[pnpgm] Game Update #36 - File #211 - Griffin Combat
Scott Adams
longshotgm at comcast.net
Sun Oct 30 03:50:26 CET 2022
Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Not es.....
Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........
Game Web Site http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net
Game Update #36 sequence (file #211)
Admin: None.
From Varo: [Re: DM from Discord]
Updates #32 - #35 Varo
[My apologies I have had no email for the
last two weeks, until AT&T gets around to mailing
me a new temporary password for each of my
accounts. (Im still waiting
) I forgot I could
get notifications directly from the Runequest
site Scott set up. Enclosed are my actions for the episodes I missed.]
Update #32:
Varo acknowledges the elves hesitation re her offer for using
Update 34:
Update #35:
[Wildday, Fertility week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]
Varos delighted to see the small carts presented by the elves, as
Greetings, Leorik. I just overheard you would like to trade
[I have no idea how much more Varo could be
carrying she may need to trade it all for those
carts, and is willing to have traded every piece
of pottery shes carrying, just to not have the
fragile items with her anymore.]
GM: Ack. Yes she sent msg in discord and helped
her and this is the DM from her. Glad the
discord site is around as a backup. :) Since
unsure what days were what updates I'll haw to do
this a different way. Too lazy to go back and
figure out Fireday is update X. :) So I'll fit it in.
From Rocky: [Re: Actions]
Rocky will shoot an oncoming griffon with his
arbalest then switch to shield and sling and
fling missiles at the griffon in range.
GM: Ack.
From Razgor: [Re: Actions]
Razgor readies his pike to defend himself and
the horse whenever the next Griffin comes near.
GM: Ack.
From Juno: [Re: Actions]
Juno cries out in pain his mind wells with fear
he mutters a prayer to his higher power to heal himself.
If he can regain footing after a heal or lay
prone position on the ground some how to defend
himself he grabs his spear to do so.
Ooc: [Cast Healing (2)]
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Fireday , Fertility week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]
[Time: 10:03 pm]
The party prepares to see the tuskriders battle.
Varo acknowledges the elves hesitation re
her offer for using an Ignite spell shes all
too aware of the risk of fire in a forest
environment. She nods understanding toward the
elven speaker, & prepares to use her bow, once
she has secured her horse back a small distance in the trees, out of the way.
Varo sees the younger elf fall from the
tuskers attack & sorrows for his loss.
She closes her eyes briefly in an intense prayer:
Ernalda, Earth Queen, please take upon your
heart this brave stranger who has died to protect
his own, this forest, this part of your Earth,
these peoples. Please, in your heart, bless our
own Champion who must now fight, whether it be
Rocky or Razgor. Keep him protected in your
Balance & in touch with your Earth under his
feet, as he risks his life for us all - & for this forested land of yours.
She adds a few words for all their safety
elves, dwarfs and humans alike all peoples on Ernaldas good Earth.
Varo sees the younger elf fall from the
tuskers attack & sorrows for his loss.
Varo watches as Razgor steps forward to face the
tusker & prepares to fire an arrow beyond, into
the tusker crowd, towards their leader, if any of
them break into the fighting circle.
As she watches, she feels power from nearby &
is a bit startled at its strength. She does not
glance around, however, but prays to Ernalda
again. Blessed Earth Queen, we need your Balance
now! Keep your lands safe as we can only watch
and wait. Keep Razgor strong and balanced and
focused, I worship your Balance in all our hearts keep it strong.
Varo watches as Razgor topples the tusker &
stands his ground in honorable wait. Oh,
Ernalda! Thank you so much! Blessed be your Earth
& the Balance! She sighs in great relief as the
battle ends, reluctantly, by the tusker chieftain.
As things calm down, she looks around for her
groups members. She notices that Juno seems
unusually pale. She sends him a thumbs up
signal & grins at him. Then gasps her wrists
together in a victory handshake, then clasping
her chest strap (part of her armor) with a mimed
sign of relief, by brushing her forehead with the
other arm & giving a visual sign of relief. She
continues to smile at him, but holds her place
until she feels its okay to retrieve her horse & re-join the group.
[Later in the forest once camp is made....]
When theres an opportunity, she finds a
quiet time to speak with Juno privately, as they
care for their horses. Are you alright? You
appeared to be in some distress from Razgors
battle with the tusker, & I felt power. Were you
sending a helping spell? It appeared to have
worked, if you did. I felt Ernalda close, too
so much hung in the balance that a proper Balance
was truly needed. Razgor did very well & honored
us all. If that was you, you did well, it seems.
She grins at Juno & grasps his upper arm with a
congratulatory squeeze, then moves off.
[Wildday, Fertility week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]
[Time: 6:03 pm]
Varos delighted to see the small carts
presented by the elves, as they should speed up
their journey a bit for those without horses.
She had noticed the female elves watching her
& tried to speak Tradetalk with them, but ends up
speaking with Leorik instead, as the others seem
either very shy, or lacking Trade tongue.
Greetings, Leorik. I just overheard you
would like to trade these carts for pottery &
perhaps a bit of jewelry. I just happen to be a
trade in both items, although the pottery is
mainly my mothers. I have some small cooking
pots & bowls, and perhaps can throw in a couple
of simple gold rings, if that would please your
elven ladies. I have a couple of jeweled pieces
a pendant & a simple necklace, but I would not
want to start any jealousy among your lady folks,
so lets discuss, all of us together what would
be a fair amount for the trade of the two carts &
the ponies to pull them. She settles in with
Leorik & Veren to make a fair deal, then presents
an extra simple gold ring as a personal thank-you for the elves help.
Leorik smiles, we have no ponies. But the
attachments are there for your horses. As to
gold, no thanks you. We do not place value in
such metals. Leorik then looks at her pottery
collection and allows the females to examine the
jewelry. We'll take all of your pottery. The
area is devoid of clay. The dwarfs in the
mountains have plenty but tend to trade
clay. He then lets the females select 1 item
each. Then he selects 3 very cheap items. In
total maybe only worth 3-8 Lunars. The most
expensive is a item selected by one female a
sapphire bracelet with a single bracelet jewel (that is clouded).
[Clayday, Stasis week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]
[Time: 4:16 pm]
Juno cries out in pain his mind wells with fear
he mutters a prayer to his higher power to heal
himself. He can tell his leg is disabled but as
he tries to sit up he grabs his lance strapped to
his horse. A composite bow he needs steady aim
and javelin needs good foot placement. But he
can at least prop up the lance and use it as a
weapon shield. He casts 2 points of healing onto
his right leg but even that maybe to be enough to enable his leg.
Varo is with most of the others on a rest
break for the horses when the griffins are seen
flying overhead. She barely has time to send an
arrow toward one of the diving creatures when she
is hit by another in the group of diving
griffons, & feels a burning scrape on her leg,
then a deeper, raging pain in her abdomen, and
she faints from the pain and shock, falling back
as she is knocked to the ground, unconscious, bow
still limply in her left hand.
Varo's leg is not disabled but is still
wounded slightly. She does a wild shot at the
shadows overhead and hits griffin #1 in the chest
but only does 1 point past his thick skin.
Varen sees the creatures take down a horse
and decides cover is better than a cloth roof of
the wagon. He ducks and runs toward the nearest tree.
At the same time Jaren runs from the
trees hearing the noise and sees his horse
wounded. He draws his sword and runs to help Varen to safety.
Klorgar always wary in a rain forest aims
his loaded composite bow and fires at a random
griff. The arrow hits griffin #5 doing a massive
12 points to his abdomen. The creature spins and
flips then dives toward the ground about 5 feet
near Jaren/Varen to left and below party
positions. The creature does not seem to be moving.
Mournath draws his own composite bow and
aims, upset that his horse may have just been
killed. He hits Griffin #1 already wounded in
chest in the abdomen doing 6 points. The
creature falls to the front and right of part and does not seem to be moving.
Razgor sees two fall and the rest still high
he moves nearby to griffin #1 and ensures it is
dead by slicing its throat with his pike.
Rocky aims and fires at the closest griffin
and it misses! But only by mere inches as the
agile beasts are big targets but fast moving.
Juno continues his prayer as he grits his
teeth from the leg pain. He raises his lance up
in the air in hopes to defend himself and horse.
At the same time as Juno waits to defend
himself one of the griffins dives right at
Rocky. Rocky instinctively draw up his arbalest
to block his head. The griffin uses this and
pecks at his right leg doing 6 points. Two claws
strike out but only one hits in his left leg
doing 3 points. Rocky collapses to the ground disabled.
One griffin dives for Mournath. The creature
fails his beak and one claw attack. But the 2nd
claw hits in left leg doing 10 points of
damage. Mournath collapses disabled now.
The last griffin who seems to be of the
adults the griffin offspring seem not to be
diving dives toward Varo. But Varo is lucky and
all 3 peak and claw attacks fail to hit her.
Jaren forces Varen to the bushes and hides
him in a thick bush. Then ducks low waiting for
any attacks before he moves back to help the others.
Varo aims at griffin #2 and hits him in the
right leg again for just another 1 point of damage.
Klorgor fires at Griffin #2 hits with the
other 2 arrows in his right leg doing 7
points. The Leg is disabled but he is flying so still active body.
Jaren leaves the cover of forest moves to
drag the collapsed Mournath into the cover of the
shadows so its not a helpless target.
Razgor runs to the other fallen griffin and
ensures he is dead with a killing blow. He
struggles under the pain to load it and readies it for firing.
Rocky drops his arbalest as he lies against a
tree not able to stand. He draws his shield up
to him and pulls out his sling. The sling
bullet hits the griffin that just damaged him but bounces off his tough skin.
GM: Actions? Comments?
Next update Next week?
GM: A cruel round so only did one round. Two
are down but we have a few PCs that are also hurt
and some badly. So I could possibly work on the
next round Fri/Sat but may not be enough time to
react. If so I'll try for then but if not then
it'll be a week from then. Next week I do annual
benefits and so lots to read and study. So
that'll be first few days of Nov/next week. So
it'd probably be late next week before do update
so be advbised. BTW unsure if said this last
update. Cropped map of NE corner of game map in
links. Yellow line path of party.
GM: Status -
Griffins of 5 main attackers
Dead - 2
Hurt - 1
Good - 2
Horses -
Hurt - 2 (Mournath-Down, Varo-Hurt)
Players -
Hurt - 4 of 9
Juno - Leg Disabled HP-11
Varo - Leg - - HP- 4
Rocky Legs- Disabled HP- 9
Mournath Leg Disabled HP-10 Knocked out
Sorry for delay staff issues so I lost hours of work time if had started early.
Don't expect update tlil probably nov 8?
Need to do work benefits this week.
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