[pnpgm] Game Update #146 - File #1092 - Witch Combat Phase 3+4
pnpgm at comcast.net
Tue Sep 22 22:32:33 CEST 2020
Character Name Type Player Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Upus............Warrior.Gerald.Ford........Ma..Normal/Barbarian Warrior
..Kimis...........Warrior.NPC................Fe..Normal/Diumgi Companion
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Bes (3).........Warrior.npc................Mo..Bes..............
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Game Update #146 sequence (file #1092)
Admin Notes: Minor admin note. Last
update file # was 1082. Not 1081.
From Unali: [Re: Actions]
Seeing Opus standing alone,
Unali quickly charges his way, engaging
(2,3,4) with two daggers out and ready. If she can remember which of
these witches cast lightning, that is the first target of her anger.
It is bad enough to encounter
these witches at home, but they have no
place here and Unali is determined to make sure they will not leave this
GM: Ack.
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
Raddok yelling out translations,
hears the name L'p'nth shouted, suddenly knows
it's a nasty fight. His spine runs cold. He sees
more women coming from all directions & quickly
decides to try to lower the odds a bit. He takes
a step to Pyan's left, facing away from the
tower, & turns toward 3 females (#8, 9, & a)
still about 20 feet away or so. Still grasping
the mace in his hand, he carefully aims his hand
with the ring facing the 3 running women & says
the keyword to fire the ring at them.
If his aim is successful & the
women all go down, he will next quickly check
Pyan's actions, staying with his back to the
tower & near Pyan, but ready to charge the 3 he
just fired at, if they keep coming.
If he sees Opus in trouble, to his left, & ONLY
he has a clear shot he may try his 2nd ring shot
at #2,3 &4 but only if he's in no danger of
hitting Opus. In any case, his adrenalin is up &
he will charge up to 10 feet to attack a target
with his mace, but won't stray farther from his comrades.
At this point he cannot clearly see what's
happening to Mournath & those around him it's
too crowded from his point of view.
[OOC: it's hard to plan 2
actions when don't know how the 1st comes out
lol. Hope I gave enough options.]
GM: Ack. You did fine. I do 2
phases as 1 is a bit long and most combats are
over in 6-8. BTW no need to keep saying your
translating. I assume this. Just to save you
time in typing. :) Reminder to you and Kiet fire
darts can dual split so can do more than 1 target.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
As she is charging the one that
cast the spell on her, Z'leyra pronounces the
activation phrase for her boots to cast Speed.
Once at her opponent Z'leyra will fight
aggressively in order to put her opponent down,
hopefully stopping the spell before the spell kills her.
GM: Ack.
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
Kiet really wants to deal with
the B/w-itch that tried to burn him with with
Darkling Light. Inhuman stuff, that...and just
rude! As soon as he gets the witches attacking
him physically removed from play, he will launch
one ring fire at the witch that tried to fry him,
and then use the other ring to fry the one that shot up Z.
GM: Ack. Sigh. Folks are blocking
those targets. Firing on 3 could hit Arawn and
possibly hit Opus. Targeting C is blocked by
B. :< So will hold off on first fire for now. (1st phase).
From Dorhak: [Re: Actions]
dropped his magic sword? Shoulda stuck with the mace!
Dorhak reaches down to retrieve
the sword and begin using it in earnest on these
supposed witches. He doesnt have time to spend
worrying about the crew affected by the evil
magic, but it is a fleeting thought as he seeks to get back into the fight.
he aims another stroke at the nearest witch.
GM: Ack.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
As everything exploded into
bedlam Arawn's mind raced at a fantastic rate as
he took in the scene. They were surrounded, their
magical resources diminished, and two had already
succumbed to vile magic. He worried for the
others as they battled but chose to have faith in
their abilities, knowing that among them were
some very skilled and deadly fighters. But with
that came the thought, "Where is Fremea?"
In front of him Mournath choked,
writhing helplessly on the ground while a dark
corona descended upon Z'leyra. The alfar had
hoped to even the playing field a bit but
realized that the two might die if left
unattended. Taking a calculated guess, he thought
Mournath might last longer than Z'leyra who was
being consumed by Dark Lightning and so chose to focus on her first.
Trying to dispel it could mean
failure and his mind darted to the magical
tourmaline he carried. If he could get it into
her hands it would block the spell, ending it or
at least keeping her safe until it could be
dispelled later. But was it worth the time to
pull it forth? But even as he thought this, he
saw the shamaness preparing herself to charge the
witch and knew he knew that time was not on their side at the moment.
Phase 3: ...
GM: Ack. Since actions changed I just did part of post here.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
OOC: Communicated with Scott
and seems Arawn's medical training indicates that
Mournath is closer to dying so I'm editing my combat actions a bit.
Phase 3:
"Take the witches first!," he called out.
Arawn will attempt to Dispel
Chaos (max EL) on Mournath. If possible, while
doing so he'll attempt to pull the tourmaline container free.
Phase 4:
Recast Dispel Chaos (max EL) on
Mournath if necessary. Otherwise will cast
Invisibility (EL 0, Sidh Tongue to boost) on
himself. He will continue pulling out the
tourmaline container if needed. And unless
someone near him needs his help he'll try to get closer to Z'leyra.
GM: Ack.
From Opus: [Re: Actions
Opus attack closet enemies and swings with all his might.
My wife is in hospital and Im sick so not much to post.
GM: Ack. As said in email. Ignore
game and get both you guys well. Good recovery.
From John: [Re: Sickness]v
I'm so sorry to hear that. My
thoughts and prayers go out to your wife and
yourself. Take care and I hope you both have a swift recovery.
GM: Ack. Ditto.
[New Stuff]
[Ma 9th, 1636TH]
[Time: 2:30:07 pm]
[Phase 3]
Arawn generates his spiritual energy for a spell.
Female #3, Nude woman, 9 and C also
start to create magical energy for spells.
Pyan raises his bow and fires at
point blank at #9 hitting her in the lower right leg doing 5 points.
Female #2 and 4 draw daggers from
their back and immediately throw daggers at
Opus. Both go wide and miss him though.
Female #5 draws her own Throwing
Dagger and throws it at Arawn but it goes wide and misses.
Female 8 and #10 (a) throw daggers
toward Pyan and Raddok but also they both miss their targets.
Female #11 (b) and #13 (d) throw
daggers toward Tsia and Unali. Female #13 does
hit Unali in back but her armor protects her and dagger does no damage.
Raddok raises his hand and activates
his fire ring and the command to split it. The
fire dart shoots out heading toward #8 and 39 and
divided into 2 fire darts. Both impact and does
11 points of damage each. They scream but remain
standing even with Pyan's arrow in #9.
Z'leyra takes another 5 points of damage from the dark Corona.
Arawn casts his dispel spell on
Mournath and Mournath suddenly feels air flow in
his lungs and he can breath normally.
Female #3 casts Dark Lightning on
Barbosa and he is surrounded by the dark corona and burns.
The Nude points and speaks a spell
toward Raddok. But Raddok seems to feel no ill effects.
Female #9 had targeted Kimis for a
spell but once hurt by Pyan and Raddok's ring the spell fails.
Female #12 (#c) pointed at Raddok as well but that spell fails.
Z'leyra activates her boots for speed
and charges toward Female #12 (#c) she hits the
witch in right upper chest doing 11 points of damage.
Unali runs toward Females 2-4. She
stands in front of 3 and swings a dagger each at
3 and 4. Both hit in left shoulder and left arm
for 3 and 4, doing 23 and 11 points each
hit. But even with 23 hits the female seems to be standing fully.
Arawn sees Mournath seemingly to
recover form his dispel and so kneels to pull out
his bag. HE starts to dig for his tourmaline gem.
Tsia runs and helps Unali she swings at #4 but fails to hit.
Kiet turns and swings at #6 but the
blade of the tulwar goes lower hitting her right
leg just below hip doing 2 points.
Mournath reaches for his spear and
stands though a bit wobbly and weak as he tries to recover.
The King stabs at the female in front
of him with his spear but misses.
Opus runs to help Kimis and swings
his battle axe on female #15 (e) hitting her just
above her left hip doing 14 points of damage.
Raddok sees 2-4 being handled by
Unali and Tsia. He could charge #8-10 but that
would give them 3 vs 1. So waits for them to
come closer to give him the advantage.
Kimis glances at Opus and smiles and
swings on the one he attacked but fails and
almost loses her axe but there is no fumble.
The Nude female seems to yell
something in L'p'nth to the ground then stands here ground seemingly on guard?
Female #2 and 3 swings daggers at
Unali but both miss. Female #4 swings on Tsia
and hits but her armor protects her from damage.
Female #5 moves closer to Kiet and
swings dagger swiping across Kiet's middle left chest doing 2 points.
Female #6 swings at Mournath but
misses. Female #7 thrusts at Dorhak but misses.
Female #8 and 9 charge Pyan. Female
#8 swipes her dagger across his forehead just
above his eyes doing a massive 6 points, if it
was his eyes he'd be blind by now. Female #9
stabs him in the left shoulder doing a massive 20
points of damage. Pyan staggers back as blood
rolls down his face and into his eyes almost dead.
Female #10 (a) attacks Raddok but misses.
Female #11-13 attack Z'leyra. Female
12 and 13 miss their dagger strikes but #11 just
bypasses her shield and hits her on right arm but her chainmail protects her.
Female #14 (e) thrusts at Opus and
ducks lower as he swings his axe, she hits him in
the right leg doing 4 points. Female #15 (f)
swings at Kimis but misses. Female #16 (g)
thrusts at Barbosa as the dark corona affects him but misses.
Female #17 (h) misses the first bes
guard. Female #18 thrusts at the King and hits
squarely in right middle chest doing a massive 20
points impale to his chest. He screams in
pain. Female #19 fails to hit the last guard.
Bes guard #1 and #2 yell at the King
to back away to safety they both spear at the females but fail to both hit.
Dorhak swings sword at #7 but fails to hit.
Barbosa swings his mace on Female #16
)g) hits her in the left breast and does 4 points.
[Time: 2:30:10 pm]
[Phase 4]
Raddok sees Pyan wounded greatly and
fires his ring at #8 and 9 by a fire dart
split. Female #8 takes 14 more points from a
second blast and #9 takes 14 and she falls backward burning but not moving.
Z'leyra thrusts at #12 (#c) hits in
right lower abdomen above her hip doing 6 more points of damage.
Unali thrusts her daggers at #2 and
3. She hits #2 in lower right abdomen above hip
doing 16 points. Uanli stabs #3 in the neck with
her magical dagger doing a massive 29 points but
only needs 7 to kill the witch. With caster #3
dead Barbosa's dark lightning fades and he is unharmed.
Arawn finds the gem wrapped in a
cloth and holds it as he runs to Z'leyra, he
tells her to take this and releases it from the
cloth into her hand holding the shield. As he
does the light disappears. The tourmaline eats
the light and darkness falls within 25 feet of
Z'leyra. Arawn forgets the side effect and
frowns. HE suspects these witches prepared for
this. If they can cast dark powers they can certainly cast dark sight.
Tsia now with 2 daggers in hand
slices at #4 and one hits in right shoulder doing doing 3 points of damage.
Kiet cringes at this sudden darkness
around him. Probably a witch spell, certainly
not a ally side effect. He could swing at #6 but
might hit Dorhak and that'd be bad. But to his
left is #5 if he recalls, and hopes, he swings on
#5 but fails to hit due to the darkness.
Mournath sees only darkness and
decides risk is too great to hit Dorhak or Kiet so does not strike out.
Pyan drops his bow and grabs his
spear and thrusts at #8 but fails to hit.
Raddok swings his mace at #10 (a) and
hits in the right upper leg just as she tries to
dodge doing 14 points. The female almost
stumbles but she grits her teeth and works through the pain still standing.
Opus helps Kimis attacking #15 (e)
and hits doing 6 more points to left center chest with his axe.
The King wants to help but one simple
hit and he may die so he backs away and tries to recover.
The 2 Bes Guards pull rank and try to
block any from charging king, they both strike at
the nearby witches and both fail to hit.
Female #2 fails to hit Unali. Female
#4 does not make any contact on Tsia.
Female #5 thrusts at Kiet seemingly
oblivious to the darkness and hits but Kiet
brings his shield up and blocks the
strike. Female #6 swipes at Mournath but
misses. Female #7 stabs Dorhak in the lower
right abdomen just above his hip doing 8 points past his chainmail.
Female #8 swings at Pyan but misses
and #10 (a) thrusts at Raddok but also misses.
Female #11 (b) thrusts at Arawn but
misses. Female #12 (#c) and #13 (d) both attack
Z'leyra even among the darkness but both miss.
Female #14 (e) swings on Opus but
fails. Female #15 (f) thrusts at Kimis but
misses. Female #16 (g) attacks Barbosa but also
doesn't get close to the dwarf.
Female #17 (h) and #18 (#i) attack
bes guard #1. With #18 hitting with dagger in
his center chest doing 3 points. Female #19 (j)
raises her dagger and stabs the best guard #2 in
the right eye and the blade continues up into the
brain cavity doing 13 points. The guard dies instantly.
The last guard swings alive yells,
King hurt! Need help!! in Dwarf Elder. Then he
thrusts and hits #17 doing 2 points in her middle left chest with his spear.
Dorhak turns slightly so not to have
his swing hit Mournath since he is blinded by
this darkness and swings on #17. He hits for 6 points at her center chest.
Barbosa swings on his nearby female
but misses and is glad the dark lightning ended mysteriously.
GM: Actions? Comments
Next update...Saturday?
GM: Ok. Delays since staff were late to
help. We have 1 ally dead and many hurt. King is
critical and a paper cut could down him. The
darkness seems to hinder those it affects (25
feet around Z 2.5 hexes). The @ symbol denotes
this but for those in the darkness I keep the
player symbol but consider darkness there. It
mainly affects Arawn, Z, Kiet, Mournath and
Dorhak. Since this took days to do if I remember
right dark lightning effects are gone. Keep in
mind some casters are still alive. Will try to
do update maybe a bit Fri night after work and
then Sat after work. I figure Thursday would
push reactions too soon from you guys.
Kiet Didn't use rings since danger
of hitting others. Based on the initial targets
3/9 if I recall both are dead. You can target
#5/6 but you want experience. Keep in mind
darkness effects until that's fixed.
Unali - You on #2 should take her
out next phase. Tsia can try 4 but if you want
to help Opus still you can or move elsewhere (3-4
hexes I think your first PMR is 4). Let me know.
GM: Groups-
Kiet/Dorhak 1
Raddok/Mournath 2
Unali/Barbosa 3
Z'leyra/Tsia 4
Arawn/Opus/Kimis/Pyan 5
King/2 Bes 6
5 2 1 4 3 6 Spread out skirmish line.
GM: Map
/I\ = North
1 Hex = 10 feet 1 Column = 5 feet 1 Row = 5 feet
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_1/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ A
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ B
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ C
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ D
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ E
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ 2
4_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ F
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__UT
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ G
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_~/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ H
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_O/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ I
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/eI\__/ \__/ \8
a \S_/ h__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ J
/ \__/ \__/ \_
/ \fB/ \__/(*)__/PR\__/ \_Ci \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ K
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/g \__/ \__/@@\@@/@@\@@/@
j__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ L
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \@@/@@\@@/@@\@_/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ M
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/@@\@@/@@\@@/@
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ N
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \@@/@@\AZ/@@\@_/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ O
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__5KM\@@/bcd@@/@
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ P
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ 67D/@@\@@/@@\__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ Q
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \@@/@@\@_/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ R
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
@\@@/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ S
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/@@\__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ T
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ U
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ V
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ W
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ X
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ Y
(*) = Shaft? [K33]
~ = Poweder [H33]
@ = Darkness around Z'leyra 25 foot diameter
A = Arawn [O42] Bow
D = Dorhak [Q36] Short Sword/Shield
K = Kiet [P35] Tulwar, Shield
M = Mournath [P36]
P = Pyan [K38]
R = Raddok [K39] Shield/Mace
T = Tsia [G32] Dagger
U = Unali [G31] Daggers
I = Kimis [J24] Battleaxe
O = Opus [I24] Battleaxe
Z = Z'leyra [O43] Shield/Sword
B = Barbosa [K24] Shield/Mace
S = King [J44] Spear
C = Bes #1 [K48] Spear
N = Bes #2 [Dead]
1 = Nude Female [A36] ex-wolf
2 = #2 [F30] 3 - #3 [Dead] 4 - #4 [F32]
5 = #5 [P34] 6 - #6 [Q34] 7 - #7 [Q35]
8 = #8 [J38] 9 - #9 [Down] a - #10 [J40]
b = #11 [P42] c = #12 [P43] d - #13 [P44]
e = #14 [J23] f = #15 [K23] g - #16 [L23]
h = #17 [J49] i = #18 [K49] j = #19 [L49]
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