[pnpgm] RQ v2 sheet
Scott Adams
longshotgm at comcast.net
Wed Aug 25 17:52:41 CEST 2021
v2 with horse and spells
-------------- next part --------------
* RuneQuest Character Sheet
Player : Tobie Bonahoom
Name : Klorgar
Species : Human
Sex : Male
Age : 21
Social Class : Free
Nationaloty : Sartar, Swenstown Region
Culture : Sartar
Cultural Info: Sartar is the default Homeland for adventurers, a mountainous kingdom made up of Storm-worshiping hill tribes united by the royal house of Sartar. Sartar recently liberated itself from the Lunar Empire, and in doing so began the Hero Wars. It is now ruled by Kallyr Starbrow, and is a hotbed of magical questing, petty feuds, and would-be Heroes.
Culture/Religion: Tarshite/Orlanthi
Cultural Stereotype: The Sartarites are quarrelsome, reckless, and fiercely independent. Men are emotional, often violently passionate, with swiftly shifting opinions and feelings. Women are cunning, practical, and vengeful. The Sartarites are devoted to Orlanth and Ernalda, and hate the Lunar Empire with a burning passion.
Cult(s) : Orlanth
/ Ranks : Initiate
Cult Info: God of Farmers, Warriors and Kings. Orlanth is the King of the Gods, Master of Storms, Death Wielder, and Bringer of Light. He is one of the Seven Lightbringers, and is the chief of those deities. His worship is widespread throughout much of Glorantha. He made the world what it is with his strength, and his virtues keep it that way. By right of his deeds Orlanth claims overlordship of the universe. He is the god of warriors, farmers, and rulers, all three.
Cult Favored Runes: Mastery, Air Rune, Movement Rune
Cult Spirit Magic: (Not Free) Favored - Bladesharp (var.), Demoralize (2 pts.), Detect Enemies (1 pt.), Disruption (1 pt.), Heal (var.), Mobility (1 pt.), Protection (var.), and Strength (2 pts.). (Stuff they teach well not automatic)
Orlanth Adventurous (Warrior Subcult)
Spirit Magic: Fanaticism, Protection.
Special Rune Magic [Not Free - Favored] (Adventurous subcult only): Dark Walk, Earth Shield, Flight, Leap, Lightning, Mist Cloud, Shield, and Wind Words. There is also an all-female variant of the Adventurous subcult called Vinga Adventurous, which has access to all the above Special Rune Magic plus the Fearless spell. (Access not free ones)
Campaign : Aug 2021
Creation Date : 8/15/21
Finances : 7 L
STR : 18
CON : 18
SIZ : 15
INT : 18
POW : 18
DEX : 14
CHA : 13
Handedness : Right
SIZ SRM : 1 + DEX SRM : 2 = Melee SRM : 3
Damage Modifier : +1D6
Movement Rate : 8 Meters / SR
Experience Bonus : 18%
Hit Point Bonus : +2
Defense Bonus : 20%
Standard of Life : Free.
Base Income : 60 L
Ransom : 500 L
Loyalty (clan): : 60%
Love (family): : 60%
Loyalty (tribe): : 60%
Devotion (Orlanth) : 60%
Hate (Chaos) : 60%
Honor : 60%
Loyalty (temple) : 20%
Loyalty (unit) : 10%
Rune Affinities
Water : 0%
Earth : 40%
Fire/Sky : 20%
Air : 70%
Moon : 0%
Darkness : 0%
Form Runes
HArmon 60% /Disorder 40%
Stasis 15% /Movement 85%
Truth 60% /Illusoin 40%
Fertility 60% /Death 40%
Man 60% /Beast 40%
Manipulation Bonus: 20% Bonus
Climbing (15) ???
Hide Item (10) ???
Jumping (15) ???
Lock Picking (05) ???
Trap Set/Disarm (05) ???
Disguise (05) ???
Peaceful Cut (05) ???
Swimming (15) ???
Riding ??? 50%
Rowing (05) ???
Masonry (05) ???
Knowledge : 15% Bonus
Battle ??? 70%
cooking ??? 25%
Customs (Herotling) ??? 40%
Evaluate (05) ???
General (05) ???
Cattle Food (05) ???
Farm ??? 35%
Find Water (05) ???
First Aid (05) ??? 30$
Herd ??? 25%
Treat Disease (05) ???
Treat Poison (05) ???
Find Heal Plants (05)???
Identify Plants (05) ???
Identify Animals (05)???
Identify Minerals(05)???
Spirit Combat ??? 40%
Perception : 15% Bonus
Listen (25) ??? 35%
Scan ??? 50%
Spot Hidden (05) ???
Spot Trap (05) ??? 75%
Taste Analysis ???
Tracking (10) ??? 70%
Sense Chaos (00) ???
Sense Assassin ???
Stealth : 0 % Bonus
Camouflage (10) ??? 50%
Hide in Cover(05) ??? 30%
Move Quietly (05) ???
Pick Pockets (05) ???
Languages : Speak % R/W %
Herotling 50%
Tarshite 100%
Tradetalk 10%
Stormspeech 20%
Other Skills
Orate (05) ??? 15%
Bargain (05) ???
Defense ( ) ???
Weapon Skills :
Attack Modifier : 30%
Parry Modifier : 10%
Battle Axe : 85%
Broadsword : 50%
Composite Bow : 35%
Dagger : 35%
1H Spear : 35%
Javelin : 35%
Large Shield : 35%
Medium Shield : 70%
Hit Location Armor Type AP (ENC)
(01-04) Right Leg Leather Skirt 3 2
(05-08) Left Leg Leather Skirt 3 2
(09-11) Abdomen Heavy HAuberk 5 2
( 12 ) Chest Heavy HAuberk 5 2
(13-15) Right Arm Plate Greaves 6 2
(16-18) Left ArmPlate Greaves 6 2
(19-20) Head Closed Helm 5 1
Personal Pow (Current) : 18
Total Hit Points : 20
Equipment ENC
Sleeping roll 1
tunic, pants (good) 2x 2
Boots 1
Cloak, Belt 1
Fire Making gear -
Knife 0.5
Rations (7 days) -
Cooking Gear 3
Bag 1
Battle Axe 2
Broadsword 1
Composite Bow 2
Dagger 0
1H Spear 2
Javelin 2
Large Shield 3
Medium Shield 2
Heavy scale hauberk 3
leather skirt 2
plate greaves 2
closed helmet 1
War Horse -
Horse Barding Scale (3)
Saddle (5)
Total ENc 31.5
Weapon: Battle Axe Damage: 1D8+2+1D6
SR: 5 A%: 100% P%: 10% AP: HP: 15 ENC: 2 Crit: I/S: F:
Weapon: Broadsword Damage: 1D8+1+1D6
SR: 5 A%: 80% P%: 10% AP: HP: 20 ENC: 1 Crit: I/S: F:
Weapon: Dagger Damage: 1D4+2+1D6
SR: 7 A%: 65% P%: 10% AP: HP: 10 ENC: 0 Crit: I/S: F:
Weapon: 1H Spear Damage: 2D6+2
SR: 5 A%: 65% P%: 10% AP: HP: 15 ENC: 2 Crit: I/S: F:
Weapon: Damage:
SR: A%: P%: AP: HP: ENC: Crit: I/S: F:
Missile: Composite Bow Damage: 1D8+1+1D6 Range: 100
SR: A%: 65% P%: 10% AP: HP: 10 ENC: 2 Crit: I/S: F:
Missile: Javelin Damage: 2D6 Range: 20
SR: A%: 65% P%: 10% AP: HP: 8 ENC: 2 Crit: I/S: F:
Missile: Damage:
SR: A%: P%: AP: HP: ENC: Crit: I/S: F:
Shield: Medium Shield Absorbs: 12
SR: A%: P%: 10% AP: HP: ENC: 2 Crit: I/S: F:
Shield: Large Shield Absorbs: 16
SR: A%: P%: 10% AP: HP: ENC: 3 Crit: I/S: F:
Shield: Damage:
SR: A%: P%: AP: HP: ENC: Crit: I/S: F:
Background: The Greatest of Generals, Mieshal, was once a friend, before he became the Greatest General, and Klorgar has aspired to become known as one of the greatest fighters and hope to fight alongside the General, though he is unsure if is old friend will remember him. His father is still raising the rest of his siblings. He went off to become a fighter and warrior to protect them.
Scars - long one down the left side of face, almost was a fatal blow during a duel. Arrow wound in his back, left side. Sliced from a sword on his right leg, upper thigh.
Siblings: 4 Enemies: 3
Battle Magic
Name/Effect Cost Cast %
Countermagic 2 (1500L)
Healing 2 (1500L)
Disruption (500L)
Silence (500L)
Farsee 500L
Rune Magic
NAme/Effect Cost Cast %
Magic Items
Allied Spirit/Fetch/Mount
Name : Salrina
Species : Horse
Sex : Female
Age : Young
Movement: 12
STR: 32 CON: 23 SIZ: 24 INT: 5 POW: 12 DEX: 8 APP: 14
Defense: -20%
Current POW: 12
Hit Points : 26
Spells : None
Hit Location
Hit Location Area Armor Type AP ENC
01-02 Head Head Skin-1 1 -
13-15 Abdomen Body Skin-1 BArding 6 3
16-20 Legs Legs Skin-1 1 -
Weapon SR Attack Damage
Bite* 7 05% 1D10
Kickt 7 05% 1D8+2D6
Rear/plunge** 7 05%. 2D8+2D6
Trampleff| 7 25% 4D6 to downed foe
t There is a 65% chance the blow will knock down a target of
SIZ 12 or less, with 10% less chance for every 6 points of SIZ
** There is a 10% chance for every 6 SIZ points over 12 that
the target will not fall down, if it is still alive and capable of
standing. A horse which rears and plunges can make no other
Tt This will only happen to a foe who the horse has been di-
rected to trample. They will ordinarily not do this. A tramp-
ling horse can make no other attack, :
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