[pnpgm] Game update #122 - File #685 - Z'leyra's IBT
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Fri Mar 20 07:13:04 CET 2009
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R1 Tom Corckett..........Caladan...........Wizard Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
-- Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....NormalFaerry Fe
Do David Sanders.........Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human Ma
R? J H Hooten............Raban.Usherwood...Bard....Normal/Human..Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
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Game Update #122 in sequence (file #685)
Admin Notes: Nona.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
OOC: Sorry for the delay. I had some computer issues but things
should be back to normal now.
A) Languages-
Arawn states an interest in learning Ipanza before the
tribesman leave but upon hearing Raban's request to learn Sidh
he grows quiet, a pensive look on his face. A short while later
he responds, after Fremea makes her offer to teach the bard
the magics of Archery.
"Raban, the magics of the Sidh are a sacred thing as is our
tongue. The two go hand in hand and are not casually taught to
those who do not venerate or are Sidh. But I have thought over
this and I am willing to teach you if you still desire. You
are a good man with a compassionate heart and that is
admirable. You are also a bard of Miryan and their are bonds
between the Court of Cernunnous and the courts of my mother
and of my father. For these reasons I am willing to pass this
knowledge on to you in hopes that you will use it wisely. All
I ask in return is that you treasure it as a sacred gift and
do not lightly pass such knowledge on to others and that you
will use to the benefit of good people, and especially in
regards to the courts of Life and the Sidh."
If Raban wants to learn Sidh quickly he can use the necklace
and use the last slot to learn Sidh. If he's willing to wait
to use the necklace or wants to learn it slowly then Arawn
would like to learn Ipanza.
If Arawn is nearby and hears K'iet asking Oby about the books
and what language they are written in he will reply-
"They should be in Lymrian as the castle was a remnant of that
nation. As for translations, I have been working on that and
will hopefully have something useful to share shortly."
In regards to learning Force Powers-
Hearing Kiet's inquiry and Chion's interest in Force powers
Arawn lets out a soft breath, his gaze cast to the side as if
in thought, before responding.
"I am not experienced with such magics but I have seen the
basics. I may be able to pass them on to the two of you if you
are willing."
OOC: Hopefully I haven't forgotten to reply to anyone. If so,
please let me know.
GM: Ack. Books and such will be dealt with later. Teaching of
powers can be done later as their IBT actions are done. Would
be hard to refigure out math wise. Problem with learning Ipanza.
They leave the 7th. No more slots free or time. You'd have
to go up to Sven's domain to meet them and likely travel on
the Tundra to find them. Unless you add a Tongues spell
For your IBT actions. If so let me know ASAP so it doesn't
mess up the mana count. They are a remote people so really
not sure knowing the language would be useful?
From Raban: [Re: Sidh]
Raban smiles sadly at Arawn's offer, thinking about long ago. "I
met my Bardic teacher in an Inn where we both were entertaining.
I had not seen many Elves before I met her and we impressed each
other with our skills. I taught her many things she was quite
happy to learn and she taught me much about becoming a bard.
Sadly there came a time when she thought I had learned enough
and she had other things she wished to do.
But she had not gotten to teaching me Sidh and only a little of
the Elf Sidh, even though she told me some about the Elven magics.
I think she found she did not like how others reacted to me and
decided the easier solution was to leave. She was never quite
happy with my choice of deity either, but like you said my
Goddess is somewhat allied to the Sidh powers as is the Court
she belongs too. In the years since then, I have always planned
to continue those teachings but never really had the chance til
now. I suppose I have neglected to learn much of that I should
have, but my path has been a busy one at times. I admit I am a
bit stronger tied to Elder if my skill with those runes are any
example. I was even told I could perhaps become a Wizard, though
I personally do not think I am bright enough to do it credit, at
least from what I have heard. The bardic life suits me fine
enough that I do not need to do more than expand the spells I
know and as a Bard I am allowed to learn any Elder, Sidh or
Neutral Spell I can arrange training in. So I thank you for your
offer and accept, is there anything else I can offer in return?
I assure you I will honor your gift as it deserves, I do not
treat such things lightly."
<The tongues item would speed this up quite a lot, and Em/3 is
not too bad a start. Though it will rise quite slow as well. 2
months of language training in an instant is pretty hard to turn
down, but there are other days to do it if others need the item
GM: Ack. All right. Use the necklace. Roger.
[New Stuff]
[Apris 6th, 1634TH. 9th Day of Adventure #4.
[Location: High Elder's domain - Citadel, Dark Lands, Forest]
GM: Z'leyra's IBT actions...
[On the trip back Ben'dar helps to teach Z'leyra more things
with her horse and riding. On the 4th and 6th, Z'leyra is
seen casting some spells away from the party camp. It isn't
clear which ones but two are obviously invisibility and
concealing mist. She seems to just be practicing them. It
isn't clear if she casts more spells once on the Citadel
grounds or not. But knowing her it is likely she will.]
[Just after sunrise on the 7th around 7am, Z'leyra is walking
to the tavern in the village for a breakfast. She notices in
the woods a group of about 12 and decides to stop and watch the
group. There is a man in his mid-40s that seems to be leading
a group of 8 or so younger people. He is demonstrating a spell
called Blade Shield. To demonstrate it he casts the spell on
himself and has two of the young ones try to attack him. They
swing short swords but the blades are deflected almost half of
the time completely away even though they should've surely hit
him. The blades just seem to be deflected and a static charge
is seen of which particles when the blades are deflected away.
The master then informs the group of ways around like missile
or magic but ensures it is a good defense for certain tactical
situations. Z'leyra continues on to eat. Z'leyra has found
these demonstrations common as a street vendor in a Sivas
city market.]
[Once back in the Citadel Z'leyra finds a Armorer shop and tents
time on the forget and buys materials. She plans to make
magical sling projectiles. So for the remainder of her days
in the Citadel she is using her Armorer skills to make those
projectiles and in the shop.]
[On the 8th, little after 8pm, Z'leyra is entering the Citadel
and notices a group of 5 peasants talking with Zhou and Suca.
One their leader seems to be complaining about a man in the
Balance domain not being treated right with some trial. They
are pleading for the Elder to intervene. Z'leyra doesn't hear
what the offense was but Zhou assures them the matter will be
on the agenda when he returns. Z'leyra wonders where the
Elder could be that would allow matters of state go without
some consultation. Who is in charge then? She wonders if
they can contact him and get a quicker answer. Wherever the
Elder is he must be dealing with something important. Maybe
the events with the flying island and the after effects of it,
especially in Itom's domain.]
[Near 3pm on the 8th, Z'leyra is spending time in the nearby
forest. As she walks some distance into the forest she notices
a group of about 15 peasants singing in a nearby clearing.
They seem to be talking about a upcoming birth that is blessed
by some god not mentioned. One young girl dances as the others
sing and chant various prayers. Not wanting to disturb this
possible ritual or ceremony, Z'leyra moves on and avoids the
[Near sunset on the 10th, Z'leyra is again in the forest coming
back into the Citadel grounds. Suddenly she hears horses
behind her and turns toward the setting sun and can't find the
horses. Soon four horses approach and fast. Z'leyra draws a
hand to a weapon for the first time in this place but suddenly
notice they don't seem to be a threat. The four riders, all
male adults are laughing and talking. They seem to be carrying
bags and have bows and quivers on their back. They see Z'leyra
and ride slower toward her and acknowledge her. Soon it
becomes obvious they are hunters after a very successful long
hunt in the west. They are heading to the meat market dealers
to sell their meat. Z'leyra notices the men seem quite happy
to be hunters.]
[Apris 11th, little after 10am, Z'leyra is taking a break from
her projects and notices a group of 7 peasants clashing with
each other down the small village street. It seems four are
arguing with the other 3 about some person. Listening in it
seems some family conflict with an arranged marriage and the
groom seems to have come up missing after a trip to the
eastern domains. Soon a couple guards come to break up the
fight and they disperse. Z'leyra still finds this domain is
quite peaceful but outside there is conflict and strife like
any normal society. She could investigate more on the missing
person but that would distract her from the projects and
whatever the Elder needs the party for.]
[While in a tavern for lunch around 12:30pm on the 12th,
Z'leyra notices a group of 4 travelers sitting at a nearby
table. They aren't clearly from around here and from what she
can learn from their conversation they from the eastern
domains but doesn't know where exactly. They keep talking
like "they" sent them for something to keep something safe.
But from the hushed conversations they don't give much more
than that. Not knowing who "they" are or what organization
they work for or where they are from or going to Z'leyra just
notes the table talk as typical everyday talk. The only
interesting thing she learns from the group before they leave
is a odd rumor. They mention the "witch" was said to be in two
places at once. Her domain and another place north of that.
Rumors from some unknown sources aren't saying how but at
least 3 of the four believe she could have. The fourth seems
to think she doesn't have the power. Who the witch was or
when this was or why isn't clear. Soon they leave the tavern
and mount up and ride off fast before Z'leyra could pay for
her own food and follow.]
Actions? Comments?
Next Update...Monday..
GM: Not quite done with Z'leyra's sheet. May take a bit longer.
Then on to Arawn and Raban. After that I need to work on
a new character joining us. Then help another old character
return to the game. Then hopefully by then work on the
last new player to join once I hear back from him. So I'm
about 40% done with IBT. Still have to also work on the
next adventure details. :<
GM: Timeline - [Reminder to me and you]
Apris 3-6 - Travel to Citadel
Apris 7-14- IBT time
Apris 15 - High Elder's Meeting
Total IBT Days: 12
GM: IBT Actions - IBT events will be queued.
Actions Actions Results Sheet
Player Posted Processed Posted sent Completed
#0 Caladan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#1 Ben'dar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#2 Chion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#3 Kiet Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#4 Fremea Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
#5 Unali Yes Yes Yes yes Yes
#6 Z'leyra Yes Yes Ues No
#7 Arawn Yes Soon No No
#8 Raban Yes Soon No No
Actions Posted - IBT actions sent to me. Yes/No
Actions processed - Yes if completed, Soon if soon to tackle,
Working for work in progress or back and forth in email
Results Posted - Yes/No if results of the IBT actions posted
Sheet Sent - Yes/No if FINAL post-Adventure #4 sheet updated
GM: Learning Languages
Days/Slots: 12
Slot Player Language Success Slot Player Language Success
#1 Chion L'p'nth Yes #2 Unali Donaran Yes
#3 Unali Elf Sidh Yes #4 Caladan Katai Yes
#5 Z'leyra Helva Yes #6 Z'leyra Lemasan Yes
#7 Fremea Katai Yes #8 Fremea Bird Yes
#9 Fremea Zen'dali Yes #10 Raban Fae Sidh Yes
#11 Kiet Zen'dali Yes #12 ??????
Slot 10-12?: Chion - Multiple if no one else learns any?
Slots left: 1
Note: Remember this is STARTING ELs. So not max. But
its a start. Slot 12 is still empty. Sign up or Chion
can take that with a particular request? There will be
more time during the adventure.
*** Raban wants to learn Tongue of Sidh. Since it is
supernatural that tends to be a bit more Sacred like.
If someone wants to teach him that I'll put him in for
slot #12. If so let me know. I figure some may not
want supernatural tongues revealed much less given out freely.
So its optional.
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