dagger x3
Unali - - 8 Two Handed Weapon
Z'leyra - 60 10 Sword x1
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