[PnP] Section 7-8 - Final part

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Thu Nov 26 06:32:58 CET 2020

	7. Summary

ID      Item / Potion    Time  Value         Effect
1.   Healing Potions
3.1  Healing Herbs        24  10-15BB  +10-+15 HC Roll
3.2  Shark                30   1-18    +D10% Internal HC rolls, (+0 
Normal, +10 Good, +15 Fine)
3.3  Regeneration         24  11-18    Regeneration spell like 
effects, (+5% if Good, +10% Fine Quality effects)
3.4  Abnari               24  30-40    Heals 1d10+6
3.5  Bush Resin           24   9-12    +20% HC, 1D6+8+Stb Healing
3.6  Fire Juice           72* 19-26    HCx4 until healed
3.7  TE'sla Elixir        24* 28-35#   Regenerates D6+StB hit points 
per phase, if enhanced blood healed till fully healed
3.8  Horn Juice           12  73-80    BL8 Healing
3.9  Panther Elixir       12  76-83    Healing spell at MEL12/EL10, 
1D3 Points of Knowledge on any subject
3.10 Anaranth             48  16-23#   Unenhanced- St+15, HC+5 in 
healing; Enhanced-x2 of unenhanced effect for 2 days both forms
3.11 Chervil              48  31-38    HC+15 vs wounds and infection, 
if already infected cures infection
3.12 Cinequofoil          48  31-38    HC+10 for 24 hours
3.13 Clove Pink           48  46-53    HC+15 against 
Disease/Infection for 24 hours
3.14 Heliotrophius Health 24  31-38    Wounds automatically stop 
bleeding and swelling, -2 Damage per wound inflicted
3.15 Hydra Head           24  55-62    EL2 Regeneration, Total 
immunity to death poison and natural death for 10 days
3.16 Jasper               24  46-53    1) HC+10 2) EL5 vs 
Dream/Illusion powers.  1+2 - 24 hours duration
3.17 Mugworth Juice       24  31-38#   Unenhanced-BL6 Cure for death 
poison Enhanced-BL18 Cure for Death poison, HC+30 vs disease 
Value-Enhanced 77-84
3.18 White Poppy          48  76-83    HC+40, St+40 on healing roll 
if roll HC%. if heals treat as EL2 Healing

4.   Poison Potions
4.1  Chi Frog             24  10-39    EL3 Immunity to Poison for 24 hours
4.2  Toadstone             8   4-80    Cures any poison up to EL of 
Gem IF BL>EL else EL% poison effects
4.3  Foxglove              8  14-86    Negates Poisons of EL BL level 
or below (EL of item or spell)
4.4  bush Resin           24  49-56    +20% HC, 1D6+8+Stb Healing, 
BL1 Slow Death if 2+ Potions a day
4.5  Asp Venom            48* 21-28    D10 BL Death Poison
4.6  Barquest Honor       24  61-68    Total immunity to all Kotothi 
poisons for 24 hours.
4.7  Cu Venom             24  28-35    BL3 Paralytic Poison when drunk
4.8  A'miri Yellow        24  51-58    Total Immunity to Poisons for 8 hours
4.9  Koti Venom           24  43-50    #1-BL10 Paralytic Poison 
#2-Magical Venom-BL1 -D3 to Will points (2 different potion types)
4.10 Firehound Fire Juice 30  51-58    BL10 Death Poison
4.11 Dirailla-            12  61-68    BL15 Slow Death Poison, 
MEL10/EL5 Pain after
4.12 Dirasa               24  19-26    BL6 Slow Death poison
4.13 Wyrm Bladder         24  19-26    BL6 Immedidate Death poison
4.14 Eater Wipes          96  81-88    Herbalist EL/2+10% chance of 
poison prevention of forceful strike (+10% if Good, +20% Fine quality)
4.15 Fusin Venom          24* 37-44    BL6 Paralytic Poison per dose
4.16 Gartula Venom        24* 37-44    BL2 (Leader), BL4 (Male), BL6 
(Female), BL8 (Children) Paralytic Poison
4.17 Ape Juice            12* 41-48    BL10 Paralytic Poison
4.18 Great Serpent Glob   12* 25-32    BL8 Paralytic Poison to dip in 
or wipe on weapons
4.19 Great Spider Venom   24* 61-68    BL20 Paralytic Poison for 40 
hours duration
4.20 Harboul Adhesive     24* 13-20    BL2 Magical Sleep Poison sleep 
for 2 days
4.21 Hydra Gas            24 273-280#  BL4 Slow Death, Also 1D10 to 
Energy Level per turn till death (5 min on average)
4.22 Blood of LEon        24  31-38    BLD10 Immunity to poisons for 
1 day, 3% chance total immunity for 3 days
4.23 Manticore Sac        24  43-50    BL4 Immediate Death Poison
4.24 Nakinmal Venom       24  33-40    BL8 Hallucingenic Poison 
(Abandon like spell effects)
4.25 NEbora Flame         24  33-40    Poison acts like EL2 Flaming Death
4.26 Peist Love          168* 25-32    BL8 Poison like BL8 
Forgetfulness spell effects
4.27 Rakshasha Venom      24  25-32    BL6 Slow Death (30% chance on 
success BL8)
4.28 Shachihoko Toxin     24  17-24    BL4 Slow Death Poison
4.29 Shadow Hawk          24  13-20    BL4 Spirit Poison that causes 
12 hours loss of concentration
4.30 Tatzlwurm Toxin      24  43-50    BL6 Slow Death for Humans, BL4 
Slow Death Poison to all others
4.31 Te'sla Blood         24  59-66    HC+30, MDV+15, StB+3 combat 
against poison
4.32 Wyvern Venom         24  52-59    BL7 Death Poison
4.33 Diease Demon Toxin   24  19-26    Potion that gives MEL4/EL2 
Plaque like poison effects
4.34 Adingantida          24  55-62#   Potion - Unenhanced-Slow Death 
BL2, Enhanced-Immediate Death -BL10
4.35 Agate                48  12       Negates snake/insect Poison if 
BL5 roll is made
4.36 Deadly Nightshade    24  46-53    BL15 Slow Death poison 
Success-Die by end of day if not negated magically
4.37 Bezoar               12  61-68    Cures any Death Poison automatically
4.38 Bindweed             12  19-26    BL2 Paralytic Poison for 4 
hours only for Male Drinkers
4.39 Black Poppy Juice    12  55-62    BL18 Death Trance until negated
4.40 Cayenne              48  41-48    Drink potion prior to drinking 
alcohol can't get drunk for 8 hours, after that normal effects
4.41 Heliotrophius Cure   24  33-40    Negates any poison, must drink 
within 5 turns
4.42 Lodestone            24  55-62    EL8 Paralytic Poison if given 
to servants or liars for 16 hours
4.43 Mevais               24 107-114   BL20 Slow Death Poison works 
over 20+StB days as for Hell Powers-Pain EL=Day of poison (20+StB)

5.   Energy Related
5.1  Energy Vibe          16*  2-30    Same effects as Detect Energy 
but duration 16+Spell/item EL hours
5.2  Anti-Leech           48* 31-38    Total Immunity to Astral Leech 
or Leech spells for 24 hours
5.3  Spirit Blessing      12*  4-60    Gives 2d10+(EL*2) Energy if drunk.
5.4  Asp Juice            36*  7-14    Heals 1D6+2 Energy per dose
5.5  Druga Kick           24  11-18    Regenerates 1D10+5 Energy points
5.6  Druga Lust           24  26-33    Drains 2d10+2 Energy Points 
for D10+2 Phases
5.7  Angelica             24  49-56    1) MDVx2 2) 3D10 Energy level healed

6.   Other Related
6.1  Luma Potion          72  11-18    Negates Lunma Acid effects
6.2  Quick Endurance      24* 15-42    Enhances endurance related 
spells by EL of item
6.3  Chi Frog Potion      24  10-39    EL3 Immunity to Acids for 24 hours
6.4  Life (Anti-leech)    24  26-53    Negates Decay spell effects once drunk
6.5  Taste of Life       120*  8-43    Taste spell effect for 
5+Spell/Item EL/2 Days (+3 if Good, +5 Fine quality)
6.6  Owl Eyes            120*  8-43    Sight spell effect for 
5+Spell/Item EL/2 Days (+3 if Good, +5 Fine quality)
6.7  Feel it              24*  8-43    Touch spell effects for 
1+Spell/Item EL/2 Days (+3 if Good, +5 Fine quality)
6.8  Trunk Potion         48*  8-43    Smell spell effects for 
2+Spell/Item EL/2 Days (+3 if Good, +5 Fine quality)
6.9  Bat Juice            72*  8-43    Hearing spell effects for 
3+Spell/Item EL/2 Days (+3 if Good, +5 Fine quality)
6.10 Stone Dust           48* 16-23    Negates Paralysis fully
6.11 Mana Sense          120* 18-33    Grants Mana Sensing when drunk 
for 1 Day at Spell/Item MEL/EL levels
6.12 Mana read            72* 18-33    Grants Mana Reading when drunk 
for 1 Day at spell/item's MEL/EL level
6.13 Burn Release         48   3-10    Heals 1D6 of Burn and pain damage
6.14 Stamina Elixir       24  11-18    Stamina +D10 for 8 hours
6.15 Firehound Vibe Juice 12  25-32    BL4 Immunity to All Magic, 
excluding Balance Magic for 12 hours
6.16 Peist Jab           168* 25-32    Counter acts Peist Love to 
restore 40+6D10% of memory back
6.17 Great Serpent Slime  48  33-40    Metal-(except Silver/Gold) 
Acid effect FV-2, Magical BL8 Roll if so FV-4
6.18 Grundwergen Blood    48  33-40    Metal-Acid effect FV-2, 
Magical BL8 Roll if so FV-4
6.19 Sidh Touch           24  29-36    Potion for MEL7/EL7 Disease Effects
6.20 Disease Blood        24  28-35    Potion for MEL5/EL4 Disease effects
6.21 Scorpion Women Blood 24  25-32    Potion for EL8 Insanity effects
6.22 Truth of agate        1  20       Truth potion, if lies has fits 
of spasms, BL=EL of Agate for success of failure detection
6.23 Amber Resin          12  41-48    HC+10%, Can see in darkness
6.24 Amethyst             12  37-68    Gold-1) drink 2x drinks of 
boose 2) Can't get drunk 3) Int+5 4) Emp+5 5) Photographic memory 
Silver-BL12 Death Poison
6.25 Angelica             24  85-92    1) St+30 2) HC+30 1+2 vs 
Disease, Decay & Corruption on Healing roll
6.26 Basilisk Blood       48  55-62    EL12 Immunity to 
Petrification, Disease, Decay, Corruption 2) Do not age 3) Only 
killed by magic or in combat
6.27 Bdellium             72  28-35    BL9 Immunity to Disease for D3 Days
6.28 Belladona            12  85-92    Hallucinary trance MEL20/EL10 
Divinations see future for 12 hours
6.29 Betony Juice         48  61-68    Unenhanced-Str+10 for 24 
hours; Enhanced-Trance for 2D6 Hours (see notes)
6.30 Bindweed Juice       12  21-28    Total immune to pain for 48 
hours (Female drinkers only)_ Impossible to feel pain
6.31 Black Cat Blood      24  43-50    BL7 Cure for any Disease
6.32 Chemedon             24  21-28    Unenhanced-Sleepr talks in 
sleep giving secrets, Enhanced-As Unenhanced but can Q&A sleeper
6.33 Cock Feather         24  11-90    Cures any insanity or being drunk
6.34 Darba Grass          24  21-28    Negates Terror/Disorder spells
6.35 Dragon's Blood       24 103-110   Unshakeable courage-48 hours, 
Str/St +15 (48 hours), See in any darkness (48 hrs), MDVx2 vs Fire 
Spells (48 hrs)
6.36 Fern Seed            48  33-40    EL3 Invisibility for 12 hours 
to end must magically end
6.37 Firestone            24  37-44    1) EL4 Fire spell immunity 2) 
Combustion immunity to Firey Spirit 3) Speak Tongue of Younger Chaos 
EL60.  1-3 12 hours
6.38 Bella Worlds         24  31-38    Strange visions of strange 
worlds and reality of the 3 True Worlds. Can remember if roll 
6.39 Garlic               24  21-28#   Unenhanced-MEL3/EL2 Cure for 
Insanity, Enhanced-MEL10/EL10 Cure for all emotional problems
6.40 Great Serpent        24  31-38    Immunity to Paralytic poison 
for 24 hours
6.41 Heliotrophius        24  16-23    MDV+5 vs Disease for 12 hours
6.42 Helebore             24  19-26    Unenhanced-EL6 Cure for 
Insanity/mental problems from demons, Enhanced-Vision of the hells
6.43 Houseleek            48  45-52    1) MDVx2 vs Storm Powers, 2) 
MDVx2 vs Fire Powers 3) Energy/Mana Regen x2. 1-3 for 48 hours
6.44 Hypercium            48  29-46    MDV+3 vs all magic, -10 to 
dispel/negate magic only for magic users for 24 hours both
6.45 Jacinth              24  33-40    Unenhanced-MDV+3 vs 
Fascination, Enhanced-Influence Chance +10 on business operations for 
24* hours		
6.46 Jade                 48  85-92    1) Str+10 St+10 2) Potion 
cures any disease 3) EL7 Immunity to Disease, Corruption, Decay 1-3 
for 12 hours
6.47 Jet                  24  61-68    1) Total Immunity vs Disease 
2) Appearance+10 1+2-24 hours duration
6.48 Memphis              24  27-70#   Unenhanced-Total insensible to 
pain & EL3 immunity to magical pain
6.49 Moon Rose            24  25-56#   EL8 Suggestion to drinker roll 
BL12 on Magic table for success
6.50 Topaz                24  41-48    BL10 Cure for Insanity and 
Emotional Curse	

	  * - May extend like +Herbalist EL/10
	  # - Value may double if enhanced for example

	8. Notes

	8.1 Version - This is the second redrafting of document.  Back in 
2018 I started it and was 80% done.  But that fall had a pc crash and 
was able to recover 98% of files.  But it seems the draft was in a 
directory not recovered.  So this is slightly different and at times 
better a draft.

	8.2 Quantity - While a 8 oz container is assumed.  Feel free to 
adjust to your sizes of 16 or 24 oz if you so wish.  Just use a 
proportion of the info above and adjust accordingly. A couple use 1 
Quart instead of 8 oz so have to adjust.

	8.3 Purpose - Purpose of using spells to create, as an ingredient, 
potions is so that those who do not have magical ability or those who 
need to buy such powers off the shelf.  Some social classes may be 
reluctant to use a herbalist but can buy a pre-made potion they can 
just use.  The whole "evil witch" vs "home remedy medicenes" debate.

	8.4 Herbalist skill can be used to analyze new found herbal items 
and decode the reciepe on how to make such items with a good use of skill.

	8.5 Type - While Potions are the main aspect a Referee can adapt 
this document for oils, balms, lotions  and other tyeps of herbal 
items.  Some of the above are not drinkable but used to wipe wounds 
or on weapons.

	8.6 Fire Snake Lost info - Legend has it there is a venom Recipe for 
a cure for poison potion.  But most cultures (espeically Law) aside 
from Chaos/Kotothi burned the info and outlawed it.

	8.7 General rule of thumb a creature that is milked for Venom can 
yield unless stated otherwise D6 doses per day and to figure out 
their total limit before they are useless is ENl/# of doses days.  So 
a snake does 6 doses and Enl 96, 96/6=16 days of milking but there 
are chances may not get full # of doses.  The skill of herbalist will 
help to determien this.

	8.8 The base unit of the potion is 8 ounces of liquid.  The 
ingredients made will displace the mixture (water, wine, etc).  In 
order to maintain a 8 oz potion it must be a offset mixture.  A 
powder like plant or herbs have no displacemtn, but blood is thick 
and will need to be offset (2 oz of blood needs 6 of say water) and a 
stone like a mineral or gem will offset space so should still have 
enough liquid for 8 oz so if using a stone you may want to use 12 oz 
space with just 8 oz of final potion.

	8.9 The type of wine is more a factor of quality than alcohol 
percentage. So if it Wine brandy variants can be used.  But if it 
says Goideli then that is considered best quality.  A lower quality 
may limit results.  GM can decide if replacements can be made.

	9.  Stats

	    Healing Related  18
	    Poison Related   43
	    Energy Related    7
	    Other Related    50

[Updated - 11/25/20] v2.03

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