Nation | Population |
The A'ha'kacili | 121,000 |
A'Korchu | 1,133,000 |
The Aratad Confederacy | 460,000 |
The Bai'sani | 102,000 |
The Assiran | 60,000 |
Ba'raul | 85,000 |
Bhamotin | 360,000 |
Caldo | 205,000 |
Empire of the Ced | 225,000 |
The Cerulean Empire | 3,000,000 |
Chiros | 60,000 |
Choshai | 80,000 (25% are Barbrian slaves) |
Chunrey | 1,000,000 |
Clima | 741,000 |
The Confederation of Shanda | 159,000 |
Donara | 240,000 |
Dechat | 140,000 |
Dirllar | 141,000 |
The Djakschil | 50,000 |
Djanesborg | 290,000 |
Donara | 870,000 |
The Fomorian Empire | |
Aredan | 90,000 |
Ashudan | 100,000 |
Atler | 110,000 |
The Kingdom of the East | 630,000 [120,000 Are Fomorian] |
Fomoria | 730,000 |
Kingdom of the Islands | 165,500 |
Musira | 65,000 |
Port Doman | 90,000 [60,000 are slaves] |
Shestar | 90,000 [40,000 are free slaves] |
Vahear | 355,000 |
Xan | 185,000 |
Total | 2,680,000 |
The Fierazi Tribes | 318,000 [Many groups/clans] |
The Ghazai | 36,000 |
The Ghiamen | 35,000 |
Goidan | 80,000 [Includes 24,000 Djani] |
Gom (Xiam) | 280,000 |
The Helva | 66,000 |
The Humagi | 105,000 |
The Ipanza | 35,000 |
Iravoy | 72,000 |
The Izza | 110,000 [8 Tribes] |
Ja'xon | 120,000 [Most in fertile valley] |
The Kakana | 15,000 |
The Kalem | 15,000 |
The Kameran | 60,000 |
Katai | 7,400,000 [1 Million in cities] |
Kirazan | 94,000 |
Kll'maun | 165,000 |
The Kolari | 102,000 |
Lemasa | 1,200,000 |
L'p'nth | 600,000 |
Ma'helas | 300,000 |
Marentia | 900,000 |
The Mopazi | 30,000 |
Nerid | 45,000 |
No'mal | 60,000 |
Novarask | 25,000 |
Nylasa Pa'Nylasa | 20,000 |
Ga'Nylasa Coalition | 60,000 |
Total | 80,000 |
The Omavor | 65,000 |
Regis Baya | 75,000 [25,000 are Barbarians] |
The Rhuselska | 66,000 |
The Rizeela | 95,000 |
The Ro'babza | 245,000 [145,000 uncivilized] |
The Robari | 50,000 |
The Rogizini Empire | 2,367,000 |
The Sarghut | 125,000 |
Shiben | 80,000 |
Shurikal | 170,000 |
Taolisa | 360,000 |
Teos | 270,000 |
Thalib | 213,000 [120,000 in Porta area] |
Thaliban Tribes | 80,000 |
Ticasi | 75,000 |
The Timbaza | 24,000 |
Treaus | 73,000 |
Valheim | 78,000 |
The Vassa | 60,000 |
Zarun | 98,000 |
The Zen'da | 275,000 |