[pnpgm] Game update #16a - File #18 - New Rules and Notes
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Wed Jan 16 05:54:19 CET 2008
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....NormalFaerry Fe
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #16a in sequence (file #18)
Admin notes: Let the Adventure Begin!
[Recap] - None
[New Stuff]
GM: First let me discuss a few Administration related items -
* Update Format: I have covered this in the past for the
old players but since we have a few new folks I'll
restate it here. The Admin Notes section above will
hold generally non-game related matters jut for informational
purposes only. The [RECAP] section will usually hold
old already posted actions of public nature (not private
via email unless stated to). I post stuff here for a
two reasons 1) I add GM: comments after the actions to
clarify or question the actions. You should review this
information. 2) It allows folks to see what actions have
come in to me as in the past some may not have gotten to
me so its more an Acknowledgement. The [New Stuff] section
is where the update goes. I will tend to have a header
at the top that includes the Date/Time/Weather and Location
of the party. Most seem to ignore it but its kept there
for placeholder information. At the very bottom of the
update I may add game related comments. You can check
out the website for posting styles and other format.
At times I tend to get long winded on some updates and
short on others. It all boils down to how much time
I have to put into them. Think of it this way a typical
2 phase combat can last 3-6 hours to write up due to
all the files involved. A typical update 1-3 hours.
Unlike table games PBEMs allow better descriptions at times
and I try to go that route when possible.
* Update Time: Once the adventure starts I will likely get
back to the normal twice a week update. There may be
only 1 update if I'm busy or 3 if there are long and intense
combats that need to be broken up. But no more than 3.
They will be posted late Monday night and Thursday night.
So in effect they become Monday and Friday Updates.
I tend to work on them Monday and Thursday evening. So
it helps to have actions in before then. All are open
to talk among yourselves until the update in the email
list or private email. If you hold a private email
conversation though keep me in the CC list so I can
get a copy and heads up on what's going on.
* Website: The website is updated when the Updates go out.
It will also time to time contain maps and other files
in the links section of interest. I will tell of such
things when the time comes.
* I have heard from Strie'bog. Due to personal issues he
won't be free till at least next month. Since we still
have to work on his character sheet and those changes
and his IBT time he can always join the party later via
the Chion Teleport Service (CTS) :). I hate to start
without him but I think we are ready for now and he
can always jump in later.
* I have removed Xian (busy on his own quest), Thig (still
with Vassa), Farseeker (saving Marentia from L'p'nth
raiders), Strie'bog (still with Vassa) and Trembyl (off
to visit family) from the roster. A smaller party but
it can always grow if needed by the CTS.
* Balance - Its no secret I prefer Balance in a universe.
So if one relies on magical toys for survival then maybe
it will be balanced by combats while a person who relies
on weapons can be balanced with magic. As the party grows
I must balance it with enemy that can survive :). I mean
the days of regular NPCs with HPV of 2-8 are gone. A bit
more higher has to be done to balance the party's strength.
Here's some stats of the party in the above roster. The
average CEL is 5 and MEL is 7. While those are low figures
for one person on average as PC the range is CEL 2-8 and
MEL 5-14. The above smaller party might be better than
a full party of 14 people. That tends to get harder to
deal with and be stealthy. Even though party is fewer in
numbers than usual it still has powerful PCs so I have
to gain balance in the universe. This doesn't mean I go
out of my way to kill folks so don't worry - too much. :)
* Retro Actions: I allow retroactive actions. This means
if you want to reply to dialogue of posts and updates
that have well past that's fine. Role playing is
the best. BUT this does not mean you can post "oh I
find that secret hole there and kill the bad guy" if
he escaped the hole and killed the party. :) That
would be messing with the timeline and my plot and not
good for everyone :) So retro actions are fine for
anything that will not affect the past's future if
you understand what I mean.
* New Rules: As players know I tend to add rules and more
restrictions as adventures progress. For adventure #1
in Clima we didn't worry about food or encumbrance for
example. But that has changed now. Just a way to
make things more realistic as adventures go on. I hope
to tell you guys any new rules as they come up.
1. Station: In the past I've not dealt with Status and Station.
even the lowly Thief Balrog met with King Maros. But
in the near future I hope to start dealing with it on
the good and bad side. For good it will mean interactions
and influence. For the bad side it'll mean Infamy and
gaining enemies. I have to find my ancient status chart
I made a decade or so ago and tweak it. I'm not 100%
sure how I'll deal with this but will come up with something.
2. Energy Level: Since there is a spell I created and Richard
adapted (Energy) Energy Level becomes less of a critical
area to worry about. Folks can simply Energy Up. So
to balance it I never inform folks (never did to be honest
before the spell either) of their Energy Level. I may
inform your "weak" or "comfortable" but that's about it.
As always if 0 you die. This doesn't mean there will be
energy sucking monsters in the next adventure (well there
could be so far not planning on it) just a FYI. For
folks with innate powers it is a vital thing to keep in
mind. Of course with magic one could probably detect
your level but again with a Relative result.
3. Money: I still assume all coins are made in Marentian
amounts. So might have had like Climan coins but
I figured they'd be converted. When the adventure
starts you guys should let me know what goes with
you and what stays. Conversion to other forms is possible
like Donaran coin. Theres plenty of areas to keep it
safe like Z'leyra's manor or Ben'dar's ranch or Duke
Aren's estate. But of course a moneylender might
earn you interest!
4. Movement and MR: I'm going to try to use the movement
and damage restrictions more often. So less movement
from damage. To be honest I tend to forget them and
with 14 players can get bogged down. But with smaller
party will try to deal with them this time around
in combats. On a side note check your character's MR
I tend to forget to update it if the Bonus changes
when updating character sheets. If it looks like it
should be +1 let me know. :)
5. Damage: Damage from now on may be more realistic.
Instead of normal hit point damage adding up it
may be a broken arm or severed neck artery. Thus
making combat more intense. So just a head's up
in this area.
6. Dodge/Parry: I've been very loose in this area in the
past games. I always just assumed Attack Attack Attack
and if that 30 point blow was about to hit you then
Dodge! I will from now on continue to assume Attack 100%
of the time. But unless you say to dodge/parry or
do something else it won't be done. This is a bit
harder in PBEM games than table games but it can still
be done. For those lucky to dodge and attack at the
same time you can half it. Just let me know in the
current situation that comes up.
7. Gear: I suspect encumbrnce won't be a factor for
the next adventure but the one after it might be.
As a reminder if its listed as "shield - horse" on
your sheet that's where I assume it to be. So in
combat you can't just say "use my shield!" unless you
said to get it beforehand :). Item damage due to
combat will still be used.
8. Skills: If you intend to use a specific skill for expertise
let me know. Otherwise I assume its a role playing
action. Not many skills were ever truly used in the
previous adventures when you think of it.
9. Spells: For new players just a reminder that there
is ALWAYS a chance of abysmal failure. It may be
slim even at 100% chance of success but its still there.
This reflects balance in that Gods may be upset or
peeved at that very time and want to punish some
unlucky mortal. As a GM it just adds spice to the game. :)
Again it may be still but there is always a chance.
10. Innate Magic: With last game I allowed the cat to get
out of the bag. So Innate magics can be done through
"thinking" concentration rather than speech and hand
waving. I've done this off and on in the past 20
years as well. At times I believe its all or nothing
for the speech rule. I mean balance for wizards is
simply to gag them. But now it will have to be death
or knock out. So I'll still allow it for innate magics
and minimal hand gestures (this may be spell dependent
on type like a fireball might need a hand gesture but
a invisibility might not). For now on you must let
me know if its energy or casting ability or trained
magic or innate. But will assume CA and Trained for
all cases otherwise. Of course on the GM side this
balances out by allowing bad guys to use thinking
magic and no warning to players (evil grin). Not
that I'd be that mean!
11. Hit Location: I have 2 charts I use for Hit locations
in combat (ranged and melee). Divided up in the
main body parts equally well. Going along with Gear
if your wearing an item hit there is a chance from now
on it will take damage. In the past I just assumed
all damage was done on your person. From now on it
will be taken into account. I know some are paranoid
(not sure why?) and gear up with magical toys and
armor that's fine but it will now mean more chances
for its damage. So for example you have a bracelet
and Left Arm is hit then there might be a 50/50 for
lower/upper arm and then 50/50 for arm or hand area
and then if arm could be 50/50 for wrist or arm.
That sort of rough determination and if the wrist is
hit the bracelet will take damage as well as your
wrist. For a belt chest gets 5 locations I believe
so might be 1 in 5 chance of hitting a belt. I think
in the future this is more realistic and fair.
12. Race: Lastly I hope to use more restrictions on Race
things. For example Afflictions to Iron or Immunity
or such. Sometimes I may simply get too busy in a
combat and forget to add that 2 points for Iron damage. :)
Same for minor things like Mana Reading/Sensing. Typically
I didn't count cost for use all the time. In the future
when you use it will be at cost not just always on.
The above isn't to scare you folks just to give you a head's
up on things. Balance and progress is all it is. If
I think of other things I'll try to tell you then.
Actions? Comments?
Next update...Next post!
GM: I am still updating Arawn's character sheet and may take
a couple more days but we'll begin.
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