Movement rules

John Hooten jhooten at BINARY.NET
Mon Oct 9 03:06:19 CEST 2000

the reason this came up was during a gaming session i was running
multiple times the players needed to ketch up to someone who had left an
not long before. in another run they needed to reach a place a few miles
away quickly.

but P&P has no movement rules for a chase or short fast moves
I of course fudged it for the time but I would prefer to standardize a

and yes i know that humans can outrun horses in many endurance races
thats also how wolves and other animals operate on some hunts

It just that from personal evidence the marching rates seem quite low
a bicycle allows easy coverage of distance with minimal effort at 15mph
and i have done so for many hours at a time. walks at 3 mph for many
also. yet P&P has you averaging 1 mph over 12 hours.

then supernatural stats should effect movement also!

thanks for reply

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