Powers and Perils

Character Generator Sample

 *        Powers & Perils Character Sheet               * Name:               * 
 *                                                      * Race: Human         * 
 *******************************************************   Sex: Male          * 
 * Total          *         Characteristic Record       * Type:               * 
 * Mult.      19  *                                     *                     * 
 *                *Native  *     *Current*Maximum* Temporary *   Bonus Table  * 
 *Characteristics *Ability *Mult.*Ability*Ability* Modifier  * 0-5  -1 51-75  * 
 ************************************************************* 6-15  0   +3   * 
 *Strength (S)    *   17   * x4.0*   31  *   68  *           *16-30 +1 76-100 * 
 *Stamina (St)    *   14   * x4.0*   28  *   68  *           *31-50 +2   +4   * 
 *Dexterity (D)   *   19   * x2.5*   31  *   48  *           ****************** 
 *Agility (A)     *   11   * x2.5*   20  *   22  *           *  Bonuses (B)   * 
 *Intelligence (I)*   15   * x1.5*   15  *   22  *           ****************** 
 *Will (W)        *    9   * x1.5*    9  *   14  *           *   SB   *  +2   * 
 *Eloquence (E)   *   18   * x1.5*   18  *   27  *           *   StB  *  +1   * 
 *Empathy (Em)    *   12   * x1.5*   12  *   18  *           *   DB   *  +2   * 
 *Constitution (C)*   11   * x3.0*   11  *   33  *           *   AB   *  +1   *
 *Appearance (Ap) *    0   * x5.0*    9  *   45  *           *   CB   *  0    * 
 * Magic Factors  *        *      Miscellaneous Factors      * Combat Factors * 
 ******************        **************************************************** 
 * Mana Level     *    4   *  Age     * 19  * IC       * 30  *      HPV  *  18* 
 *        MDV     *    4   *  Station *  1  * Portage  * 82  *   Damage  *    * 
 *         EL     *   20   *  Height  * 185 * Food Req.*  3  *      CEL  *  2 * 
 * Current EL     *   20   *  Weight  *  77"* PR       *  2  *      CEP  *150 * 
 * Magic Path     *        ***********************************      OCV  *  5 * 
 *Orientation     *        *         Coins in Pocket         *      DCV  *  5 * 
 *        MEP     *        ***********************************       MR  * 11 * 
 *        MEL     *        *  GC                  CC     110 * PMR  *         * 
 *Casting Ability *        *  SC                  BB         *       HC  * 20%* 
 * Mana Pts. Used *        *  Other                          *      DTV  * -2 * 
 * Mana Regen.    *        *   Wealth                        *Dodge Value*  3 * 
 *   Combat Items *          Equipment Record                                 * 
 *                          * Price  *   Item  *  Item    *                   * 
 *         Item             * Paid   *  Weight * Location *    Item Notes     * 
 *                          *        *         *          *                   * 
 *                          *        *         *          *                   * 
 *                          *        *         *          *                   * 
 *   Other Gear   *                                                           * 
 *                          * Price  *   Item  *  Item    *                   * 
 *         Item             * Paid   *  Weight * Location *    Item Notes     * 
 *                          *        *         *          *                   * 
 *                          *        *         *          *                   * 
 *                          *        *         *          *                   * 
 *                          *        *         *          *                   * 
 *                          *        *         *          *                   * 
 *                          *        *         *          *                   * 
 *                                     *   Total Equipment Weight   *         * 
 *                           Education Record                                 * 
 *                          *            *   Cost    *              *         * 
 *                          * Expertise  *   Next    *  Partial     *   Max   * 
 *        Skill             * Level (EL) *   Level   *  Expertise   *    EL   * 
 *Bhamotin (Native Language)*     80     *      0    *        0     *    80   * 
 *City Survival             *      4     *      0    *        0     *     4   * 
 *Dagger - Fight            *      1     *     10    *        0     *     6   * 
 *Forest Survival           *      4     *      0    *        0     *     4   * 
 *Forester                  *     80     *      0    *        0     *    80   * 
 *Hand-to-hand              *      6     *      0    *        0     *     6   * 
 *Horsemanship              *      2     *      6    *        0     *     7   * 
 *Husbandry                 *     80     *      0    *        0     *    80   * 
 *Longbow                   *      5     *      0    *        0     *     5   * 
 *Repeating Crossbow        *      3     *     36    *       27     *     6   * 
 *Rhetoric                  *      0     *      2    *        0     *     3   * 
 *Tracking                  *      2     *      0    *        0     *     2   * 
 *                              Spell Record                                  * 
 *               *Base*       *          *Cost *         *     *    Spell     * 
 *               *Mana*Casting*Expertise *Next *Partial  *Cast * Effects or   * 
 *  Spell        *Cost* Cost  *Level (EL)*Level*Expertise*Speed*     Notes    * 
 *               *    *       *          *     *         *     *              * 
 *               *    *       *          *     *         *     *              * 
 *               *    *       *          *     *         *     *              * 
 *               *    *       *          *     *         *     *              * 
 *               *    *       *          *     *         *     *              * 
 *               *    *       *          *     *         *     *              * 
 *                           Personal Contacts                                * 
 * Person         *  Profession  * Location  *  Special Factors about Contact * 
 *                *              *           *                                * 
 *                *              *           *                                * 
 *                *              *           *                                * 
 *                *              *           *                                * 
 *                *              *           *                                * 
 *             Armor Record                  *        Special Attributes      * 
 *             *     *           *   Damage  *                                * 
 *  Item       *  AV *  DR (FV)  *   Taken   *                                * 
 *********************************************                                * 
 *             *     *           *           *                                * 
 *             *     *           *           *                                * 
 *             *     *           *           *                                * 
 *             *     *           *           *                                * 
 *             *     *           *           *                                * 
 *             *     *           *           *                                * 
 þ Notes:
   Lifting Ability : 410 pounds
   Station Description
    :Free man, common solider, servant, common barbarian warrior or artisan.
    Civilized Character

    ----Special Events----

    None - No event for the roll

 þ Magic Information:

 þ Magic Summary:

 þ Background:

 þ Goals:

 þ Skill Notes:
      The ability to speak the tongue of the player's choice.  All
      characters have a basic core of language skill.  These are the
      tongue that he was raised speaking or educated in.  Max EL for a
      Native or Related tongue is EL 80.  For tongues that are dead, ie
      those that have no speakers to teach it, Max EL is 40.  If a person
      has no knowledge of a language that is related to one he does know
      he has a Empathy percentage chance of Partial Success, if unrelated
      then no such benefit.  Listener has a chance of understanding that
      he has been learning.  Sucess will yield 10+EL% understanding of
      what is said.  Failure indicated nothing is understood.  If 3 times
      the time is taken by Listener and Speaker the chance is doubled.
      Experience in surviving the environments that exist in the game.
      Survival is gained for each environment separately.  Each has its
      own special rules and knowledge to be learned.  Environments:
        Underground I       Underground II     Plains        City
        Forest              Jungle             Mountain      Hill
        Badlands            Swamp              Lower World   Upper World
        Desert.             Tundra             Waterway
      Underground I is survival in natural caves and caverns.  Underground
      II is for manufactured mines, dungeons, mazes, etc.  The survival EL
      is used in Hunting, Ambushing, avoiding ambushes and avoiding
      encounters.  Per day of surviving in a given terrain 1 Expertise
      point is gained.  This is assigned only to the terrain to which it
      is earned only.
      Character is skilled in forestry.  He is able to judge the value of
      a stand of trees.  He knows efficient method of harvesting them.
      Success of judging will determine value, partial will yield the value
      within 20% in either direction.  Failure will yield the value within
      100% in either direction.  Gains knowledge of tracking (at max EL)
      and knows the creatures that can be found in the forest.  The
      creature skill allows him to recognize any creature that can be
      encountered in the forest.  You will also know any legends or rumors
      about the forest nearest to his/her home city or village.  There is
      a 20% chance (d100) that he will gain EL Em in the Tongue of the
      Elf Sidh, 60% EL Em tongue of the Faerry Sidh, 80% EL2 in Axe, 40%
      Longbow skill at Max EL, and 100% Max EL in Forest Survival.  If
      you speak the tongues then considered to be a friend by that race.
      Character is skilled in unarmed combat.  EL is used when
      fighting with your bare hands.  The Hand-to-hand fighter may
      not score additional damage against an armoered, including
      natural armor, opponent unless his EL is greater than the AV
      or NAV of the target's armor.
      Horsemanship - The ability to ride a horse.  Where mounts other
      than horses are available, the skill is gained individually for
      each creature.  If the person learning is already a trained
      horseman reduce the cost by 20 points for EL0 (or get 20 free
      points). When on a war trained mount add the Horsemanship's EL to
      the weapon used to determine the applicable roll and damage
      modifiers for expertise.  The EL needed to control a mount is:
         Draft Horse, Riding Horse I, Mule*, Donkey*, Ox*  - EL 0
         Riding Horse II               - EL 1
         Riding Horse III, War Horse 1 - EL 2  * - May not be used in
         War Horse II                  - EL 3      combat, must dismount
         Riding Horse IV               - EL 4      to fight.
         War Horse III                 - EL 5
         War Horse IV                  - EL 8
      While Charging, a war trained mount's rating is added to the EL of
      rider If the EL is sufficient to control the mount.  The same
      factor is added to the damage scored by a charge, if the mount is
      controlled.  The EL for a horseman that cares for his wounded
      mount is subtracted from its healing chance roll, in addition to
      any to any healing skills he may have.  The Horsemanship EL x 5
      is the chance to determine how good the animal is without any
      husbandry skill in horses.
      Skill in the cure and training of a specific species of animal.
      Success yields a correct evaluation of the animal's worth or one
      command correctly taught.  Partial success yields a error of 20%
      in either direction or incomplete teaching of a command.  (50%
      chance that the animal will respond.  If the command is re-taught
      the Husbandman can subtract 10 from his roll.  The time to attempt
      to teach the command is 2 days).  Failure indicates the value is
      off by 100% in either direction or the animal did not understand
      the command AND has a 50%-(EL/2, rounded down) chance of attacking
      the Husbandman.  Only animals listed in the Equipment List, or the
      Referee specifically allows, may be trained.  The number of commands
      that they can be trained to obey is 1D6+Intellect for Carnivores
      and Omnivores, and 1D2 + Intellect for other animals.  The cost for
      a Husbandman to gain a new speciality once he has the basic skill,
      is 20 Expertise Points, for a starting level.  To gain these points
      he must have continual access to a sample of the species throughout
      his training.  Without separate training as a Healer the Husbandman
      can use healing arts on species that he is trained for.  The Healing
      EL equals his EL in Husbandry divided by 20, rounded up.
      Skill in the persauasive use of Language.  The EL is added to the
      Influence Chance of a character.  It is also added to the minimum
      Influence chance.
      The ability to follow, or obscure, a trail in a non city environment
      area that the character has survival skill in.  The EL x 2 is added
      to the chance to follow a trail or subtracted from the chance that a
      pursuer can follow it.

Scott Adams