[pnpgm] Update...ishg
pnpgm at comcast.net
Sun May 16 06:27:52 CEST 2021
[Bess just rest no need to do stuff now.]
So was hoping to get a full update out but busy last 2 days. New
addition to family today.
Issues with website nad minor stuff on that.
So will have to do Tue/wed.
Sadly of the rules I'm at 50%..
To be honest for a game 4 decades old RQ is a bit overwhelming. In
some ways its easy as its a Chaosium system and I'm used to it
(hawkmoon/elric/etc). But trying to recall the new stuff and take
notes takes time.
I just need time to go from 1 to page 130. Then i can comment better on stuff.
the /RQ should be in caps.
That's the site I'll use.
* gotta fit a couple font sizes
* Sheet - on link it messes up. But if you use Notepad Luncida Size
10 at full screen its fine.
Aligment works. So I'll attach it here for you guys.
I can supply or post a pdf of the sheet. You can use whatever you want.
BUT time is busy enough as a GM. I could use a free pdf editor or a
spreadsheet or roll20 character saver or such but those things take
time to load/unload and edit. Do that for 9 players. So as GM must
one figure out most efficient way to edit files.
So for me text is best. Feel free to use a diff format. But for my
records I will use text.
To be honest as a plaer a spreadsheet would be great.
But for me not so much.
* Rules - Last link is the pdf (17 megs) of the SECOND edition
rules. This is what I had and while 6th edition exists I'll stick to
2nd as later editions wen tot d20 and such. So as a player you are
free to read the stuff. I'd not read every page.
Unless you wanna. Maybe just skim basic mechanics, skills and magic.
Get a feel for the game. It might help you figure out a player to roll up.
Sadly I still do not have all the answers. All players can do magic
that's how RQ is.
Will i do non humans? Good chance yes. I want to read up on
those. But so far no limits. For now.
No rush but once you have a basic feel of game enter in teh queue -
let me know you are ready for a character and what method as outlined
in last couple updates - live/discord, via email, etc.
I will process characters based on the Queue.
* Demo links - I added a couple demo actual plays if you wanna hear
and watch to get feel for game mechanics like combat.
MAybe in another week I'll be done reading the rq.pdf file.
When you click on the rules there is a option on far right to download/save.
Hope to have a update tue/wed.
So had hoped to open site in update but i got it up....
-------------- next part --------------
* RuneQuest CHaracter Sheet
Player :
Name :
Species :
Sex :
Age :
Social Class :
Nationalty :
Culture :
Cult(s) :
/ Ranks :
Campaign :
Creation DAte :
Finances :
Handeness :
SIZ SRM : + DEX SRM : + Melee SRM :
Damage Modifier :
Movement Rate : Meters / SR
Experience Bonus : %
Hit Point Bonus : %
Defense Bonus : %
Manipulation Bonus: % Bonus
Climbing (15) ???
Hide Item (10) ???
Jumping (15) ???
Lock Picking (05) ???
Trap Set/Disarm (05) ???
Riding (05) ???
Disguise (05) ???
Peaceful Cut (05) ???
Swimming (15) ???
Rowing (05) ???
Masonry (05) ???
Knowledge : % Bonus
Evaluate (05) ???
General (05) ???
Cattle Food (05) ???
Find Water (05) ???
First Aid (05) ???
Treat Disease (05) ???
Treat Poison (05) ???
Find Heal.Plants (05)???
Identify Plants (05) ???
Identify Animals (05)???
Identify Minerals(05)???
Perception : % Bonus
Listen (25) ???
Spot Hidden (05) ???
Spot Trap (05) ???
Taste Analysis ???
Tracking (10) ???
Sense Chaos (00) ???
Sense Assassin ???
Stealth : % Bonus
Camouflage (10) ???
Hide in Cover(05) ???
Move Quietly (05) ???
Pick Pockets (05) ???
Languages : Speak % R/W %
Other Skills
Orate (05) ???
Bargain (05) ???
Defense ( ) ???
Weapon Skills :
Attack Modifier : %
Parry Modifier : %
Hit Location Armor Type AP (ENC)
(01-04) Right Leg
(05-08) Left Leg
(09-11) Abdomen
( 12 ) Chest
(13-15) Right Arm
(16-18) Left Arm
(19-20) Head
Personal Pow (Current) :
Total Hit Points :
Eqipment ENC
Total ENc
Weapon: Damage:
SR: A%: P%: AP: HP: ENC: Crit: I/S: F:
Missle: Damage:
SR: A%: P%: AP: HP: ENC: Crit: I/S: F:
Shield: Damage:
SR: A%: P%: AP: HP: ENC: Crit: I/S: F:
Battle Magic
NAme/Effect Cost Cast %
Rune Magic
NAme/Effect Cost Cast %
Magic Items
Allied Spirit/Fetch/Mount
Name :
Species :
Sex :
Age :
Current POW:
Hit Points :
Battle Magic
Bound Spirits
Name :
Location :
Stored POW:
Hit Location
Hit Location Area Armor Type AP ENC
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