Powers and Perils

Navigation Woes

Travel Navigation Matrix

How to use the navigation grid:

  1. Before the party sets out on their travels, pick a random grid location with a 1d10-1d10 roll and mark it.
  2. When the party wants to move on the map, look at the current grid values.
    1. Your "Navigation Number" is equal to the highest Navigation EL plus the highest survival skill for the current terrain, modified for any of the following situations:
      Daytime travel in plains or desert, with sufficient landmarksx2
      Nighttime or bad weather daytime travel in forests or hillsx0.5
      Nighttime or bad weather daytime travel in mountains or badlandsx0.25
    2. If your Navigation number is equal to or greater than the current grid number, or if the square is marked "Straight", move one hex on the map in the desired direction.
    3. If your Navigation number is LESS than the current grid number and it is not "Straight", the party is off course!
      If the course code is "Left", they move to the hex COUNTER-CLOCKWISE of the desired move.
      If the course code is "Right", they move to the hex CLOCKWISE of the desired move.
    4. Move the marker on the navigation grid the same direction of the actual move. Wrap around as required.
  3. Repeat step 2 for each hex of travel until a travelable landmark (road, river, coastline) is encountered. If they follow any of these, you do not need the Navigation grid. If they leave these "routes", continue to use the grid.

Burton Choinski


Navigation Woes

Travel navigation matrix

Design: Burton Choinski