[pnpgm] Game Update #49 - File #276 - A path ahead

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Sun Nov 12 05:39:19 CET 2023

*Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Not es.....*
*Male...Klorgar..........Tobie.Bonahoom...Tracker...Human,.......... *
*Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........*

*Game Web Site – http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)*
*Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)*
*Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net*
*Game Update #49 sequence (file #276)*
*Admin Note: None*
*From Rocky: [Re: Blood trail]*
*Rocky nods towards the trail of blood and says "Who is gunna check …*
*GM: Ack.*

*From Juno: [Re: Actions]*
*Juno pray to his god for guidance. He warns the group don’t …*
*GM: Ack.*

*[New Stuff]*

*[Fireday, Movement week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]*

*[Time: 7;50 pm]*
*Rocky nods towards the trail of blood and says. "Who is gunna check out 
the trail a blood droplets?" Rocky is not sure what is going on and whom 
to trust.*

*Juno prays to his god for guidance. He warns the group don’t enter.*

*At least the natives are staying in the hallway countered by Mounath. *

*Razgor looks around the desk where the bag was found to see if this 
moves. Is the draft near the desk and could it give access to a cellar 
or some other way out. *
*If it doesn't move check for handprint or blood on the desk if there is 
some kind of lever to open a door. *
*That moonlight and candle seem to ring a bell but it is not clear what 
that has to do with any old group. *

*Razgor does get close to the table and looks around the area the bag 
was found. Varo also seems to pickup on this method of investigation and 
stares at the candle. To see if the flicker may show a direction of this 
faint breeze.*

*Juno glances at Razgor and reasons it all out as well. He watches as 
the warrior slides chairs and table to see if there is a false bottom as 
he tests the ground on pressure points. But if these people come here to 
study they'd have found the false bottom by now. *

*Varo notices the candle flicker of the candle. She is facing with left 
shoulder to the door across the way from her. Her right shoulder aimed 
at north west corner of room. But she is facing the table. She notices 
the flicker is moving away from her bad to the south west. Granted 
Razgor is right next to the table but it seems to be showing the draft 
is coming from her direction. Behind her? She turns to face the book cases.*

*Juno looks to the book cases. They are dark wood so blood would be hard 
to find. On a whim or maybe from his god he looks at the wall between 
the book cases. Each sub wall section is only 3 feet wide between the 
book cases. But it goes from floor to ceiling. But those round runes are 
the only thing on the bland wall. A round disc of brass.*

*Juno steps forward to examine the rune disc. A rune priest he wants to 
be should know this by heart. From left to right there is Earth, Water, 
Moon, Fire and finally wind or air. Of course this is not the full list 
of runes or elements. Most cults prefer a few top lists. *

*Juno steps forward again and peers at the Fire and Moon discs nearby.*

*Razgor only spots a single drop of blood. Where the bag was. Marusks 
picks up on this idea and scans the floor near the book cases. He 
notices a couple drops near two of the book cases.*

*Juno touches the fire disc. A picture of a large flame and rakes his 
fingers over it drawing dust away. But not fully. There is a part of 
this rune that has been touched recently. Juno steps toward the Moon 
disc. This one shows the round moon in the center of a ocean scene where 
shiny white brass showing moonlight plays on the ocean below. Juno moves 
to the Earth and stops. *

*He notices the Earth and Fire are uniform. As if in a orderly vertical 
direction. But the Moon....is not.*

*Kaz looks at the skylight and the moon light moving lowly down the side 
of the skylight. “The perfect angle is soon to come. It is like the sun 
dials some use to use shadow to pinpoint great relics.”*

*Juno grins. When this quake started the dust fell down this very wall 
section where the Moon disc was. The disc is clear of dust. The quake 
may account for the dust falling off. But the dust is cleared in a set 
pattern. Also the disc is not uniform. The ocean is tilted maybe 5-10 
degrees. He motions for kaz.*

*Kaz looks and seems confused. Then a eyebrow perks up. “Quake must've 
tilted it.”*

*Juno shakes his head. He reaches up and places fingers on the disc. In 
the section of dust that is cleared of dust. He twists right. At first 
nothing happens. But the moon goes from east to west. In this case and 
how its oriented in this house that would be right to left. He twists 
left and the disc moves. When the ocean is about 45 degrees tilted a 
click is heard. *

*“Wait..wait..what..what did you do?” Kaz asks.*

*The party steps back and raises weapons. *

*Juno twists more and ocean is now about 60 degrees tilted. Juno then 
feels a breeze on his hand. HE looks to the right and sees the book case 
has shifted a quarter inch from the wall. *

*Kaz raises his hands, “this is..wait..I don't know about this.”*

*Juno stops twisting. For now clearly Kaz is surprised from these new 
changes to this room. Either he is very surprised or a very good actor.*
If this arrives in emial ilst is working so reply in list or CC/copy to email.

*GM: Actions? Comments?*

*Next update....next tue/wed? When posts come in :)*

*GM: Ok. A good place to stop. Sorry for 2 week delay. I had to do 2024 
benefits, had some appointments to deal with and lots of adult stuff for 
mom and bills for her. Things are settling down per se. I've dealt with 
Elder Law and Real estate law to get deed for her house in my name. Now 
I gotta figure out how to sell car. ;) Only big issue is selling car in 
Jan to a friend. Some big bills to pay stupid Florida insurance price 
hikes. Then the eye doc in a month. I've dreaded it for 15 years. But 
plan is for a Cornea transplant. But if it backfires and clouds over 
like my other eye back in '87 then I may be blind. But if it works I'll 
have vision I had 15 years ago especially after I do the cataract 
surgery in 2025. So 12/18 is big day to talk to eye doc on this stuff. 
Hes at retirement age an I've known him for 35 years. So if he retires 
I'll lose out so gotta get this done. But I may still chicken out. :) So 
with this in mind I've losing a lot of slave...I mean hired Dwarf help. 
They are off slacking way too much. This is the delay since if they 
slack I gotta slack. :) So if this continues I may have to rethink of a 
pbem next year. Maybe it would be better to do a Voice/Discord or Twitch 
style game? But this does depend on how eyes go next year. So obstacles 
to deal with in next 3 months. So I hope folks have a good Thanksgiving 
in case no update by then. I just hope to finish this game by end of 
year. :)*

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