Powers and Perils


Character Creation Rules


Combat Rules

Magic Rules

Magic and Natural Magic Items


Creature Encounter Rules

Initial IncreasesBook I, page 7

Some questions have arisen over this section. The points determined by the formula are a total number of points that are assigned, as the Player desires, to each of the four areas where he can gain starting points in the table. The total number assigned to all four areas equals the number determined. The gain in each area depends on the actual number of points that the Player choose to assign to that area.

Supernatural AttributesBook I, pages 9-13

On analysis, you will find that the more powerful supernatural attributes, at their higher levels, tend to produce very powerful starting characters. You may allow players to have these powers without disadvantage, if you desire. However, for the balance and flavor of your campaign, this is not the best policy.

The prime factor of supernatural affairs in Powers and Perils is that all power that is not normally innate in a given race is derived from some connection to an extra-somatic, supernatural force. For special attributes, the Referee can detail this connection for the player and limit his possible operating parameters based on the influence of his special power. This is entirely realistic and will add an interesting dimension to your campaign.

Characteristic Gains through Special AttributesBook I, pages 10-13

The characteristic gains for those attributes that grant supernatural power in a given characteristic are set too high. As they stand, they can have a serious effect on play balance.

To modify this, the following change to the gain received for these characteristics apply:

  1. The increase in Native Ability will equal 2D6 + Sex/Race Mod.* + Max. Bonus **
  2. For Will Power, the Character has the Evil Eye if his rating is greater than 14.
  3. For Empathic Power, the chance of communing with other creatures equals the amount of increase times THREE.
  4. The minimum native ability, with this increase, is 15.
  5. All other rules remain as they are written.
* Found in the Native Ability table for the race and sex of the Character for the characteristic that is affected by the power.
** The Bonus, given a multiplier of 4, that the character would have with his starting Native Ability in the characteristic that is affected. (Check the Bonus Table for all characteristics not just those that have a usable bonus in play.)

Common KnowledgeBook I, page 19

Civilized humans with a station of 0 get carrying and one ten point skill. Unfortunately, Carrying is the only ten point skill. To rectify this error, the Referee should create other ten point skills (Servant, Stablehand, Laborer, Farmhand, etc.) or allow the character to take 10 partial expertise points as the apprentice of an NPC master of a non-combat skill with a cost to learn of 35 or less.

Alfar CharactersBook I, page 20

Unless the Referee desires to use the Upper and Lower World as a major feature in his campaign, he should not allow Alfar characters. Ignore section 1.421 and the elven height reference in section 1.3331.

Starting ELBook I, page 21

For other skills, the divisor used with the highest characteristic is TEN or a higher divisor IF that skill has a divisor that is higher than ten, i.e. Assassin has a divisor of 20 for example. It only includes those skills that the phrase "or 80" is NOT listed for. It does not affect any skills that are covered elsewhere in the table on page 21.

AssassinsBook I, page 25

The benefits of this class are enormous. To rectify this possible exageration, the Assasin will only be allowed to subtract his EL from combat rolls when he ambushes a victim succesfully. It will not apply as a subtracter at any other time. All other effects remain the same for this skill.

Gaining experience as an assassin is very difficult. To modify this, Assassins should gain 1D10 + countable hit points each time that a succesful ambush results in a kill or a deadly hit. In all other cases where the skill is used succesfully, he will receive the normal 1D10 points for expertise.

EXAMPLE - An assassin slays a normal man. He will receive 1D10 + 11 if he scores the full 11 hits (i.e. 9 plus 2 for the DTV) that are possible. Against Vlad Stonehand, HPV 51, DTV - 5, a succesfull blow could yield as much as 66 expertise points in the skill.

IMPORTANT - Assassins may only gain sufficient expertise from a single encounter to allow them to increase one level as assassins. Any points gaines over the number required to reach the new level are lost.

Human TonguesBook I, page 43

Ignore all references to the language of Tungali.

Spears and PolearmsBook I, page 23

These weapon classes have been changed. The standard Polearms are now Halberd (Poleaxe) and Glaive. The standard spears are Javelin, Spear and Pike. Boar Spears have been deleted as a weapon type.

Any character with an EL in Boar Spear should replace it with the same EL in Glaive. If a character owns a Boar Spear, it should be replaced with a Glaive.

Weapon ParametersBook I, page 31

The information below supercedes errors in the Weapon Table in Book One of Powers and Perils. The cost, weight and availability values in that table do not change. The special rule, in this table, for Sling class weapons supercedes a Powers and Perils omission.

WeaponTypeWSBFVSpecial Rules
Arbalest **Crossbow+4 (+2)NAThe parenthesized WSB applies at extreme range.
ArrowUsed with Bow06None.
AxeAxe+1 (0)9As for Broadsword
Bastard SwordHeavy Sword+1 (0)12The parenthesized WSB applies when charging on foot. + 5 on attack roll when used while mounted.
Battle Axe **Axe+2 (+1)11As for Great Sword.
Bow **Bow0NANone.
BroadswordHeavy Sword+1 (0)10The parenthesized WSB applies when charging on foot. No restriction when used while mounted.
ClubMace0 (-1)10The parenthesized WSB applies on Shield Hits and when charging on foot. Increase the effective WSB by 1 on Deadly and Severe Hits.
Composite Bow **Bow0NANone.
Darts @Used with Repeating Crossbow-14None.
Fighting DaggerDagger06None.
FlailMace+1 (0)9As for Club. Increase the effective WSB by 1 when charging and mounted.
Glaive **Polearm0 (+2)11The parenthesized WSB applies when used by stationary footman. DOUBLE effective WSB when used against charging, mounted opponent.
Great Sword **Heavy Sword+2 (+1)13The parenthesized WSB applies when charging on foot. Not usable while mounted.
Halberd (Poleaxe) **Polearm+1 (+3)14As for Glaive.
Hammer **Mace+2 (+1)10As for Club.
Hand AxeAxe08None.
Handle Sling **Sling+1 (+2)NAThe parenthesized WSB applies on deadly hits.
Heavy Crossbow *Crossbow+2 (+1)NAThe parenthesized WSB applies at extreme range.
Heavy LanceHeavy Lance0 (+2)10The parenthesized WSB applies when used from a charging mount. Not usable by footmen. DOUBLE the effective WSB against charging, mounted opponents.
Lead Pellets @Used with Repeating Crossbow00None.
Light Crossbow *Crossbow+1 (0)NAThe parenthesized WSB applies at extreme range.
Light LanceLight Lance-1 (+1)7The parenthesized WSB applies when used from a charging mount. Increase the effective WSB by 1 against charging, mounted opponents
Longbow **Bow+1NANone.
MaceMace+1 (0)11As for Club.
PikeSpear+112As for spear. DOUBLE WSB when used by stationary footman against charging, mounted opponent.
QuarrelUsed with Crossbow06None.
Repeating CrossbowRepeating Crossbow0 (-1)NAThe parenthesized WSB applies at long range.
ScimitarScimitar0 (+1)9The parenthesized WSB applies when used while charging and mounted.
Short SwordSword07+ 10 on roll to hit when thrown. Usable while mounted.
Sling *Sling0 (+1)NAThe parenthesized WSB applies on Deadly Hits.
Sling ProjectileUsed with Sling0NANone.
SpearSpear09+ 5 on roll to hit when charging on foot. Increase effective WSB by 1 when used by stationary footman against charging, mounted opponent.
Stone, Rock, etc.Used with Sling-2 (-1)NAThe parenthesized WSB applies when cast with a sling or if the thrower has an SB of +3 or higher.
SwordSword09As for Short Sword.
Throwing AxeAxe-17None.
Throwing DaggerDagger-15None.
TulwarScimitar+1 (+2)10The parenthesized WSB applies when charging and mounted.
War Staff **Staff+18Only usable on foot. DOUBLE the effective WSB on Dealy Hits. + 5 on attack rolls when charging on foot.
* Two hands required to load. May be fired with one hand.
** Two hands required to use.
@ If the repeating crossbow is available, so are these items.
NOTE - In all cases where a weapon is used to fire a projectile, the WSB of the attack equals the WSB of the weapon PLUS the WSB of the projectile.

EXAMPLE - When a handle sling is used to cast a stone the WSB is, +1 + (-1), zero.

Full HelmBook I, page 30

The AV of the Full Helm has been changed from +2 to +3.

NOTE - The helm is worn with Platemail and Plate Armor. Reduce its AV by ONE if it is worn with other armors.

Throwing StonesBook II, page 7

The following modifications should be made to this rule:

  1. A Creature's throwing weight will equal S/4 instead of S/5.
  2. The WSB that a thrown prjectile of this type has is based on its weight. The table below details this factor. The Referee will determine the weight of the projectile.
.LT. 1 pound-2 (-1)None
1-2 pounds-1 (0)None
3-6 pounds0 (+1)None
7-14 pounds+1 (+2)-1
15-29 pounds+2 (+3)-2
30-49 pounds+3 (+4)-4
50-79 pounds+4 (+5)-6
80-119 pounds+5 (+6)-8
120-169 pounds+6 (+7)-10
+50 pounds+1 (+1)-2

NOTE - The +50 pounds increase states the amount of increase per additional 50 pounds of weight. For example, if a 500 pound statue is thrown (or falls) on someone the WSB is +14 (+15) and the HCM is -26.

HCM in the table above is used for EL to determine if a hit is scored and what kind of hit it is. It has no effect on the amount of damage that the projectile will do if it hits.

IMPORTANT - - The thrower's SB will aply for all thrown weapons. It will not apply for projectiles that are cast from a Sling.

OPTIONAL - The total number of hit points inflicted by a thrown projectile can be varied by the type of material. Stone and hard metal get full damage. Hard wood and soft metal score 1/2 damage rounded up. Soft wood and other soft materials that are hard enough to do anthing score 1/4 damage rounded up.

HorsemanshipBook II, pages 8 + 9

The following rules apply when fighting while mounted:

  1. The Horsemanship EL is added to the rider's EL with the wepon that he is using for all hit chance and damage modifiers.
  2. When charging, the rating of a war-trained mount is added to the rider's total EL if his Horsemanship EL is sufficient to control the mount. The rating is also added to the damage scored by a charge in this case.
  3. The Horsemanship EL may always be used independantly of the Weapon EL, i.e. one can be used offensively while the other is used defensively.
  4. Unmounted opponents who are not armed with a Polearm or Spear Class weapon will add 10 to their roll to hit the rider.
  5. When stationary, trained Warhorses receive an individual attack of their own. This is not allowed while charcing, unless a Trample attempt is made.
  6. if a trained mount charges an untrained mount, the rider of the untrained mount adds 10 to his roll to hit either mount or rider.

Charge Maintenance

To maintain a charge the mount must continue moving at charge speed, 1/4 of its full PMR rounded up, without varying his direction of movement more than 60 degrees in any one phase. Varianace in either particular negates the advantages of charging in the phase wher the variance occurs.

If a mount suffers damage in excess of its Rating x 2 in any one phase, he may not charge in the next phase. His maximum speed for that Phase will be 25% of his PMR rounded down, i.e. his Stationary speed.

Trample Attempts

This maneuver reflects the rider's attempt to charge over an enemy. The ridre may not attack when he makes this attempt. He may use his horsemanship EL to modify the chance that the attempt will succeed.

In all Trample Attempts, the mounts OCV x 2 is used in determining the Base Line on the Combat Table. The rider's EL, the mount's SB and the mount's Rating x 2 may all be substracted from the roll to hit. If a hit results, the Rating x 2 and the mount's SB are added to the damage that the victim will take. If the target is killed or missed, and the horse is not hit seriously enough to stop the charge, the rider may cntinue his charge. If the target survives, or the damage taken by the mount stops the charge, the rider must remain in the hex where the Trample Attempt occured. The Movement Cost to Trample an opponent is 1. This attack mode may only be used on opponents tha are the same size, or smaller, than the trampling mount, i.e. if riding a horse this means that only horse size targets or smaller may be trampled.

targets armed with Polearm or Spear class weapons may attack before a trampling mount reaches them. ALL other targets may attack if they are not killed by the attack. If sufficient damage is score by the Polearm or Spear, the charge will be stopped before the Trampling mount can reach the weapon-user.

EL Requirement

The EL required to ride and control each type of mount, for which Horsemanship is applicable, is:

Mount TypeELMount TypeEL
Draft Horse0War Horse I2
Riding Horse I0War Horse II3
Riding Horse II1War Horse III5
Riding Horse III2War Horse IV8
Riding Horse IV4Donkey *0
Mule *0Ox *0
* May never be used in combat. The rider must dismount to fight.

Family SpellsBook II, page 19

The rules on these spells are overly simplistic. In the table below, a new Base Mana Cost is given to learn the member spells of a family. It also gives, in parentheses after the name of each spell, an individual Base Mana Cost for each spell in the family. This table should be used instead of the existing entries.

FamilyBMCMember Spells
Astral Powers6Akasha (2), Astral Web (3), Astral Paths (4), Astral Leech (6), Opposition (6), Astral Well (8), Creation (10)
Darkness Powers3Darkness (1), Darkling Light (3), Dark Companion (5)
Death Powers6Hand of Death (4), Fog of Death (8)
Desert Powers3Navigation (1), Desication (2), Grasping Sands (3), Heat (4), Whirlwind (5)
Earth Powers3Fire Resistance (1), Earth Strength (2), Location (2), Avalanche (3), Transport (4), Earthquake (6)
Elemental PowersVariesAir 5, Earth 4, Fire 5, Water 6
Fire Powers2Combustion (1), Fire Detection (1), Fire Dart (2), Fire Shower (3), Fireball (4)
Hell Powers3Fire Resistance (1), Fire Dart (2), Pain (4), Summon Demons (4)
Illusion Powers3Glamour (1), Personal Illusion (2), Active Illusion (4), Major Illusion (6)
Light Powers3Light (1), Radiant Light (3), Killing Light (5)
Necromantic Powers4Communicate with the Dead (1), Control the Dead (2), Animation (3), Dark Knowledge (4), ecay (4), Corruption (5), the Black Curse (7), Seeking Death (10)
Origin Powers8Repulsion (5), Inanimate Creation (8), Dissolution (10)
Permanent Magics *9Enhancement (5), Enchantment (6), Curse or Ban (8), Ensorcellment (10), Enchanted Dedication (10), Ward Pacts (15)
Sea Powers4Water Breathing (2), Calm Sea (3), Friendly Current (4), Navigation (6)
Sleep Powers4Sleep Touch (2), Sleep Mist (4), Perpetual Trance (8)
Storm Powers3Wind (1), Flight (2), Lightning Swarm (3), Lightning (4), Thunderhead (8)
Strange Powers10Astral Ills (8), Automata (10), Simulacra (15)
Telepathic Powerrs4Sending (1), Mind Search (2), Mind Shield (3), Suggestion (4), Control (6), Mind Burn (8)
Time Powers10Time Slow (8), Time Stop (9), Cure Age (10), Time Trap (10), Time Travel (15)
Travel Powers5Levitate (3), Insubstantiability (4), Teleport (5), Interworld Travel (10)
Water Powers4Water Breathing (2), Water Walking (3), Friendly Current (4), Flood (6)
* Permanent Magics should be treated as a family spell with a seperate EL for each member spell. This allows for a better representation of Permanent Magic ability.

Supernatural LanguagesBook I, page 42

A few things were inadvertently forgotten on this table. The Alfar speak the Tongue of the Sidh, Elf Sidh and Fearry Sidh. The table below details the speakers of the Tongue of Light:

Tongue of LightLawAhura, Kerubim, Maskela

Shaman Casting SpeedBook II, page 17

Once a Shaman is attuned to the source of his magical powers, his use of the power becomes almost innate. To reflect this, all Shamans may add their EL in the Orient spell to their Casting Speed with all other Shamanic spells. The increase gained in this way may not be used to effect the casting speed of the Orient Self spell and may not be used to more than DOUBLE the Casting Speed of his other Shamanic spells.

EXAMPLE - Kaiepas of the Eponischa is MEL 12. His EL in orient Self is 7. He can increase his Casting Speed by 7 for all Shamanic spells in which his normal speed is 7 or more. (Where his speed is less, the speed is doubled.)

Astral PathsBook II, page 21

I emphasize that, while travelling under this spell, the party is NOT physically present in the Middle World. Their travel is related, for distance only, to the physical layout of the Middle World. They should be allowed to move in any direction without regard to terrain. Metaphysicallu, they can be viewed as moving through a neutral ground between the Upper World and the Middle World.

Damage ReversalBook II, page 22

Damage that hits the target is not affected by armor in any way.

The Dark CompanionBook II, page 23

The DCV of a Dark Companion equals EL + 2. If his HPV reaches zero or less for any reason, he is dispelled.

LichcraftBook II, page 30+31

If the optional rebirth process indicated in the note is used, and a Lich succeeds in regaining human form, he must rededicate himself as a Lich to regain his status as one. He is reborn as a normal human who is as old as the Lich was when he first succeeded with the rite. He will lose ONE Energy Point per day until he completes his re-dedication. Points lost in this way are only regained if and when he rededicates himself as a Lich.

Lower World TravelBook II, page 31

The Shaman's spirit is a physical precence in the Lower World. The spirit can be damaged as normal by any type of attack. Damage that he suffers appears immediately on his body in the Middle World.

MusicBook II, page 31

Non-intelligent indicates a creature with an Intellect of 4 or less. Those with higher intellect ratings are considered to be intelligent.

The Black CurseBook II, page 32

The minimum DCV for any Zombie equals ZERO. Remember that the Zombie's MR is calculated in when determining its DCV.

PunishmentBook II, page 37

The statement "short of the victim's death" is misleading. When the duration is over, the disease ends. If the victim still lives, he survives it.

SlimeBook II, page 39

The correct MDV LIMIT is (EL+1) x 2. The limit only applies against inanimate objects. All animate creatures in such an area can suffer damage regardless of their MDV.

SpeedBook II, page 39

The speed increase gained can never more than quadruple the current PMR of the person that is cast on, i.e. if your current PMR is 1, an EL 9 spell will only increase it to 4.

Spirit DeathBook II, page 39

In all cases, if the spell fails, the fetish is worthless for any further attempts at casting magic. A new one must be created in order to re-attempt the use of this spell.

AutomataBook II, page 40 + 41

For the Automata to be considered to be magic or enchanted, the caster must cast Enhancement AFTER he has succeeded in forming the creation. All Permanent Automata are magic or enchanted. Non-permanent ones are not and the listed duration will apply for them.

LightningBook II, page 40

Shields are only usable if the optional Dodging Magic rules are in use. They have no other effect.

SummoningBook II, page 41

For a creature to be summoned it must have a listed Contact Level (CL) that is NOT NA, i.e. a numerical value must be listed.

InsubstantialityBook II, page 43 + 44

This spell does not confer any special movement abilities on the caster. Unless he also casts the Levitate spell, or originally casts this spell at three times the normal Mana Cost, he may not move in any way that he could not if he was solid (except that he may pass through physical obstructions such as walls, doors, etc.). To alter his position higher or lower, without a clear path of access such as a staircase, requires additional mana or the succesfull casting of Levitation. Only Travel Powers may be cast while Insubstantial.

Vengeful HorrorBook II, page 44 + 45

The horror created is a product of the person that is attacked by it. It is in his mind. It cannot be seen or attacked by any other peron. The presence of this phenomena can be detected magically. If it is, the magic-user who detEcted it can attempt to dispell it by Dispelling Magic or casting a Sanity spell on the person affected.

Desert Powers - HeatBook II, page 24

Damage equals EL + 2 per phase. No armor values apply against this effect.

Fire Powers - Fireball exampleBook II, page 27

The correct range for the example is 14" not 18.

Necromantic Powers - The Black CurseBook II, page 32

Add the following:
E) OCV = HPV/5 + SB + StB
F) DCV = 2 + AB + DB
G) MR = 8, C and EnL both equal zero.

Were-Creature EncountersBook III

Were-creatures were inadvertently left off of the Encouner Tables. To rectify this error, change the following tables as specified below:

City MarginChange "Closest Terrain" from 81-100 to 86-100.
Add were-creature as 81-85.
CityChange Demons, Hellhound from 97-99 to 97+98.
Add Were-creature as 99.

As an option to this modification, Were-creatures can be treated as an 'Other" Human Encounter that can only occur at night. Which option you select is left entirely at your discretion. Of the two, the second option is most reasonable within the framework of this game but may require more set-up work for the Referee.

Elder DragonBook III

The CDF for the Elder Dragon is 14, not 18.

MerkabahBook III

The CDF of the Merkabah is 8 not 10.

Trolls, TrollBook III

The base Agility of a Troll is 8 not 18.

Scorpion peopleBook III

The OCV of a Scorpion Woman is 3 not 93.

Creature DCVBook III

Many of the DCV's of creatures, especially those with an odd NAV, are incorrect (being one lower than they should be). The values given on the statistics tables in this book are correct.

The creatures for which this applies and the correct DCV are:

Ahura (Ahura)8(14)
Ahura (Angel of Fury)7(14)
Akhkharu (Lamia)8
Akhkharu (Vampire)9(14)
Animals (Bear)5
Animals (Desert Lion)6
Animals (Lion)6
Animals (Ox)5
Animals (Wolf)6
Beast (Corruption)4
Beast (Terror)6
Cu Sidhe6
Demons (Fiery Spirit)4
Demons (Storm)7(14)
Demons (Terrestial)4(8)
Elemental (Earth)5
Fire Snake5(7)
Gargoyle (Female)3(5)
Giant (Hill)3
Giant (Mountain)4
Giant (Storm)3
Great Ape (Male)4
Great Spider3
Scorpion People (Male)4


The minimum OCV or DCV that a person or creature should have is ONE. Where values were listed lower in Powers and Perils, they have been modified to this value.

Magic Item ValueBook IV

If you desire to determine a gold coin value for the various magic items, the following general rule can be used to get a rough estimate of what an item is worth.

  1. The base factor equals MEL + EL.
  2. If the item's effect is only on the wearer or requires another substance to operate, multiply the base factor times 2.
  3. If the item has magical powers, provides important defensive advantages or is a weapon, multiply the base factor times 5.
  4. If a weapon has a castable magic power, or an item is named or special, multiply the base factor by 10.

IMPORTANT - In all cases, if an item is of non-human manufacture, double its final value nless the person who is selling it is a member of the race that made it.

EXAMPLE - A player has a chance to buy a Cure Amulet that is dipped in wine to create a curing potion. It is MEL5/EL2. Its value is 14GC. Another player has a chance to purchase an Attribute Effect amulet that increases Strength while decreasing Empathy and grants EL2 Immunity to Fire Powers. If it is MEL6/MEL2, its value is 40GC.A named item, MEL18/EL9, is worth a prince's ransom. An item of his type will sell for 270GC.

NOTE - The Referee can vary these prices as specified in the Economic Variation rules. In all cases, the items only have their full value if the buyer believes that they are magic. If he is not a trained magic-user, this is determined to a great extent by who the seller is, i.e. if a field slave walks up and offers to sell a named sword, the buyer is not likely to believe him.

KnowledgeBook IV, page 33

Where expertise in some skill is gained from a spell or item, it is used instead of the expertise of the user. It is not additional.

EXAMPLE - A person with EL6 in the sword picks up a weapon that grants EL4. With that weapon, using its power, he may use EL4. (These items can be a disadvantage.)

IMPORTANT - This limitation does not apply for expertise that is gained by a magic-user who casts the spell to gain additional expertise in a skill that he has learned in the conventional manner.

Determining Values for Natural Magic Items

Book Four contains a large listing of items that can be used in play. These items have been left to the Referee to a large degree, for deremining cost and other parameters. To aid you in this, the following rules can be used to derermine an average cost for a given unenhanced or enhanced natural magic item.


  1. If the item grants no benefit when it is unenhanced, assign a bade value of 1D6BB OR whatever the listed value of that item or material in the equipment tables.
  2. Where the item has some unenhanced value, its cost will be (unless specific value is specified elsewhere), detemined using the following steps:
    1. The base value is 1+ (Characteristic Increase/10(RU)) + (EL80 skill increase/10 RU)) + BL + MEL + EL in Silver Coins.
    2. The base value is modified by multipliers in the following cases. All multipliers are totalled before being used:
      1. Per power or attribute that does not relate to any of the factors used in the formula above - x1.5
      2. Items with poisonous or magical attributes that are not death spells or poisons. - x2 per power.
      3. Items that are fatal if they have their desired effect - x3 per power.
      4. Items that have (by the decision of the Referee) a very special power or attribute - x5, 10 or 20 (depending on the decision of the Referee).


Enhanced forms of these items will use the basic rules above. In addition, after all other multiplication, their value is doubled because their power has been enhanced by a magic-user.


In all cases, the result of this formula will be a number of SILVER COINS. This number is the average value of that item. The Referee can modify the value, as specified in the Economic Variation rules, to fit the local situation.

Where values are specified for treasure items. i.e. gems, hides, crystal, etc, the value determined for its special values will be either part of the value of item OR additionall to it. Which option is used should be varied by the Referee, depending on what the value is in relation to the magical value.

In all cases, the value of the item in magic should be additional in the case of all Gems that are listed in the Gems, Jewels and Jewelry section of Book Four.

Finally, where an item's effect lasts more than 24 hours you should double its determined value. If the effect is permanent or must be actively negated by some other power, the determined cost of the item should be tripled.

Book of Tables