[pnpgm] Game Update #17 - File #96 - Troll Combat round 1+2
Scott Adams
longshotgm at comcast.net
Sun Feb 20 00:26:32 CET 2022
Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Notes.....
Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........
Game Web Site http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net
Game Update #17 sequence (file #96)
Admin: None.
From Varo: [Re: Actions]
Varo wants to move a bit to the
East (about 50 feet) so she can see 4 of the 5
visible trolls pretty well, staying hidden among
the trees & then to use her bow to attack the
trolls, starting with the 2 closest ones just SE
of the cabin, then the one by the cabin door. She
shares this idea/plan with the others for
approval & for any visual cues she'll need the
party to decide upon, if they split up, even just
silent, pointing cues to self, others, direction & hint of actions.
She will also offer to cast
Detect Enemy directly upon the cabin to try to
find out if other trolls inside, but sheâs not
sure how much help that would be since thereâs
one in the doorway. If sheâs limited on
casting, sheâd prefer to save her magic for healing spells.
If they want her to aim for the
one at the door first thatâs ok with her, if
they believe it will confuse which direction the
partyâs attack is coming from. She will reserve
the javelins until the trolls are closer, & the
rapier for direct melee. Once sheâs on the
move, she will cast Detect Traps along the route
sheâs traveling & toward the cabinâs area to
see if anything unseen can be spotted.
GM: Ack. Based on that the Detect
enemy will be held since its not a will do just a
suggestion. So move, bow then Javelin/Rapier/Trap detect.
From Juno: [Re: Actions]
Juno recalls from memory a
childhood poem about trolls from his cult
teachings. This is his best interpretation:
Trolls ,Trolls many types to fight!
He finds a good spot near Varo and prepares for his move.
1. Juno then grabs his bow and
aims at the weakest troll he can
hit. 2. He will first cast
Coordination(2) and Speedart(1) on his bow before doing this.Â
3. Once the battle begins he can
get in close and throw a javelin at the one guarding the door.
4. Then he will aim for the head
aiming to get a good chance at a head shot.
5. He awaits the signal to attack.
GM: Ack. I like the poem. Its that
level of detail that actual role playing aspect I
enjoy. Most just post Do A B and C. Anyone can
do combat but add to it with role playing is
special. I keep note of this for my role playing
experience at end of adventure. I talked about that years ago.
From Mournath; [Re: Actions[
Mournath, having seen both the
trolls and his party members, will attempt to
find a stable perch in the tree he's in. He will
use it as a sniper's perch with his Composite
bow, taking shots from a somewhat protected space
onto the trolls as his companions look like they are about to engage.
GM: Ack.
From Rocky: [Re: Actions[
Using the concealment of the
bushes Rocky will aim his herbalist at the troll
standing guard. Ready to shoot towards the trolls
centerline when the action starts, he is prepared
to then leave the arbalest, ready his shield and
use other weapons as the situation changes.
GM: Ack. Let me know on what other weapons later.
[New Stuff]
[Windsday, Fertility week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]
[Time: 10:10 am]
As the group spreads out for sniper
positions each places melee weapons and shields
next to them for quick access. Quivers are moved
in good spot and bows are readied.
Each aim and wait for the
signal. Tarek and Jaren wait with weapons drawn
for melee. Jaren whispers concerns that the girl
could be killed before anyone got to the
cabin. But he does not say this to be heard by
the boy just a low whisper to Tarek.
One of the Trolls seems to stop and
sniff the air. It turns south to look into the
dark bushes and studies the air.
Jaren taps Rocky's shoulder knowing
he'll be first to fire. Time is up. Fire. Before the trolls are alerted.
Rocky fires on troll #2 hitting him
in the right leg. The troll collapses losing
function of his leg but is still alive.
Juno recalls from memory a childhood
poem about trolls from his cult teachings. This is his best interpretation:
Trolls, Trolls many types to fight!
Mistress ones were first and cursed by light!
Cave ones hate the day and love the night!
Dark ones like to fight and serve the might!
Great ones guard the witch and lead by right!
Trolls, Trolls Go away this night!
He ask for help in a silent prayer to
his higher power, "Let these beast run away to
the night we try to not kill them all but if need
be let me smite my enemies down!"
Crouching and putting up a finger to
whisper approaches the boy and whispers in his
ear. "Without out being noticed try to find a
high spot to watch and hide with a way to get
back to the town. If you see this start to go bad
run home and tell your families to flee." He
hands the boy a torch. "Trolls hate the fire you
may need this someday in your flight "blessing son your bravery is noted."
The boy opens his mouth seemingly to
argue then closes it and nods. He takes the unlit
torch as lit ones would reveal their position
at this range. Then he heads off to find a good spot.
He finds a good spot near Varo and prepares for his move.
Juno suspects these are Great
Trolls. Possibly but unsure as they all look the same.
As Juno waits he casts two spells
before the combat begins. He sees one troll go
down from Rocky's fire and fires himself at the
troll by water well. But even with the spell
boosts the arrow goes flying past and misses.
Klorgar more west than others near
Mournath aims at troll in garden and fires his
bow. The arrow immediately drops 60 degrees and
hits the ground as he fumbles his shot. At least
arrow hit only a couple feet away. He glances
around no one saw that right? Good.
Mournath and Razgar fire at same time.
From his perch Mournath fires his bow
at the garden troll but it goes wild and he misses.
Razgar aims at Troll #1 near #2 which
just fell form Rocky's strike. His arrow hits
the troll in the head! But it seems to be light
enough the troll does not die but he is dazed and badly hurt.
Varo moves almost due south of the
water well and fires her bow at the troll
there. The Arrow hits him in his chest but bounces off his tough armor.
Juno fires again at Troll #1 which
was just hit in the head and hits in his chest
doing 3 points. The Troll still remains upright.
Troll at cabin door grunts and speaks
in his tongue as he grabs his club and turns to the south.
Troll #3 at the water well turns
south and runs or mainly rambles as a large hulk
south but is half as slow as humans so only gets a dozen or so feet south.
Troll #1 grabs arrow in his head and
pulls it out as he grunts in pain gushing
blood. He grabs his club high in the air an
scans the trees but seems a bit dizzy.
Troll #2 which lost his leg under him
tries to stand but collapses again.
Troll from the garden lumbers south to the forest tree line.
Klorgar gets off another shot aiming
at the garden troll hitting in chest doing 5 points.
Razgar, Mournath and Varo get a second bow attack at same time.
Mournath hits the garden troll in
left arm but the arrow bounces off his arm armor.
Varo fires on the troll from water well and misses.
[Round 2]
Rocky pulls his sling to fire at the
troll that got a head hit and hits in the left
leg. With the other 2 wounds and him pulling
arrow out of his head that is enough to kill him and he collapses.
Juno fires on the lumbering water
well troll hitting him in the abdomen doing 2 points.
Klorgar fires on garden troll and misses.
Mournath fires on garden troll but also misses.
Razgar could fire on the troll down
with leg disabled but hes harmless so aims at the
water well troll. He hits the troll in right leg doing 8 points.
Varo aims at water well troll hits in
right leg but it bounces off his leg armor.
Juno hits again Water well Troll in left arm doing 4 points.
The slow trolls from Garden and Water Well continue moving south.
Then out of corner of eye Varo sees
more trolls moving from north side of cabin
outside past the door guard troll. She had hoped
this would be over fast but reinforcements are now on scene.
Varo aims and hits water well troll
in right arm and does with the other 2 arrow hits the final damage to kill it.
Razgar pivots and aims at the troll
from the garden hitting in Left Leg doing 9 but
the leg continues onward not disabled.
GM: Actions? Comments?
Next Update...Wednesday?
GM: A shorter update than figured. Of
the 4 trolls close to party 2 are dead, 1 has
disabled leg so can't really move and Garden
Troll is badly hurt. Leaving Door Guard Troll and
reinforcements (unsure how many). Varo and Juno
will spot them but others may not for a short
bit. With only 2 votes (a bit disappointing) on
Healing guess we'll use the RQ6 upgraded rules. I
did not realize trolls were so slow so snipers
will have more chances but longer those inside
cabin can act the more danger hostage is. So
will have to decide to charge or keep sniping.
Some have shields so bows may be less
effective. Decide for next 2 rounds. Map
updated. Trolls renumbered those who
remain. Keep in mind party is at least 3 hexes
south of last visible hex row. Thus the troll at
T16/#1 is thus about 6 hexes or 60 odd feet from
Juno for example. So keep this in mind as a
scale. I know a ascii map is cheap
and-ugly. But I've talked about this before. If
I did a full graphical map it would take time and
may delay things. A map like this saves
time. Plus not everyone may have that software
to read that map if not a pure image. Reason
some got multiple bow attacks was Strike
Rank. Remember map will probably mess up in
email. Email tends to strip
tabs/spaces. Website probably has a better view
of map. Will try Update Wednesday if staff
actually works an dgets up early. Else then next
Saturday. When I talk about strange characters
in map. See the Receap section. You may notice
odd characters are there. Like a A with
curlicues on top. Or odd characters that should
be 's well that's how the email makes it. I
simply cut/past e your stuff and do not edit it
or fix. I only spell check/fix main body of
update. So this is why map in email may mess up
depending on your email program or such. :<
GM: 130 Miles out personal note for me.
GM: Map -
! Row = 5 feet
1 Column = 5 feet
1 Hex = 10 feet.
/I\ = North up
1 2
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ A / = Door J15
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ B _ = Cabin North/South wall
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ C I = East/West Walls
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ D **- Fireplace
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ E : = Window
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ F , = Garden
/ \__/ \______________/ \__/ \__/ G [==] = Water trough/basin
\__/ \__/ I ITTT \__/ \_ H @ = Well [L25]
/ \__/ \_I I \__/ \__/ I C = a Body? V28
\__/ \__/ I Cabin /__/ \__/ \_ J
/ \_,,, \_: I \__/ \__/ K
\__/ ,,,_/ I IT_/ \__/@ \_ L
/ \_,,, \_I : \__/ \__/ M
\__/ \__/ I______***___I__/ \__/ \_ N
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ O
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ P
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ Q
\__/ \__/ \__/ [==]/ \__/ \__/ \__/
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ S
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \T_/ \__/ \_ T
/ \__/T \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ U
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \C V
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ W
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ X
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ Y
[30 or so feet3 hexes south of Row Y]
M K R JD V DD [Row DD]
1 2
Trolls -
T Troll #1 [T16] On ground, disabled leg
T Troll #2 [U 8] Hurt, ex Garden Troll
T Troll #3 [L16] Ex Cabin Door guard
T Troll #4 [H16] Holding Kit Shield
T Troll #5 [H17] -
T Troll #6 [H18] Holding Shield as well
Party I will show ho far from last Row Y
K Klorgar [DD9] About 45 feet from Garden Troll
V Varo - [DD25]- About 105 feet from Door guard
R Razgar - [DD14]- About 60 feet from disabled troll
D Rocky - [DD23]
M Mournath[ [DD2] In tree about 18 feet up on branch
? - Varen [EE22] Off Map a bit behind Rocky/Juno
? - Jaren [EE23]- Off map Behind Rocky
J Juno [DD22]-
? - Marusk Back at horses about 90 feet south of party
Trolls holding clubs, maces, wearing knives
moderate thick /leather armor. Some Shields.
Trees are heavy - columns 1-4
First Row.
Otherwise area is devoid of trees/bushes.
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