Powers and Perils

Master timeline of all nations


[AKa] A'ha'kacili [AKo] A'korchu
[Ara] Aratad Confederacy [Ass] The Assiran
[Bas] The Bai'sani [Bar] Ba'rual
[Bha] Bhamotin [Cal] Caldo
[Ced] Empire of Ced [Cer] Cerulean Empire
[Chi] Chiros [Cho] Choshai
[Chu] Chunrey [Cli] Clima
[Sha] Shanda Confederacy [Daw] Dawana
[Dec] Dechat [Dir] Dirllar
[Dja] Djanesborg [Don] Donara
[Fie] Fierazi Tribes [Gha] Ghazai tribes
[Goi] Goidan [Gom] Gom
[Ira] Iravoy [Iza] The Izza
[Jax] Ja'xon [Kat] Katai
[Kir] Kirazan [Lem] Lemasa
[Lpn] L'p'nth [Mah] Ma'helas
[Mar] Marentia [Mop] The Mopazi
[Ner] Nerid [NoM] No'Mal
[Nov] Novarask [Nyl] Nylasa
[Reg] Regis Baya [Rob] Ro'babza
[Ror] The Robari [Rog] Rogizini Empire
[Shu] Shurikal [Tao] Taolisa
[Shi] Shiben [Teo] Teos
[Tha] Thaliba [ThT] Thaliban Tribes
[Tic] Ticasi [Tre] Treus
[Val] Valheim [Zar] Zarun
[Zen] The Zen'da
[FoX] Fomorian Empire X = A Aredan
 H Ashudan
 T Atler
 E Kingdom of East
  F Fomoria
 I Islands
 M Musira
 P Port Doman
  S Shestar
 V Vahear
 X Xan

Timeline of all nations

Year Nation Historical Event / Notes
-5219 [Ror] Legend of the fallen god & Robari creation by the Robari
-2800 [Kat] Katai begins their recorded history
-1113 [Rog] Rogizini Empire founded and Calendar started
-900 [Dir] Dirllar city founded
-900 [Tha] Thalibans enter land in migration as barbarian invaders
-41 [Dec] Dechat founded by Rogizini rebels and Shazi pirates
0 [AKa] The powerful A'korchu empire exist in the area
0 [Ara] Aratad lands are part of the Empire of Ced
0 [Cal] Migration of Kazi clans into Caldan lands
0 [Cal] Kazi fight constant wars with Giants/trolls
0 [Ced] Ced A'caran creates the Empore of the Ced
0 [Cli] Clima is a free port
0 [Sha] Shandans fight among themselves
0 [Daw] Dawana remains part of the Lemasan Empire
0 [Dir] Dirllar remains part of the Korchi Empire
0 [Dja] Future Djanesborg part of Empire del'Nord
0 [FoF] Fomoria is under Korchi rule by force and Dark Magic
0 [Goi] Goidan lands controlled by non-human mysterious creatures
0 [Gom] Gom is under Rogizini Empire control
0 [Lem] Lemasa is dominant power in the Eastern Seas
0 [Mar] Marentia's lands are part of the Thaliban Empire
0 [Mop] Mopazi lands are part o the Nylasa Empire as client state
0 [Nyl] Nylasa dominate the jungles & mountains in the region
0 [Rob] Ro'babzan Plains are home to many hunters and gatherers
0 [Tha] Thaliba rules lands from river Zara to Badlands of S'p'nth
0 [Val] Valheim fortress belongs to the Empire del'Nord
0 [Zar] Eastern Zarun is part of the Thaliban Empire
10 [Tao] Lemasa invades Taolisa
25 [Tao] Lemasan invasion ends in Taolisa with Lemasan victory
25 [Tao] Lemasa begins occupation of island and civilizes the land
33 [Mah] Matan founded by Lemasans in future Ma'helas
33 [Mah] Matan colonists begin to trade & subjugate the local tribes
29 [Kat] Howao War of Succession begins
39 [Cal] Migration of Kazi clans into Caldo ends
39 [Gom] Gom begins blodless revolt from Rogizini Empire
39 [Gom] Rogiizni Empire starts to ignores loss of Gom as nation
79 [Kat] First Howao Emporer takes throne in Katai
79 [Kat] Reign of 1st Howao Emporer
80 [Rob] Ro'babza sees end to disorganized bands of hunters/gatherrs
81 [Rob] Reign of Havaka Silver-arm starts in Ro'babza
81 [Rob] Zimmali the area's first tribe is forged to unite people
100 [Fie] Fierazi begin migration into forest in two waves
101 [Kat] Reign of 1st howao ends & sees rebuilding & enemy crushed
101 [Kat] The life of 2nd Howao Emporer (birth)
102 [Jax] Ja'xon city founded by Ma'char Jaxom (Mai'char Jaxom).
102 [Kat] Reign of the 2nd Howao Emporer begins
102 [Kat] Katai begins conquest of Chunrey and unification attempts
103 [Bha] Miracle of Bhamot occurs in Bhamotin
103 [Bha] The Miracle of Bhamot is spread to its people
103 [Tao] Lemansa occupation of island begins to end
103 [Tao] Rebellion in Taolisa begins againt Lemasa
104 [AKo] The powerful A'korchu empire begins to wane in glory
104 [AKo] Dark Age begins with land reversals by Fomorian Empire
104 [Jax] Ma'char Jaxom (Mai'char Jaxom).becomes duke of area.
109 [AKo] Holy City Kacili founded
129 [Chu] Chunrey is conquered by Katai
129 [Chu] Occupation of Choshai begins by Katai
129 [Kat] Reign of 2nd Howao Emporer ends
129 [Kat] Katai completes Chunrey conquest & Golden lands unification
129 [Mah] Hele was founded to black an important pass
129 [Rob] Reign of Havaka Silver-arm ends with unification of people
129 [Rob] Zimmali raiders finds K'lza'babwe (the Sleeping City).
129 [Rob] Marrani a'Babza prepares forces and scouts plains
130 [Kat] Reign of 3rd & 4th Howao Emporer begins
132 [Kat] The 2nd Howao Emperor's dies
133 [Mah] Matan colonists end subjugation period of local tribes
134 [Rob] Marrani a'Babza ends scouting of plains & prepares for war
134 [Rob] Sleeping City conquers nearest tribes
138 [Tao] Rebellion against Lemasan rule ends in Taolisa
138 [Tao] Taolisa becomes a free kingdom free of imperial control
138 [Tao] The first kings begin to unify the land & end warlord rule
142 [Rob] Sleeping City subjugates all tribes in area even Zimmali
142 [Rob] "Golden Age of Sleepers" begins in Ro'babza
143 [Val] Valheim's last year as part of Empire del'Nord
143 [Val] Barbarians invade, sack Nervarsa & put fortress under siege
143 [Val] People of Valheim Fortress begin long fight for survival
160 [Fie] Fierazi tribes end migration into the forest
173 [Val] People of Valheim see the end of 30 years of struggle
173 [Val] Miracle of Valhelm drives barbarians away by Norgal
173 [Val] Norgal the Mysterious named Marshal of Fortress Valheim
173 [Val] Reign of Marshal Norgal, city forms & many live in plateau
178 [Kat] 4th Emporer reign ends - culture growth & printing invented
178 [Kat] Reign of Fifth Howado Emporer begins
183 [Kat] War of the Black Hersey (Vampire Cult) begins
190 [Ass] Valheim occupies land & introduces Valheim Mysteries
193 [Cli] Climan's time as a free port ends
194 [Cli] Heirana Ghova begins civil war to eradicate the nobility
197 [Nov] Avang Ironfist is born in Novarask
198 [Kat] Reign of Fifth Howao Emporer ends
198 [Kat] War of Black Hersey ends
198 [Kat] Vampire cult defeated and survivors exiled to West Desert
200 [Dja] Empire of del'nord fades from future Djanesborg
200 [Lpn] L'p'nth city founded by Katai cultist
200 [Lpn] L'p'nth begins to subjugate local barbarian tribes
201 [Dja] Barbarians defeat the army and cilivization ends in region
201 [Dja] Barbrians rule the area of the future Djanesborg
201 [FoF] Fomoria sees Korchi rule begin to end quickly
201 [FoF] The Awakening, Spirit of Lake helps in defense of Fomoria
201 [FoF] Golden Stele and knowledge is given to people of 10 tribes
201 [FoF] A mist falls on the Fomorian island legend has it by Enki
203 [Bha] Miracle of Bhamot message starts to wane in dispersion
203 [Val] Norgal begins formulation of Valhani Mysteries
206 [Tic] Kingdom of Salaq takes Ticasi from Empire of Ced
206 [Tic] Ticasi starts period of Salaqi rule
207 [Reg] Bayan Temple founded by expelled Katai mystics
209 [Nov] Novarask founded by Empire del'Nord refugees
209 [Val] Reign of Marshal Norgal ends with a new city around Valheim
209 [Val] Norgal finishes work on Vahani Mysteries as a new faith
209 [Val] Many Assirans convert to new faith of Valhani Mysteries
209 [Val] Reign of Lochan the Deliverer, start to control Assirans
211 [FoF] Mist over island ends with Fomorians prepared for growth
211 [FoF] Fomorians leave island in search of 10 realms for 10 tribes
211 [FoF] Expansion begins by the 10 Fomorian tribes
214 [Tao] The first kings break power of warlords unifies the land
217 [Cli] First Immortal Ghoval was declared and reigned for 2 months
217 [Cli] Reign of Second Immortal Ghova starts in Clima
217 [Cli] Clima's economy begins to stablize and military grows
217 [Val] Foundation of Society of Teutas created in Valheim
220 [Kat] Witch Hunt in Katai begins to exterminate many
219 [Cli] Climan Civil War ends led by Heirana Ghova
221 [Nov] Crystal City begins to be constructed.
224 [Nov] Crystal City finished by Avang to repel attackers
225 [Ass] Period of introduction of Valheim's Mysteries wanes
225 [Jax] Ma'char's grandson expands duchy to south and Foha founded
225 [Nov] Novarask repeatedly attacked by Rhuselska
225 [Val] Reign of Lochan the Deliverer ends in Valheim
228 [Jax] Ja'xon begins diplomacy to retain Ja'xon and Foha
228 [Kat] Reign of Sixth Howao Emporer in Katai Begins
229 [FoI] Islands begin to be taken from the Korchi Empire
231 [Bha] A Rogizini Emir invades island to stop the faith but fails
231 [Bha] In the war the Bhamti gained the hills south Of Lake Bhamot
233 [FoV] Xantia city founded [Xan Nation]
234 [FoM] Musira founded by Fomorians
237 [Jax] Through diplomacy both Ja'xon and Foha remain in duchy
239 [Bha] Kasha founded, to celebrate the spreading of the faith
239 [Bha] Three generations of peace begin in Bhamotin
243 [FoP] Port Doman founded as a trading center by a merchant house
243 [FoP] Port Doman becomes victimized by Izza raiders
243 [Goi] Goidan lands see control by non-human creatures wane
243 [Goi] 5,000 Fomorians land on island and are massacred
244 [Goi] Fomorians declare war on creatures of the island
246 [Cer] Acosha I founded the Cerulean Empire
246 [Cer] Acosha I reign of Cerulean Empire starts
251 [Ced] Sargon the Uncaring reign in Empire of Ced begins
251 [Ced] Iravoy and Western Zarun won independence (251-269)
252 [FoT] Atler city founded against strong resistance from Kolari
252 [Tre] A'korchu conquers Treaus and forces a city built for them
253 [Cer] Tested new army and begins war against N
253 [FoS] Kingdom of Shestar founded
253 [Tre] Korchi reign of Treaus begins
255 [Cer] Army is tested with success when they conquer Nyshan
260 [Ira] Iravoy ends war with Empire of the Ced & wins Independence
261 [Cer] Acosha I's reign ends; alliance with Choal & Indar houses
261 [Cer] aeru the Great reign starts
262 [Cer] Cerulean Empire conquers Dhalran
263 [Cer] Cerulean Empire conquers Samai
270 [Goi] Fomorians end war against creatures who are defeated
270 [Goi] Fomorians begin colonization of the island
265 [Cer] Cerulean Empire conquers Ba'shan
265 [Nov] Edicts of purity issued by Avang (only Novarischi in City)
269 [Ced] Sargon the Uncaring reign ends Nyshan
269 [Ced] Empiire of Ced has a period of peace start
272 [Nov] Lesser City is built for barbarians by Avang
274 [Lpn] Reign of First Insatiable Mistress begins in L'p'nth
274 [Lpn] Code of Nobility and Sacred Rites of Blood introduced
275 [FoT] Maboiba city found when new colonist arrived [Atler nation]
276 [Cer] Cerulean Empire allies with Patani and Conquers Dallaza
281 [Daw] Dawana domination under Lemasa begins to end
281 [Daw] Dawan the All-seeing becomes King of Dawana
281 [FoV] Vahear founded after shrot war with Rogizini Empire
283 [Cer] Cerulean Empire finishes conquest of the Dallaza
283 [FoI] Kingdom of Islands completes taking islands from Korchi
284 [Cer] Cerulean Empire conquers Huam
284 [Kat] City of Iron starts to be constructed in Katai
289 [Cer] Cerulean Empire conquers Chohas
290 [Lpn] L'p'nth completes subjugation of local barbarian tribes
291 [Cer] Cerulean Empire invasion of Teosa
293 [Cer] Maeru the Great reign's ends
293 [Cer] Cerulean Empire aborts invasion of Teosa
293 [Cli] Reign of Second Immortal Ghova in Clima ends
293 [Cli] Clima's economic stablization and mliitary levels out
293 [Cli] Reign of Third Immortla Ghova begins in Clima
293 [Cli] Clima's empire begins to grow with colonization
293 [Daw] Dawana withdrawls from the Lemasan Empire
293 [Teo] Cerulean Empire defeated at walls of Teosa
296 [Nov] Avang declares himself Emporer of the North in Novarask
296 [Nov] Avang renames Novarask to Empire del'Nord & forms army
299 [Goi] Immigrants form the Tribes of Goidan
299 [Nov] Avang assinated by his apprentice before invasion of tundra
300 [Bha] Century of pain starts during major disasters/defeats
300 [Lpn] Reign of First Insatiable Mistress ends in L'p'nth
300 [Lpn] Code of Nobility and Sacred Rites of Blood has become law
300 [Lpn] Reign of Ch'b'r (Chaibor begins in L'p'nth
300 [Lpn] Strict code of military and obligation introduced to all
300 [Rog] Rogizini Empire begins to become decadent due to weak rule
301 [dja] Barbarian rule ends in future Djanesborg
301 [Kat] City of Iron finished for the royal family to dwell in.
306 [Sha] Shandans begin to stop fighting among themselves
306 [Sha] Colonization of Xan and Musira by fomorians by Shanda
306 [Sha] Coalition formed between Shanda, Perda, and Sheriani
306 [Sha] Coalition formed between Sherlani and Gholani
306 [FoE] Fomoria take over as new tenants of Hunki island from Lemasa
307 [Dja] Rori the Reaver units the DJani clans
307 [Dja] Reign of Rori the Reaver starts
307 [Dja] The Vandamen, Puessen, Thurani & Larbani are attacked
309 [Daw] Dawana the All-seeing ends reign in Dawana
309 [Daw] Dawana the Wise becomes ruler of dawana
309 [Mar] Thaliban rule of Marentian lands ends
309 [Mar] Marentia starts out divided up into 107 separate domains
309 [Tha] Thaliban's empire begins to shrink and break apart
309 [Tha] Reign of Timasthe Enlightened begins, feudalism instituted
309 [ThT] Cities become duchies in Thalibn decentralization
309 [Zar] Eastern Zarun no longer part of the Thaliban Empire
310 [Goi] Goidan tribes are finished forming by island immigrants
311 [Bha] Three generations of peace ends in Bhamotin
313 [Lpn] Great TEmple of Ashura was completed in city of L'p'nth.
318 [Lpn] L'p'nth begins to inade western tribes
320 [FoE] "Stole" rights to Tyan under protests of Lemasans
321 [Dja] Reign of Rori the Reaver ends
321 [DJa] The Vandamen, Puessen, Thurani and Larbani driven out
321 [Dja] The Djani invade Nethagen but defeated by Kotothi creatures
321 [Dja] Reign of Thos the Lucky starts for the DJani people
321 [Dja] Civilization begins to grow in the region
328 [Cho] Choshai founded as a Katai military colony
331 [Mah] Leman the Rebel begins his reign in future Ma'helas
332 [FoX] Xan reaches its current boundaries in mountains
333 [Daw] The Lemasa Emporer seeks the destructio of Dawana
333 [FoX] War starts to conquer the mountains near them [Xan]
335 [Daw] Dawana the Wise ends reign in Dawana
335 [Daw] Dawan the Martyr cites a curse on the Lemasan Empire
336 [Cli] Affea colony founded in Clima
336 [Daw] Lema and Aurisia attack Dawana
338 [Daw] Lema completes the conquest of Dawana
338 [Daw] Some believe curse of Dawan the Martry is fullfilled
338 [Daw] Dawana begins to resist Lemasan rule
339 [Bar] Ba'rual became an independent nation
339 [Cal] Kazi war with Giants and Trolls ends
339 [Cal] Caldo as a antion grows and becomes civilized in peacetime
339 [Cal] Caldo given Dagger and The Jewel by Kril Schrandaor Dwarves
339 [FoH] Ashudan city founded
339 [Lpn] Western desert tribes subjugated under Ch''b'r's reign
340 [Dja] To civilize the land Thos becomes Duke & gives titles to Chiefs
340 [Lem] Lemasan dominance of Eastern Seas begins to end
341 [FoE] Tyan massacre and blockade of Pildan on Hunki island
341 [FoE] After massacre Lemasa declares war on the Fomorians
341 [FoE] Great Lemasan War begins
341 [Lem] Lemasa invades Tyan and massacres 13,000 people
341 [Lpn] B'z'b' (Baizouba) city is built
342 [FoV] Lemasan War begins and Vahear helps in attacks
343 [Lem] King of Fomoria attacks Ma'tan & kills every Lemasan
343 [Lem] Great Lemasan / Fomorian War begins
343 [Mah] Great Lemasan / Fomorian War begins with Matan being hit
346 [FoH] Xaghan city founded [Nation of Ashudan]
346 [Lpn] Reign of Ch'b'r (Chaibor ends in L'p'nth
346 [Lpn] Strict code of conduct Military code period ends
346 [Lpn] Reign of next 2 Insatiable Mistresses begin in L'p'nth
346 [Mah] Leman the Rebel betrays Lemasa & joins Fomoria in the War
347 [Mah] Nation renamed Ma'helas & colonist left to Fomorian rule
347 [Mah] Ma'helas begins to see stagnation under Vahearian advice
349 [Rog] Rogizini begin campaign to conquer pirates in Shazizan
350 [Kat] Reign of Sixth Howao Emporer ends
350 [Kat] Witch hunt ends with 100,000 killed or banished
350 [Kat] Period of 15 more Emporers begin in Katai
350 [Mah] Leman the Rebel's reign ends in Ma'helas
351 [Rog] Conquest of Shazizan pirates by Rogizini Empire completed
351 [Shi] Shazizan pirates defeated by Rogizini and flee
352 [Shi] Shazi land in Salaq as invaders but defeated
352 [Shi] King of Salaq allows them to remain and dwell if loyal
352 [Shi] Shazi population begins to grow as refugees enter land
354 [FoE] Great Lemasan War ends, with Lemasa badly beaten
354 [FoE] Kingdom of the East was founded ruling islands and Lemdan
355 [Cli] Fort Kira in Clima is founded
355 [Daw] Dawanan resistance of Lemasa Empire ends
355 [Daw] Dawana gains freedom when Lema is conquered by Fomoria
355 [FoV] War ends, Vahear helps in destruction of Lemasan 3 fleets
355 [FoV] Vahear starts as dominant force in southern sea
355 [Mah] Great Lemasa / Fomoria War ends with Matan's fleet lost
356 [Cli] Reign of Third Immortal Ghova ends in Clima
356 [Cli] Clima's empire ends growth after taking nearby islands
356 [Lem] Great Lemasan / Fomorian War comes to an end
356 [Lem] Fleet is shattered, M'atan & 6 islands lost to Fomorians
356 [Lem] Dark Age begins to descend on Lemasa with empire broken
357 [Cli] Fourth Immortal Ghova begins her reign in Clima
357 [Cli] Clima begins expansion and attacks on Rogizini Empire
357 [Cli] Clima begins attacks on Bhamotin and MArentia
361 [Daw] Lemas form council to govern the land and Militart orders
362 [Shi] Shazi population in Salaq quintupled over the last decade
362 [Tha] Reign of Timas the Enlightened ends in Thaliba
363 [FoX] Xan finally reaches its current boundaries, expansion ends
364 [FoX] Erdan founded after Xan celebrates their expansion
365 [Tao] Taolisa declares full independence and expells all Lemasans
368 [FoA] Aredan founded with aid of local nations
368 [Shi] New Salaq King takes Shazi wife & forms pernament alliance
369 [Dja] Reign of Thos the Lucky ends
370 [Tao] Taolia begins to return to the old ways of piracy & raids
372 [Lpn] L'd'm' (Lidaema) founded at Mt. H'ss'r (Heissur)
377 [Goi] End of Goidan colonization by Fomorians, Kolari & Shandans
379 [Chu] Royal house of Chunrey house Chunsa marries Katai house
379 [Tre] Korchi reign of Treaus ends, natives become civilized
379 [Tre] With aid from Elf Sidh Treaus drive the Korchi out of land
382 [Daw] Dawanan Militant Orders begin to defend the land
386 [Dir] Dirllar ends Korchi domination
386 [Dir] Dirllar begins rebellion against A'korchu Empire
386 [Dir] Dirllar War of Independence begins again A'korchu
392 [Chu] Occupation by Katai of Choshai ends
392 [Chu] Choshai gains full rights as a province of Katai
392 [Kat] Chunrey becomes independent Principality
396 [Lpn] Celebration of Blood in L'p'nth killing 10,000 captives
397 [Daw] Militant Order defense in Dawana wanes
397 [Shu] Reign of Prophet Markav'Kotas begins in Shurikal
398 [Daw] Council elects the 1st Holy Dawan
399 [Bar] Ba'rual starts to take over small realms in vicinity
399 [Ner] Nerid becomes partially independent & ally of Empire of Ced
400 [Bha] Century of pain in Bhamotin begins to end
400 [Sha] Coalition ends between Shanda, Perda, and Sheriani
400 [Sha] Coalition ends between Sherlani and Gholani
400 [Sha] Coalitions end when Fomorians could not be driven out
400 [Sha] 1st yearly Council of Chiefs formed to discuss trade
402 [Shu] Contruction of Holy City Shurikal begins
404 [FoE] Katai Duke of Coasa doubles taxes for Hunki Island & Tyan
404 [FoE] Kingdom declares war on Coasa nation
406 [FoE] Most of Cosa Peninsula and ducky's capital was captured
406 [FoP] Merchant house gets right to field a larger army
406 [FoP] Port Doman begins invasion of Izza lands
406 [FoP] The General sends arms & mercs to both Nylasi sides
406 [Lpn] K'p'ch' (Keupacha) built
406 [Lpn] Raiders enter the Cerulean Empire and are defeated
406 [Lpn] Period of L'p'nth expansion begins to stall
407 [Cer] Dhaji the Supple defended against invasion by desert tribes
407 [FoE] Tiansur was sacked by Kingdom of East
408 [FoE] Kingdom of East / Coasa War ends
408 [FoE] Fomorians after victory rename Duchy capital to Ocedan
411 [Cer] Dhaji the Supple, saw desert tribe invasion ends
411 [FoF] Expansion ends with 10 Fomorian kingdoms founded
413 [Cer] Ermeta founded by Empire after victory over tribes
413 [Cer] Invaded Bhamotin and forced a tribute to be paid
413 [FoP] Victimization of Port Doman by Izza raiders ends
413 [FoP] Port Doman defeats the Izza and ends the threat
416 [Bha] Bhamti Fight major war with Cerulean Empire & badly beaten.
416 [Bha] Bhamotin starts to pay yearly tribute to Cerulean empire
416 [Cer] Maure the Stubborn reign starts in Cerulean Empire
418 [Dir] Dirllar's War of Independence ends against A'korchu
418 [Dir] Battle of Smras Fen where independence was won for Dirllar
418 [Dir] Council of Mages begin to rule Dirllar though corrupt
420 [Lpn] Reign of 4th Insatiable Mistress ends in L'p'nth
421 [Ced] Period of peace ends in Empire of Ced
421 [Ced] Kingdom of Salaq wages war on Empire of Ced
421 [Chi] Chiran revolt from Empire of Ced
421 [Cli] Climan fleet defeated by a Salaqi fleet ending a short war
421 [FoP] The General ends aid for both sides of Nylasi conflict
421 [Shu] Construction of Holy City Shurikal finishes
422 [FoP] General's heirs also helps both sides in Nylasa civili war
423 [Cer] Conquest of Halle from Rogizini Empire starts
423 [Rob] Kacili begin major raids into Ro'babza
423 [Shu] Holy Servants of Shurikal are created
424 [Ced] Defeated by Kingdom of Salaq losing Ticasi, Shiben, Chiros
424 [Ner] Nerid sacked by Salaq
425 [Kir] Pernament tent city established in oasis of Kiraza by Kacili
426 [Cer] Conquest of Halle from Rogizini Empire ends
430 [Cer] Cerulean try to pin the Bai'sani down
431 [FoP] Nearby Nylasi empire sses by plaques, civli war & disasters
431 [Gom] Rogizini demand Gom rejoin the empire and pay backtaxes
431 [Gom] Gom declares war on Rogizini Empire after their threat
431 [Tic] Ticasi period of Salaqi rule begins to end
431 [Tic] Armanthar proposes Ticasi should be a scholastic center
432 [Bha] Primate Toval Maresh of the Citadel starts his reign
437 [Cer] Cerulean Empire fails to pin Bai'sani with heavy losses
438 [Cli] Reign of Fourth Immortal Ghova ends in Clima
438 [Cli] Expansion and attacks on Rogizini Empire ends
438 [Cli] Climan attacks on Bhamotin and Marentia ends
438 [Cli] Reign of Fifth Immortal Ghova in Clima starts
438 [Cli] Clima begins attacks on Bhamotin and Thaliban fleets
438 [Gom] Gom / Rigizini War ends with Rogizini defeats on land & sea
438 [Tic] Salaq authorizes Armanthar to build a scholastic center
438 [Tic] Reign of Governor Armanthar begins in Ticasi
439 [Cer] Gained alliance with Col'ka and opened a mountain road
439 [Gom] Gom by now has grown ecnomically and in military strength
439 [Gom] War ends with Rogizini Empire recognition of Independent Gom
439 [Gom] Gom slowly begins growth as a major power
439 [Shu] Reign of Markav'Kotas ends, barbarian tribes now unified
439 [Shu] Reign of Markan the Bloody begins, fanaticizes
439 [Shu] Reign of Markan the Bloody begins, fanaticizes the faith
440 [Cer] Maure the Stubborn reign ends
440 [Cer] Acosha the Mad's reign starts
440 [Shu] Start to build Holy Road & the Temple of the Great Serpent
442 [Rob] "Golden Age of Sleepers" & Sleeper rule ends in Ro'babza
443 [Cer] Cerulean Empire suffers bloody defeaty by Bai'sani
448 [Cer] Cerulean Empire goes to war with Hadat
449 [Teo] Formed alliance with Kingdom of Vahear & Teos
452 [Cer] Cerulean Empire fails to conquer Hadat
453 [Cer] Acosha the Mad ordered fleet to attack Vahear
454 [Cer] Half of Cerulean Empire fleet destroyed by Vahear
455 [Shu] Holy Road and the Temple of the Great Serpent finished
456 [Shu] Reign of Markan the Bloody ends with faith going fanactical
456 [Shu] Markan killed by leader of Holy Servants by Khabla
460 [Bha] Bhamotin declares war on the Cerulean Empire
461 [Bha] Bhamotin - Cerulean Empire war ends
461 [Bha] Tribute paid by Bhamotin to Cerulean empire ends
461 [Cer] Cerulean Empire loses the Bhamotin tribute
461 [Cer] Acosha the Mad assinated before he could invade Katai
461 [Cer] Acosha the Mad's reign ends
461 [Cer] Cerulean Empire sees a major civil war start
463 [Kir] Kirazan city construction begins
467 [Cer] Cerulean Empire Civil War ends
467 [Cer] Maoud Maulitii became first Emporer of Maulitii dynasy
467 [Cer] Golden Age of Cerulean Empire begins
468 [Gha] Che'zeira the Chosen, 1st Great Chief, unites Ghazai tribes
468 [Mar] Marentia sees division of its land (107 domains) end
468 [Mar] Malnon, Cholchara & Ba'rual begin to conquer 63 domains
471 [Kir] Kirazan city created by thosee who remained in area
477 [Bar] Maras I starts reign in Ba'rual
479 [Bar] Ba'rual's conquest of realms in vicinity ends
479 [Tic] Council of Scholars is formed to rule Ticasi
480 [Bar] Count of Ba'rual becomes Maras I, King of Ba'rual
483 [Tha] Fortress Thalib completed in Thaliba
485 [Bha] Primate Toval of Citadel's reign ends in Bhamotin
485 [Bha] Death of Toval saw decline in Bhamotin as major power
485 [Bha] Kravas the Blind starts reign in Bhamotin
487 [Tha] Defeat of Thaliban fleet by Climans
487 [Tha] Thaliba becomes isolated away from its empire & breaks up
487 [ThT] Cities become fully independent from Thaliban Empire
488 [Dir] Corrupted & ineffective Council of Mages ends in Dirllar
488 [Dir] Nilgeranthrib elminates council of mages and takes over
488 [Dir] Reign of Terror by Nilgeranthrib the Dictator begins
490 [Bar] Ba'rual defeats Cholchara with help from Zen'da
493 [Bha] Kravas the Blind's reign ends in Bhamotin
496 [Tic] Reign of Governor Armanthar ends, dedicated life to Ticasi
496 [Tic] Armanthar's death is honored in Royal Chamber in Ticasi
497 [Bar] Ba'rual allies with Sar'manda by marriage.
500 [Gha] Night of the Serpent where Ghazai Royal line is deified
501 [Bar] Maras I's reign in Ba'rual ends
501 [Bar] Maras I dies, Queen serves as Regent
501 [Bar] Ba'rual becomes friends with Zen'da, especially Sar'manda
502 [Shu] Tome of Kototh & Rite of Immortal Birth created by Khala
503 [Cli] Reign of Fifth Immortal Ghova ends in Clima
503 [Cli] Thaliban and Bhamotin fleets massacred by Climan war ends
503 [Cli] Riegn of Sixth Immortla Ghova begins in Clima
503 [Cli] Gom and Xan fleets begin to attack Climan fleets
503 [Shu] Reign of Ka'Khab the Immortal starts in Shurikal
504 [Ced] Thesovius the Magnificent took throne in Empire of Ced
507 [ThT] Duke of Alzira becomes seduced by Nilgeranthrib for power
507 [ThT] Nilgeranthrib rules & desecrates Alzira killing many
512 [Dir] Reign of terror by Nilgeranthrib the Dictator ends
513 [Dir] Dirllar ruled by the King of the Islands
514 [Mar] Malon, Cholchara & Ba'rual ends conquest of 63 domains
514 [Mar] Asichi founded by Cholchara
514 [Mar] Cholchara begins conquest of the Zen'da tribes
515 [FoS] Shestar begins extermination of Nylasa tribes
516 [Bar] Queen of Maras I reign ends
516 [Bar] Ba'rual friendship with Zen'da begins to wane
516 [Bar] Kerain I reign begins
516 [FoP] Aid by General's heirs ends for Nylasa civil war
516 [FoP] After Nylasi Empire falls Port Doman is dominant area power
518 [Nyl] Nylasa's dominance in region begins to wane
519 [FoP] Nylasa Empire falls from major disasters and civli wars
519 [Mar] Cholchara ends conquest of the Zen'da tribes
519 [Mar] Zen'da sacks Asichi in retaliation of the Cholchara raids
519 [Mar] Asichi was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
519 [Nyl] Nylasa sees a period of Civil WAr, plaques & raids begin
520 [Bar] Ba'rual sends raids into Marentia
520 [Mar] Zen'da invade the Plains of Cholchara
520 [Mar] Marentia sees the start of yearly raids by Zen'da & Ba'rual
520 [Mar] Cholchara was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
520 [Mop] Mopazi ends as a client state of the Nylasi Empire
520 [Zen] Zen'da begin to invade Plains of Cholchara
521 [FoS] Shestar extermination of southern Nylasa tribes ends
521 [Mop] Nylasa Empire begins to suffer from plaques.(Mopazi too)
522 [Ced] Empire of Ced starts advance to the river Zara
522 [Mar] Cholchara was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
523 [Daw] Homali Ghora becomes 5th Holy Dawan in Dawana
523 [Rob] Major desert raids by Kacili wound the empire but end
525 [Mop] Mopazi lose 40% of the population due to plaques
527 [Daw] Ghora and Militant Orders attack Aurisia
529 [Dja] Criegar the Blind rules the Djani clans
530 [Ced] Empire of Ced advance to the river Zara ends
530 [Kat] Revolts in Scaloo, Musdao, Qimou,Ci'jian, Dzhamou & Sangsao
532 [Daw] Aurisia city captured by Dawana ending the war
532 [Mar] Cholchara was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
533 [Ced] Thesovius reign ends, with fleet decline and army prospered
533 [Ced] Minor raids into Iravoy where Thesovius dies
533 [Ced] Thiebald the Demented starts his reign in Empire of Ced
533 [Cho] Khaton Dynasty tries for control of Katai
533 [Chu] Choshai backs wrong side in civil war in Katai
533 [Kat] Katai Revolts end
534 [ThT] Nilgeranthrib moves against cities in area
537 [Dja] Reign of Criegar the Blind ends
537 [Dja] Growth of Civilization for Djani wanes
537 [Dja] Lobar the Black, a Korchi puppet, begins rule of Djani
537 [Dja] Djaris the Unforgiving, Criegar's heir, tries for control
537 [Kir] Reign of Ahmed the Just in Kirazan begins
537 [Rob] Reign of Ro'mabazai begins in Ro'babza
537 [ThT] Nilgeranthrib moves against other cities & conquers them
537 [ThT] Nilgeranthrib begins to rule his nation to his will
538 [Bar] Ba'rual sacks Cholchara and Asichi from 516-538
539 [AKo] A'korchu Dark Age nears its ending period.
539 [AKo] A'mara the Builder seizes A'korchu throne
539 [AKo] A'korchu Empire under A'mara's rule sees power come back
539 [Bar] Ba'rual occupation & invasion of Cholchara/Asichi begins
540 [Ced] Saw loses of Zarun gains and defeated by Xianese rebels
540 [Ced] Thiebald the Demented's reign ends when assinated
540 [Ced] Army starts control of puppet Emporers
540 [Kir] Ahmed gives rights to peasants and slaves in Kirazan
542 [Mar] Cholchara was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
546 [Kir] Peaceful ties created with Ro'babza by Ahmed's marriage
546 [Kir] Kirazan begins period of prosperity and peace
546 [Mar] Sivas was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
549 [ThT] Nilgeranthrib welds a nation subjugated to his evil will
549 [ThT] Nilgeranthrib marches on Thalib with his living & dead army
549 [ThT] Nilgeranthrib begins attacking Thalib with his evil magics
550 [Dja] Djaris the Unforgiving, ends fight for control
550 [Dja] Duchy begins to rebuild after the civil war
550 [Tao] Taolisa's period of piracy and raiding begins to end
550 [Tao] Taolisa beins persecution of Dawanaism now on the island
550 [ThT] Nilgeranthrib uses his evil magics sieges Thalib city
550 [ThT] Thalib gains support of Zarun and the mountain cities
550 [ThT] Melanius Zendar (Life Sword) attacks & kills Nilgeranthrib
550 [ThT] Mountain cities begin to rule the forest
550 [Zar] Duke of Zara participates in Nilgeranthrib's war
551 [Dja] War to put Criegar's heir to the throne begins
553 [Cho] Khaton Dynasty takes Katai and Choshai becomes independent
553 [Chu] Choshai fails to back the wrong side in Katai civil war
553 [Kat] Period ends of 15 Emporers Reign & Katai becoming decadent
553 [Kat] Armies of Khatou & Jian shatter the armies of Howao/Dzhamou
553 [Kat] Prince of House Khatou became the new Katai Emperor.
553 [Kat] Emporer consolidates power and fights other houses start
553 [Zar] Melanius Zendar, bearer of Life Sword, poisoned in Zarun
553 [Zar] Start of the Zomozan Dynasty in Zarun
553 [Zar] Oppression of people by the Zomozan rulers begins in Zarun
557 [Dja] Lobar the Black reign ends
557 [Dja] Civil War ends to put Criegar's heir to the throne
558 [Chu] Choshai allies with Kingdom of the East
558 [FoE] Kingdom aids Chunrey in war against Katai
558 [FoE] Fomorians/Chunrey sack Tiansar
560 [Kir] Reign of Ahmed the Just ends in Kirazan
562 [FoS] Shestar wages war with Kirazan
569 [FoE] Fomorians/Chunrey sack Si'chava
569 [Mar] Malnon was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
570 [FoE] Fomorians/Chunrey sack Tiansar again
571 [Chu] Choshai purchases peace by paying Katai a tribute
571 [FoE] Fomorians/Chunrey sack Musdan
571 [FoE] Chunrey make peace with Katai ending the war
579 [Kat] Emporer ends consolidation and house fighting period
579 [Kat] Reign o second Katou Emporer in Katai begins
579 [Mar] Cholchara was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
584 [Shu] Code of Shurikal, the legal code of land, created
587 [Mar] Valeu was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
589 [Lpn] L'p'nth begins invasion of western mountains and badlands
591 [Mar] Malnon was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
594 [Lpn] Period of expansion by L'p'nth stalled expansion ends
595 [Lpn] L'p'nth ends invasion of western mountains and badlands
595 [Lpn] S'ph'nth (Sophainth) was founded
595 [Lpn] L'p'nth begins consolidation of territory gains
596 [Cli] Gom tricked into breaking treaty with Xan by 6th Ghova
598 [Nyl] Period of Civil war, plaques and raids end in Nylasa
599 [Teo] Teos merges with Sa'ues as part of wedding alliance
599 [Zar] Oppression of people by the Zomozan rulers ends in Zarun
599 [Zar] Lochar III executed by the military on break of civil war
599 [Zar] Council of Elders formed to rule the land in Zarun
600 [Bar] Ba'rual occupation & invasion of Cholchara/Asichi ends
600 [Bar] Ba'rual begins to become a peaceful trade center
600 [Cli] Reign of Sixth Immortal Ghova in Clima ends
600 [Cli] Clima is defeated in long fleet actions against Gom & Xan
600 [FoP] Port Doman allies with Izza & turns them to Fomrian faith
600 [FoP] Port Doman enters slave trade
600 [Iza] The Izza become allies with Port Doman
600 [Mar] Marentia sees end of yearly raids by Zen'da and Ba'rual
600 [Nyl] The Nylasi Empire has now become a memory in the area
600 [Nyl] Nylasa enters a Dark Age & the people discover pain & fear
600 [Zen] Zen'da ends invasion of Cholchara sacking many cities
601 [Bha] Climan Debacle as the war fleet of Bhamotin is shattered
601 [Bha] Bhamotin begins recovery from Climan Debacle
601 [Chu] Choshai begins war of Fomorian realm while they were weak
601 [Cli] Massa the Wise, 7th Immortal Ghova rules starts in Clima
601 [Cli] Climan culture begins to blossom and the navy rebuilds
601 [Mar] Zen'da begin to settle in the Plains of Cholchara
601 [Mar] Sivas begins to surpass Cholchara as dominant city in area
601 [Tre] Treans Mysteries formulated by monarchs Chirea and Albus
602 [FoE] Duke of Coasa attacks Kingdom of East to regain his lands
602 [FoE] Total conquest of Coasa Peniula begins by East Kingdom
603 [Bha] Recovery of Bhamotin resources ends
603 [Bha] Primate Zenara killed by Rogizini Raiders
603 [Bha] Bhamotin shatters 2 Rogizini armies & Captures A'zan
603 [Bha] Provinius Malcon reign saw invasion of Rogizini Empire
604 [FoE] Coasa Duke completes attack to regain his lands
604 [FoE] Total conques of Coasa Peninsula,Pirasar, and Cosa Duchy
604 [FoE] Chunrey attacks Kingdom of the East begins
605 [FoE] Kingdom of the East sacks Mokasa
607 [FoE] Kingdom of East burns every ship in Mokasa harbor
609 [Rob] Reign of Ro'mabazai ends in Ro'babza
609 [Rob] Ro'mabazai grants full citizenship to tribesman in city
609 [Rob] End of Ro'mabazai, end of Kacili raids & Kirazan friendship
609 [Rob] Robabza begins long period of peace
611 [Bha] War against Rogizini armies end with Bhamotin victory
611 [FoE] Kingdom of East advances into Chun Hills in Chunrey War
611 [FoE] Kingdome of East enters defensive posture & uses diplomacy
612 [Kat] Reign of 2nd Katou Emporer in Katai ends
613 [Chu] Fomorian and Choshai War ends
617 [Kat] Reign of Six more Khatou Emporers begins
627 [Shu] Army begins to be formed and built in Shurikal
630 [Shu] First regular army formed by Ka'Khab completed
630 [Shu] Reign of Ka'Khab the Immortal ends in Shurikal
630 [Shu] Rite of Immortla Birth used on granddaughter of Ka'Khab
630 [Shu] Reign of the Immortal Shurikal begins, the world's top mage
631 [Bha] Bhamotin 200 years of prosperity begins
632 [FoF] Golden Age for Kingdom of Fomoria begins
634 [Bha] Bhamotin invasion of Rogizini empire wanes/ends
639 [Chi] Chiran revolt against Salaqi rule
639 [Sha] Shenah (Sherlani chief) forms chief council into governemnt
639 [Sha] Reign of Chief shehan in Shanda begins
639 [Gom] Gom ends growth and becomes a major power in the area
639 [NoM] Dechat's fleet allowed Vahear to sack No'mal
639 [ThT] Nilgeranthrib reborn again, attacks the mountain cities
640 [Chi] Salqai Royal Army crushed the rebellion
640 [Chi] Chiros becomes Royal Duchy of Salaq
640 [Sha] Shanda begin conquest of A'chalani
640 [Nyl] Nylasa's Dark Age ends
640 [ThT] Mountain cities rule the forest and become decadent
641 [Nyl] The "Holy One" / "the Mistress of the Tiger" enters scene
641 [Nyl] The First Year of the She tiger in Nylasa
643 [Jax] Reign of 25th Duke of Ja'xon begins
644 [Sha] A'chalani conquered by Shandans
646 [Sha] Fort Inan and Musira sacked
650 [Daw] The 8th Holy Dawan sends missionaries to spread the faith.
651 [Sha] Shanda starts repeat invasion of Gom
656 [LEm] Dark Age begins to end in Lemasa
668 [Sha] Reign of Chief Shehan ends in Shanda
668 [Sha] Shandan invasion of Gom ends
668 [Sha] Shenah drawn into battle at Ja'xon to lose and be captured
668 [Sha] Shenah executed and empire ends and tribes become frgmented
668 [Jax] Ja'xon attacked by Empire of Shenab
668 [Jax] Ja'xon beings resistance of Shenab invasion
669 [Sha] Shanda raided by Gom and tribes remain split
672 [Jax] Ja'xon resistance of Shenab invasion ends
672 [Jax] Under the 25th Duke Ja'xon breaks the Shenab army and wins
672 [Jax] Cho'va (Ko'vai Jaxom) captures Shenab & sends him to Gom
673 [Jax] The 25th Duke is murdered at a staff conference
673 [Jax] Reign of 25th Duke of Ja'xon ends
674 [Jax] Ja'xon begins to be plundered in a short civil war
682 [jax] Ja'xon's civil war ends to put family Jaxom back on throne
693 [Tha] Thaliba closes borders except for Thaliban Road and Porta
693 [Tha] Last time outsiders see a true Thaliban
697 [Mah] Ma'helas's period of staganation under Vahear advice ends
698 [Cli] Massa the Wise, 7th Immortal Ghova rules ends in Clima
698 [Cli] Climan culture ends period of growth and navy rebuilding
698 [Cli] Reign of Eigth Immortal Ghova starts in Clima
698 [Cli] Clima begins war against Empire of Ced
698 [Tao] Taolisa persecution of Dawanaism begins to end
698 [Tao] Religious persecution starts a civil war in Taolisa
702 [Dir] Dirllar Civil War starts against Kingdom of Islands rule
702 [Tic] Plaque hits Ticasi and starts to kill many
703 [Cli] Clima sacks Nerid
703 [Cli] Climan War with Empire of Ced ends with their Ced Defeat
703 [Ner] Nerid sacked by Climans
704 [Mah] People try to improve their lot by war but are defeated
704 [Mar] Society of Malnon formed without Sivas backing
705 [Tao] Taol the Bloodlnss takes the throne, secretly a Dawanist
705 [Tao] Reign of Taol the Bloodless in Taolisa begins
705 [Tao] The "Dawanaese Monarchy" period begins in Taolisa
708 [AKo] A'korchu Empire growth suddenly ends
708 [AKo] Admiral A'Asu kills A'mara and took throne in A'korchu
708 [AKo] A'asu the Cursed reign, military takes control of land
708 [Lem] Reign of Yyast XI begins in Lemasa
709 [Cli] Ghova marries one of Salaqi forming an alliance
709 [Mar] Society of Malnon begins to fight the Barbarians
710 [Mar] Cholchara was sacked by the Zen'da
713 [Dir] Dirllar control by Kingdom of Islands wanes
713 [Dir] Civil war & unrest ends against Kingdom of Islands
713 [Dir] Dirllar becomes free from Kingdom of Islands
713 [Dir] Period of 23 Dirllan Dictators start
713 [Mar] Malnon was sacked By the Zen'da
715 [Mar] Malnon was sacked by the Zen'da
716 [Mar] Valeu was sacked by the Zen'da
718 [Mar] Society of Malnon ends their fight with the Barbarians
718 [Mar] Cholchara was sacked by the Zen'da
718 [Mar] Kingdom takes loan from Sivas and hires mercs for war
718 [Mar] The Kingdom begins to hire mercs to fight the barbarians
719 [Tao] Reign of Taol the Bloodless ends in Taolisa
719 [Tao] Reign of next kings starting decrease in Taolisa power
720 [Tic] Plaque ends in Ticasi with over 12,000 killed
720 [Tic] Edict of Respite declared by Council of Scholars
720 [Tic] Edict o Respite begins to stablize the land
728 [Mar] The hired Marentian mercs end with the barbarians
730 [Cal] Dagger and Jewel given to Caldans (339-730)
730 [Mar] Fort Maren founded by the mercenaries as a operations base
731 [Cal] Alliance formed with Kazi under reign of 13th Dagger
731 [Mar] Zen'da ends their dwelling in the Plains of Cholchara
731 [Mar] Sivas's dominance in the area begins to end
739 [Cal] Caldo period of growth and peace ends
740 [Cal] North is opened to Caldan traders
746 [Kir] Period of Prosperity nd peace wanes in Kirazan
748 [Cal] Caldo & Kazi alliance ends during 13th Dagger's reign
750 [Dir] Period of 23 Dirllan dictators ends
750 [Dir] A'korchu invades Dirllar
753 [Dir] A'korchu defeated & Merchant's Council rules Dirllar
753 [Dir] Merchant's Council begins rule in Dirllar
754 [Dja] Homar the Bold starts reign
755 [AKo] A'asu the Cursed kills himself during a Fomorian invasion
755 [AKo] A'korchu civil war starts, great magics ravage the land
755 [AKo] Period of 13 A'korchu emporers start to rule the land
755 [Lpn] L'p'nth ends consolidation of territory gains
759 [FoS] Shestar humilated in battle by Ro'babza
760 [Goi] The tribes of Goidan begin to resist Fomorian rule
760 [Gom] Gom begins to becomes jaded and decadent by the nobility.
760 [Lem] Yyast XI reign ends, Eastern lands discoved & trade grows
768 [Lem] Reign of Kshka III begins in Lemasa
763 [Dja] Homar the Bold marries into Clan Bara of Caldo
763 [Dja] The nation is renamed Djanesborg and Calendar formed
763 [Lem] Holy city of Sscavhi allies with Atla in Lemasa
771 [Lem] Holy city of Sscavhi allies with A'khara in Lemasa
774 [Lem] Conquest of Kai'cera begins
776 [Lem] Vasa conquered by Lemasa
777 [Lem] Aurisia rejoins empire in fear of Kshka's might
777 [Lem] Empire begins to rebuild and form alliances
777 [Lem] Kai'cera is conquered by Lemasa
782 [Lem] Reign of Kshka III ends in Lemasa
782 [Tao] Reign of next 2 kings ends, sees power of Taolisa wane
782 [Tao] The "Dawanaese Monarchy" ends sees power of Taolisa wane
782 [Tao] Lemasa defeats the fleet of Taolisa, Taol the Hermit killed
782 [Tao] General Am Cho'vak rules in Taolisa after killing Taol
783 [Cli] Reign of Eight Immortal Ghova in Clima ends
783 [Cli] Reign of Ninth Immortal Ghova in Clima begins
785 [Dja] King Homar puts a campaign of piracy against A'korchu
785 [Zen] Pan-tribal cult becomes persecuted by Zen'da tribes
789 [Cer] During Maolitii Dynasty the Empire's Golden Age ends
789 [Cer] Maulitti Dynasty ended by Patani guard
789 [Cer] Amy'pas I became first Emporer of Patani dynasty
789 [Dja] Reign of homar the Bold ends
790 [Cer] Cerulena Empire begins war with L'p'nth
791 [Daw] Dawana missionaries discover the Eastern Lands
791 [Kat] Katai defeats L'p'nth invasion though outnumbered 4 to 1
791 [Lpn] L'p'nth invades Katai and are repulsed
792 [Kat] With 10,000 Reinfocements L'p'tnh is driven out of Katai
792 [Lpn] L'p'nth invades Katai and army is shattered again
792 [Lpn] L'p'nth invades eastern steppes for captives
793 [Cer] Cerulean Empire ends war with L'p'nth
793 [Kat] General becomes national hero and Count over Imperial Army
794 [FoE] Kingdom of East forms alliance with Teos
795 [Kat] Reign of 6 Katou Emporers with iron fist ends
796 [Kat] Reign of Sixth Khatou Emporer begins
798 [Kat] Jin'sha Tara'Khatou (Hero) becomes Grand Marshal of Army
799 [Teo] Cerulean Empire orders Teos to pay tribute but back down
800 [Zen] Don Host led by Xalan Horse-brother invades Zen'da steppes
800 [Zen] Pan-tribal cult drien out of Zen'da to the southern forests
801 [AKo] Period of fast 13 A'korchu emporers ends
801 [AKo] A'korchu civil war ends, magics almost destroy the land
801 [AKo] A'Chori the Great takes A'korchu throne in a bloody coup
801 [AKo] A'Chori the Great starts restructuring the Korchi society
802 [Kat] Reign of Sixth Katou Emporer in Katai ends
802 [Kat] Reign of Emporer Mocama begins
803 [Kat] Writ of Divine Seclusion made and makes Emporers god-like
803 [Kat] Jin'sha's reign as Master General begins (de facto ruler)
804 [Cer] Cerulean Empire begins conquest of Hadat
805 [Dir] Merchant's Council reign ends in Dirllar
805 [Dir] Council reorganized into Council of Thirteen in Dirllar
805 [Dir] Stablization of Dirllar begins by Council of 13
806 [Cer] Cerulean Empire conquers Hadat
807 [Chi] Salaq X returned Chiros to local rule
809 [Tao] Reign of General Am Cho'vak ends in Taolisa
809 [Tao] Civil War ends and General Am is killed and replaced
809 [Tao] Reign of Irwa the Juggler, unifies land & religious freedom
810 [Kir] Great Mufti Muji ala'Morii returns & preaches the Sand Claw
810 [Zar] Don Host enters Zarun but sees stiff resistance
812 [Chi] Chiros ends being Royal Duchy of Salaq
815 [Bha] Primate Zer leads Bhamotin into conquest of Cerulean Empire
819 [Cer] Amy'pas I marries a Rogizini princess
820 [Chi] Chiros period of local rule ends
820 [Kat] Jin'sha reign ends sees 15 revolts killed as de facto ruler
820 [Kat] Yuan'jin (son of Jin'sha) becomes Master General
824 [Ced] Maviaius the Cunning reign starts
825 [Tao] Taolisa discover the Eastern Lands and trade with them
830 [Ara] Aratad lands end as part of the Empire of Ced
830 [Ara] Don Host enters Aratad lands and being to pillage
830 [Ced] Don Host attacks Empire of Ced
830 [Zen] Don Host ends invasion of Zen'da steppes and moves on
831 [Bha] Bhamotin period of 200 years of prosperity ends
831 [Bha] Cerulean Empire attacks Bhamotin
831 [Cer] Cerulean Empire begins war with Bhamotin
831 [FoE] Kingdom of East forms alliance with Taolisa
831 [Kat] Reign of Emperor Mocama ends
832 [Bha] Foyar the Bold reign of Bhamotin starts
832 ]Bha] Invasion of Cerulean Empire by Bhamotin ends
834 [Tao] Reign of Irwa the Juggler ends in Taolisa
834 [Tao] Reign of Sirhva the Lustful begins, saw decadence grow
839 [Ara] Duke of Rhoazad formed coalition with Eured and Aratad
839 [Ara] Don Host pillage of Aratad begins to slow
839 [Ara] The Aratad Coalition drive the Don Host back to Salaq
839 [Ced] Aratad, Rhozad, Eured lost to Don host in Empire of Ced
839 [Ced] Don host driven out with help of King Sillar
839 [Ced] Maviaius tries to get Sillar's sworn fealty
839 [Don] Don Host enters the Plains of Salaq
839 [Cli] Clima shatters Bhamotin fleet
840 [Ara] Silar, Duke of Rhoazad names himself King of the 3 Nations
840 [Ara] Silar's reign starts with rebuilding of nations
840 [Cal] North is slowly closed to Caldan traders
840 [Ced] Army ends rule of puppet Ced Emporers and their power ends
840 [Tao] Reign of Sirhva the Lustful ends in Taolisa
840 [Tao] Sirhva "accidently" dies
840 [Tao] Lady Tsiema serves as Regent with help & rebuilds nation
841 [Nyl] Reign of the "Holy One" in Nylasa begins
844 [Cer] Amy'pas I's reign ends
845 [Don] After 6 years the Don Host is battered by Salaq and Caldo
845 [Don] The Host driven into Kingdom of E'lici
845 [Don] The Host start to live as raiders & mercs in E'lici land
847 [Rob] Period of peace ends in Ro'babza
847 [Rob] Movai a'Babza becomes Emporer leading to a civil war
849 [Kat] Yuan'jin reign ends, forced nobility to swear fealty
850 [Bha] At the Battle of Valley of Shame war ends in victory
850 [Bha] After Bhamotin victory of Cerulea the Rogizini attacks
850 [Cer] Cerulean Empire ends war with Bhamotin
850 [Cer] Marshal Ho'aza Dalya begins to serve as Regent
850 [Dja] Duchy ends reconstruction after the long ago civli war
851 [Ced] Maviaius gives up on getting Sillar's fealty
851 [Ced] Maviaius the Cunning's reign ends
851 [Ced] Empire of Ced attacks Rhozad (Sillar's kingdom)
851 [Ced] Larentan the Lout reign starts
852 [Bha] Bhamti see a major victory over a large Rogizini army
853 [Ced] Rhozad sacked by Empire of Ced
853 [Kir] Grand Mufti Ali leads bloody coup in Kirazan
853 [Mar] Jhamal Karestian takes command of Fort Maren
853 [Mar] Jhmal builds friendly relations with Sivas & the barbarians
853 [Rob] K'bab Moballi seizes the throne and kills all enemies
853 [Rob] Shestar invades but badly defeated by Ro'babza forces
856 [Ced] A'lam sacked by Empire of Ced
856 [Tao] Reign of Lady Tsiema as Regent ends in Taolisa
857 [Ced] War against Rhozad ends in victory by Empire of Ced
857 [Tao] Reign of Sirhva the Lawmaker begins in Taolisa
860 [Mar] Jhmal finishes building his relations up with neighbors
861 [Bha] Foyar the Bold's rule of Bhamotin ends
861 [Mar] Jhmal of Marentia marries a daughter of barbarian chief
861 [Mar] Sivas given economic monopoly on grain sales in the south
862 [Kir] Ro'babza retailates against Jihads by Mufti Ali
862 [Mar] Jhmal crowns himself King of Marentia
862 [Mar] Jhmal, the Pretender, requires felaty of the nobility
862 [Mar] Sivas immediately swears fealty to King Jhmal
863 [Kir] Grand Mufti Ali takes control of nation of Kirazan
863 [Kir] Grand Mmufti captured by Ro'babza and Kirazan loyalists
863 [Kir] Grand Ali Nasabawa was executed
863 [Kir] Ro'babza rule the land & start killing off Sand Claw faith
863 [Tao] Lady Tsiema dies of consumption in Taolisa
868 [Ced] Under Larentian the Loud three nationss go independent
868 [Ced] Morale of Empire of Ced starts to decline
868 [MAr] Cholchara and Malnon still refuses to swear fealty to Jhmal
868 [Mar] Jhmal attacks Cholchara and burns it to the ground
868 [Mar] Jhmal annexes Cholchara and gives the lands to his brother
868 [Rob] K'bab Moballi's reign ends in Ro'babza
868 [Rob] Shurikal destroyed and looted but Emporer K'bab dies
868 [Rob] Ha'k'ba'baza the Unlamented begins rule in Ro'babza
868 [Shu] Reign of the Immortal Shurikal ends, the world's top mage
868 [Shu] Shurikal killed by K'bab the Conquerer & holy city sacked
868 [Shu] Rite of Immortla Birth & Tome of Kototh looted from city
869 [Kir] Ro'babza rule ends in Kirazan
869 [Mar] Malnon / Marentian War starts
870 [Kir] Kirazan's rightful Emir takes throne and Ro'babza leaves
870 [Shu] Rite of Immortal Birth sold to a Kirazani trader
871 [Mar] Malnon / Marentia war ends, Malnon is burnt & annexed
873 [Cer] Marshal Ho'aza Dalya ends reign as Regent
873 [Shu] Rite of Immortal Birth sold to a Rogizini wizard
875 [Mar] Jhmal I, the Terrible, has solid control of his kingdom
876 [Shu] Tome of Kototh lost to Kacili raiders
877 [Lem] Empire allies with dawan and Taolisa
877 [Shu] Rite of Immortal Birth sealed in Cave of Ancient Deaths
879 [Mar] Jhmal I is assinated by friends of his son
879 [Mar] Jhmal II takes throne in Marentia
880 [Don] The Host ends living in the E'lici land
880 [Don] Don, son of Don, reforms the host into army in Xalanara
880 [Shu] Tome of Kototh sold to Emir of Maoun
881 [FoE] Kingdom of East ends period of defensive posture
881 [Lem] Reign of Yymab IV begins in Lemasa
884 [Don] Under Pel leadership, Don sends army against th eE'lici
884 [Don] E'lici capital taken and renamed to Pelara after victory
884 [Tao] City on island renamed to Irwa in honor of Irwa the Juggler
888 [AKo] A'Chori proclaims himself God Emporer of the A'korchu
888 [Ara] Silar's reign ends and his son & grandson takes over
888 [Ara] Silar's son takes throne and nation starts to prosper
889 [Cal] Don Host defeated by Caldo & Salaq at Battle of Xad
889 [Cal] Caldo sees period of peace with only minor wars with trolls
889 [FoE] East Kingdom attacks Lemasa but Taolisa doesn't get inolved
889 [FoE] Kingdom of East sees some major defeats & some victories
890 [Don] The Host surprises Salaq and explodes into plains
890 [Don] Second Salaq War begins
890 [FoE] All in all the War with Lemasa was a debacle for Kingdom
890 [Nyl] Pa'Nylasa discover the Dark city and soon become feared
893 [Jax] Reign of 28th Duke of Ja'xon begins
894 [Don] Second Salaq War ends with Xad and most of Plains captured
894 [Don] Don proclaims himself Don I, King of Donara
897 [Don] Don commissions royal capital construction
897 [Tao] Reign of Sirhva the Lawmaker ends, Code of Dutiful law now
899 [Lem] Kingdom of the East invades Lemasa
899 [Lem] War of Lemasa and Kingdom of East begins
900 [Dir] Stablization of Dirllar ends in Dirllar by Council of 13
900 [Dir] Dirllar wages war with 3 Fierazi tribes in forest
900 [Nyl] Reign of the "Holy One" ends in Nylasa some power returns
900 [Nyl] Nylasa begins to remerge as a power again in the area
901 [Bar] Ba'rual period as peaceful trade center begins to end
901 [Bar] Ba'rual falls to L'p'nth invasion
901 [Bar] Ba'rual begins to resist L'p'nth, with help of Marentia
901 [Mar] Jhmal II reign ends, kingdom consolidated & expanded wsst
901 [Mar] Jhmal II dies breaking a rebellion in Valeu
901 [Mar] Old nobility begins to try to take power back
903 [Lem] War of Lemasa & Kingdom of East ends with Lemasa rebuilding
904 [Mar] Old nobility ends their revolt to take the power back
904 [Mar] Jha'ced, son of Jhmal II, wins and takes the throne.
904 [Mar] Jha'ced the Wise begins to rule Marentia
904 [Mar] First regular army forms & civilization of tribes starts
906 [Cli] Reign of Ninth Immortal Ghova in Clima ends
906 [Cli] Reign of Tenth Immortal Ghova in Clima begins
906 [Val] Reign of Tholal the Foolhardy starts in Valheim
906 [Val] Aided by the Assirans, Valheim invades the Kameran lands
906 [Val] Valheim / Kameran War (aided by Assirans) begins
907 [Sha] Shanda sees end of Gom raids and tribal disunity
907 [Sha] Roghara founded by Donara, Marentia & Bhamotin mercs
907 [Sha] Perdans begin long war to attack the new Roghara city
907 [Shu] Dynastic wars end in Shurikal
907 [Shu] Reign of Kon'kie the White begins, Caste of Power reformed
909 [Bar] Ba'rual capital city is sacked by L'p'nth
909 [Bar] Ba'rual's resistance to L'p'nth wanes
909 [Jax] Reign of 2t8h Duke ends who continued Ja'xon oppression
909 [Jax] Ja'xon people revolt against 28th Duke & Jaxom family
909 [Jax] Ja'xon ends slavery and does not tolerate it in realm
909 [Lem] Reign of Yymab IV ends in Lemasa
909 [Val] Reign of Tholal the Foolhardy ends in Valheim
909 [Val] Valheim broken at the gates of Ancient Moss Fortress
909 [Val] Valheim / Kameran War (aided by Assirans) ends in Valheim
909 [Val] Valheim pays weregild and withdrawls from Kameran lands
910 [Bar] Marentia retakes Ba'rual capital and sacks it as well
910 [Bar] King Ghamal II of Marentia makes Ba'rual tributary ally
910 [Don] Donara capital city complete and crown transferred there
913 [Sha] War with Perdans, attacking Roghara, ends
913 [Sha] Perdans defeated at battle of Sky Pass and Roghara stands
913 [Dir] Dirllar ends war with 3 Fierazi tribes in the forest
913 [Dir] Victory over Fierazi opens a road to the Kaz for trade
913 [Don] Don I dies of jaundice
913 [Don] Don II reign, invasion of Wild Forest 400 of 6400 return
914 [Gom] Gom Merchant houses revolt and topples the nobility
914 [Gom] Merchant's Council takes control of Gom
916 [Ara] Silar's grandson's reign ends
916 [Ara] Silar IV, the Foolish, takes throne and attacks Clima
916 [Ara] Aratad begins war with Clima under Silar IV
917 [Cli] Clima begins conquest of Kingdom of the Three Nations
919 [Ara] Aratad defeated by Climan and occupation by Clima begins
920 [Cli] Clima ends conquest of Kingdom of Three nations
920 [Sha] Rogharan period of friendship with Perda and Shanda begins
921 [Dja] A'korchu defeats most of the Djanesborg fleet
921 [Dja] Djanesborg city took over by God Emporer's Royal Army
921 [Dja] Djani begin resistance against the A'korchu invaders
924 [Sha] Fort Inan looted by southern tribes
927 [Dja] Battle of Loch Svear turns the tide for Djanesborg
927 [Dja] A'korchu begins to be driven out of Djani lands
928 [Sha] Rogharan period of friendship with Perda and Shanda ends
929 [Dja] Djani resistance ends against A'korchu invaders
929 [Dja] A'korchu is finally driven out of the land by Djani
930 [Gom] Nobles return to Gom with Climan help & begin rebellion
930 [Gom] Gom Nobles with Climans, begins war against Merchants barmy
931 [Ara] Silar IV dies a blind slave of the Immortal Ghova
931 [Gom] End of Gom civil war with merchant army destroyed by nobles
931 [Gom] Gom Nobles execute the rebel leaders (the merchants)
931 [Rob] Ha'k'ba'baza the Unlamented rule ends in Ro'babza
931 [Rob] Royal Guardsman Captain usurps throne & takes over
932 [Goi] High King Bora begins revolt against Fomorians
933 [Gom] Rule of Merchant's Council ends
933 [Gom] Gom nobles begins invasion of Ja'xon
933 [Jax] Gom invades Ja'xon
934 [Don] Reign of Don II ends in Donara
934 [Don] Donan (heir to throne) marries Xian princess
934 [Don] Xian becomes kingdom of Donara through marriage deal
934 [Don] Don III reign starts
935 [Gom] Gom invasion of Ja'xon ends in defeat for Gom
935 [Gom] Gom falls under rule of Clima politically (climan puppets)
935 [Jax] Gom / Jax'on war ends with Gom defeat
936 [Jax] Ja'xon revolt ends against the Ja'xon family
935 [Jax] Ja'xon starts to see pressure from A'ha'kacili * Gom wars
939 [Cli] Clima begins to take political control of Gom
939 [Mar] Jha'ced's reign in Marentia ends but sees major advances
939 [Mar] The regular army is formed and tribal civilization comes
939 [Mar] Maros I, Fire=arm, starts reign in Marentia
942 [Rob] Royal Guardsman Captain's reign ends in Ro'babza
942 [Rob] Ali Lorca was crowned after a civil war
942 [Rob] Ali Lorca, the Pale Lord begins reign with iron fist
943 [Goi] Tribes expell Fomorians from island except for Hoda island
945 [Mar] Asichi is rebuilt by Marentia
947 [Sha] Roghara allies with Ja'xon
950 [Mar] Marentia begins invasion of Thaliba
951 [Shu] Reign of Kon'kie the White ends in Shurikal
951 [Shu] Kon'kie duels Urazi the Invincible but is slain
951 [Shu] Reign of Urazi the Invincible, seeks out lost Tome & Rite
954 [Mar] Maros I's reign ends in Marentia with expansion east
954 [Mar] Marentia ends invasion of Thaliba (failure) when Maros dies
954 [Mar] Jah'ced II starts reign in Marentia, sees L'p'nth as threat
955 [Sha] The Great Shaman rise among the Shanda tribes
955 [Sha] Rogharans and tribes united into a coalition
955 [FoV] Vahear's domination of souther sea begins to wane
961 [Lpn] Lp'nth attacked by Marentia and L'p'nth city sacked
961 [Lpn] arentian / L'p'nth war begins
961 [Mar] Marentia begins war with L'p'nth (War 1)
963 [Sha] Rogharan and tribal coalition ends in Shanda
963 [Don] Donara invades Salaq after victory in taking northern lands
965 [Lpn] Marentian / L'p'nth war ends with Marentians driven out
965 [Lpn] L'p'nth begins to rebuild and plans for next campaign
966 [Goi] Djanesborg allowed to establish colony on island
966 [Mar] Marentia / L'p'nth War I ends
969 [Goi] War with Korchi invaders begins up till present time.
971 [Rob] Ali Lorca, the Pale Lord reign ends in Ro'babza
975 [Goi] High King Bora mac'Connat hero of the revolt, reign ends
978 [Lpn] L'p'nth ends rebuilding of army for next campaign
978 [Lpn] L'p'nth invades Marentia and Ba'rual
978 [Lpn] L'p'nth / Marentian / Ba'rual War begins
978 [Mar] Marentia / L'p'nth War 2
980 [Don] Donara / Salaq War ends with Salaq defeat
980 [Don] Don's error leads to rout of his army and sues for peace
982 [FoF] Golden Age ends for Kingdom of Formia
985 [Mar] Jha'ced II's reign ends in Marentia when assinated
986 [Mar] Marentia / L'p'nth War 2 ends
986 [Mar] Jhal I takes throne of Marentia
989 [Don] Don III reign ends, sees to the destruction of Salaq
989 [Don] Don III committs suicide old, bitter and humilated
989 [Don] Reign of Don IV begins in Donara
989 [Don] Invasion of Salaq again by Don IV
990 [Lpn] L'p'nth / Marentian / Ba'rual War ends
990 [Lpn] L'p'nth's army broken on the gates of Cholchara
990 [Mar] Jhal invades & loots Ba'rual forcing them into an alliance
991 [Mah] Xagh the Great takes throne in a bankrupt Ma'helas nation
991 [Mar] Jhal I's reign ends in Marentia
992 [Mar] Jhal puts down revolts in Scortsi and Valeu
992 [Mar] Marentia revolts under triple taxes & religious infighting
992 [Mar] Marentian civil war begins against tyrnnny of Jhal
993 [Cli] Reign of Tenth Immortla Ghova in Clima ends
993 [Cli] Reign of Eleventh Immortal Ghova in Clima begins
994 [Ara] Society of the White Fist formed to fight Clima in Aratad
996 [Mar] Marentian civil war ends
996 [Mar] Jhal assinated by his brother Jha'haran at Battle of Malnon
996 [Mar] Jha'haras I, Brother-slayer, reign starts in Marnetia
996 [Mar] The "King by Right" is introduced to Marentia
997 [Cal] Caldo recognizes Donara as a kingdom
998 [Chi] Allied with Donara secretly and revolted against Salaq
999 [Chi] Donarans attacked Salaq and won in 30 days
999 [Chi] Chiros gained its independence
999 [Cli] Clima fails to help Salaq in Donaran invasion in time
999 [Dja] Djanesborg found city of Novholm
999 [Shu] Reign of Urazi the Invincible ends in Shurikal
1000 [Bas] Royal clans drive lesser men out of sacred mountains
1000 [FoP] With Dark City appearing Port Doman's power wanes
1000 [Shi] After "Rape of Salaq" the Donarans invade Shiben
1000 [Shi] Guerilla war by Shiben begins against the Donarans
1000 [Tic] Edict of Respite ends stablization of land
1000 [Tic] Donara enters Ticasi, Ticasi allow a Donaaran Resident
1001 [FoV] Vahear's dominance ends as they become decadent
1003 [Rob] Mahomet a'Zimmala Lorca.reign ends in Ro'babza
1003 [Rob] Council of Nobility formed to find a new ruler
1004 [Tic] Council of Scholars create National Guard in Ticasi
1009 [Tic] Council of Scholars create Coastal Patrol in Ticasi
1013 [Mah] Xagh begins coup against Fomorian rule
1014 [Don] Reign of Don IV ends in Donara
1014 [Don] "Rape of Salaq" period ends seeing 60,000 killed in defeat
1014 [Don] Period of Seven Dons in Donara quickly starts
1019 [Ara] Aratad's Climan rule begins to end
1021 [Cli] Clima begins to lose Maska and Tassa
1024 [Cli] Clima finally loses Maska and Tassa
1026 [Mar] Jha'haras I, Brother-slayer, reign ends in Marnetia
1026 [Mar] Jha'ced III reign starts in Marentia
1031 [Cli] Reign of Eleventh Immortla Ghova in Clima ends
1031 [Cli] Gom slips away from Climan control under the 11th Ghova
1031 [Cli] Climan political control of Gom ends
1031 [Cli] The 11th Ghova kills herself after the defeats
1031 [Cli] Reign of Twelfth Immortal Ghova in Clima begins
1031 [Cli] Clima begins to lose three nations, Thasovia and Rida
1031 [Gom] Climan political control ends in Gom
1031 [Gom] Nobility & Merchant class unite to revolt against Climans
1032 [Dec] Dechat becomes Protectorate of Cerulean Empire
1039 [Shi] Guerilla war of Shazi against Donarans ends
1039 [Shi] Shiben pays yearly tribute to Donarans and Donarans leave
1040 [Ara] Duke Phiros I, the Great, begins war of Liberation
1040 [Gom] The Ha'gomas, climan emporer in Gom, was executed
1040 [Gom] Gom sees She'ir (She'eer) dynasty take over from Clima
1041 [Shu] Tome of Kototh sold to a Pelaran merchant
1043 [Mar] Jha'ced III reign ends in Marentia
1043 [Mar] Jha'haras II reign starts in Marentia
1047 [Mah] Xagh shatters Fomorian power in the land of Ma'helas
1047 [Mah] Xagh the Builder takes the throne in Ma'hleas
1048 [Cli] Vizan sacked [Clima holding]
1048 [Cli] Clima begins to see defeats by Bhamotin, Rogizini & Xan
1049 [Shu] Tome of Kototh sold to a Marentian scholar in Sivas
1051 [Ara] Liveration War ends driving out the Climas from Aratad
1051 [Ara] Articles of Confederation published by Duke Phiros
1051 [Cli] Reign of Twelfth Immortal Ghova in Clima ends
1051 [Cli] Clima loses the Three Nations, Thasovia and Rhida
1051 [Cli] Defeats by Bhamotin, Rogizini Empire & Xan completes
1051 [Cli] Council of Regents in Clima takes rule of nation
1052 [Ara] Duke Phiros I elected Autocrat by acclamation in Aratad
1058 [Ara] Death of Duke Phiros I
1058 [Ara] Agnar III, the invincible, becomes Duke & Aratad Autocrat
1059 [Ced] Empire of Ced see defet start at hands of Confederacy
1059 [Gom] The 2nd She'ir Emperor moves capital to Sheiram (Sheiraim)
1064 [Nov] Lord Constable killed, felon's soul resides in Crystal city
1066 [Dja] Djanesborg opens a colony on Goidan
1072 [Mar] Jha'haras II reign ends in Marentia
1072 [Mar] Jhal II reign starts in Marentia
1073 [Ner] Nerid sacked by Confederacy & pillaged extensively
1076 [Mar] Prince Maros rebels against the "King by Right" & flogged
1076 [Mar] Prince Maros deserts and flees Marentia
1078 [Ced] Empire of Ced see defet end at hands of Confederacy
1079 [Chi] Mabor IV starts reign of Chiros as puppet of Duke Sailn
1081 [Cal] Donara demands a tribute from Caldo
1081 [Cal] Caldo declares war and invades Donara
1081 [Don] Donara / Caldo war starts
1081 [Zar] Zarun / Iravoy War instigated by Nilgeranthrib begins
1082 [Cal] Battle of Eama with Kazi & Dagger Legion attack Donara City
1082 [Gom] Under popular demand She'ir III moves capital back to Gom
1082 [Tic] Hovan Vachera becomes Master Scholar in Ticasi
1084 [Ara] Aratad occupies Khoba in coup led by Agnar III's son.
1084 [Ara] Cleared major pirate enclave out of Khoba by Aratad forces
1084 [Ara] Aratad becomes "Protector of Thaliba"
1084 [Cal] War with Donara ends for Caldo
1084 [Cal] Caldo continues to trade, training and troll baiting
1084 [Don] Donara / Caldo War ends with defeat by Donara
1086 [Cli] Reign of Thirteenth Immortal Ghova in Clima begins
1086 [Mar] Prince Maros cpatured by a Rogizini warship and enslaved
1088 [Cli] Council of Regents end their rule in Clima
1088 [Rob] Ali a'Zimmala m'Baza Lorca begins rule in Ro'babza
1089 [Cal] Period of peace in Caldo ends
1089 [Ced] Empire of Ced see defet at hands of Donara start
1089 [Don] Donara / Empire of Ced War starts
1090 [Ced] Ruverian II reign starts in Empire of Ced
1090 [Cli] Clima recaptures Merin and Murani from Rogizini Empire
1090 [Mah] Xagh the Builder's reign ends - economic growth of Ma'helas
1090 [Mah] Mata the Beautiful take the throne in Ma'hleas
1090 [Mar] Maros escapes the Rogiizini salt mines & heads to Dechat
1091 [AKo] A'Chori's reconstruction ends as his reign ends.
1091 [AKo] A'Chori II starts reign of A'korchu empire
1091 [AKo] Under A'Chori II the empire's past glory starts to regrow
1092 [Ced] Empire of Ced see defeat at hands of Donara end
1092 [Don] Period of rule by 7 Dons ends in Donara
1092 [Don] Donara / Confederacy war starts
1092 [Don] Donara / Empire of Ced War ends with Donaran victory
1092 [Don] Reign of Don XII in Donara begins
1092 [Mar] Prince Maros becomes Captain of the city guard in Dechat
1093 [Ara] Alliance formed with Zaran by Agnar III of Aratad
1093 [Mar] Maros marries cousin of the Emir
1093 [Rog] One of Emporer's heir's poisoned by his father (Emporer)
1093 [Zar] Zarun / Iravoy War end with Zarun victory
1094 [Cal] Caldo slows trade and troll baiting.
1094 [Mar] Jhal tkes ill & orders agents to find his son (Maros)
1094 [Mar] Jhal II reign ends in Marentia
1094 [Mar] The "King by Right" doctrine is ended in Marentia by Maros
1095 [Mar] Maros II, the Reaver, became King of Marentia (Jhal's son)
1096 [Don] Donara / Confederacy War ends with defeat by Donara
1096 [Mah] "Mata's Challenge" begins in Ma'hleas to marry Mata
1097 [Ara] Agnar III heir, Phiros the Navigator, marry into Clan Iravoy,
1097 [Kat] Sha'yuan becomes Master General
1097 [Kat] Katai begins preemptive strike agains Shaghut
1098 [Kat] Katai defeats Shaghut in preemptive raids
1098 [Rog] One of Emporer's heir's poisoned by the Grand Vizier
1099 [Kat] Corrupt ducal house of Pamau replaced in Katai
1100 [AKo] A'Chori II rules the A'Korchu Empire
1100 [Ara] Agnar III, The Invincible still rules Aratad as Autocrat
1100 [Bar] Kier II rules Ba'rual and seeks Marentia seperation
1100 [Ced] Ruverian II reign continues in Empire of Ced
1100 [Chi] Mabor IV current ruler of Chiros as puppet of Duke Salin
1100 [Cli] Reign of 13th Immortal Ghova continues in Clima
1100 [Don] Don XII current Donara ruler is trying to rebuild & expand
1100 [Jax] Pressure from A'ha'kacili & border wars with Gom continue
1100 [Kat] Sha'yuan as Master General rules in Katai
1100 [Mar] Maros II, the Reaver, rules Marentia
1100 [Rob] Ali a'Zimmala m'Baza Lorca continues to rule in Ro'babza
1100 [Mah] Mata the Beautiful rules the land of Ma'helas (unmarried)
1100 [Rog] Rogizini Empire is still decadent under weak Emporers
1100 [Rog] Maoun LXXVII is current ruler of Rogizini Empire
1100 [Shu] Tome of Kototh currently in deep archives in Sivas
1100 [Shu] Rite of Immortal Birth currently in Goidan secret place
1100 [Tic] Current Master Scholar is Hovan Vachera in Ticasi
1105 [Ced] Aym'ayya II dies (311th ruler of Patani dynasty)
1107 [Sha] Great Shaman dies and Civil war erupts
1188 [Lpn] Next expected Celebration of Blood

National Timelines

109Holy city Kacili founded.
0-104The powerful A'korchu empire exist in the area
104-539Empire's Dark Age, land reversals by Fomorian Empire
539A'mara the Builder seizes throne
539-700A'mara's reign saw some Empire power come back
708Admiral A'Asu kills A'mara and took throne
708-755A'asu the Cursed reign, military ruled the land
755A'asu killed himself during a Fomorian invasion
755-801Civil War, great magics almost destroyed the island
755-801Period of 13 A'korchu Emporers ruled the land
801A'Chori the Great took throne in a bloody coup
801-1091A'chori restructures the Korchi society
888A'chori proclaims himself God Emporer
1091-nowA'Chori II reign, reclaiming past glory/power for Empire
The Aratad Confederacy
0-830Aratad lands are part of Empire of Ced
830Don Host entered lands and pillaged
830-839Don host continues to pillage the nation for many years
839Duke of Rhozad formed coalition with Eured and Aratad
839The Aratad Coalittion drove the Don host back out to Salaq
840Silar, Duke of Rhoazad names himself King of the 3 Nations
840-888Silar's reign reclaims the nations.and rebuilds power
888-916Nation prospered under Silar's Son and Grandson reign
916Silar IV, the Foolish, took throne and attacked Clima
916-919The War with Clima leads to defeat and occupation by Clima
919-1019Aratad is under Climan rule
931Silar IV Dies a blind slave of the Immortal Ghova
994Society of the White Fist formed in Aratad to fight Clima
1040Duke Phiros I, the Great, begins War of Liberation
1040-1051War of Liberation finally driving Clima out.
1051Articles of Confederation published by Duke Phiros
1052Duke Phiros I elected Autocrat by acclamation
1058Death of Duke Phiros I
1058-nowAgnar III, the invincible, becomes Duke and Autocrat
1084Aratad occupies Khoba in coup led by Agnar III's son.
1084Cleared major pirate enclave out of Khoba by Aratad forces
1084Aratad becomes "Protector of Thaliba"
1093Alliance formed with Zarun by Agnar III
1097Agnar III heir marry into Clan Iravoy, Phiros the Navigator
The Assiran
190-225Valheim's occupation, drawn into worship of Valheim Mysteries
The Bal'sani
1000Royal clans drove lesser men out of sacred mountains
399Ba'rual became an independent nation
399-479Ba'rual took over small realms in the vicinity
477-501Maras I reign.
480Count of Ba'rual becomes Maras I, King of Ba'rual
490Defeated Cholcharan with help from Zen'da
497Allied with Sar'manda by marriage.
501-516Death of Maras I, Queen served as Regent
501-516Become close friends with the Zen'da, especially Sar'manda
516-538Kerain I reign, sacked Cholchara and Asichi
520Raids were sent into Marentia.
539-600Occupation and invasion continues of Cholchara/Asichi.
600-901Be'rual became a peaceful trade center.
901Ba'rual fell to L'p'nth.
901-909Ba'rual resists L'p'nth rule, with help of Marentia
909Ba'rual capital sacked by L'p'nth.
910Marentia retook Ba'rual capital and sacked it as well
910King Ghamal II of Marentia makes Ba'rual tributary ally
1100Kier II present ruler, seeks serparation from Marentia
103Miracle of Bhamot.
103-203The message of the Miracle is spread to its people
231A Rogizini Emir invades island to stop the faith but failed
231In the war the Bhamti gained the hills south Of Lake Bhamot
239Founded Kasha, to celebrate the spreading of the faith
** 239-311Three generations of peace
300-400Century of pain started during major disasters/defeats.
416Fight major war with Cerulean Empire and badly beaten.
416-461Paid Ceruleans a yearly tribute to stay independent
432-485Primate Toval Maresh of the Citadel reigns.
460-461Declares war on Cerulean empire
461Tribute ends during reign of Primate Toval Maresh of Citadel
485Death of Toval saw Bhamotin becoming a major power
485-493Kravas the Blind ruled
601Climan Debacle as the war fleet is shattered
601-603Tries to recover from the Climan Debacle
603Primate Zenara killed by Rogizini Raiders
603-611Bhamotin shattered 2 Rogizini armies and captured A'zan
603-634Provinius Malcon reign saw invasion of Rogizini Empire
631-831Period of 200 years of prosperity
815-832Primate Zer led Bhamotin to conquest by Cerulean Empire
831Cerulean Empire attacks.
832-861Foyar the Bold reign saw war with Cerulean Empire
850At Valley of Shame Battle war ended in victory
850-852The Rozini attacked after the Bhamotin victory of Cerulea
852The Bhamti had a huge victory over a large Rogizini army
0-39Migration of Kazi clans into area
0-339Fought constant war with Giants/trolls
339-739Nation grew and became civliized in a time of peace
**339-730Given Dagger and the Jewel by Kril Schrandaor Dwarves
731-748Under the 13th Dagger reign a alliance formed with Kazi
740-840North open to Caldan traders
889At battle of Xad with Salaq help they defeat the Don Host
889-1089Remained in peace though some wars with trolls.
997Caldo recognized Donara as a kingdom
1081Donara demanded a tribute from Caldo
1081-1084Caldo invaded Donara
1082Battle of Eama w/Kazi & Dagger Legion hit Donara City
1084-1094Caldo continued trade, training and troll baiting.
Empire of Ced
0Ced A'caran created the empire.
251-269Sargon the Uncaring reign
251-269Iravoy and Western Zarun won independence
269-421Remained in peace
421-424Defeated by Kingdom of Salaq losing Ticasi, Shiben, Chiros
504Thesovius the Magnificent took throne
504-533Thesovius reign, fleet died and army prospered.
522-530Advance to the river Zara
533Minor raids into Iravoy where Thesovius died
533-540Thiebald the Demented reign
533-540Saw loses of Zarun gains and defeated by Xianese rebels
540Thiabald assinated by commanding generals of the army
540-840Army controled puppet Emporers and ruled.
830-839Don Host attacks. Aratad, Rhozad, Eured lost
839Don host driven out with help of King Sillar
824-851Maviaius the Cunning reign
839-851Maviaius tries to get Sillar's sworn fealty
851-857Empire of Ced attacks Rhozad (Sillar's kingdom)
853Rhozad sacked by Empire of Ced
856A'iam sacked by Empire of Ced
851-868Larentian the Loud reign, gave three nations independence
868-1168Morale of Empire decreases
1059-1078Saw defeats at hands of Confederacy
1089-1092Saw defeats at hands of Donara
1090-nowRuverian II reign
The Cerulean Empire
246Acosha I founded the empire
246-261Acosha I reign, allied with Choal and Indar houses
253-255Tested new army and conquered Nyshan
261-293Maeru the Great reign
262Empire conquered Dhalran
263Empire conquered Samai
265Empire conquered Ba'shan
276-283Allied with Patani and conqured the Dallaza
284Empire conquered Huam
289Empire conquered Chohas
291-293Empire tried an abortive invasion of Teosa
407-411Dhaji the Supple , defended against northern desert tribes
413Ermeta founded by Empire after victory over tribes
413Invaded Bhamotin and forced a tribute to be paid
416-440Maure the Stubborn reign,
423-426Conquest of Halle from Rogizini Empire
430-437Failed to pin the Bai'sani and had heavy losses
439Gained alliance with Col'ka and opened a mountain road
440-461Acosha the Mad reign
443Empire suffered bloody defeat by Bal'sani
448-452Empire failed to conquer Hadat
453Acosha the Mad ordered fleet to attack Vahear
453-454Half of Empire fleet destroyed by Vahear
461Acosha the Mad assinated before he could invade Katai
461Empire lost the Bhamotin tribute
461-467Empire saw a major civil war
467Maoud Maulitii became first Emporer of Maulitii dynasy
467-789Maolitii Dynasty gave the Empire a Golden Age
789Maulitti Dynasty ended by Patani guard
789-844Amy'pas I became first Emporer of Patani dynasty
790-793Empire fought with L'p'nth
804-806Empire conquered Hadat
819Amy'pas I married a Rogizini princess
831-850Empire fought with Bhamotin
850-873Marshal Ho'aza Dalya served as Regent
1105Aym'ayya II dies (311th ruler of Patani dynasty)
421Chiran revolt from Empire of Ced
639Chiran revolted against Salaqi rule
640Salqai Royal Army crushed the rebellion
640-812Chiros became Royal duchy of Salaqi
807-820Salaq X returned Chiros to local rule
998Allied with Donara secretly and revolted against Salaq
999Donarans attacked Salaq and won in 30 days
999Chiros gained its independence
1079-NowMabor IV rules as leader (puppet of Duke Salin of Pelara)
328Founded as a Katai military colony
533-553Khaton Dynasty takes Katai and Choshai becomes independent
129Conqured by the Katai
129-392OCcupied by Katai
379Royal house of Chunrey (house Chunsa married Katai house
392Gained full rights as a province of Katai
533-553Backed the wrong side in a civil war in Katai
558Allied with Kingdom of the East
571Purchased peace by paying Katai a tribute
601Invaded the Formorian realm, while Fomoria was weak
601-613War with Fomoria
0-193Clima remained a freeport
194-219Heirana Ghova leads civil war to eradicate the noble class
217First Immortal Ghoval was declared and reigned for 2 months
217-293Second Immortal Ghova reigns.
217-293Economy stablizes and the military grows
293-356Third Immortal Ghova rules.
293-356Climan's empire grew taking islands nearby
336Affea colony founded
355Fort Kira founded
357-438Fourth Immortal Ghova reign
357-438Expansion and attacks against Rogizini Empire
357-438Climan attacks against Bhamotin and Marentia
421Climan fleet defeated by a Salaqi fleet ending a short war
438-503Fifth Immortal Ghova rules
438-503Thaliba and Bhamotin fleets massacred by Clima
503-600Sixth Immortla Ghova reign
503-600Clima defeated by Gom and Xan fleets
596Gom tricked into breaking treaty with Xan by Ghova
601-698Massa the Wise, 7th Immortal Ghova rules
601-698Climan culture blossom and navy rebuilds
698-783Eigth Immortal Ghova Ruled
698-703Defeated Empire of Ced in a war.
703Clima sacks Nerid
709Ghova marries son of Salaq forming an alliance
783-906Ninth Immortal Ghova reign
906-993Tenth Immortal Ghova reign known as the Master Ghova
917-920Kingdom of the Three Nations conquered
939-1031Took political control in Gom
983Clima shatters Bhamotins fleet
993-1031Eleventh Immortal Ghova
999Clima fails to help Salaq in Donaran Invasion in time
1021-1024Clima loses Maske and Tassa
1031Gom slips away from Climan control under the 11th Ghova
1031The 11th Ghova kills herself after the defeats
1031-1051Twelfth Immortal Ghova rules
1031-1051Clima loses the Three Nations, Thasovia and Rhida
1048Vizan sacked
1048-1051Defeats by Bhaomtin, Rogizini Empire and Xan
1051-1085Council of Regents rule Clima
1086-nowThirteenth Immortal Ghova
1090Clima recaptured Merin and Murani from Rogizini Empire
The Confederation of Shanda
**0-306Shandans fight among themslves
**306Colonization of Xan and Musira by fomorians
**306-400Coalition formed between Shanda, Perda, and Sheriani
**306-400Coalition formed between Sherlani and Gholani
400Coalitions end when Fomorians could not be driven out
4001st yearly Council of Chiefs formed to discuss trade
639Shenah (Sherlani chief) forms council into governemnt
639-668Chief Shehan reigns
640-644A'chalani conquered
646Fort Inan and Musira sacked
651-668Repeat invasions of Gom
668Shenah drawn into battle at Ja'xon to lose and be captured
668Shenah executed and empire ends and tribes become frgmented
669-907Tribes stayed split under raids by Gom aided by Fomoria
907Roghara founded by Donara, Marentia & Bhamotin mercs
907-913The Perdans attack the new city in a long war
913Perdans defeated at battle of Sky Pass and Roghara stands
920-928Roghara becomes friends of Perda and Shanda
924Fort Inan looted by southern tribes
947Roghara allies with Ja'xon
955The Great Shaman rise among the Shanda
955-963Rogharans and tribes united into a coalition
1107Great Shaman dies and Civil war erupts
0-281Dawana is part of the Lemasan Empire
281-309Dawan the All-seeing becomes king.
293Dawana withdrawls from the Lemasan Empire
309-335Dawana the Wise rules
333The Lemasa Emporer seeks the destructio of Dawana
336Lema and Aurisia attack Dawana
338Lema completes the conquest
335-338Dawan the Martyr cites a curse on the Lemasan Empire
338-355Dawana resists Lemasan rule
355Dawana gains its freedom when Lema is conquered by Fomoria
361Lamas form council to govern the land and MIlitant Orders
382-397Militant Orders defend the land
398Council elects the 1st Holy Dawan
523Homali Ghora becomes 5th Holy Dawan
527-532Ghora and the Militant Orders attack Aurisia
532Aurisia city is captured ending the war
650The 8th Holy Dawan sent missionaries to spread the faith.
791Dawana missionaries discover the Eastern Lands
-41Dechat founded by Rogizini rebels and Shazi pirates
1032Protectorate of Cerulean Empire
-900Dirllar city founded
0-386Dirllar was part of the Korchi Empire
386Dirllar rebelled against A'korchu
386-418War of Independence against A'korchu
418Battle of Smras Fen where independence was won.
418-488Council of Mages rules Dirllar though corrupt and ineffective
488Nilgeranthrib elminates council and takes over
488-512Reign of terror by Nilgeranthrib the Dictator
513-713Dirllar ruled by the King of the Islands
702-713Civil war and unrest under Kingdom of the Islands rule
713Dirllar becomes free from Kingdom of Islands
713-750Dirllar has 23 Dictators during this period
750A'korchu invades
753A'korchu defeated and Merchant's Council rules Dirllar
753-805Merchant's Council rules Dirllar
805Council reorganized into Council of Thirteen
805-900Council stablizes Dirllar
900-913Dirllar wages war with 3 Fierazi tribes in forest
913Victory over Fierazi opens a road to the Kaz for trade
The Djakschil
[No Calendar Events]
0-200Region part of the Empire del'Nord
201Barbarians defeat the army and civilization ends
201-301Barbarians rule the region
307Rori the Reaver unites the Djani clans
307-321Rori the Reaver reigns
307-321The Vandamen, Puessen, Thurani and Larbani driven out
321The Djani invade Nethagen but defeated by Kotothi creatures
321-369Thos the Lucky reigns
340To civilize the land Thos becomes Duke & gives titles to Chiefs
529-537Criegar the Blind rules
321-537Civilization grows in the region
537-557Lobar the Black rules becoming a Korchi poppet
537-550Djaris the Unforgiving, Criegar's heir, takes control
550-850Duchy rebuilds after the civil war
551-557War to put Criegar's heir to the throne
754-789Homar the Bold rules
763Homar the Bold marries into Clan Bara of Caldo
763The nation is renamed Djanesborg and calendar formed
785King Homar puts a campaign of piracy against A'korchu
921A'korchu defeats most of the Djanesborg fleet
921Djanesborg city took over by God Emporer's Royal Army
921-929Djani fight back against the A'korchu invaders
927Battle of Loch Svear turns the tide for Djanesborg
927-929A'korchu is finally driven out of the land by the Djani
999Djanesborg found city of Novholm
1066Djanesborg opens a colony on Goidan
839Don Host enters the Plains of Salaq
839-845The Host was battered by Salaq and Caldo
845The Host driven into Kingdom of E'lici
845-880The Host live as raiders and mercs in the land
880Don, son of Don, reformed the host into a army in Xalanara
884Under Pel leadership, Don sends army against th eE'lici
884E'lici capital taken and renamed to Pelara after victory
890The Host surprises Salaq and exploded into plains
890-894Second Salaq War, capturing Xad and most of Plains of Salaq
894Don proclaims himself Don I, King of Donara
897Don commissions royal capital construction
910Donara capital city complete and crown transferred there
913Don I dies of jaundice
913-934Don II reign, invasion of Wild Forest 400 of 6400 return
934Donan (heir to throne) marries Xian princess
934Xian becomes kingdom of Donara through marriage deal
934-989Don III reign, sees to the destruction of Salaq
963-980Donara invades Salaq after victory in taking northern lands
980Don's error leads to rout of his army and sues for peace
989Don III committs suicide old, bitter and humilated
989-1014Don IV reign
989-1014"Rape of Salaq" sees Salaq defeat with 60,000 killed
1014-1092Seven dons rule Donara
1081-1084Caldo war saw defeat by Donara
1092-1096Confederacy war saw defeat by Donara
1089-1092Defeated the Empire of Ced in a war.
1092-nowDon XII reign, is trying to rebuild and expand
The Fierazi Tribes
100-160Fierazi begin migration into forest in two waves
The Fomoran Empire
368Aredan founded with aid of local nations
339Ashudan city founded
346Xaghan city founded
252Atler city founded against strong resistance from Kolari
275Maboiba city found when new colonist arrived
Kingdom of the East
306Fomoria take over as new tenants of Hunki island from Lemasa
320"Stole" rights to Tyan under protests of Lemasans
341Tyan massacre and blockade of Pildan on Hunki island
341After massacre Lemasa declares war on the Fomorians
341-354Great Lemasan War, with Lemasa badly beated
354Kingdom of the East was founded ruling islands and Lemdan
404Katai Duke of Coasa doubles taxes for Hunki Island and Tyan
404-408Kingdom declares war on Coasa nation
406Most of Cosa Peninsula and ducky's capital was captured
407Tiansur was sacked
408Fomorians after victory rename Duchy capital to Ocedan
558Kingdom aids Chunrey in war against Katai
558Fomorians/Chunrey sack Tiansar
569Fomorians/Chunrey sack Si'chava
570Fomorians/Chunrey sack Tiansar again
571Fomorians/Chunrey sack Musdan
571Chunrey make peace with Katai ending the war
602-604Duke of Coasa attacks again to regain lands
602-604Total conquest of Coasa Peninsula,Pirasar, and Cosa Duchy
604-611Chunrey attacks with Kingdom advancing into Chun hills
605Kingdom sacks Mokasa
607Kingdom burns every ship in Mokasa harbor
611-881Kingdom goes into defensive posture and uses diplomacy
794Kingdom forms alliance with Teos
831Kingdom forms alliance with Taolisa
889Kingdom attacks Lemasa but Taolisa does not get inolved
889-890All in all the War with Lemasa was a debacle
0-201Land ruled by Korchi using fortresses and Dark Magic
201The Awakening, Spirit of Lake helps in defense of Fomoria
201Golden Stele and Knowledge is given to people of 10 tribes
201-211A mist falls on the Fomorian island legend has it by Enki
211Fomorians leave island in search of 10 realms for 10 tribes
211-411Expansion ends with 10 Fomorian kingdoms founded
632-982Golden Age for Kingdom of Formia
The Kingdom of the Islands
229-283Islands taken from the Korchi Empire
234Musira founded
Port Doman
243Port Doman founded as a trading center by a merchant house
243-413Port Doman is victimized by Izza raiders
406Merchant house gets right to field a larger army
406-413Port Doman invades and defeats the Izza threat
431-519Nearby Nylasi empire beset by plaques, civli war & disasters
406-421The General (Prince) sends arms & mercs to both Nylasi sides
422--516General's heirs sends arms & mercs to both Nylasi sides
516After Nylasi Empire falls Port Doman is dominant area power
600Port Doman allies with Izza & converts them to Fomrian faith
600Port Doman enters slave trade
1000With Dark City appearing their power starts to decline
253Kingdom of Shestar founded
515-521Shestar exterminates southern Nylasa tribes
562Shestar wages war with Kirazan
759Shestar humilated in battle by Ro'babza
281Vahear founded after shrot war with Rogizini Empire
342-355Lemasan War, Vahear helps in destruction of Lemasan 3 fleets
355-955Vahear dominant force in southern sea
1001-nowVahear's dominance in area wanes
233Xantia city founded
333War starts to conquer the mountains near them
332-363Xan reaches its current boundaries
364Erdan founded after celebrating their expansion
The Ghazai
500Night of the Serpent where Royal line is deified
468Che'zeira the Chosen, 1st Great Chief, unites Ghazai tribes
The Ghiamem
[No Calendar Events]
0-243Goidan lands controlled by non-human mysterious creatures
2435,000 Fomorians land on island and are massacred
244-270Fomorians declare war on creatures and defeat them?
270-377Fomorians colonize the island with the Kolari and Shandans
299-310Tribes of the Goidan formed by the immigrants of island
760The tribes of Goidan begin to resist Fomorian rule
943Tribes expell Fomorians from island except for Hoda island
932-975High King Bora mac'Connat led the revolt against Fomorians
966Djanesborg allowed to establish colony on island
969-nowOngoing war with Korchi invaders
39Gom revolted from Rogizini Empire in bloodless coup
39-439Rogizini ignore loss, Gom grew economically and in military
431Rogizini demand Gom rejoin the empire and pay backtaxes
431-439Gom defeats the Rogizini Empire on land and sea
439War ends with Rogizini Empire recognition of Independent Gom
439-639Gom becomes a major power in the area
760Gom becomes jaded and decadent by the nobility.
914Merchant houses revolt and toppled nobility
914-933Merchant's Council put into place to rule Gom
930Nobles return to Gom with Climan help
930-931Nobles destroyed merchant's army and execute rebel leaders
933-935Gom invades Ja'xon but were defeated
935-1031Gom falls under rule of puppet Climan Emporers politically
1031Nobility & Merchant class unite revolt against Climans
1040The Ha'gomas, climan emporer in Gom, was executed
1040Gom sees She'ir (She'eer) dynasty take over from Clima
1059The 2nd She'ir Emperor moves capital to Sheiram (Sheiraim)
1082Under popular demand She'ir III moves capital back to Gom
The Helva
[No Calendar Events]
The Humagi
[No Calendar Events]
The Ipanza
[No Calendar Events]
260Iravoy ends war with Empire of the Ced & wins Independence
The Izza
600Become allies of Port Doman
102Ja'xon city founded by Ma'char Jaxom (Mai'char Jaxom).
104Ma'char Jaxom (Mai'char Jaxom).becomes duke of area.
225Ma'char's grandson expads duchy to south and Foha founded
228-237Through diplomacy both Ja'xon and Foha remain in duchy
643-673The 25th Duke of Ja'xon reigns
668Attacked by Empire of Shenab
668-672Ja'xon resists the Shenab invasion
672Under the 25th Duke Ja'xon breaks the Shenab army and wins
672Cho'va Jaxom (Ko'vai Jaxom) captures Shenab & sends him to Gom
673The 25th Duke is murdered at a staff conference
674-682Ja'xon plundered in the war to put family Jaxom on the throne
893-909Reign of 28th Duke who continued the Ja'xon oppression
909-936Ja'xon people revolt and kill the 28th Duke & ja'xon family
909Ja'xon ends slavery and does not tolerate it in realm
933Gom invades Ja'xon
933-935Gom / Ja'xon war with Gom defeat
935-nowConstant pressure from A'ha'kacili & border wars with Gom
The Kakana
[No Calendar Events]
The Kalem
[No Calendar Events]
The Kameran
[No Calendar Events]
-2800Katai begins their recorded history
29Howao War of Succession begins
79First Howao Emporer takes throne
79-101Reign of 1st howao Emporer sees rebuilding & enemy crushing
101-132The 2nd Emporer life
102-129Reign of the 2nd Emporer
102-129Katai conquers Chunrey, unificatin of Golden lands
130-178Next 2 Katai emporers see culture adanced & printing invented
178-220Reign of fifth Howao Emporer
183-198War of the black hersey (vampire cult) ravage the realm
198Vampire cult defeated and survivors exiled to Western Desert
228-350Sixth Howao Emporer Reign
220-350Witch hunt kills or banishes 100,000 people
284-301City of Iron built for the royal family to dwell in
350-55315 more Emporers reign and Katai becomes decadent
392Chunrey becomes independent Principality
530-533Revolts in Scaloo, Musdao, Qimou,Ci'jian, Dzhamou & Sangsao
553armies of Khatou & Jian shatter the armies of Howao & Dzhamou
553Prince of House Khatou became the new Emperor.
553-579New Emporer consolidates his power and fights other houses
579-612Reign of Second Katou Emporer
617-795Reign of Six more Khatou Emporers under iron hand
791Katai defeats L'p'nth invasion even though outnumbered 4 to 1
792With 10,000 Reinfocements L'p'tnh is driven out of Katai
793General becomes national hero and Count over Imperial Army
796-802Reign of Sixth Khatou Emporer
798Jin'sha Tara'Khatou (the Hero) becomes Grand Marshal of Army
802-831Reign of Emperor Mocama
803Writ of Divine Seclusion made and makes Emporers god-like
803-820Jin'sha reign sees 15 revolts smashed as de facto ruler
820-849Yuan'jin (son of Jin'sha) forces nobility to swear fealty
1097Sha'yuan becomes Master General
1097-1098Katai defeats Shaghut in preemptive raids
1099Corrupt ducal house of Pamau replaced
The Kazi
[No Calendar Events]
425Pernament tent city established in oasis of Kiraza by Kacili
463-471Kirazan city created by thosee who remained in area
537-560Reign of Ahmed the Just
540Ahmed gives rights to peasants and slaves
546Peaceful ties created with Ro'babza by Ahmed's marriage
546-746Kirazan prospered and saw peace
810Great Mufti Muji ala'Morii returns & preaches about Sand Claw
853-863Grand Mufti Ali leads bloody coup and takes control of nation
862Ro'babza retailates against Jihads by Mufti Ali
863Grand Mmufti captured by Ro'babza and Kirazan loyalists
863Grand Ali Nasabawa was killed
863-869Ro'babza rule land and seek extermination of Sand Claw faith
870Kirazan's rightful Emir takes throne and Ro'babza leaves
The Kll'maun
[No Calendar Events]
The Kolari
[No Calendar Events]
0-340Lemasa dominates the Eastern Seas
341Lemasa invades Tyan and massacres 13,000 people
343King of Fomoria attacks Ma'tan & kills every Lemasan
343-356Great Lemasan / Fomorian War
356Fleet is shattered, M'atan & 6 islands lost to Fomorians
356-656Dark Age descends with the empire broken
708-760Yyast XI reign, Eastern lands discover and trade increases
760-782Reign of Kshka III
763Holy city of Sscavhi allies with Atla
771Holy city of Sscavhi allies with A'khara
774-777Kai'cera is conquered
776Vasa conquered
777Aurisia rejoins empire in fear of Kshka's might
777-877Empire rebuilds, allied with Dawana and Taolisa
881-909Reign of Yymab IV
899Kingdom of the East invades
899-903War of Lemasa and Kingdom of East with Lemasa rebuilding
200L'p'nth city founded by Katai cultist
200-290Local barbarian tribes subjugated
274-300Reign of First Insatiable Mistress
274-300Code of Nobility and Sacred Rites of Blood become law
300-346Reign of Ch'b'r (Chaibor
300-346Strict code of conduct Military code is introduced for all
313Great TEmple of Ashura was completed in city of L'p'nth.
318-339Western desert tribes subjugated under Ch''b'r's reign
341B'z'b' (Baizouba) city is built
346-420Next two reigns of Insatiable Mistress
372L'd'm' (Lidaema) founded at Mt. H'ss'r (Heissur)
396Celebration of Blood in L'p'nth killing 10,000 captives
406K'p'ch' (Keupacha) built
406Raiders enter the Cerulean Empire and are defeated
406-594Period of expansion by L'p'nth stalls
589-595L'p'nth invades into the western mountains & badlands
595S'ph'nth (Sophainth) was founded
595-755L'p'nth consolidates territory gains
791L'p'nth invades Katai and are repulsed
792L'p'nth invades Katai and army is shattered again
792L'p'nth invades eastern steppes for captives
961Lp'nth attacked by Marentia and L'p'nth city sacked
961-965Marentian / L'p'nth war with Marentians driven out
965-978L'p'nth army rebuilds and plans for future campaign
978L'p'nth invades Marentia and Ba'rual
978-990L'p'nth / Marentian / Ba'rual War
990L'p'nth's army broken on the gates of Cholchara
1188Next expected Celebration of Blood
33Matan founded by Lemasans
33-133The Colonists trade and subjugate the local tribes
129Hele was founded to block an important pass
343-355Great Fomorian / Lemasan War, Matan attacked & fleet lost
331-350Leman the Rebel's reign
346Leman the Rebel betrays Lemasa & joins Fomoria in the War
347Nation renamed Ma'helas & colonist left to Fomorian rule
347-697Ma'helas stagnates under Vahearian advisory rule
704People try to improve their lot by war but are defeated
991Xagh the Great takes throne in a bankrupt nation
1013-1047Xagh leads coup and shatters Fomorian power in the land
1047-1090Xagh the Builder rules and leads nation in economic growth
1090-nowMata the Beautiful now rules
1096-1100"Mata's Challenge" a yearly event to wed Mata to a King
0-309Marentia's lands were part of the Thaliban Empire
309-468Maretnia divided up into 107 seperate domains
468-514Malon, Cholchara & Ba'rual conquers 63 domains for their own
514Asichi founded by Cholchara
514-519Cholchara tries to conquer some Zen'da tribes
519Zen'da sacks Asichi in retaliation of the raids
520Zen'da invade the Plains of Cholchara
520-600Marentia suffer yearly raides by Zen'da and Ba'rual
519Asichi was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
520Cholchara was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
522Cholchara was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
532Cholchara was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
542Cholchara was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
546Sivas was sackad by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
569Malnon was scaed by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
579Cholchara was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
591Malnon was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
587Valeu was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
601-731Zen'da live in Plains of Cholchara and hold citizens thrall
601-731Sivas replaces Cholchara as dominant city in the area
591Malnon was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
587Valeu was sacked by raids from Zen'da & Ba'rual
601-731Zen'da live in Plains of Cholchara and hold citizens thrall
601-731Sivas replaces Cholchara as dominant city in the area
704Society of Malnon formed without Sivas backing
709-718Society of Malnon fights the barbarians
710Cholchara was sacked by the Zen'da
718Cholchara was sacked by the Zen'da
713Malnon was sacked By the Zen'da
715Malnon was sacked by the Zen'da
716Valeu was sacked by the Zen'da
718Kingdom takes loan from Sivas and hires mercs for war
718-728The kingdom hired mercs defend against the barbarians
730Fort Maren founded by the mercenaries as a base of operations
853Jhamal Karestian takes command of Fort Maren
853-860Jhmal builds friendly relations with Sivas & the barbarians
861Jhmal marries a daughter of barbarian chief
861Sivas given economic monopoly on grain sales in the south
862Jhmal crowns himself King of Marentia
862Jhmal, the Pretender, requires felaty of the nobility
862Sivas immediately swears fealty to King Jhmal
868Cholchara and Malnon still refuses to swear fealty to Jhmal
868Jhmal attacks Cholchara and burns it to the ground
868Jhmal annexes Cholchara and gives the lands to his brother
869-871Malnon / Marentia war but Malnon is also burned & annexed
875Jhmal I, the Terrible, has solid control of his kingdom
879Jhmal I is assinated by friends of his son
879-901Jhmal II reigns, kingdom consolidates & expandes wsst
901Jhmal II dies breaking a rebellion in Valeu
901-904Old nobility tries to take their power back and throne
904Jha'ced, son of Jhmal II, wins and takes the throne.
904-939Jha'ced the Wise rules Marentia with major advances.
904-993First regular army forms & civilization of tribes starts
939-954Maros I, Fire-arm, rules Marentia, expanding to the east
945Asichi is rebuilt
950-954Marentia invades Thaliba but Marentia withdrawls (Maros dies)
954-985Jha'ced II reigns in Marentia, sees L'p'nth as threat
961-966Marentia fights L'p'nth
978-986Marentia fights L'p'nth again until Jha'ced's assination
986-991Jhal I rules nad continues war with L'p'nth
990Jhal invades & loots Ba'rual forcing them into an alliance
992Jhal puts down revolts in Scortsi and Valeu
992Marentia revolts under triple taxes and religious infighting
992-996Marentian civil war against tyranny of Jhal
996Jhal assinated by his brother Jha'haran at Battle of Malnon
996-1026Jha'haras I, Brother-slayer, reigns in Marnetia
996-1094"King by Right" doctrine is enforced in the land
1026-1043Jha'ced III reigns in Marentia
1043-1072Jha'haras II reigns in Marentia
1072-1094Jhal II reigns in Marentia
1076Prince Maros rebels against the "King by Right" & is flogged
1076Prince Maros deserts and flees Marentia
1086Prince Maros cpatured by a Rogizini warship and enslaved
1090Maros escapes salt mines & heads to Dechat
1092Maros becomes Captain of the city guard
1093Maros marries cousin of the Emir
1094Jhal tkes ill & orders agents to find his son (Maros)
1095Maros II, the Reaver, became King of Marentia (Jhal's son)
The Mopazi
0-520Mopazi lands were a client state of the Nylasi Empire
521Nylasa begins to suffer from plaques.
525Mopazi lose 40% of the population due to plaques
399Becomes partially independent & ally of Empire of Ced
424Nerid sacked by Salaq
703Nerid sacked by Climans
1073Nerid sacked by Confederacy & pillaged extensively
639Dechat's fleet allowed Vahear to sack No'mal
209Novarask founded by Empire del'Nord refugees
225Novarask repeatedly attacked by Rhuselska
197-299Life of Avang Ironfist, a natural magician
221-224Crystal City build by Avang to repel attackers
265Edicts of purity issued by Avang (only Novarischi in City)
272Lesser City is built for barbarians by Avang
296Avang declares himself Emporer of the North
296Avang renames Novarask to Empire del'Nord & forms army
299Avang assinated by his apprentice before invasion of tundra
1064A Lord Constable killed, felon's soul resides in Crystal city
0-518Nylasa dominate the jungles & mountains in the region
519-598Period of Civil war, plaques and raids hit Nylasa
600The Nylasi Empire has now become a memory
600-840Nylasa enters a Dark Age and the people discover pain & fear
641The "Holy One" / "the Mistress of the Tiger" enters scene
641The First Year of the She tiger
841-900Reign of the "Holy One" in Nylasa brings back some power
890Pa'Nylasa discover the Dark city and soon become feared
900Nylasa begins to remerge as a power again in the area
The Omavor
[No Calendar Events]
Regis Baya
207Bayan Temple founded by expelled Katai mystics
The Rhuselska
[No Calendar Events]
The Rizeela
[No Calendar Events]
The Ro'babza
0-80Ro'babzan Plains home to many bands of hunters & gatherers
81-129Reign of Havaka Silver-arm forging Zimmali the first tribe
81Zimmali the area's first tribe is forged to unite the people
129Zimmali raiding party finds K'lza'babwe (the Sleeping City).
129-134Marrani a'Babza prepares forces and scouts plains
134Sleeping city conquers nearest tribes
142Sleeping city subjugates all tribes in area including Zimmali
142-442"Golden Age of Sleepers" rule the plains of Ro'babza
423-523Major desert raids wound the empire
537-609Reign of Ro'mabazai, end of Kacili raids & Kirazan friendship
609Ro'mabazai grants full citizenship to tribesman in city
609-847Ro'babza remains in peace
847Movai a'Babza becomes Emporer leading to a civil war
853-868K'bab Moballi seized the throne and exterminated his enemies
853Shestar invades but badly defeated by Ro'babza forces
868Shurikal destroyed and looted but Emporer dies
868-931Ha'k'ba'baza the Unlamented rules in Ro'babza
931-942Royal Guardsman Captain usurps the throne and takes over
942Ali Lorca was crowned after a civil war
942-971Ali Lorca, the Pale Lord ruled with an iron ist in Ro'babza
971-1003Mahomet a'Zimmala Lorca.reigns in Ro'babza
1003Council of Nobility formed to find a new ruler
1088-nowAli a'Zimmala m'Baza Lorca reigns in Ro'babza
The Robari
-5219Legend of the fallen god on their mountains occurs
The Rogizini Empire
-1113Empire founded and Calendar started
349-351Conquest of Shazizan pirates
300-1100Empire has become decadent due to weak Emporers
1093One of Emporer's heir's poisoned by his father (Emporer)
1098One of Emporer's heir's poisoned by the Grand Vizier
1100Maoun LXXVII is current ruler of Rogizini Empire
The Sarghut
[No Calendar Events]
351Shazizan pirates defeated by Rogizini and flee
352Shazi land in Salaq as invaders but defeated
352King of Salaq allows them to remain and dwell if loyal
352-362Shazi population in Salaq quintuples
368New Salaq King takes Shazi wife and forms pernament alliance
1000After "Rape of Salaq" the Donarans invade Shiben
1000-1039Guerilla war of Shazi against Donarans
1039Shiben pays yearly tribute to Donarans and Donarans leave
397-439Reign of Prophet Markav'Kotas, unifies the barbarian tribes
402-421Construction of Holy City Shurikal
423Holy Servants of Shurikal are created
439-456Reign of Markan the Bloody, fanaticizes the faith
440-455Holy Road and the Temple of the Great Serpent build
456Markan killed by leader of Holy Servants by Khabla
502Tome of Kototh & Rite of Immortal Birth created by Khala
503-630Reign of Ka'Khab the Immortal
584Code of Shurikal, the legal code of land, created
627-630First army formed by Ka'Khab
630Rite of Immortla Birth used on great-granddaughter of Ka'Khab
630-868Reign of the Immortal Shurikal, the world's top mage
868Shurikal killed by K'bab the Conquerer & holy city sacked
870Rite of Immortal Birth sold to a Kirazani trader for a spear
873Rite of Immortal Birth sold to a Rogizini wizard
876Tome of Kototh lost to Kacili raiders
877Rite of Immortal Birth sealed in Cave of Ancient Deaths
880Tome of Kototh sold to Emir of Maoun
907Dynastic wars end in Shurikal
907-951Reign of Kon'kie the White, Caste of Power reformed
951Kon'kie duels Urazi the Invincible but is slain
951-999Reign of Urazi the Invincible, seeks out lost Tome & Rite
1041Tome of Kototh sold to a Pelaran merchant
1049Tome of Kototh sold to a Marentian scholar in Sivas
1100Tome of Kototh currently in deep archives in Sivas
1100Rite of Immortal Birth currently in Goidan secret place
10-25Lemasa invades and conquer the island
25-103Lemasans occupies the island & civilizes the land
103-138Rebellion against Lemasan rule
138Taolisa becomes a free kingdom free of imperial control
138-214The first kings break power of warlords unifies the land
365Taolisa declares full independence and expells all Lemasans
370-550Taolisa turns to old ways of raiding & piracy
556-698Taolisa persecutes Dawanism that has reached the island
698Religious persecution starts a civil war
705Taol the Bloodlnss takes the throne, secretly a Dawanist
705-719Taol the Bloodless rules Taolisa
719-782Reign of next 2 kings sees power of Taolisa wane
705-782The "Dawanaese Monarchy" sees power of Taolisa decrease
782Lemasa defeats the fleet of Taolisa, Taol the Hermit killed
782-809General Am Cho'vak rules Taolisa after killed Taol
809Civil War ends and General Am is killed and replaced
809-834Reign of Irwa the Juggler, religious freedom and unification
825Taolisa discover the Eastern Lands and opens trade with them
834-840Reign of Sirhva the Lustful saw decadence in the island
840Sirhva "accidently" dies
840-856Lady Tsiema serves as Regent with help & rebuilds the nation
863Lady Tsiema dies of consumption
857-897Reign of Sirhva the Lawmaker, Code of Dutiful becomes law
884City on island renamed to Iraw in honor of Irwa the Juggler
293Cerulean Empire defeated at walls of Teosa
449Formed alliance with Kingdom of Vahear
599Merge with Sa'ues as part of wedding alliance
799Cerulean Empire orders Teos to pay tribute or be conquered
-900Thalibans enter land in migration as barbarian invaders
0-309Thaliba rules lands from river Zara to Badlands of S'p'nth
309-362Reign of Timas the Enlightened, feudalism instituted
483Fortress Thalib completed
487Defeat of fleet by Climans
487Thaliba becomes isolated away from its empire and breaks up
693Thaliba closes borders except for Thaliban Road and Porta
693Last time outsiders see a true Thaliban
Thaliban Tribes
309Cities become duchies in Thalibn decentralization
487Cities become fully independent
507Duke of Alzira becomes seduced by Nilgeranthrib for power
507Nilgeranthrib rules & desecrates Alzira killing many
534-537Nilgeranthrib moves against other cities & conquers them
537-549Nilgeranthrib welds a nation subjugated to his evil will
549Nilgeranthrib marches on Thalib with his living & dead army
549-550Nilgeranthrib uses his evil magics sieges Thalib city
550Thalib gains support of Zarun and the mountain cities
550Melanius Zendar (Life Sword) attacks & kills Nilgeranthrib
550-640Mountain cities rule the forest and become decadent
639Nilgeranthrib reborn again, attacks the mountain cities
206Kingdom of Salaq takes Ticasi from Empire of Ced
206-431Ticasi remains under Kingdom of Salaq
431Armanthar proposes Ticasi should be a scholastic center
438Salaq authorizes Armanthar to build a scholastic center
438-496Reign of Governor Armanthar dedicates life to Ticasi
479Council of Scholars is formed to rule Ticasi
496Armanthar's death is honored in Royal Chamber as inspiration
702-720Plaque hits Ticasi and kills more than 12,000
720Edict of Respite declared by Council of Scholars
720-1000Edict of Respite stablizes the land
1000Donara enters Ticasi, Ticasi allow a Donaaran Resident
1004Council of Scholars create National Guard
1009Council of Scholars create Coastal Patrol
1082-nowCurrent Master Scholar is Hovan Vachera
The Timbaza
[No Calendar Events]
252A'korchu conquers Treaus and forces a city built for them
253-379Korchi reign of Treaus, natives become civilized
379With help from Elf Sidh they drive the Korchi out of land
601Treans Mysteries formulated by monarchs Chirea and Albus
0-143Valheim was a fortress of the Empire del'Nord
143Barbarians invade, sack Nervarsa & put fortress under siege
143-173People of Valheim fight for survival against the barbarians
173Miracle of Valhelm drives barbarians away by Norgal
173Norgal the Mysterious named Marshal of Fortress Valheim
173-209Reign of Marshal Norgal, city forms & people live in plateau
203-209Norgal formulates the Valhani Mysteries as a national faith
209Many Assirans convert to new faith of Valhani Mysteries
209-225Reign of Lochan the Deliverer, saw control of nearby Assirans
217Foundation of Society of Teutas created
906-909Reign of Tholal the Foolhardy
906Aided by the Assirans, Valheim invades Kameran
906-909Valheim / Kameran War (aided by Assirans)
909Valheim broken at the gates of Ancient Moss Fortress
909Valheim pays weregild and withdrawls from Kameran lands
The Vassa
[No Calendar Events]
0-309Eastern Zarun was part of the Thaliban Empire
550Duke of Zara participates in Nilgeranthribs war
553Melanius Zendar, bearer of Life Sword, poisoned
553Start of the Zomozan Dynasty
553-599Oppression of citizens by the Zomozan rulers
599Lochar III executed by the military on break of revolt
599Council of Elders formed to rule the land
810Don Host enters Zarun but sees stiff resistance
1081-1093Zarun / Iravoy War instigated by Nilgeranthrib, Iravoy lost
The Zen'da
520-600Zen'da assaults the Plains of Cholchara, sacking many cities
800-830Don Host led by Xalan Horse-brother invades steppes
785-800Pan-tribal cult persecuted by tribes and driven to the south

Current National Rulers

A'ha'kacili Unknown
A'korchu A'Chori II, God Emporer
Aratad Angar III, The Invincible
The Assiran Unknown
Ba'rual Kier II [seeks separation from Marentia]
Bhamotin Unknown
Caldo Unknown
Empire of Ced Ruverian II
Cerulean Empire Aym'ayya II 311th ruler of Patani dynasty
Chiros Mabor IV (but is puppet of Duke Salin of Pelara)
Choshai Prince Mogara Choshama
Chunrey Unknown
Clima 13th Immortal Ghova
Shanda The Great Shaman
Dechat Unknown
Dirllar Unknown
The Djakschil Unknown
Djanesborg Unknown
Donara Don XII
Fierazi Tribes Unknown
Fomorian Empire Unknown
The Ghazai Unknown
The Ghiamem Unknown
Goidan High King, Finn mac Neill,King of UiNeill/Uimac/Neill.
Gom Unknown
The Helva Unknown
The Humagi Unknown
The Ipanza Unknown
Iravoy Unknown
The Izza Unknown
Ja'xon Unknown
The Kakana Unknown
The Kalem Unknown
The Kameran Unknown
Katai Sha'yuan as Master General (Not Emporer)
The Kazi Unknown
Kirazan Unknown
The Kll'maun Unknown
the Kolari Unknown
Lemasa Unknown
L'p'nth Unknown
Ma'helas Mata the Beautiful
Marentia Maros II, The Reaver [Ex Pirate/Swordsman]
The Mopazi Unknown
Nerid Unknown
No'mal Unknown
Novarask Unknown
Nylasa Unknown
The Omavor Unknown
Regis Baya Unknown
The Rhuselska Unknown
The Rizeela Unknown
The Ro'babza Ali a'Zimmala m'Baza Lorca
The Robari Unknown
Rogizini Empire Maoun LXXVII but Grand Vizier in real power
The Sarghut Unknown
Shiben Unknown
Shurikal Unknown
Taolisa Unknown
Teos Unknown
Thaliba Unknown
Thaliban Tribes Unknown
Ticasi Master Scholar Hovan Vachera and Council of Scholars
The Timbaza Unknown
Treaus Unknown
Valheim Unknown
The Vassa Unknown
Zarun Unknown
The Zen'da Unknown

Scott Adams