[pnpgm] Update #40 – Varo

Bessie Hadley eleabess at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 11 18:39:19 CET 2023

Varo sees one of her her arrows hit, but the other glancing off the creatures’ body armor & does a quick 360-degree look around to see if any other creatures can be spotted. If no other creatures seen (& her spell seems to have not helped), she will move away from the horses & toward Rocky and the two creatures beyond him (#5 & 6), as the horses are secured to the trees & moving around too much.

She looks for her javelins & moves toward them, but if they are near Rocky or anyone else's reach, she will call out to them to go ahead & use them, as they may be stronger & can throw them farther & more effectively than she could.

She will make sure her rapier & shield are ready for use, and move closer to Rocky, & hence toward #5 & 6, in order for her arrows to be more effective. She feels aiming more at body center, maybe toward center & abdomen, might be more effective then limb or head shots, and avoid aiming at tentacles which keep moving around to knock arrows & javelins aside. She will switch over to rapier & shield only if the creatures get too close, or her arrows continue to bounce off, despite being much closer to the beasts.

She feels her skin crawling, & knows she will not want to be within reach of those flexible arms. She thinks of Earth Queen, Ernalda, and pulls that comforting thought around her like a protective blanket as she moves between Rocky & the horses, moving slightly toward the campfire & her javelins, readying her next arrow to fire again.

Bess L. Hadley

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