[pnpgm] Update #25 – Varo
Bessie Hadley
eleabess at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 11 21:40:48 CEST 2022
Varo spends far time than she had expected to trying to find the few arrows that might be retrievable – she had found arrows in the past that landed in the grass & had buried themselves amongst the tangled stems & leaves of thick mats of grass to be almost invisible – only feather shafts might be slightly visible in situations like that. She still had a lot of arrows, a couple dozen of them, thanks to stocking up before they left. She felt comfortable with lending some out to her companions if there’s a need, but she also admits to herself that she disliked a quiver more empty than full. She loved the trading life, but her thoughts could easily find themselves worrying over nitpicky details about self-protection in the wilds along those trading roads. this was already a different situation she had signed up for, & although she was enjoying it, there was a long way to go, & she had no idea when they might reach a town & be able to restock supplies. Her arrows had to last, if possible, since she was more skilled with them than her rapier.
While searching for her arrows – most of which seemed irretrievable due to the heavy armor of the trolls (even the points were showing breaks), she looks over the trolls' armor for a metal belt buckle or button or badge that she might keep – something small enough not to become a burden to carry & might even be useful for her own gear. She stands up straight to ease her back & gazes around at the group & the children as they decide who is going where to inform the village & to find the missing hunting party with their parents.
She votes to stay the night when asked – she still thinks one of her arrows, at least, is hidden in the grass to the north of the house from a wild shot & she wants time to look around up there - & also to look for any troll signs in that area which had not really been searched. As she listens to conversations, she feels there are unfinished details about this attack & the group may be needed to help ask & answer questions.
Plus – she needs a break to commune with the Earth Mother. Battle brings imbalance.
She walks about the northern edges of the house's general area for several minutes, looking for sign, then takes a short break while along the northern wall of the cabin. She sits cross-legged & clasps within her hands a symbol of the Earth Mother that she wears on a thong about her neck under her tunic. She closes her eyes, listening to returning bird sounds & gradually quiets her mind & her feelings & lets her thoughts drift outward – seeking healing energy from the earth upon which she rests & releasing those thoughts & tensions upward into the wind, mentally feeling a circle of life energy encircling her, flowing upward from her center & pouring up & out in all directions like a fountain, and falling gently to the Mother’s earth around her, sinking deep into its roots before gathering together under her body & beginning to fountain up again through her very body, so that she feels like a fountain created by her life energy, enriched by the foundation of the Earth Mother herself. After several minutes, she opens her eyes refreshed & energized.
She opens her eyes to see Juno sitting nearby, apparently starting a meditation of his own. He asks her whether she meditates to reclaim power. She is a bit surprised – power? She thinks for a few moments, but answers with the words that come to her with the question. “I do feel restored after meditation but it isn't really about restoring power. I meditate to restore Balance. Balance is of utmost importance to the Earth Mother, and battle – or even avoiding battle – disturbs the balance. It is necessary to act in Life – either in taking action or avoiding it – but after the decision is made & its consequences, it is necessary to again restore the Balance, so that Life can go on at it is meant to in the great Circle of Life. I guess having Balance does give me power, but I never thought of it that way. I am aware of power loss when I use my gifts from the Mother, but I’m as much aware of the disturbance in my own balance – adrenalin fueling actions & tending to drown thinking before acting further.
“You’ve given me something to think about, Juno. Balance being Power? – I guess I’m still learning to know what the Earth Mother provides with her gifts to us.”
She grins with a bit of self-irony, then smiles at Juno as she gathers her items laying beside her, and resumes searching for the blasted arrow hiding in the grass – she had made it & wanted at least the head of it back. “Be well and strong within your powers, Juno & may your god bless you with wisdom and strength.”
Bess L. Hadley
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