[pnpgm] Good News/Bad News
pnpgm at softhome.net
Thu Jul 14 07:38:32 CEST 2005
Good news and Bad news guys.
Good news - Website is back up.
Bad news? Well the server it was on crashed. ISP had a backup but
it seems some files were missing. All my images were there but
one file. All webpages seem there but for game pages.
I state this in case someone happened to be storing some files on
your HD for reference. If your technically inclined and saved
anything from the website OR your browser cache still may have
any of the files/data please let me know. I'd be very happy if
you do. If not. Oh well. Stuff happens. I was an idiot for
not keeping a backup myself. But after a decade on the server
I guess I took it for granted :<
Missing aterial -
* Old PBEM website. The index.htm file which held the master
webpage. The files are there but the page that told of
each link and such is missing. This means I may have to
delete the old pbem (adventure #1) site entirely. Too much
work to rebuild for a old game.
* One image was missing. The Adventure 2 PBEM website i you
recall had a RED check mark gif to denote which links were
updates. Its gone. I don't have it on the HD. :<. I
stole a green checkmark from Yahoo. If you guys have this
image or another one or know of a location let me know. A
red checkmark with black background is far better than a green one :)
* Missing Pages
[Below is from the current PBEM game site]
[Top of page]
intro.htm - What is a pbem/Rpg?
pnpintro.htm - What is Powers & Perils?
pbemsum.txt - Summary of Campaign Events and History of game
[Bottom of page]
Advtime.txt - Adventure #2 Timeline
Any of you guys happen to keep these files or have them still
in your cache? Keep in mind a browser will rename the file
likely from above to something else.
Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
Fringe BBS - EWOG II - 904-733-1721
Telegard / Allfix Beta Site
Website: http://users.cybermax.net/~longshot
ICQ: 24436933
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