Campaign Description and Timeline
This fits snugly into the descriptions of the Perilous Lands and Book IV. It consists of:Campaign Timeline, Characters, The Alignments, the Gods and the Races and The Rogizini Empire. The part about the alignments etc. is from the Books III and IV and the part about the Rogizini Empire from Perilous Lands, but trimmed, so it is more suitable as a players introduction.
Autumn of the Year DO 315, CA 761, RE 2213.
n the year DO 3771, Martek casts Iluvatar, Lirithion Fiallathandriel, Skullcrusher, Thor Svenson, Valanor, Yarig, Templer Rilian and her shield-dwarf Jedra backward through the seas of time to avoid death at their hands as Fate has proclaimed.
Templer Rilian and her shield-dwarf Jedra arrive in Gom and, after orientating themselves, join a mercenary force setting out to sea to aid the Thieves' Guild of Porta against the Daoine Sidhe.
Skullcrusher, Thor Svenson, and Valanor arrive in Falco's Tavern in Caldo City on a wet and windy night, where they covertly influence Price Gotri away from embarking upon his life of high adventure.
Iluvatar and Yarig arrive on the docks of Porta, where they witness the closing stages of a bloody battle between the Daoine Sidhe and Thieves' Guild factions. Skullcrusher, attempting to make a fighting withdrawal, finds his way blocked by Iluvatar and Yarig. He dies, nailed in the back by Jodri, who is then dispelled to The Fiery Hells by Templer Rilian. The four friends them join forces with Jafar, a mercenary Lesser Jinn in the pay of the Thieves' Guild, and aid in the final destruction of the Daoine Sidhe faction.
Lirithion Fiallathandriel arrives in the Nordic city of Sokkvabbek (Djanesborg), where he is shown much honour and good cheer, as befits a light elf hero of the sagas.
Prince Gotri, second son of Dwarf King Brogar, takes up personal studies in the cloistered atmosphere of the Temple of Bes in Caldo City.
Returning home from the Tower of the Dead wars, Valanor and Lirithion Fiallathandriel pass through the Wild Forest, where they fall in with and befriend Glorthiendel, Iluvatar, Ragnok and Thor Svenson. The six friends continue on together and winter at Valanor's chateau in the dalelands of Caldo.
Nagpar "Hard-Sailer" Rajnagar, Master of the fishing fleet of Wrecker's Point village, comes to the aid of a foundering merchant man and thus saves the Emir of Acghiza's third son. Richly rewarded for his actions, Nagpar "Hard-Sailer" Rajnagar uses most of his gold to send his only son, Callimshan Rajnagar, to Zirinava to study calligraphy and writing with electives in history and magic. This, he hopes, will improve the family station.
A vast goblin and sprite army, lead by Jaroo of the Bull-Men riding an Immortal Hydra, spills out of the northern badlands and reaches Temple Kota in short order. Paying much homage to the Great Dragon, Jaroo becomes the War Chief of Kototh in the Middle World.
Despite loosing his Daoine Sidhe support, Ragnar One-Eye and his sea dogs continue to raid and plunder the coasts and trade waters of the Sea of Tears.
Winter of the Year DO 315, CA 761, RE 2213.
n anonymous letter is received by High King Don XII of Donara. The letter reveals that his niece, Katerina von Wittgenstein, is a servant of Chaos. Proof is provided by several pages torn from Katerina's own diary. In short order, she is arrested and her room searched, items of Chaos witchery are uncovered and she is put to death in the traditional way of witches, boiled in oil. It is interesting to note two strange incidents that occurred at this time. The rest of Katerina's diary was never uncovered and the dwarf cook of her summer mansion was killed during a fire which reduced the mansion to ash and rubble. No cause for the fire was ever uncovered, although one local farmer claimed to have seen an elf in shinning mail wandering the hills on the night in question.
During the winter break of the University of Zirinava, Callimshan, showing great promise in the arts of wizardry, enters the Upper World and investigates The Fiery Hells. During his time there, he skirmishes with and later befriends Jodri. After several wild adventures in the Flame Swamps, the two friends leave the Upper World and enter the Darklands in search of knowledge and adventure. Once there, they fall in with Gorbash, the Court of Enlightenment, and the Sorceress Shalena.
Ki'ama Marob, The High Elder of the Darklands, is assassinated with mevais and The Sorceress Shalena makes her bid for power.
Gorbash and the mortally wounded Sven Redhand flee the Darklands and seek refuge in Donara. Gorbash crafts the Mageblade. In Pelara, Gorbash is assassinated by agents of the Sorceress Shalena.
Shalena succeeds in her bid for power and becomes the Queen of Dark Knowledge. Her kingdom becomes an unrivalled trader of information, prompting some to nickname it the "Kingdom of Paper Castles".
Callimshan, accompanied by Jodri, returns to his studies in Zirinava. He provides his father with a most generous gift, being three gold ingots and a dhow. To his mother he gifts an ivory casket of jewellery from the Far East.
Yarig and Jedra quit Porta and strike out for Kril Shrandor.
Lirithion Fiallathandriel returns to the jovial life of the Upper World.
Skullcrusher, Thor Svenson, and Valanor relocate to the Mediterranean climate of Gom for the Winter.
Templer Rilian becomes Chief Magistrate of Porta.
Spring of the Year DO 316, CA 762, RE 2214.
irithion Fiallathandriel, Thor Svenson, Valanor, and Skullcrusher sample the many varied pleasures of Zirinava.
Yarig and Iluvatar quest into the fabled Lands of Trandor, defeat the Shadow Play of Illusion, and pass through the Gates of Fate.
Iluvatar takes the Path of Might, gains Linnorm (dragon) potential, and appears in Loch Svear, where he triumphs in battle against an army of trollborn raiders. It is thus that he becomes War Chief of Loch Svear and a Jarl of high standing. In war he stands as the Count's Shield, while in peace he must be ready to defend his Lord and the Realm from any danger.
Yarig takes the Way of Glory, rescues the dwarf slaves of Temple Kota, and bests Jaroo in single combat. His name becomes legendary with all dwarfs and his doings become the stuff of bardic tales.
The Sidh forces of the Wild Forest form the Kingdom of Tir Tairngire, with the Elf King and Fairy Queen in joint rulership with a combined Court of Nobles. Lirithion Fiallathandriel, Glorthiendel, Iluvatar, and Ragnok are appointed co-operative Ministers of Trade.
Valanor and Thor Svenson join the Jewel Guard of Caldo as sergeants.
Shalena the Queen of Dark Knowledge forms a wide-ranging military and trade alliance with Acghiza, Emir the Rogizini Empire.
Iluvatar and his full force of three raiding long ships sail from Loch Svear to Zirinava, bearing gifts from the Count of Loch Svear to his wife's cousin, the great sage and druid Adarian.
While Iluvatar, Thor Svenson, Lirithion Fiallathandriel, Skullcrusher, Jafar, and a few sea dogs are searching the lands south of Zirinava for Adarian's four missing hirelings, the Zehani are encountered and conflict ensues. When the smoke of battle clears Skullcrusher and the sea dogs are dead.
The surviving Elf-Kin of Trandor, the Irda, establish the fortress city of Odako at the headwaters of the Musal River, in the high forested mountains to the south of Zirinava.
The great dragon Kongo Rikishi enters Porta and forms the Merchant House of Renraku. In short order he comes to virtually run the place, all 27,000 souls, with his forces and friends numbering among them Chief Magistrate Templer Rilian, all 13 gang bosses of the city and surrounds, 800 gang soldiers, 2,000 gang militia, 5 gang warships, and 17 allied pirate warships. Kongo Rikishi also forms close ties with criminal organisations in all the nations bordering on the Sea of Tears. He even forms links with pirate captains from as far away as Dechant.
Yamamoto Shintaro Akikusa of the Irda becomes Shogun of Odako.
Iluvatar undertakes advanced magical studies at the University of Zirinava and The Smithy of Bes. He also befriends the great sage and ritual Elder wizard Adarian. During his time in the south, Olaf acts as War Chief of Loch Svear.
Jafar spends some quality time sampling the many varied pleasures of Gom.
The Irda and the Robari establish favourable relations based upon mutual honour and respect.
Summer of the Year DO 316, CA 762, RE 2214.
allimshan and Jodri begin their semi-frequent planar adventures.
The Irda Skyjammer fleets are launched for the first time in over 6,000 years. A Merchant House is formed, with Thor Svenson, and red iron begins to flow out of the city to the markets of Choshai, Dawana, and Ma'Helas, while furs and fine craft goods flow in.
Lirithion Fiallathandriel returns to The Tower of the Dead and the Citadel of Nergal. There he investigates, in great depth, the ramifications of Nilgeranthrib's fall.
With kind permission from Shogun Yamamoto Shintaro Akikusa, Prince Mogara Choshama of Choshai establishes the allied village of Tamanokuni in the broad river valley below the fortress city with 720 of his most loyal subjects. Li Hsen Chang is appointed Lord of Tamanokuni.
Autumn of the Year DO 316, CA 762, RE 2214.
arig, Valanor of the Jewel Guard of Caldo, Jedra, Megaron the Bold, Leif Sternson, Astenon, Griff, Radric, Theodore Dobbins, Evro, and Draceerat raid Slidranth's dark fortress in the Wasteland of the East and destroy the Heart of Darkness. Thus it comes to pass that the last god is banished forever from the Middle World. Only Radric and Valanor survive the conflict, and even they are grievously wounded, Valanor most sorely, having lost his right hand. The Dwarfs take some heart from the fact that although Yarig was seen to fall in the final battle, no body is ever found.
Winter of the Year DO 316, CA 762, RE 2214.
alanor, having grown jaded with the pleasures of Zirinava, relocates to Gom.
There he encounters Jafar and some truly wild times follow as the two companions seek diversion in the heart of the world's most decadent merchant community.
Spring of the Year DO 317, CA 763, RE 2215.
mperor Maoun LXXVII of the Rogizini Empire dies in his sleep and his only surviving son, Kuitj I, perishes in a hunting accident. Emperor Maoun's only living blood relation, his sister's grand daughter, the beautiful and artful Vijaya assumes the throne as Empress and marries The Grand Vizier, Acghiza, as his third wife.
Adarian's year long ritual of renewal restores Iluvatar's sea dogs to life but fails to bring new life to Skullcrusher. Iluvatar completes his studies and with his sea dogs leaves Zirinava and returns to Loch Svear via Gom, Donara, Caldo, and the Kaz Wilderness.
At the request of Shogun Yamamoto Shintaro Akikusa, an Outpost Monastery of Dawana is established on the great peak adjacent to Odako. The views looking across from the Monastery to the mist-shrouded fortress city over the bustling village of Tamanokuni are magnificent. Lama K'Anpo of the Missionary Order assumes authority and quickly becomes enchanted by the place.
Kongo Rikishi embarks upon an extensive fortification program, initiates urban renewals projects, and fosters massive economic growth throughout all of his diverse holdings.
Valanor participates in a Viking raid, and links up with his old friend War Chief Iluvatar. The Count of Loch Svear dies, assassinated by his wife, who is in turn executed by War Chief Iluvatar for her foul act of bloody treason. The Count's three sons are outlawed by the High King of the Nordic Realms. War Chief Iluvatar retires from the Norse Realms. At the High King's command, Olaf becomes Count of Loch Svear.
The Irda, Callimshan, and Jodri enter into a mutual support pact.
Iluvatar and Valanor head for Porta, intent on discovering what Kongo Rikishi is really up too.
Menion of the Daoine Sidhe joins forces with Jaroo, War Chief of Kototh in the Middle World.
From ancient Sidh sources, Callimshan re-discovers the secrets of creating permanent planar portals. Callimshan's ensorcellments result in flat, circular portals, some 6" in diameter. Although myth and rumour indicate that the ancient portals were larger, Callimshan fails to find a way to expand his creations. Regardless, he establishes an unusual library in his rooms at the University of Zirinava.
Iluvatar, Callimshan, and Jodri openly brawl with the Watch of Porta. They retreat down the coast to Velen Port, where they investigate rumours of demon raids and the arts of alchemy.
Summer of the Year DO 317, CA 763, RE 2215.
he Grey Sage of Teos dreams of the Coming of the Dark. He warns The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree Island, an immortal merkabah, and the Teos peoples. The Guardian sets out in search of 'The Once and Future King' and 'The Master of the Wild Hunt'.
Callimshan recovers 'The Sceptre of Dark Chaos' form the Realm of Darkness. He begins to tread the dark path.
The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree Island comes to Templer Rilian's aid against Daoine Sidhe raiders in Porta. The two become friends and agree to help each other in the coming war against the Dark. The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree Island also learns of Kongo Rikishi.
Through trickery and deception, Callimshan and Jodri incite numerous boarder skirmishes across the Perilous Lands. The spectre of war looms large.
Valanor and Iluvatar investigate the Plateau of Mordara in the Talina Mountains. They uncover the fate of Sir Valerian, Knight of the Round Table, and encounter the Druidic Sorcerous Cavia on her death-bed. The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree Island finally corners them long enough for a talk.
Valanor is revealed as the Once and Future King. In the past he has been Sigmund and King Arthur. Iluvatar is revealed as the Master of the Wild Hunt. In the past he has been Math Mathonwy and Merlin.
Jodri locates and captures the mouse that is Nilgeranthrib.
Guided by the Journal of Sir Valerian, Valanor, Iluvatar, and The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree embark on the long journey to Jotunheim Isle, via Loch Svear, to recover 'Clad Bolg'. During the journey they encounter and befriend Sylvanus, dragon of the Western Steppes, and The Lady of the Lake.
Callimshan, realising the danger, begins to harry Valanor, Iluvatar, and The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree Island with any thing that comes under his influence.
Valanor, Iluvatar, and The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree Island reach Jotunheim Isle and recover 'Clad Bolg'. They encounter the ancient Golems of Kototh and Callimshan's goblin griffon riders.
Loch Svear rallies three long ships with 180 warriors to Valanor's banner. They are joined by a drakkar with 200 warriors from Novholm and a knarr with 20 warriors from Djanesborg. At the suggestion of The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree Island, the fleet sets sail for the safe port of Porta.
Guided by the Journal of Cavia, Valanor, Iluvatar, and The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree embark on the long journey to Paranor, The Keep of the Druids, in the Ny'la Mountains.
The High Druid Aurelianus allies with Valanor. Three circles of druids are dispatched to Porta by the secret paths of the Wild Wood.
Callimshan and Jodri ally with Ragnar One-Eye.
The Queen of Treaus falls in love with Valanor.
Valanor, Iluvatar, and The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree Island encounter and befriend the Elder Serpents of the Sea of Tears.
Valanor, Iluvatar, and The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree Island reach Paranor, The Keep of the Druids, in the Ny'la Mountains. They encounter Mimir, receive much knowledge, and recover the Tome of Elemental Ages. Mimir casts them upon the astral sea and they wash up on the boarders of L'p'nth.
Callimshan poisons the wells of Odako, Tamanokuni, and the Dawana Monastery with mevais. The Irda Skyjammer fleets are gifted to Jaroo of the Bull-Men, War Chief of Kototh in the Middle World.
Spring of the Year DO 317, CA 763, RE 2215.
i'ama Marob, The High Elder of the Dark Lands, is assassinated and The Sorceress Shalena makes her bid for power.
Gorbash and the mortally wounded Sven Redhand flee and seek refuge in Sokkvabbek (Djanesborg).
Emperor Maoun LXXVII of the Rogizini Empire dies in his sleep. Kuitj I, only surviving son of the Emperor, reveals himself to be a Waste Lion Shaman and summons the Great Dragon of Kototh from Temple Kota. The Grand Vizier, Acghiza, rallies the Imperial Army and attempts to depose the upstart Emperor and claim the seat of power for himself. Bloody war breaks out amongst the Emirates, as some attempt to come to the new Emperor's aid and others lend support to the Grand Vizier. The populace rally to the new Emperor's banner.
High King Don XII recognises Valerian as his bastard through a common dancer. The king then declares war upon Caldo, the Dwarfs and the Sidh Court. The standing cavalry of the Royal Army (2,000 strong) and Xalanara (1,200 strong) sweep across the dales of Caldo in a series of devastating lightning raids. The Kazi mercenary clans (1,200 strong) are demolished in a single fast and furious running battle. The foot troops of the Royal Army (4,000 strong) with the standing armies of Xain (200 cavalry and 1,600 foot) and Samma (1,000 foot) lay siege to Caldo City, which is defended only by the Jewel Guard (199 strong) and the city militia (2,000 strong). The standing armies of Pelara (400 cavalry and 3,200 foot) and Xadona (400 cavalry and 1,200 foot) with the foot troops of the Xalanara army (800 strong) engage the Dagger Legion (6,000 strong) in the Blood River Pass. The Flaming Fist mercenary company (2,000 strong) and The Order of the Blue Boar (400 strong) are hired and unleashed upon the Dwarfs of the Elder Mountains. The Four (Adventuring Company) is hired and unleashed upon the Sidh of the Wild Forest.
The standing cavalry of the Royal Army and Xalanara continue their lightning raids, concentrating on supply cashes and militia units. The foot troops of the Royal Army with the standing armies of Xain and Samma begin to bombard Caldo City with catapult fire. The Dagger Legion is defeated and the survivors enslaved in the Battle of Blood River Pass.
The Great Northern Guard Fortress of the Dwarfs falls to the combined onslaught of the Flaming Fist Company and Order of the Blue Boar. The secondary hillforts of the Dwarfs are overrun in short order. Within one day of hard fighting the Dwarfs northern boarder defences are in ruins. Prince Gotri of the Dwarfs is captured by the Flaming Fist Company and interrogated with Sleep Powers, Dreams, and Truth magics. The secrets of Kril Shrandor are torn from him.
Caldo City falls and High King Don XII tightens his grip on the country. The foot troops of the Royal Army join with the Flaming Fist Company and Order of the Blue Boar and move to assault Kril Shrandor. Prince Gotri is shipped off to Pelara as a common mine slave.
The foot troops of the Royal Army with the Flaming Fist Company and Order of the Blue Boar enter Kril Shrandor via the six secret siege passages. Bloody pitched battles ensue as the Dwarfs fight for their clanhold and their very lives.
A vast goblin army lead by Jaroo of the Bull-Men riding an Immortal Hydra with Minotaurs, Ogres, Daoine Sidhe, Sprites, Wyverns, Beithir, and Great Serpents enters Zirinava from the Lower World. The Grand Vizier, Acghiza, is captured and put to death with mevais. The civil war collapses. All those that fort against Kuitj I are put to death, officers are thrown into the maw of the Great Dragon of Kototh from Temple Kota, while common soldiers are torn apart by the wyverns.
Summer of the Year DO 317, CA 763, RE 2215.
igh King Don XII mobilises all of his militia units and moves them into strong defensive positions throughout Donara and Caldo. All of the standing armies of Donara converge on Kril Shrandor, under the command of Valerian, who becomes famous as Fellblade. After almost four months of constant fighting and siegecraft Kril Shrandor falls. The Four succeed in assassinating the Fairy King and various nobles of the Elf Court. The Flaming Fist Company and Order of the Blue Boar move into the Wild Forest and engage the Sidh forces.
After several months of unruly behaviour and unsatisfactory labour, Prince Gotri is shipped off east as a pit fighter, however the slave ship is overrun by the slaves and founders in Lake Siva.
Autumn of the Year DO 317, CA 763, RE 2215.
he might of the standing armies of Donara is brought to bear against the surviving Sidh peoples of the Wild Forest. A series of bloody battles sees the defeat of the Sidh forces on all fronts. The few surviving nobles of the Elf and Fairy Courts retire to the Lower World.
Prince Gotri rallies his surviving peoples and, after a journey of epic proportions, establishes the Dwarf Hold of Rockcrag at Loch Svear in Djanesborg. The fate of the Dwarf King Brogar and Crown Prince Bruenor remains a mystery.
Winter of the Year DO 317, CA 763, RE 2215.
onaran foresters and trappers begin to move into the woodlands of the Wild Forest.
Spring of the Year DO 318, CA 764, RE 2216.
he Four and The Flaming Fist Company are paid up and returns to their homelands.
Construction of an extensive system of roads throughout the Wild Forest begins.
High King Don XII demobilises all of his militia units and they return to their homes.
Summer of the Year DO 318, CA 764, RE 2216.
Valerian establishes his personal holdings in Kril Shrandor. Numerous Law Wards are added in short order to strengthen the physical defences of the Great Dwarf Fortress. The Order of the Blue Boar is placed on permanent retainer and relocates all of their resources and support infrastructure to Kril Shrandor.
Autumn of the Year DO 318, CA 764, RE 2216.
he Sorceress Shalena succeeds in her bid for power and becomes the Dark Queen of the Dark Empire.
Valanor, Iluvatar, and Lirithion Fiallathandriel fall in with Jodri and Callimshan.
In Sokkvabbek, Gorbash is assassinated by agents of the Dark Queen.
In a daring raid of great skill and imagination, The Four, acting under the auspices of Kuitj I , penetrate Rockcrag and flood the fortress with sleep mist. They then open a teleportational portal to a Viking raider lying just off the coast and spirit away Prince Gotri and his Hearthguard. Within a month the Dwarfs are enslaved in the gladiatorial pits of the Rogizini Empire. The Four become part of the Emperor's Court.
Winter of the Year DO 318, CA 764, RE 2216.
igh King Don XII has the stronghold of the Elf Court converted into a boarder fortress. The Elf Portal to the Lower World is altered to provide an continuous link with the Royal Army Fortress in the Capital. During this enchantment ritual, and before any Law Wards have been established, Sidh and Chaos insurgents attack the fortress in a lightning raid, slaying several mages and numerous road labours.
Valerian Fellblade establishes the Round Table at Kril Shrandor and founds the Templar-Knight Order of the Fiery Heart.
A tall and slender elf with delicate and finely chiselled features, icy blue eyes, and silvery blonde hair. His tall build and athletic nature belies his muscular frame in a subtle way.
A creature of the far flung woods and swamps, this doughty fairy presents more the aspect of a campaign hardened elf scout, rather than the expected flighty trickster mage of popular myth. Iluvatar's finely-chiselled facial-features are framed by a mane of rich brown hair. His eyes are a mellow hazel, while bronzed skin, touched with green, cover his slender form.
A rugged lesser Jinn, almost as powerful in the Arts of War as the Efreet Scouts, with swarthy skin tones, close cropped sandy brown hair, a square-cut beard, and sharp hazel eyes.
Lirithion Fiallathandriel
A strong and slender creature of great height and perfect elfish aspect with flowing fair hair, upswept ears, fine-boned features, and pale blue eyes, which betray a proud and noble demeanour.
A thickly muscled dwarf with a coarse red beard and bright grey eyes dominating his rugged featured face. He is an open and emotional fellow, although his manners are somewhat crude.
Thor Svenson
Born of a Caldan mother and a Loch Svear Viking, Thor is a tall and handsome man with pleasing features, pale skin tones, and wavy shoulder-length blonde hair. His eyes are a fiery hazel, that dance with mystical highlights. His voice is usually light and musical, but can assume the bark of command in an instant.
A lean and wiry giant of a man with close cropped black hair, lean and clean-cut features with a rather cruel mouth, narrow and watchful blue-grey eyes, and a thin black moustache. Valanor lost his right hand during the raid of Slidranth's dark fortress in CA 762.
A creature of the far flung woods and swamps, this doughty fairy presents more the aspect of a campaign hardened elf scout, rather than the expected flighty trickster mage of popular myth. Iluvatar's finely-chiselled facial-features are framed by a braided mane of rich rePish brown hair, the colour enhanced with henna. His eyes are a mellow hazel, while bronzed skin, touched with green, cover his slender form.
Lirithion Fiallathandriel
A strong and slender creature of great height and perfect elfish aspect with flowing fair hair, from which two long braids depend at the temples adorned with carved emerald beads, upswept ears, fine-boned features, and pale blue eyes, which betray a proud and noble demeanour.
Thor Svenson
Born of a Caldan mother and a Loch Svear Viking, Thor is a tall and handsome man with pleasing features, lightly tanned skin tones, wavy shoulder-length deep red hair (dyed from blond), and a thick red beard. His eyes are a fiery hazel, that dance with mystical highlights. His voice is usually light and musical, but can assume the bark of command in an instant.
An immense orcish brute of uncertain heritage, some claim he has ogre blood in his veins and others claim he is just an overgrown goblin. His snout is savagely scarred from various axe and knife wounds, once of which cuts across his snout, down and around his neck, and over the left shoulder - the result of an early battle with an ogre. His two great tusks, which almost reach his deep rePish brown eyes, are heavily notched, and several of his teeth are broken. His tough hide is dusky, covered with thick black hair, which forms a great mane on his head and shoulders. He is rude, crude, unsubtle, and barbaric.
A lean and wiry giant of a man with close cropped black hair, lean and clean-cut features with a rather cruel mouth, narrow and watchful blue-grey eyes, a thin black moustache, and a light black beard.
"My friend Jodri appears to be a blackened, twisted dwarf. He stands some 4'8" in height and is hairy, gnarled, and naked at all times. Powerfully built, Jodri is earthy and fearless in all things."
- Callimshan, Chaos Wizard.
"Jodri, like all of his kindred, stands just under five foot tall and is hairy from head to heel, although his coarse sandy brown beard is cut into a tuft and a razor keeps the hair on his rugged head down to a light fuzz. His features are rough and fierce, with the distinctive dwarf crest of thickened bone crowning his head. When I first laid eyes upon the foul little brute, I was surprised to find that his stocky body is even more muscular and sculpted than that of a gladiatorial ogre. Most people, myself included, find that Jodri resembles a boulder more than a man."
- Shalena, The Queen of Dark Knowledge.
"Jodri has the look of a pit fighter to him, what with his thickly muscled hide, razor'd hair, bristly moustache, tuft beard, and kick arse attitude. A great Arabian Hellhound, in hues of ash and flame, has been tattooed across his right shoulder and upper arm. His eyes are fierce little pits, black as midnight, that glitter with bloodlust and the promise of violence. Not one I'd like to be on the bad side of."
- Torvald Einarson, Captain of the Narwhal.
Callimshan, a typical Rogizini youth with sun-darkened skin and brown hair, long-legged and agile, is the only survivor of his village fishing fleet, which was tossed up on the shores of Ced by a violent autumn squall and then set upon by bloodthirsty pirates. Employing what little magical knowledge he had gained from the journal of a mage, who had died upon the high seas a number of years ago in conflict with the self same pirates who menaced young Callimsham, and whose possessions had been sold off by an unscrupulous sea captain, Callimshan summoned a Fog of Death and slew all the sea dogs save for the captain and his hulking first mate. The road to death lay open before Callimshan when Jodri, on a mission for the Dark Queen, arrived upon the scene of carnage and intervened. The earthy demons first blow turned the captains cutlass aside and smashed him into the rough gravel of the shingle beach. Jodri's second swing crippled the first mate and impaled him on his own shattered sword. The captain recovered however and dealt Jodri a savage blow, cutting across the demons broad back and up under his ribs. But, before the thrust could be fatal, Callimshan's own blade found the captains vitals. Offered companionship and a life of high adventure by Jodri, Callimshan enthusiastically accepted and the two have been firm friends ever since. To date their wild journeys have taken them from Ced, thorough the river valley of Salaq, the rugged ranges of the Elder Mountains, the dark woods of the Great Forest, the icy island of Goidan, where they fell in with Valanor, Iluvatar, and Lirithion Fiallathandriel, into the ancient lands of the Wild Forest, and to the Free City of Greyhawk. In matters of the gods, Callimshan looks to Hecate.
Nagpar "Hard-Sailer" Rajnagar is a rugged brute just over five feet tall, covered with dusky brown skin and coarse black hair over massive muscles. He has strong features with a flat and oft broken nose. Nagpar's eyes are a fierce brown, which flash with the promise of violence above his sweeping moustache and great bushy whiskers.
Jadhka Rajnagar is a mature woman who has seen some thirty-five summers, twenty of them with her husband Nagpar. She has cafe au lait skin tones, wavy black hair cut into a short swirl and fiery hazel eyes. She is the mother of Callimshan, her only child.
ou awaken sprawled on the damp grass of a mountain valley, above a crystal blue alpine lake. Your gear is scattered about you. Some is missing and some new items have appeared. A few fauns and fairies are flittering away into the pines, above on the nearest ridge. Your friend 'The Guardian of Rose-apple-tree Island' is walking towards you.
"Please have no fear. The shamanic forces have come to your aid. In their own wild and carefree way. You have been enchanted by the music of the dance. On the other hand, I have spent the night talking with Sylvanus, dragon of the Western Steppes, and have found this to have been a most pleasant and enlightening time.
"As I have long suspected, Valanor is the 'Once and future king' and Iluvatar is the 'Master of the Wild Hunt'. My appearance was no accident. The dark forces have disturbed my homeland, that which I defend. My quest to find you and aid you was the first step in saving the West, and my lands.
"Most souls travel onwards in time, but a rare few are protectors of the lands. Some have immortal form, such as myself. Others are born, live, and die - many times. They are there whenever needed. Such a time is at hand.
"The sword Valanor seeks is his from ages past. Its oiled metal gleams like fresh blood. It is 'Clad Bolg'. Some call it Excaliber or the Sword of Sigmund.
"Come! Let us take the adventure that is at hand!"
The Alignments, the Gods and the Races
The major alignments are Balance, Chaos, Law and the Elder. Within the Elder, there are four sub groups. They are Sidh, Kotothi, Elder, and Shamanic Elder.
Balance is devoted to preserving itself and the ever repeating cosmic cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The servants of Balance strive to keep all other alignments less powerful than themselves and equal to all other alignments. They cunningly, and violently, insure that no other alignment can over power its enemies by opposing the strong and aiding the weak. Thus they will aid humans in wars with demons, but will also support the demons against the Angels of Light. They are primarily concerned, at this time, with maintaining the balance between Law and Chaos. Balance and Shamanic Elder forces are frequently found acting in concert.
Chaos is the spark of freewill and wild creation. Chaos also has the aspect of violent nature, such as storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the like. It will choose to serve those that serve the spirit of these aims through their actions. It will battle those that oppose them. It preys on those that do neither. At this time its servants are looking to the destruction of Law in the main.
Law is devoted to the total end of disorder and randomness. They seek to maintain that which maintains or strengthens order and in turn civilisation. It servants strive to end things that maintain or strengthen the forces of disorder, in this they are primarily concerned with the destruction of Chaos. From a follower, Law demands devotion to the goals above and the strengthening of civilisation.
The Elder alignment is fragmented into four, more or less conflicting, groups.
They are:
The Sidh ~ The eldest of the elder, pagan and impulsive. The Sidh are dedicated to preserving that which remains of their ancient domains. Where possible, they may seek to expand their hold at the expense of their enemies. They will not do so if the effort is a major risk to what they already have.
The Kotothi ~ The Kotothi are the children, and major creations of the God Kototh. They have a measure of his mischievous hatred of most other races, although some tend more towards jealous hatred, and are noted for their avarice, cruelty, and ferocity. In general, the Kotothi seek to prove their own superiority through the destruction or humiliation of others.
Some of the Kotothi, such as the Daoine Sidhe, Sprites, and the like, are the offspring of forces that were seduced into the service of Kototh during the great godswar. They have a foreordained hatred of what they once were that drives them. This hatred, when applicable, will colour the actions of these creatures.
The Elder ~ These races are capricious in their actions. They can be friendly, extremely deadly or deliberately mischievous. They have a definite opinion of what belongs to them and how they should be treated. The way that they treat those that they encounter depends on the actions of that person or party in relation to these perceptions. They tolerate nothing that assaults their rights or land. They can befriend those that show them honour and respect. They trick and mislead those who do neither or who show fear.
Shamanic Elder ~ These forces are concerned with the preservation of wild, animate life. They are the patrons, friends, and guardians of wild animals and the ancient forests. They are the deadly enemies of people who assault that which they protect. Except for this protective function, and shaman contacts, these forces avoid contact with other races, although the servants of Shamanic Elder are frequently found acting in concert with the servants of Balance.
A great deal of conflict exists between the various alignments. In all cases, these conflicts evolve from one or both of the following causes:
- The alignments are diametrical opposites in their power, moral orientation, and goals.
- One or both of the enemy alignments, historically, have inflicted, or caused the infliction of, major reverses on the other.
LAW VS CHAOS: Both causes above apply to this confrontation. The alignments are diametrically opposed on all grounds and Chaos is irreconcilably furious at the creation of Law to repress the wild extremes of creation and nature. No peace can exist between these alignments. They will war until both are negated or one is destroyed.
SIDH VS KOTOTHI: In the Golden Age, the Elder and Sidh Gods were prolific creators of stunningly beautiful creatures. This irked a jealous Kototh and, in spite, he created races to counter, and better, the Sidh creations. When the Sidh ridiculed them as monstrosities, Kototh was furious at them.
With the betrayal of the True World to Chaos, by Kototh, the Sidh's feelings of disdain and distaste for the Kotothi became virulent hatred and disgust. To this day, nothing is more hated by a Troll than is an Elf, nothing is more disgusting to an Elf than is a Troll. The hatred festers unabated and the Kotothi war on, and are warred on by, the Sidh.
KOTOTHI VS LAW: The Kotothi hatred of Law stems from its creation. Law was created from the sphere that was coveted by Kototh, the price of his betrayal as it was. When they were born, the Gods of Law fought Kototh and, defeating him, banned him from the heavens forever. By so doing, they deprived him of the fruits of his betrayal and brought forth the full flower of his hatred. To serve Kototh, the Kotothi hate Law. In most cases, this hatred is combined with a good measure of fear.
BALANCE and SHAMANIC ELDER VS LAW and CHAOS: The hatred of these forces stems from the efforts made by Law and Chaos forces to subvert and control the forces that these forces protect. This opposition engenders a total suspicion of Law and Chaos that allows no margin of error. Any imposition on the freedom of the Balance and Shamanic forces is viewed as an at-tack and is repaid as such. As alignments, Balance and Shamanic Elder do not seek combat but they do revel in its arrival.
ELDER VS KOTOTHI: The Elder despise Kototh for his treachery, which led to the fragmentation of their world. They hate his children and crea-tions for their foul disregard of elder rights and property.
THE GOD KOTOTH ~ Throughout these texts, the God Kototh is mentioned. He is one of the major gods in the mythos. Kototh, the Great Serpent, plays a major role in the cosmology of these worlds. His historical actions were both a great aid, and terrible detriment, to the Elder. Philosophically, he can be viewed as combining the ambition, creative impulse and emotion of Loki with the cunning and unpredictability of Coyote (a Native American trickster god). Among the races that he fathered, in an endless quest to prove his supremacy, were many serpent forms, Trolls, Trold Folk, Goblins, Great Apes and the first Dragons. Of these, the Dragons and Great Serpents are his true children. The others are mere creations that are only secondarily related to him through their ruling gods.
The planes of existence are known to all as the Upper World, the Middle World, and the Lower World. These planes are metaphysical fragments of the one world that was sundered as a result of the great godswar. Now they stand as separate, distinct environments.
The Upper World is the home of the supernatural forces of Law, Chaos, and Balance. Certain enclaves of Elder forces and strange, unaligned regions also exist.
All Balance Regions are mystic, metaphysical areas with little or no true terrain. Within the Balance Marches, the Realm of Power is an area of stars and spirits traversed by roads formed from the substance of astral power. The bodies present, and the pathways, translate from order to chaos without warning or ob-vious reason. The Strange Realm, beyond the Fortress of Poteh deep in the Balance Marches, is a place of infinite possibilities. Anything that is unknown to the world can, and does, exist somewhere within this strange, shrouded and infinite realm. It is a land of wild, twisting ter-rain where the laws of nature may or may not exist at any given moment. When time fluctuates, so do the laws of nature.
The Realm of Elder Fire is a mountainous, volcanic region that contains fountains, rivers and seas of intense, generally smokeless, flame. The residents live in the flame. They are commonly elementals and creatures that are one with the flames.
The Realm of the Alfar is a land of wild, lush forest and beautiful hills. It is commonly protected from invaders by the constant vigilance of the Alfar, their allies, and their magics. It is a beautiful realm of great wealth and awesome beauty.
The Land of Shadow is hostile to both light and darkness. The twisted, psychotic terrain is bathed in shadow, yet has no light or darkness. The essence of this mystic shadow allows for the crea-tion of any conceivable thing from it. It leeches light, darkness and, life from those that enter it. It is hostile to all solid forms except those with Shadow Powers.
The Land of the Half-Dead is a land where the spirits of those who sleep live their dream-lives. In this land, nothing and everything occupy one space. Everything can be fought, nothing is real. Any damage suf-fered by those that enter this land is suffered by the spirit. The "reality" of the realm can kill, but it cannot injure anything physically.
Time varies to an exceptional degree, from Region to Region, in the Upper World. The basic correspondence between Upper World time and Middle World time is:
40 Upper World Days = 1 Middle World Day.
In some regions of the Upper World other variations hold sway over the land and the native races. The ratio for the Tower of Silence is 80 Upper World Days per 1 Middle World Day. While the Realm of the Alfar has a ratio of 1 Upper World Day per 2 Middle World Days and The Fiery Hells has a ratio of 1 Upper World Day per 32 Middle World Days.
The Middle World is the dimension that separates the Upper World from the Lower World, in a metaphysical sense. It is in-fluenced by the forces of both these worlds. It is the homeland of the Human race and normal creation. It has its own physical laws which apply to all areas of the world at all times. Unless magical exceptions are created, no area of the Middle World will have the variable time and fate fluctuations that are common in the Upper and Lower Worlds. The Middle World Day is the basic time factor used as a standard in all texts. All creatures native to the Middle World, including humans, age relative to the number of Middle World Days that they have existed. Others, being Elves, Fairies, and Dwarfs in the main, age relative to Lower World time. Thus, from a Middle World perspective, they are only minimally affected by the passage of time.
The Lower World is the home of the Elder Races and the Kotothi. The Elf Regions of the Lower World consist of great expanses of forest and rolling hills. The Dwarf kingdoms contain moun-tains, hills, and badlands. The Troll lands contain badlands, hills, mountains, and sweeping swamps. Elemental Regions also exist in the Lower World. The terrain of these areas is composed of the reigning element or materials that have a special relationship to that element. Its normal denizens are Elementals of the element, creatures that have innate powers in controlling that element, and other forces that are related to the element. The Kingdom of Fire consists of lakes of fire, volcanic peaks, and spouts of pure fire. It is inhabited by Fire Elementals, creatures that have natural power over elemental fire, and creatures with innate fire powers. No creature that is aligned with Law, Chaos or Balance can be encountered in the Lower World. They are restricted from it by the expressed will of the Gods. Any animals that are encountered in the Lower World are Tonahs. Normal animals are only encountered in the Middle World. Human settlements can be en-countered in the Lower World. All such settlements will be tribal in nature. Shamans will be the only magic-users that will be encountered among them. All such villages, which are extremely rare, are inhabited by the descendants of humans that were brought into the Lower World to serve the race that controls the region that they are in. The race which most commonly takes such servants is the Sidh, especially Fairies.
The basic time correspondence that applies in the Lower World is that 1 Lower World Day equals 100 Middle World Days. Natives of the Middle World that enter the Lower World will age relative to the passage of time in the Lower World until they leave this land. On their return to the Middle World, they will IMMEDIATELY age the number of days that are ap-propriate for the time that has passed in the Middle World.
Alfar have an Elf appearance that is perfect and unmarred in any way. All members of the race are six to seven feet in height. They exude the power of the Sidh. They are the elite of the Sidh, the warriors of the Sidh against Kototh, the children of the Sidh Gods themselves.
Elves are thin, lithe, humanoid creatures four to six feet in height. They have high cheekbones in a narrow, aquiline face. Their skin has a slightly greenish cast and they have finely pointed ears. They vary considerably in both size and power. They are among the eldest of the intelligent races.
Elf society has a rigid, hereditary hierarchy. Beyond the social importance that is given to birth, status is gained through skill in magic and war. Beyond the hierarchy of birth and accomplishment, individuals in the society are allowed a great deal of freedom to do as they wish. As long as their ac-tions do not violate the land, interfere with another Elf or bring trouble to the clan, they are tolerated. Where events caused by an individual's ac-tions bring trouble, the Elf council of nobility will determine what penalty, quest or geas will be imposed on the miscreant.
The Fairies are ruled by a hereditary king and queen. To a degree, the social rules that apply, parallel those of a human monarchy. Lesser fairies are allowed freedom but they are not given access to knowledge or wealth. Birth and the favour of the noble-born determine the station of the fairy. To a large extent, social in-teraction is through reciprocal favours and obligations between individuals. Fairies are noted thieves of wealth, food, and children. Due to the skills that they lack, they need to interact with stronger races that are talented in the working of metal. For this reason, they are often closely associated with nearby human settlements. Favours are exchanged, needed items are "claimed", and the like. To a Fairy, there is no moral wrong in theft unless the item is stolen from them. Finally, fairies expect moral conduct from those that they deal with. If promises are not kept, they will seek vengeance. Persons that are overly noisy are despised. Those that are kind are rewarded. In general, if fairies are dealt with in a kind and moral manner they will be friendly. If not, trouble will follow. Fairies feel no obligation to be moral to non-Sidh creatures. They expect morality from them but feel no compulsion to react in kind. They can be quite capricious in their actions towards humans, especially humans that are handsome or beautiful.
All Dwarfs speak Dwarf Elder and the Tongue of Dvalinn. Dwarf Elder is related to the common Elder tongue and the tongue of the Fairy Sidh. The Tongue of Dvalinn is only used by Dwarfs when they are speaking to another Dwarf. It is not related to any other language. It is their magical tongue and is sacred to them. No Dwarf will ever lie when he speaks in this tongue. No non-Dwarf will ever be taught it willingly.
The magic of Dwarfdom is learned by Dwarfs that are skilled as armourers. It allows them to place permanent magics on items that they manufacture. It is only rarely used to cast any magic other than permanent magic rites. Such debase-ment of these sacred rites is commonly frowned upon by Dwarfs. It is moral only in the most dire emergencies. Only male Dwarfs are taught the magic arts of their race. Females are excluded from them at all levels.
Dwarfs never use any missile weapon except spears and crossbows. The bow, after all, was an insidious invention of immoral, dishonourable elves.
Dwarf society places a great emphasis on personal property. The most heinous crime in their society is theft. No Dwarf will steal from another creature without due payment for the item taken. Regaining one's own property, with possible interest and definite penalty, is expected. It is not theft.
THE SUN-SHY ~ The majority of Elder races are nocturnal. The sun, a new creation in the history of this mythos, did not exist when they drew their first breath. They do not care for the harshness of its light and avoid it as much as possible. In some cases, the light of the sun is fatal to them. They were not created for a world heated by such an "odious" creation and do not approve of its existence in the least. Thus, in the Lower World, no Sun shines and all are happy in twilight.
THE HUMAN CONDITION ~ The human race was born as a direct result of the conflict of the gods during the great godswar. They are not the children of any one alignment. Rather, in their genesis, they contain substance from all the forces of existence. As do dragons, although to a lesser extent. For this reason, mankind has a unique ad-vantage over other races, vis-a-vis alignment, morality, and the like. This advantage is Free Will. Because of this advantage, man is the key to the maintenance, or destruction, of balance and is subject to the jealous hatred of many. Because of the race's relative youth, it is viewed with disdain and/or condescending respect by others. Because of the mixture of forces that are its essential core, it is despised by others, especially the Jinn Races.
The Rogizini Empire
This empire is one of the most ancient in the world. At its height it controlled the lands from the western borders of modern Gom through most of modern Bhamotin and all the way to the borders of Dechat. In the past millennia, the empire has suffered major reverses to Gom, Bhamotin, Clima, Fomoria, and the Cerulean Em-pire. They have had major victories, the conquest of the pirates of Shazizan (1462-1464RE), and have defeated Clima in minor naval skirmishes.
The empire is in a period of decadence which has lasted for 800 years. The emperor is weak. The emirs are virtually independent. Except for the power of the imperial army, and the people's devo-tion to the royal house, the empire would have split into nine dif-ferent nations long ago.
The current emperor. Maoun LXXVII, is 63 years old. He is an old lecher with little interest in the affairs of state. Kuitj I, his heir, is a 22 year old, somewhat retarded, man whose only interest is the army. The true ruler of the realm is the Emir of Acghiza, the em-peror's Grand Vizier. He gives the emperor and his heir the "play-things" that they like best and rules the nation while they take their pleasure.
The seat of the imperial family, and capital of the nation, is Zirinava (81,000). The other cities, each the capital of an emirate are Acghiza (51,000), Tilal (30,000), Maoun (25,000), Musci (21,000), Shiazi (19,000), Shiea (17,000), Araou (14,000), Assin (12,000), and Rogh'sa (11,000). The province of Rogh'sa has 6 rural citizens per city dweller. The other provinces have 8 rural citizens per city dweller. The total population of the nation is 2,367,000.
The army is divided into three groups. The Imperial Army con-tains 1,600 elite footmen, 400 elite cavalry, 4,000 footmen and 2,000 cavalry. The elite forces are - the Royal Janissaries. Their sole duty is to protect the person of the emperor. The entire Imperial Army is based in Zirinava. It is commanded by the Grand Vizier (under appointment by the emperor to serve in his stead).
The Army of Zirinava is the commanded by the heir. It has 800 footmen and 200 cavalry, all bedecked in fancy uniforms and carry-ing beautiful weapons. They are incompetent as a fighting force.
The heir's two elder brothers were poisoned in the years 2206RE and 2211RE by his father and the Grand Vizier respectively. As an option, the heir can be a cunning man who realises that his only hope for survival is to pretend that he is harmless and stupid.
The regular army of each Emirate has a strength equal to 10% of the city population. All cities, including Rogh'sa, can levy a militia force two times this size. The composition of regular forces is 40% foot and 60% cavalry. The militia is 80% foot and 20% cavalry. The total strength of the Emirates, including Rogh'sa's militia is, 56,200 militia, 12,000 cavalry, and 8,000 footmen. The total strength of all Rogizini armies is 85,200.
The fleet is divided among the various nobles and has a strength of 135 ships, with 30 being trireme warships or larger.
The Rogizini Empire is noted for fine craftsmanship, luxury goods, exquisite spices, and poor-quality metal goods. The river basins of the nation are irrigated, agricultural zones. The hills produce good quantities of most metals and high-quality stone. The empire imports textiles, slaves, drugs and forged metal. Rogizini weapons are beautiful items that are effective, yet somewhat fragile in com-bat.
The religion of this land, especially among the elite, is hedonism. The Rogizini worship gods who promise pleasure and power to their followers. Most of the gods worshipped are chaotic.
The Rogizini are dedicated to the pursuit of wealth and sensual pleasure. They are cunning, treacherous and undependable as a rule. The higher the station of the individual, the more pronounced this is.
The unifying factor in this realm is the reverence of the lower classes for the royal family. Commoners will fight fanatically for the Emperor. In all other cases, when a Rogizini must fight, he fights for personal survival and easily surrenders if doing so will not endanger his life. When possible, a Rogizini warrior would rather stab an enemy in the back then face him in honest combat. Missile weapons are greatly favoured in this land.
Legal System
Legally the Emperor is omnipotent, his word is sacred. This power has eroded in the last 500 years due to a string of incompe-tent and insane rulers. The current Emperor does not concern himself with governing the realm. This is left to his Grand Vizier. The only duty that most Emperors retain is command of the Imperial army and fleet. Everything else is in the hands of the Grand Vizier and local rulers. Short of armed force, or cunning political action, the Emperor is virtually powerless.
Death is a minor punishment in this empire. It is awarded in cases where imprisonment or slavery would not profit the empire more. For major crimes that are especially heinous, or that effect the powerful, the penalty is Torture for Life. The criminal is con-fined in a cell. Until the day that he dies, he is tortured, allowed to heal, and tortured again. The torture does not end until he dies a natural death. The record duration anyone has lasted under this sentence was the assassin of a reigning emperor's son in the year 1893RE. He lasted 23 years before death freed him. His executioners were the best in the land.
The empire is friendly towards the Cerulean Empire and Dechat. They have trade ties with the Kacili and employ Kacili warriors as mercenaries (especially in guard units). Major nobles use Kacili mercenaries as the core of their personal guard. They are more dependable than Rogizini soldiers.
The Rogizini detest the Robari. They consider Gom to be a rebel nation and hate Bhamotin and Vahear with a passion. Finally, they have an ancient feud with Clima over the small islands that lie be-tween them.
It is the year 2213 by the Rogizini solar calendar. The calendar is one of the most widespread calendars in the world. It is used by the empire, Gom, Ja'xon, Dechat, No'mal and the western Cerulean Empire. The calendar was created by Maoun the Conqueror, founder of the Rogizini Empire. It, like many of his policies, is a revered sign of imperial divinity in this land.
Squatting morosely amongst the poisonous swamps of the Rogh Al Delta is the city of Rogh'sa. Popularly thought to be cursed, it is avoided by all with a choice in the matter. For those who lack that choice, life in Rogh'sa is a constant struggle against the elements and the cruel whims of man. Poisonous mists sweep the city, and its Overlords idly dispense their own distorted brand of justice to its sorry citizens.
Once one of the larger trading centres the Perilous Lands has seen, Rogh'sa has since crumbled to little more than a backwater as its very lifeblood choked it to death. The mighty Rogh Al, main artery of the Eastern Rogizini Trade, has dumped its turgid cargo around the city's walls, depositing a massive silt delta, swamps that have gradually diverted the world's trade routes around and away from Rogh'sa's ports. But the city will not be completely forgotten. It still keeps a heavy lidded eye on the sea routes to Clima to the north, and its dour inhabitants continually dredge open channels through the fens keeping a passage open to the Musci and the southern uplands.
The city is officially under the rule of Umar Ben Irmak Ben Burun Yeniknani, Emir of the Marches. The Emir has plans to resurrect the city to its former prosperity, and few dare stand in the way of this ultimate pragmatist.
Rogh'sa is also the home of a large chapter of the Burvoy Paladins. They act as Rogh'sa's conscience and police force. They have, however, slowly succumbed to the city's corrupting influences.
Little else of the city needs to mentioned here except to briefly describe the Marshes. Covering the area of the river's wide estuary, the Marshes are a fetid stew of swamp, fen and bogs inhabited by things best left alone. Each day its mists roll and writhe to cover the city and its immediate environs. Although not actually poisonous, its acrid odour is extremely unpleasant and forces the citizens of the city to walk abroad with mouth and nose coverings. The more peculiar property of the mist is its dampening effect on the sources of magical power. Magic is rare in Rogh'sa and those who use it must pay a fearful price for they must tap into their own life force leaving themselves weakened and exhausted. The key to magical power is life force and in order to avoid complete debilitation users of magic must find a life force to renew themselves. This involves darkly disturbing practises that the Paladins have outlawed. Magic is not openly used in Rogh'sa.
Two leagues north east of the city lies a prison Thvatta. It hunkers on an island surrounded by a wretched moat. Inside the moat a tangle of tregarl roots form an impenetrable thorny curtain. The prison itself is built from the mottled grey stones of a ruined abbey and its walls have become rusty with the putrid slimes, mosses, and lichens of the fetid swamp. Cold mists seep across its cheerless courtyards.
Originally built to house debtors and malcontents, the prison has expanded to cater for all the degenerate life of Rogh'sa and houses those the corrupt authorities choose to dislike. Sentences are usually for the term of the accused's natural life or until they can raise the collateral to buy their way out. Rogh'sa has no court of appeal.