[pnpgm] Spell of Pink

Bessie Hadley eleabess at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 9 06:59:59 CET 2023

 lol - a bad spell!

I've been dealing with a series of storms here - power out last night all night (winds above 60mph & trees going down everywhere here in Sacramento County). It was another dark & stormy night...
Another storm with 50-60mph winds is due tonight & into Monday morning (about the 4th in series of atmospheric-river storms since the New Year) - might lose power again. [we had over 325,000 homes without power this morning - that's half the County's SMUD customers; they put out double the # of crews today & did awesome work - down to only 29,000 still out.] 

I also have 2 MD appts this week - one Tuesday (should be between storms so just hope no roads blocked to get there since creeks around there) & one on Friday (eye appt - having trouble again). At least there's usually a 12-hour break between storms, so can get the trash out (when vertigo from storm fronts & my vision problem let me take it out)

So I'm in no rush to even respond to last posting; been kinda distracted here.

Sorry, Scott. I sincerely hope your eye(s) getting better - vision troubles are no fun!

Bess L. Hadley

     On Sunday, January 8, 2023, 09:46:03 PM PST, Scott Adams <longshotgm at comcast.net> wrote:  
 Guess some evil wizard cast Disease - Pink Eye on me.
So for last 10 days or so I've dealt with that.
Why no update.

I'm 90-95% better now.
But figured you deserve a reason for delay.

Not done anything non mandatory except emails for a week.

I may start later today/monday.

but if not will try early tueday if staff cooperates...we'll see.

Wed is eye doc a  pre pink eye planned visit.
So wed will be busy to do update.
So I'll get it done soon when i can.

Stay tuned..

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