[pnpgm] Update #16 – Varo
Bessie Hadley
eleabess at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 22 01:58:54 CET 2022
[ooc: Movement & actions stated here may take more than one turn, depending on movement & action speed. What happens during this update will determine if she changes her plans or not. There seems to be several options, but Varo follows her plans as outlined here as far as she can.]
Varo is very concerned at seeing more trolls coming from the cabin. “Ernalda, I pray you keep that child safe until we can reach her!” she says, and looks quickly around to see if any more trolls coming from the woods to her east.
If Varo can see what might be a body (C) directly north of her, she will run to see if it's alive, praying to Ernalda under her breath for the entire run that she is able to stay hidden & safe, so that she’s able to help. She then turns & fires her self-bow from the point that she’s has now reached (the fallen figure, if she can move that far) & fire her bow at Troll #1 (@ T16), then try to advance to the window on the south side of the cabin so she can try to see the child within & the little one’s status.
She will follow as far as she can on this path north to the possible body (C), & as soon as she finds out if it is dead or alive & if alive & human &/or troll’s victim she will cast a Healing Spell on that one before leaving toward the southern window (although she will fire at the troll before she heads that way). If it turns out to be a troll & alive, she will shoot it point blank, since her bow is ready, then pull another arrow out to use on troll #1.
However, if she cannot reach the 'body' on this turn, she will turn fire one arrow at the troll (#1) & then continue north to find if it is a body.
[If the DM determines she cannot see the body (but I believe she can see it), she will move north slightly & then fire at the troll & run to the southern window, crouching down to sneakingly, cautiously peek inside.]
Bess L. Hadley
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