[pnpgm] Off subject from actual gaming - but important
Wout Broere
broere at powersandperils.org
Thu Dec 31 11:24:47 CET 2015
Dear Tobie,
Go ahead and post on the general pnp list as well if you like. Hopfuly
2016 will be a better year for you.
On 30-12-15 08:53, Tobie Bonahoom wrote:
> I did talk to Scott on this first, so that I would not just be blasting
> to the group. Thank you for your time to read on.
> I don't usually ask people to do this, but I am hoping that you all
> might be able to help my wife and I out. My wife had been diagnosed with
> Uterine cancer at the the beginning of the year and we have been making
> sure that it is taken care of. She has had two major surgerys (one to
> remove the cancer, second to fix the Hernia's she got from the first
> one). Also, she has undergone a lot of treatments. Basically, we have
> had to eat through our savings and extra funds, plus her not being able
> to work most of this year, has us sorely underfunded. We have started a
> gofundme account to ask for support in making sure she can continue the
> treatments (which are making sure she is cancer free) and to help pay
> for the medical expenses that are outside of our insurance coverage. If
> you can help (even a small amount is great), we thank you, but if you
> could also pass this along to your lists, that would even help more.
> Here is the link http://gofundme.com/3qb2pdpm
> Thank you for your time on reading this and if you do contribute, for
> your support and love.
> Tobie
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